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■ 8G5. OIIANGE O1MJATK. tfltt PROF. R. J, LYONS Wou Id Inferas hii PATIKNTiS and oihers intereated, thiit, in future he can bc Mn at the MONITOR HOÜSB, -OH TI7E21st OF EACH Month, liiMtead uf the 201b, and at JACKSON, OIsT THE SOth, instfiud of the 21st. Thróat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blood, and all other eomplicatel clirnic complaiots treatod Buucessfultjr , iy PROF. E. J. LYONS, tho-well known and celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Call at Uip Mc nitor Iloiife . Ann Arbor, where he can be consulted FKKE O CHARGE, on the 21st uf cach Month, during 1805 and 180(1. lylül'J. a gentéTwanted -FOKTlie Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape. BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, JV. Y. Tribune Correspondent, 70,000 Copies Sold in 60 Days. The most interesting and oxcHing Look ever pubÜshed, embracing Mr. Richard soii's unpar;illel!l oxperience tor four yOars. Traveling through tlio South d the secret service of the "Tribune" At the outbreak of Ui e war, with our arnne.s and lleets, l..,t U luist and Wost, dufiag tlie iirst twb years of the Ke bellion ; hls tlirilling capture ; lus confinfnient for twcnty m 01 tbs in se ven different rebel prisons ; hls escape, nnl mira culous journey by night of neariy 400 miles. It will ibomid in stirring cvents, and contain more of the faet, incident and romance of the war,thanany other work yet published. Jlorace Greeley says of it : 11 A great many books will yetbe written concerning thïs war, in additin to tbe many already in print ; but not one of them will give, within a nimilar compass, ti clearer, fuller, more readable account, cntirely frora personal obaervatioii, of the nature, aoimus. purposes, tendenties, and in.struinentaliti'ri of the slaveholders' rebellion, than doe3 the unpietening narrativa oí Mr. Biohardaón." Teachers, ladiea, euergetic youn men, and especially re.turnt d and disabled nflicors and noldiirs, in want of profitable employment, will (ind it particularty adapted to thelr conditioü, Send for circulars. Address AMERICAN I'UBLISHING CüMPANY, Hartford, Contiectlcut Scraktok & Bürh, Agenta. 4wlO22. vT J tíONVlNCE Ja J fS THE MOST SKEPTICAE.-; JHATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED X A ' VIRTUE IN THB3 k Wi, ■BA-RKHERB ■ % w ciioi.cest 'Kf 0LDJ o u b bon wüisiöQ) They strengthen and invigorate the í J 3O system. vb f 'y They give a good and healtby appetite. w fc ÍW They asslst digestión. W irtj vL$K They are the best stimulant in existence ip fp of Theyareapreventiveoffever andague WZ XAThey cure nervous headache. Q & jC fh They are perfectly pure and palatable. c ■ iï K Tbd Rad Jacket Bitters are sold in quart 3 % 't 6j tles by all druggUW ad dealen in the country, M W m PE.NNETT JPIETERS & DU, -3 0 ta il BIVERST. EH1CAQÜ ;LL] For sale by DeFOREST & STEWART, Jobbers. NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. P J2 A L O Í1Í 5S WÊÊË A OTosI ExqniKilc, licne nl Frngnillt Perfume, lislillcl lYom Ilie nrtr? mul Rcaiiliful Floncr fronl which it taken Itt iinme. Manufacturedonlyby PlIAION & SOJ(. %W Beware of Counterfeits. Anl l'lialnii's-TiTl.e nn other. Soia by druggists gcneraUy. DIANO AND HARP. MISS JENISÍ1E WOOD RK3rF.CTFUI.IA' informa e citizens of Ann Arbor, tliat Wfihg rccently tnken up her ïcsi'lence amoug tbem. she is prepareil to gve TIIÜKOUGH INSTKl'CTIONS upontho HCA-B-F Sc IPZC-A-KrO:, nnd snlicitK ! Renerous hare of ttieir poroBSI. - Rtlsidoncc nt ÍIrs. Fulltr'í, Main btrcct, twci rtoor Suuth of Hack & Schmidt. 