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Letter From General J. E. Johnston

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Tbá ÏYedericksburg (Va.) Letlger pírtlíshes (lm following letfer of General Joseph E. Johnston : "Bui'falo SprixoSi Mceldenburg Co., ) "Va., August 17th, 1805. $ " You a?k my views of tlie futuro oourse and futuro ntorests of us all. - The case is so plain that very little can be said or ritten upnn it. Wo of the South ruferred thü qne.stion at issue between ua and tbe United States to tho arbifcrarnent of t.ho sword. Tho decisión has been made, and t is.'ig;iiiist us. Wo must aoquiösee in that deoisipn accept it as üikü, and recugnize t'uu fact thnt Virginia is again pno of tho LTui tod Staten. Öur dutiee and interests coincido. Wo shiill consult tho one and perforin tha othor by doing all we cari to piomoto tho welfare of our ueighbors and tarestoro prosierity to iho country. _ Wo should at oiK'ü'coiiniíBnco tho du'aes of peíioetul oili.ons by lipOU aome useful pursuit, quuliljiüg ourselves to voto ií )ios-ille; and at tho polla our votos should be cast fov eonservative mei nicn wlio uudcrstaud and will tn:iint:un tho intercsts of Virginia as one of tha Umted Btates. Jw ifl tho óoorsa which I havo rocommended to all thosa with whom I vo convtíi'Síd. on tho sub eet, and tliat which I llave ndoptod for niyself as íar as pniotieable. l( Verv truly yours.


Old News
Michigan Argus