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REMOVAL. TfI,l?íSC7ber8 hnVe rem"vod lhcir catabhsl X. niorii 10 the sure lecenüy occupied by G GreinrHtai fío. 2, HnwfcW wock, Ld have n .v8d direct from New York, a l„t of Family Groceries, Fruits, Nuts, &-c. to tl.ey would inviie the nttemion o) ij] CM.zens. I hey a80 c„nunue the BAKING b ames at ihc.r olci stand near the Depot, ond kee conmontly on hand al Unh , .laces evey aniel in ihai Irne. a a . t "' HALL, & CO. Afin Arbor, JuriW. 18-15 f du. sMmrs ÜNIVERSITY P1LLS re rpij f;SE Ps are prepareri by Wm. Al. Smith us X laie Professor ot Materia Medca and Plint ■Tri ,the U"Íver''y f Lake Erie, Ohio.- ed fcr.hg hem this PiU, he presnts no quack dosde trum ihat w,l!, by its irritmlng ellccts upon the m atomnen and bowels créate distase wliera there ól waslmle or none befbr, hut onc that is safe, t, mild salutary and uniform irritseflècts upon the )- whole System, 't, ile woirfd say that he haa ilo spent twenty M the Pisthofogyol disense, and the properties of of] substanees, „nd their adaptatión to tfcd re.novalofrnaladiesto which flesh is heif. As , ,rCS Mf 'he8e labors' 'ie 'a "Drf 8bfe o gixö W o he a combination of mrd.cinal vegeb tablesubs ncea u' ar as „önr perfcetion, aa - careful s.udy and close inrestígation, tests and 't "yenmenis. can bring it. fye would say to" d l hysicians, as well as oihers, try this pill; it vrill' - not aeceive j-du. g It is pccuiiarly ndap-ed to the removal and o prevennen of , e fo!lomL diseaaï? ftfibw ■ ache kAnlVet Conmplainl8' Sick Hcf tTonh ? SP'efnVlnternal Ie. CÓlic, AcidiroíiinSL011"1?'-1110!?16111 Dia'f. Habituar f n! ff and In a" cnses of Torpor of the' r is needed. They are nuld, yet ceriain in their dS 'on' P.roducing "'.'hor nausea, griping, „ór deb.hty. The agems ot these Puls are jnsirucped. in case full satisractiou is not given lo nny lerson who may purchaee them, that they shall have iheir money refunded. TESTIMONIÁIS IN PAVOR OP DR. SBirTllV ÜNIVERSITY PILL8. Testimonial of Dr. Landen. Monroe, Michigan. June 12, J844": I)R. SMiTH-Dear 1 ,ake pleasure irf ,n, tcst.mony ir, favor of your taluable ihP ?,l J m08t cheerfully recommend' them to the pubhc as a safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic for most of the cíiscases iftcicfeni 10 thia roporr of country. I havo made extensivo nse' pl them for four years in my practice. and I believe them to be the best anti-bilious Cathartic of Apcnent medicine ever combiited and offered ibt general use. Yonre. fec. GEORGK F] LANDON, Ni. Ö. rc'timonial of Dr. Tdter, Dr c,M,Usi-IL0N; üílio' May t, Í844 ut. bM.T.j- Sir.- I take niuch pleasiire in hearing test.mony to the efficacy ot your Pilis in' romovingb.Ie from the „o.rmch, detrging thV thSurTe' '" aíí CmpIaimfl -inggrrora T , TELLER, M.I: reslimoiual of F. L. IVrtl,- T„ nUA":RL0' M'ci., March 10, J8H. h m ?k i SMIT-Sir,- For upwards of six months I ras cruelly afflic.ed with Fever and Ague, and that lime coold find noihng' _ that gnve me permanent relief; length, how tnZ'Jt011' Umvcriy P'"8 re recommendcdi io me by one of the 6est Phy8icians in there paris; and I otn happy in befn2 able to say, that' ; Irom the use of one box l wai'permanenilv cürl of niy ' ngue: s.nce then a nnmber of my famiI y have been as eignally benefitted. Yonrs &c, P L VVELLS testimonial of Daniel Goodnow. r tj, i o Mich., June I.1844. n„ T)sy A3,''7 Physicisn fr fbnr yea-s last i past; (hat ho has ued hrs University P.llg irlhis l , "7 faniily wifh "nparalleld succöss; I and I thmk .hem preierable toany pill for Bflioua afiection8 in the world. Daniel ggödsoxv Innkecpcr, Macomb-St. House. Ttsümonnl of D. S. Parshall. ft„ cf1-1", Wich., Jnne5, 1844v Ur. Smith.