1023tf. A RARE CHANCE. The subscribir oflcrs Cor sale his house an'l lot on Miïler Avenue, adjoining on the est the place of 0. Hawkins, Eaq. The lot conteins about two acres, fronting 12 rod on the Avenue, with an ÜRCHAHÜ of Well Sekcted Fruits, juut coming toto hearing. Itis within about 130 rnd u( thp Court lloüne Sbuare. aJJÖ in a ilesirable location Ilinuire of mj'soll or D. Henxiw;. Ann Arbor, August 2ÍM, 1865. 4wl023 TTOTEL FOR SALE! The valuable property ia the City of Ann Arbor, known as COOK'S HOTEL, is low olferert for sale c'r.eup . Intuiré imineiliiitely on theprel.9f J. F. AVKKY. Anu Arbor, August Sth, 161)5. 10-lif TjTTIiAT E VER Y BODY ÖAY.S ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN GET YOL' W A BtTTER SUIT OF CLOTKES THAN YOU OAN BUY ELSKWHERE. - o - PLÜMER & JENNINGS can ,y 3. rX you vory MUCH BETTER tliun yau can hopo to be FITTKi) elsewhiTü. PLUMER & JENNINGS can BELL LOWEK thauanyothor Firxn in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on band the be-t assoitmeut of Furnishing Goods, thissidcol New York, which they will sell at pricei which wi.l inouce all to buy. N. H.- C-iay'a Palented Moldea Collar. Universal Collata, Satin Enameled Hyron Collars, (the 6ra líyron Knaineled Collar ever manufacture!,) i'iench Pruated Collar, Watd 'a J'rintert C'ullar, Le Beau Ideal Collar, (Imported] Garden City Collar, Bfttta Enaiuelad, patent Button H'jJe, New York Excf]Hor Lmen I 'a per ('ollarv . F. A. II. te Co's Improved l'aper Collars, Massasoit Paper Collar, and n fact everv dÍHcríption f Paper Colun manufactured, con.stantly un hand ín large quantities. Sec(nid doorSonth of Public fc-'quare, Jlain St , Aun Arbor, Michigan. KOTtf TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON have received the lurtes t btock oí' wmm mwñ ever brouiïht to this market, which tlioy are spllin;' at very LOW' PKICiS. The stock conBÍata of- GENTS' SILK HATS- nll styles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF RIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY 1IATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CÜILDRENS' STRAW CArS AND HATS CIIILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS UAXBRELLAS, CAKPET 4 TRAVELING BA GS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SÜNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and in fact, all goods pertaining to their trade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIN STKEET, - . loiotf - - ANN ARBOR. gCHOOL BOOKSI MEDICAL B00KSÜ LAW BOOKSÜ! Tha abdvo witli a Large Aseortmant of M1SCELLAJVBÜUS BOORS! -FÓR SALE BYJOHN F. MILLER & CO., Ann Arbor, Sefit. lst, 1865. 2mlO24. jNÜW StflRT FOK 1865-6. The (reat Inventionof the Age Ín HOOP SSIRTS! J. W. BRADLEVS New Píitent DUH.KX ELUPTIC (or doublé) .SPRING SKIRT. rpiíIS INVKNTION consiBts of DrPi.Rn (or two) El3L lime IMrk Iíkkjnkd Rtkkl Spujñus, ingeuiously imAiiEi) I1OHTLT and firmly together, edoK toBtiuic, makinsr the TOUOHBBT, most fi.iíxiHI.k, elastic andlUk.hlk ífi'KiwG ovt r used. Thoy Bfbiom iiknd orBKEAK, tike th" Singlo tíi'rino;st and preírve thífr perfect nuil bcautiíul Shap moro tlian íwloQ as long au any Single Spring Sklrt tlmi Ever Ilns or Can be made. TIÏE wonderful llcxibility and gtoat comfort and pleasure lo any L;vdy wcarinü: thc lnplex Klliptic íSkirt will be experienced particlnrly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, CarriageS, R;iilroad Cars. Chuich l'ows, Arm (Jhiiirt, tbr Promenade and House Dress,asthe SUirts eau be folded wlien in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniente y as a Silk or Jluslin Ureas. A Lady having Knjoyed Uio l'Ieapure, OmfoH and Great Convenience of wearinp tlio Duplex KIliplic Steel Spring Bklrt íor a single day will Nevcr aftcrwards ■willin(]y with rheir uso. For ObUdren,HÍMU and Voung lidies tliey are superior to íiHotliers. THR HUOI'S aro covrrod witíi 2 ply dmb!etif=ted thread, nnd will weíir twice n luugr as tlie tingle yarii covering which in usod on all tingle Hoop 3kirtn. The tbree