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SfytM ptm MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Pas9ongei' traína uow leave Detroit and tlio several stations in tliis (Jounty as iollows: OOINO WEST. Mail Hay Dexter Even. Niylit Train Ex. cc, Ex Fx. Detroit, 7.15 A.5I10. 30.1. M 4-1)5 p.m5.25i'.m 11.00 p.m Ypsilnnti, 8.40 " 11. 5S ' 6.12 " 6.50 " Aun Arbor, 9.05 " 12.15 i'-M 6 35 '' 7.10 " 1.00 " Dexter, 9.35 "12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 ' Chelsea, 9 55 " 12.55 7-50" GOING EAST. Even. Dexter Night Day Mail Ex. Ace. Kx. Ex. Train. Chelsea, 7.35a. M3-3C r.MS.OOp. M DextiT, - (Í.05A.M7.55 " 3.45 "5.20 " Ann Arhor, 4.25 A. M 0.35 " 8-20 " 4.05 ' 5.50 " Ypsilanti, 4.50 " 7 00 ' 8.40 " 4.25 " 6.12 ■ Detroit, 6.10 " 8.25 " 10 00 " 5.45 " 7.45 " The Mail Train rnns to and from Marshall. ET The Red Jacket Stomaeh Bittere are a very agreeable and healthy stimulant - very pleasant to the taste, have a soothing influeuoe and créate a good appetite. We notice that druggists generally seü no Bitters so rapidly as these. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South Amcvica as a mïsBionary, discuvered a safe and simple remedyfor the Curo of Nervous Weaknoss, Karly Decay, Diseeses of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tbe whole train of disorders brought on hy banoful an1 vicious habita. Great uumbera hav been already cured by this noble reraedy, Promvted by adesire to benefit the aiïlicted and unfortunate, I wil! send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any ona who needi it, Free of Charge. Please lucióse a post païd envelope, add-essed to yourself. JOSKl'H T. INMAN, Station D, ÍÍiíílf. Hocsr, ÖralO25 New Yorlt City. A BEAC0N OF HEALTH. Tlie good things of this world have each theïr appointed mission. It is themiflsion of HOSTKTTEK'S STOMACH BITTERS to prevent axtd relieve a great variety of ailraents. For twelvo years itil success as a protective and remedij han heen without check or 'Irawback. It in strong ncgativ of tbis iact, that the efficacy of the article as a spécifio for dyspepsia ,biltousne8S, constipation, nervousness, general dcbility, and interniitteni f. e ver, has never been quetioned . M proof postiveiit its infallibility in such cases, the statements of public men whose namos are familiar ag houselioJd words, have from time to time been given to the world. If its reputafion is not foundcd in factn, then truth is a íihadow, and the uttertirices of conscit-ntious citizens are of no more valué than " dicers' oaths." Andwhat is its reputationT Lot the progress of its Rales answer the inquiry . Where twenty dozeo bottlea j of Hostetter's Bitters were sold iu 1855, Jlve hundred dozt7inre disposed of now. Could public npitiion be moro significantly expres eed than by ita unparalleled increase of cunsumption ? It seema impo.isiible. The preparation lias been imitated. AVhero are the jmitatore? Echo answers, " Where ?" To the "limbo " of thiugs íost on earth they are all either gone or going. Peace be with them I Sold verywhere. lwlO25 iKÜMPTON'S Strawberry Haisam, A CERTATN KRMEÜY FOB DIARRHCEA, DYSJENTERY, Cholera Morbus, FIïix, Hear Barn, and all Bon-el Complaintü, Entirely vegetable. A specilic f er Camp Diarrhcea. OSiïOltXE h IIOWE, Prop'rs, Buchanan, Mich. Burnhams & VanSchaack, Chicago, and Farrand, tíheeley &Co., Detroit, Wholesale Aents. SmlO'20 WIHSKEKSl WHISKERSI Do you want Whiskwrsor Moufstaches? Our Grecian Compound will force them o grow on the smootliest face or chin, or hair on ball heacls, in Six Weeks.- Friet' , $1 .00. fentbymail anywhere, closely sealed, cnreceiptof price. Address, WAKSER & CO., Box 138, Brookljn, N. Y. Iy999. TUK BRIDAL CHAMUER, an Essay of VVarning and Instruction for Voung Meu - published by the Howard Aeociation, and sentfr,e of charge tg gealedenvelopea. A-WrcBS, Dr. J. 8KILL1N HÜÜ'GHTON, Howard Asgociation, 1 hüadelphia, Pa. Iy996 AürOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by Ii is Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, T,HE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OK TI1E THROAT, LÜNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDiAn HERB DOCTOR! From South America. A NE AT PAMPIILET Of the life,atudy and otensive travels of Dr. l,yon can be procured by allwhódesireone, f ree of charge. Dr. L willvisit the several places aafollow : Jackson,Hibl)ard House, 2Oth. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 21st. Detroit, Casa House, opposite Mlota. Central Pepot, eacli raontli, 22ndand 23rd. ModbopExaminatiom.- The Öoctor diacerns diseases bytheeyes. He, therefore,aöks no questions nor req'iireBpatients to explain aymptoms. AfHicted, come andhave your symptoms and thelocation of your diaeasexplained free of charge ïyrssoLüTioN. The co-prtnerahip heretofore OTisting l)tween Drs. Lewitt & Bruakey, was dissolved Jan. lst. 18"'5. LEWITT & BREAKKV. August 22il,18i"5. 3mlO-:i "FOK SALE! AA HOÜSES ANT) LOK, worth f rom $1,000 to 4AJ $5,000. AIbo scverl improved FARMS. A. .7.8UTHBRLAND, Ann Arbor, Pet). 2d,1885. !)94tf CommorciolAgont. FARM FOE SALE1 Tlie underfiifrnetl wishes to sell hie Farm in PittsfieM, adjoining the Town House. Tlie Farm containh 100 acres under pccod iinj.iroveini'nt., with a lavge brick Huusd 'l Barns, &cSAMUKL MORCAN. PittffieM, August lTth 1805. Z022tf Riñe F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [SuccessorR to A. J.Sutlierlaiiri,] Manufacturera of and Déniers in Guns , Pistola , Ammunition Flaslcs, Pouches Game Bag, and Everyotber article iu thatLine. Allkiiulsiif REPAIRÏWG done a t tho shortest notíce, antl m t he bent raannpr. TÊÊiLTÊBywrwÊmik Ia ful 1 assortinontalwiiys kept. onbapd nml made ordor 3 Shop porner Mnin :irid WaRliiBgtcn streetp. Ana Arbor.Oct. 8, 1362. 873Lf