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The New York Democracy

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III ■■ III - I Fnmi fio Spring&gld Rspublican. The New York Demócrata act as if they e.tp3ctod to carry the State eleotion. Thoir Convention at Albany, Wednesday and Thursday, was hannonious, tha resolutions adoptad rernarkably sound and patriotio in the main, and the caodidatea persoaally and pnlitieally popular. It ia evideat that tb o Demócrata think there ia a fair chanco for them t.o overeóme the llepublican majority of last yoar and carry the State, ind uoless the Kepublicans drop ihair fond, plant theaisolvoa upon a platform that shall be at once bold aod discreet, put forward thn righf inen and support them wkh onergy, the Democrats will succoed. Major-Genoral Slocura, the Democratio nominoe for Sooretary of State, was sought by the Kepublioans as their candidute for the eame ollloe, but decliued to accept their nominaüon, and agroed to tuko the Domination f rom the Dejno era's only on oondition that thoir resolutions should givo unqualified support to President Johnson's polioy. This accounts for tho charaoter of "the platform adopted, and the fact that Goncral Slocum was dosired by both partios aa a candidato shows his strenglb with tha peoplo. So rocenüy as Thursdav, the (hiy whun General Slocum vvasnominuted by the Demócrata, we had confidont assurauees from a lïepublican editor of New York, a neighbor and Dtimate aoquaiotpoos of the General, thafho would by no means accept a Democratio nominalion oi aDy kind. Goneral Slocani will not be ensily defeated, and his name will givo great s'rength to the whole ticket, whieh is ötherwise "good of its kind." The resolutions adiptod rejoico in the roturn of poaca, eulogize the army and navy, declare that the natioual debt must be paid and taxaüon equalized, deuounco tlie attempt to force nigro suffrrgo npon the South, ind promise cordial support to President Johnson in his poliey of state reorganizaron, aud iu all other coustitutioual measures to harmonizo tho country and cement the Union oí the States. The platform is agaciouB u ita omissions aa well as. its assartiona. Tlm Kopublicang of New York bold thöir State Gouvontioa on the 2öt!i. They must devoto the nest fortuight to the product ion of' a sounder creed thau that of their oppouenta, if thoy I mean to win. Tlieir only chance now is I Lo plant thcm.solvss squurely on the doctrine of equal and intelligent eufffage, otherwiso tho olection will bo a mere slrife for men and not for pioe. Thfi Commercial 's special en)rs : Gen. ! Meado's account of tho oondition of ; North Carolina and Virginia is very I satisfiictory. l'he people and the prominent citizens are everywhere disposed to accept frankly the resnlt of the war, and resume thtir former relations with tho National Government. Arrangomeuts wcre made by him, under the authority of the President, for the gradual vvilhdrnwal of the Federal troops and a resumption of civil courts - the people acquioscing submitting all disputes botwoen whitea and blacks to tho provost court. Tho Poli's Washington special says arge delegation froin Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Misflissippi; Tennesseo and Virginia is at tho White House. Their object is to assure the President that his poliey aud course tovvards the South are meeting with tho genend approval of the poople of thowe States. The delegat ione declare that in return they Ml givo the Aduiiüiütrution a most cordial support. L3T Prof. WooB, of the University, bas been employed to mnke a preliniinary survey of the northorn section of the proposed Holly, Ann Arbor, and Toledo Railroad, and haa already entered upon the work. He commenced on Wodaosilay, in the southern part of the city, running tho lina along the ravine. He saya th at there vnll be no diiïiouliy, aa soine havo npprehendid, in getting out. through tho hilla uorth of the river, and that the cut to be mado will f . raish no more filling material than wil! be wantod in oloso proximity to the cut. We believe that a Mr. hns been employed to run tho line from Toledo this way, and presume that he ïg already at work. It is no? necoesary thatthoso interested should contribute liboially to the funds necoseary to complete these surveys, and also that the 8tock be sub eeriboj to moet the requiremenU o tho sta la te. Tlie various towns along the line ahould keep the projeot woll etirred up, and all classes of citizena shonld make up tlioir minds to large s'ook subseription. Along other projected railroad Hoes, an increase of $h per acre, in the entire lands of a township, is estinwted, and will not the lands along this line bo equaüj increasod in value ? If so, it ia eertainly wise to puah tho project forward. L3L" ïha Now York Times charges that tho Democracy of New York haa ïold out to the Union-Ropublican party, and intímales that the Republicana may adopt a portion of tho ticket lately nominatod at AlbaDy. Aro tho Republicana of New York aboutto endorse the reconatruction policy of President Johnson ? condemn tho theory that " a natitrnal dobt ia a nqtional blepgisg ?" declare !O favor of taxing tho rich in pro portion to ihe poor ? maintain that the eeceded Statos must be restored