bottom rods on every Sklrt alsn Pouble Stel, I and twice or iloublo cuvored to prevent the covering from woartügtoff tho roiU wlic" draggtng down -inirn, Rtone stops, Xts, , &c , which tbfj are constant ly (íiü'ject to wben Ín use A1J aro m.iíip f thn ncw an-1 elegant CordVd Taprt, and arp the bcwi qnaiily ín evory part. gïving t" the wearer the Tnost ijraeoFul anl per'ect ífhüpc poasfblV] and aro unfiucationably the lightewt, mout rlesiratile comfortnble and ectninmical Skirt r.vcr made, WESTá' BUAHULV&CAKY, I'ROL'iUU'OTÏS rf the Invcntion, and SOLÉ MANTKAiTURKR, 117 CHAMBRRS, and 79 k 81 RKADE STKKKTÖ, New Vork FOK SALK in all fi st-class StOTOi in tlus City,nrl fhroughoul (hu Dnited Statea and Canada , Jlav.-iua de Cuba, Mexico, doatfa Ameiirn. and the Wpst Indies. M-INQÜIRE KOIÏ THE Dl't'LK.V KLUPTIC (ÜR I DOURÍ.K) BPRIN SKIRT, 3mlO.M -A, & C TULIUS BAUEU & CO., C" (" ' Great Piano Forte nnd Melotleon em:ioiiitjm:! WAKEKOOMS IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE j G9 WASHINGTON STREET., New York Warerooms, GöO Braadway. Wholusile Agents for the U. S. fcr WM. KNABE ê, C0S C EX EBIiA T ELDi Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relntlïe merits of th-.s. PIANOS, we would refer to the Certifícate of Eicellênc.e in out poe9lnn f ro THALBRllO.GOITSl 1IA1,K, STRAKOStlI, G. SATTKH, II. TIF.iïTEMPS.UHIS STABK anfl E. MVZIO, .Mukieal Director th e lkiliau Opvrfti bs also frona sent of the most dtstinguinhed Prateunif i-nA Aniateum in the oouutry. All Instruments guaraulced Jor fivt yiart. AI.SÜ, AGENTá FOB SOEBBLER & feMlïH, BOARDMAN &. GRAY, A. H. (MLË &.CO., Aml otherVirst-Class Pianos. We liare the T.JRRESTand BEST ASSORTED STOCK of ITA.VOS IN THE C1TV, which f.r Power and Sweetneus of Tone, Kasy an.l Agit-eablo Toucli , and Bemity of, have, by iudge, been jironouuced unrivailed. l'articulnr attention pai'd 1o the sclection ei Instruments for ilistant orders, and a privilege oí - change grantel at anjf time within si. iaciitnt,if the Instrument should nut piuve enihtly faíisñietory A llbiral discount to Clirg-ymec, Teiu-hcrs and Sciioöl Termv li henal. WHOLESALE ni'AI.ERSwill fin.I it to thiir ndv.m. tage to siv ns a aAt,tt by graatly Inereased facilities we nre cn:tbleil to UH ordeTs with ('lispatch. Per'sossin rant of a REALLY FIESTCLASS 1'IANO will do well to cali btfore purchasin" elsewhere, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART.NEEDHAM&CO'S GELEBKATED ÏÏAKMONIÜMS, MEL0DE0ÍI? -A-KTia ORGAKra. AL8 0 FOH OEORGE A. PR1NCE & CO'S MELODEONS and OEGANS, Maaufacturers and Im]ortírs oí MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Werchandise, The SlLTKS and Bhass Ivsthujiksts, of onr manufacture and Importation, are uned by most all of tho best Bavih in theUnited Statts, and wh'enever exhihited have alwjb recelved the Gold Medala and iiigubsi ï'REMirsis. Having connection with Manufactnring House In Berlín, Lsrpsic, Dresden, England and Paris, we are prepared to furnish DEALERS, BANDS and INDIV1DLALS, with every artiele in this line, at the iowest mánufííeturcí-.s' pricea. HEMEMBEROÍHE PLACE, JULIUS BAUER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STEEET, CHICAGO, -... iLL.} 1012 New York Wareroom, 650 Broadwaj. RAKE CHANGE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP! Í hTo In toro a full tock of etaple nd FANCY DBY GOODS, A fuMHne of DOME3TICF3 and CHOICE GÉMSII il All pureliasM fihica the WAR CLOSED! A tul owinj to circumatancea boyond my coutrol. vid tü uiaki? i'. Immediate Sale of the Stock. CASH EÜYERS can for few weeks havo goods at just about THEIlt OWiN P1UGES! J. II. MAYNARD. May 5th , 18(55. loonf üEMEMBElt G, W. & A. SNOVER'S 6 the North door of Grogol-y'a New Block. G.W.SMER, A. SMER. 1005


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Michigan Argus