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Railway Meeting

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At a meeting held ut t Ij o Court Ilouiö, ia Aun Albor, on Friduy, Sept. I lat, 1865; at 1 o'clook, P. M , to eonsider the prujauted liailroad frota Toledo to Hi'iily, Hou. W.M Jay was electcd Chairmnn, and E B Pond, and F. D. Nïwskbky of Oaldand Co., Socrelarios. Mr. M;iynard stated to the convention what ho had done io appointiog and notifying delegates, aud also tbe rcason for changing tlie time for tbe convention lo meet. O. Hawkins, Esq , bj iavitation of the Committec on organization, appointed at Toledo, statod to Iho ooireution the requiremi-u! of tbe statutes, uid sub roittei for considuration a form ol 8took subscription. After suma random diseussions, Mr. VVatling, of Duudec, moved ttiat fiye Uoiumi.sicner3 ba ippointcd to solicit subscriptions of stock to the proposud road. CVn-ried. The following gentlemen were tben, on motion, elected such Commisaiou'irs : Messrs. lï. W. ParsoDf, Saline ; C. B. Tiiomp8on, Ann Arbor; Henry W:itÜDg. Dundee ; Wm. N. Stevena, VVhitmore Lake, and Jas. B. Simonson, Holly. On raotion, C. B. Tliompson, of Ann Arbor, was addud to the committee appointed at Toledo to collect morieys to puy lor a preliminary survey. Mr. Pattorson atated to the tion that $100 had already been colleetcd at Saline for tho purpose last named, and thut the amount would be doublod, and more, if necessary. Oa motion Messrs. Jas. McMahon and Josupli Pray were appoiuted a committoo to a'td the surveyors botween Adq Arbor and Whitmoro Lakt) ; Messr?. W. II Patterson and V. S. Maynard a liko committee, between Ann Aibor and Saline ; Messrs. Gr. V. Cropsoy and II. Á. Sesstons, betwoeu Wuitmoro Lakeand North Hudson ; and Messrs. HannoD Allen, of Milan, and Borijamin Curtis, of Dundee, for the line South of Saline. W. 8. Maynard moved that Messrs. Daniel Donaldaon, of Holly; Jas. McMahon, of Aan Arbor; and Ilenry Watling", of Dundee, be appointed a general (Jomniittee on Survey, to act n concert witli locnl committees last appointed. Carried. l Several names wore then sngyested for the proposed Iïailroad ; Toledo aud Saginaw; Ciccionati and Saginaw, &c, whon on motion of Mr. Maynard, the name ot liolly, Anu Arbor, aad Toledo Iïailroad was adopted. On motion the Committoe on funda for preliminary eurvcy was authorizod to increase its raembers. Mr. Patterson moved that the Commissioner appointed by thia convention to procuro stock subscriptions, be authorized to employ engineera to make preliminary surveys. Carried. Mr. Maynard moved that tho moneys subscribed and paid to procuro preliminary survey, be applied in payment oí the first fivo per ceut on sub.soriptiona to stock. Carried. On inotioa, Messrs W. S. Maynard, Enoch Jame?, and E B. Pond. were appointed a Committee to visit Holly and solicit tho co-operatlon of its citizens. Mr. Watling movod that the proceodings of tho convention be published in the Ann Arbor, Toledo, and Holly papers. Carried. Mr. M'Mahon moved that whea the convention adjourn, it adjourn to meet on cal) of the commissioners. Carried Tho convention then adjotirned. W. JAY, Chairman. E. B. Pond, ) a SS" The Internal Revenue Recoipts on Monday last, as reported frotn Washington, were $4,200,000. Quite a thriving business.


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