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rpilti UOÜTtí AJNDTHE LEAVEfel U'lI.Lbe lor theHealh.g ol thu Natione. BibU. Prof. n_ r. ij-scaiaxrjs, THE GHEAT ANTI CELKBHATEI) PHÍSICliN Of tho CHROAT.LUNGS, HEAKT, LIVtfi AND TUK IU.0U1), Known alloverthecountry as the cí:iki:t:ati-;d usrx5iA.3sr üejeib doctoe i 01 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Oliio. Willvisit the followibg places, viz APPOINTMENXHÏOK1886, 18t,Gand 1S67. Prof. IX. J. Lyons car be couaulted at the following piiUA .; ovory rnoutb, viz: Detgrojt, rvt üass House, oppositö Michigan Central i'i 1' t, each raonlh, V2nd anJ _'öri. KataiiKioo, Burdiob House, each münth, 18th aud -9th. Jack son j Hilbard II on se, each month , 20. Aun Arb1' t Monitor House, each month, 21 st. faldrou, each mon'h} 24th. Toledo, 8ummit Street House, each month , 25th and 88t CLEVELAND, ODIO, RKSIDIÍNCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STEEET, East üf tho public square, opposite the Vohtoilice. Oilico ilaj s each numth,, od, 4lh, 5th, 6th, löth. - üflice boura from 1) A. M. to 12 M, aud from ü P. hl. to 4 1'. M. UnSunda.vfrom 9 to 10 A. il.,aDU 1 to 2P. M. a-Miiïinisstii'cll ad'uered to-. I givo aucb balrn a haT8 no stvife, With nature or the las of ül'e, With blooilmy hjvuds 1 nyver tain, Noriiüison men toease theiipain. llcií a phyiician indeed, wlio Cura. Thé ludían Hero Doctor, K. J. I.YONS, cures the followiog coinpiaintsin the most obstinate stages of their existtneö, viz: Diseasesof thoTliroat, Lungs, Ileart, l.iver, Stomach, Drops v intlieChest. Rhtiumatisin, Neuralgia, Fits, or FallinKrfickufsfl,andp. llotheruervousderaogemcnts. Aleo aliditfeasesof the blood,such as Scrofula, Erysipelas Cancera ,Feveröores, I.ejirosy, andallothercornpllcattd chroniccomplainls. AlKonns of fenlale dUlicalticB attended to with the hamuest results. It ishoped that no one ivilldespair of a cure nntil they have given the lndian Herb Doctor's Ued'cines a fiiirandfaitlifiil trial. #3,Durirg Ihe Dociov'i travclsin Burope, West Indies, South Amonta, and the rniu-'l Stntea, lie lips been the instrument in God' Innd torertove to Iuv.Kb and vigor thou.ands who w'eve"-ivenup aoilpronouucedincuralile by the moat eminentolü school physician; naj, more, lliounanda whoweveouthe Terïe of the graye. ave now Uring m0, unvnts to the ludían Herb's Doctor' skill and siici-cssrultreatracnt-inilaredailyexclaivuiu: "Blessdbetbeday e saw and portook of tlie .indisnHerbUoelov's medicine." Siit-.iactory re -Vvenreof cares will be gladly and choèiuiüï isiv'enttl'e.ieverreturired. ... .,. Tlie rnotoTl' liis wovd anú lionor, tbat he will in nnwi.e.direclvorindi.ectly, induce or cause any iiiT.ilidti. tiiki! liis medicinewithout Ihe MrongestprobabilÍr'ModVo'fr-.';;arainatio,,,Wl.chiSenirelydffeTent FrmtheNCáity. I'r. Lyon'iwoftoies to discern aiseasesbyTi.eBe. Helhevorore asks noquestiona nor dol,i," Callone and all, 'ml j.'te i'nesymptoras and location of your disWeejnl.'ueuffeeof charge. ■"fT'ii' iio.nsh.ill beliberallyconsidered. JÈrro ,to.,.ceadd;es.,box 2. - - CleTe)and,Obio,NoT.g5.1802 1y880 TU8T OPENING! The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITUEE ? ever bremght to this city, including 8OFA8, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTEK TABLES, ■ BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings CJS33F"Jí1Xlíír METALIG CASES, &c, ■. c, and all other goods kept in the best and lar?est houses nt' e country. We Keepno second hand urntuieor Auction goods. Coffins lept eonstantly ( n and, and made to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRSCES N B. Imusthavemoney.andrespectfullyrequost those cali and óx up their old uiatters withoutdcay. o m MARTIN. AnnArbor,Oct.6, 18B3. 