- I om bappy fo give you n.y cordial approval of your Univeraiiy Pille. T nnt whthnneerP ff FevTQnd Ag? nd Fever, wh.-ch all of usare subject in this Western country, by the t.meíy use of your Universi-y Pi, __ weenareana.fogue?.ltl118 -JM rtstimovial of Messrs. Noble and Fufield. We cert.fy rbitt we are and havo beenrsonally acquamtc-d wuh Wm. M. Smith, M D andknow thai heisa man of eminence in bis profess.on-and that for tour years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in tHo W.lloughby Umversity ofLake Eric. hon! or to lumaelf and eaiisfaction to tho Trueteea and Facoliy and as wel) as to Siudcms ofthd P'J'' are CHARLES NOBLE, kt „ L y EYFJELD. Monroe, Mich.. June ]9. J844. Testimonial of Rial D Chase. I nis I cerufv, thui in the month of Senten ber laat, I was attneked with Bilious Fcvcr (wbils nway from home at Owasso to build a water wheel) and vritfa one dose oi Smith's Universuy P,I18 I broke it op; nnd as tnany otner were sick nt the time, ] administercd these Pilla t thern.. and in Picases it broke up ihdr fever. 1 have usfd them inany times since. and with great euccess. Thev are the best pills 1 erer á %!ÍÍ n CHSE, iïilhcright. Shiawassee, Mich.. June Isf, 1844. TeslimoTtiul of Airs. AbigaU C. Wriolt This mny ceriily, that threc years agoi was atlacked wuli Liver Complamt so severely thnt I eould 1 scarcely turn myeelf m bed; I need many ! specific8 and remedies, sach as Brandreth'e, ílesurrection, Oriental, and other pills, but with Jitdo or no effect. One year ago, my friend Dr. Smith calkd on me on his wny io Boston, when hegave me a box of his üniversity Pills. which perfretly resiorcd me. nnd my lieohh baa not again sufferod Irom like canse. Rochester, N. Y.f No. J8, ) Franklin Street. June 24. 1844. Testimonial of John TV. MilUr. Dkak Doctor- JuBiice requires me to ftatp, ihal I have uold your Univereity PjHs ior one and a hal years last past, and that I can sell no others wlnle I have ihem on hand. Tney have suprrscded the sale of all others- thcir effect is truly wonderful. JÍ1N W M"'LER, Drvggist. Monroe. Mich., June 12. 1844. For sale by J. H. Ltind, Lower Towd. and Wm. S. and J. W. Maynard. tTpper Town, Anii Arboi J3-íyÖ( KEGS of White Learf in Oil, 500 }bT. CjJ Ditto, dry, for ea!e chfcop for cash. lf . . MAYNARD8. Mn7 5 aj33w Paper Ilangmgs, BORIíKRIWG, W.ndow kapers, re Board Papers. Xrc. will be sold at verv low rtriccs bV w ,. W. A. RAVMO&D. Drtrou. May U). 1P49. 25-6mo TÏie isiriiey lortiails. THE Subscribers lave on hnnd a quantityfof these Inrge and splendid engrayings. facaumu 'ly execmcd on eieel pintes, liy nn excellent nrtist. Trom npainting by E. W. GooDtviff, Eso of AUany.N. Y. are n fitriktng ükeness of Ihk AIan, and meke an elegant ornatnent for tito parlo'. For snle. ttbolettilo nnd rotail. at $R per dozen or 9100 ene!., ly A. McFarren, Bookseller! Detroit, and hy BECKLFT. FOSTER, ,t Co. Ann Ar!)nr. fiov. 4, 1814. 24 tf fraveiiiiíí Itaskels, IA Dl KS' Cnrpet IJas. Strnw nnH C'nne Bnps, J for snle hy W. A. ftAYMOND. ]ciroit. May 9 18432Ï3-6mo Ittaptc iar! Iflflfk pouiids for ale. n good onide X" j''=t recrivcd. nrKI.T-.Y. FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arbor, June i, 1340 1


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