to the Union, and not held as' conquerod provinces or colonics ? and repudióte universal nogro suffrage ? If bo, it striksi na tbat thoy will ba tho surrendered party, and that no nominationa on their part will be neceasary, or can be made in good faith. Wilb no soldiers' vote to manipúlate, it may be as woll fur the New York Kepallieaüs to give up tiic codtest in advance. IST The New York Demooracy have placed the follüwirjg excellent tioket in riomination : Secrelary of State - Mij. Gen. Henry W. Slooum. Cumptroller - Lucius Rcbinson. Canal Commissioner-Curneliua W. Arinstronn-. Attorney General - John Van Buron. State Treasurer - Gen. Mnrsena R. Putrick. State lïnginctr - S. II. 8 weet. Inspsctor of State JPrison-Andrew J. M'Nett. ClerI: of tho Cotirt of Appeah - E. O. Perrin. Judges of the Court of Appeal - John W. Brown; long term, Martin Grover, short term. The platform adopted by the convention will be found in anothor column, and will moet the hearty approval of every Democrat. .i . . jG3r The conservativu and radical Republicana of New York are just uow "by tho ears." The former propose to tone down the platform, and endorse a portion of the Democratie ticket, whilo the latter are for ".taking the buil by the horns," declaro for negro sufí'raga every whore, and especially 'm the South, and " fight it out on thut line." Their convontion is set down for the 20th of this inonth, and a happy timo is in prospect. We are reminded of the old odage, " whon roguos fall out," &c, and can seo good coming to tho country out of this quarrel of the "selfrighteuos" and "patent loyal" party. JJ2gr" Senator has writtcn a letter to Iowa, doclaring himseif in favor of negro suffrage, and iutimating that President Joiinbon oocupies tbo same position, but hoMs that the State and not the general govoruiuent must regúlate the matter. He also iutimates that whilo no " coerción" can be brougbt to boar upon tho Northorn Otates, the secedod Btates will be kept out of the Union until they havo enfranchised the negro. This insinuation is a slander upon the President. %Z3r Gou. Oass bas subscribed $1,000 towards tho ereetion o' the proposed Soldiers' Monument at Detroit. The managers have entered upon the work in earnest, and liberal eubsoriptions are being made. jL3E Colorado has voted to organize a State governmont, and will soon be knocking for admission at tho doors of the Union. JKST Gov. Marvin, of Florida, has ordered an eluctiou tot delegutee to a conveiitiou, to meet on tho 18th of October, to recoustruot the Stato. ' S3C '■L" Bteve.vb bus made a rtíctut grogs uttaolc upon the reöonatruetion policy of thü Presideut. lío doos not consider the Southern States tis iu the Union, or ns entitled to any privileges under the conatitution, but pronouneas thora conquered enemies, subject to be doalt witfa as such. Heneo, he favors conöacation of landa and personal estáte, and the elevation of the negro race to the position of lorda of the soi!. A nice storm is brewiug for the noxt Cougrrss. S Ohio ia peculiarly unfortuDate in the selection of State Treasurers. Tbo Bkeslin'-Gibson defalcation wfll long bo remeuibered. Stone, who sucoeeded Gibson, recently died, by suicido it is suppnsed, a dofaulter to Uucle Saín to tbc tune of some $90,000, and now the lato Treaaurer, G. Volnet Douset, has been removed by Gov. Anderson, and arrestod on a chargo ef bféncb of trust and embezzlemeut. Iiis deficit is $50,000, sakl to havo beon looned in defianco of lavv to a banking 6nn in Columbas. Gp3 The Milwaukee Sentmei pronounce the platform laid down by the recent State Kepublican Conveiition of Wiseonain an abortion, and eay that Sonator DooTjIttle is entitled to whntever credit or curning is bestonx-d upon it. Dooliitle has dono just enongh, it seems, to cali down on his head the anathemas of Lis radical associates. - Thero ia a good timo coming. f1 Tho Ropublican Stato Convention of Minnesota, held a few dnys sineo, tabled a resolutioa endorslng tho Admiüistration of Presidoni Joknson. ïhe radicala evidently bad control of that body. It romains to be soen whicb will come out ahead, they or the President ; but, we'll bot on "Andy." 'LSL Gen. Fitz Henry Warren, of Ioffa, has been appointed Minister Besident of the Unitod States to Gautomala. Gen. W. receDtly declared aguinst negro suffrage as tho baais of reoonstruction. Straws show, &c. JC3S The Wertz trial is slill in pro'gres!, and is l.kely to be for somo time to come. At its termination, the verdict, agreed upoo some months ago, wil! probablj be announoed. Great aro military cosnmissions. JK" Tha Wisconain 8tate Ropublican Convection tabled a resolution in favor oí making negro suffrage the basia of reconsirncting the UnioD. The house is divided agájest itself. L" Gen. Robert E. Lejj haa aooeptod the Presidoncy of Washington College, at Lexington, one of the oidest and most popular oducational iustitutiona of Virginia. LgT" Brigadier-General E. F. Dhnt, brolher-in-lavv of Goa. Guant, has been placed in command of tha garrison at Washington. Tho troops Dumber about three thousand. LW Ono of laefc gteamora briaga intelligence of the death of Judge Haliburton, the original "Samuel Slick, of Slickville."


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