925tf pIÏÉAT CÍ.OSIJÍU OUT A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! FURNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Oloth-, Batinets, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS k CAPS. Crookery &EOCEHÏES, &c, Are to be sold at prices that willguai-autee their .sale N. B. - The largest Stock of Calicn and BrownC'otton in the City at Ioms than Manufacturer's piices. Tho highest pricc paitl iuTradeor cash for all kïndfl oí' Produce. MACK & SCHMID. T UMBEK YARD ! JU C. KKAPF, Has a Inrgfl and well Ptoclíod T.nmber Vard , on JeFTersiin SI reet, in t Ue iSciuth part of the City, and wili kcejt coitantly onliand an excellent vanety of lAJMJVIilK, SHINÖLES, LATH, feO4. '.yhicli will be sold aslow as can beaffordediTi this in i L'kat. Qnality ;' ïid priccri fjucli that no ono need go to Detroit. COXRAD KRAPFj Ano Aibcr.Uec 6Ui,lBd4. üoült PÜLÜÖ1C SYRÜP, SEAWEED TONIO, - AND mandrake pills. i ■'"■ f"f The aboye ia a correct likcness of Dr. Sehenck . just after recovering from Consuraption, many yearsago Below is a likeness of hiin as he nowappears. Wheu the fksfe v;uh takfn he wVgíed "07 pountls at the present time lus weight is 220 pounds. -: DR. SCHENCK'S Principal Office anrl Lahoratory is at the K. corner of SIXTII and COMAIERCE Streets, Philadelphia where all letters foradvice or business shouldfce di rected. Ho wil] bo f e and thère every SATURDAY, professionally $o examine lunga witli the Respironieter, fur which lus fee i.s tiiree dollars ; uil adrice f ree. In New York at No. 32 BONI) Street, every TUEtí DAY, from 9 A. M. to 3 1'. Mi At the MAHJ-BOUO' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 and 17 February ló and 1ü, Maich 15 and 10, April 19 and 20, May 17 and 18, Júnela and 15, July VJ and 20. The time formybeing in BALTIMORE and PITT3Jii;iu:3 will be sten in the duily papers of thoseciües, 2he Ilistory of Dr. Schcnck's oivn Case, and hoiv ht wan cured of ConsuMjplion. Mam' years ago, whilst residing :n Philadelphia, I had proggeased gradually into the last stage of Pul monary Qonsumption. All hopea oí' iny recoverv beingdissipated. l waa adirteeÜ by my physiciau, Ür.JPar risBjto reinoveinio the country. Moorestown, Xew Jeeey, being my native place, i was removed thither. My father andall hts family had lived and died tb ere - and died of Puhnonary Consumptiou. Ün my arrival I was put to 1 el, where 1 lay for many weeks in what wasdeeined a. hopelesH conditioa. Dr. Thornton, who had been my fiither's family physician, aud had itteudcd l:im in liis lastillness, was ca! led to see me. He thonght my case enlirely beyond the reachof medicino, and deefded tbat I must die, nnd gave meone week to arriingt' my temporal aflfairft. In lliis apparntly hopeiess cenditiun, L Iieard of the remedies whieh I now m&ke and sell. It seemed to o e that I could teel fchem workiug way, and penetra ting every nerve;iibre, and tissue oí my system. My iunge and liver put on a new action, and the mor bid matter whichforyeara had accumuiated and irritated the different órganaof the body, was eliniinated, the tubercles on my lungs ripened, and J t'.cpectorated frám my Jungs as much as a pint of yeilow dffentive matter every morning. As thi.s efecto rat ion of paftttersusided, the foveraüated, the pain leftmcthe cough ceasedto baraaa mp, and the exhamsting nighteweats were no longor kiiown, and J. had rc'reshing sleep . to which I had long been a strangerl My appetite now began to return, and at times 1 found it iliírícult to i-cstrain myseífffptó eating too much ; with tuis return of heaHh, Igained in atrengtli, a.nd now ;im llnshj. 1 ajó now a hcalvhy man, wiüi ;i laige healed cicatrix in the oifddle looe of tho riht lung and the lowcr lobe hepati?-cd witt cotoplet atlhepion of the pleura, The left lupgiü Bound, aad the upper lobo of therighi onc is in atuïerably henltljy con.litiou. Cpnsutnption at Uiat time wasflioiihf to bean incutnble diuease, by every one( phy.rnans a.sweHas those wlio wcre unlearnediu medicine- especiallysuch cases as were reduccd to thö conflitfon I was in. Thia induced many peopleto belirve my racoyery only fceniporary. I no'-v prepared and gavo the medicines to consumptivcR for some time, and niade many wondor ful cures ; and tlie demand íncreased bo rapidlythatí detcimined to offer them to the public, and devote my ojjdivided attention to luug diaeasea. In truth,I was péxï to foreed to it,for peoplè wöUldeend for me far andnear, to ascertAin whether their cases werelikc mine. For many years, ín conjunction with my principal office in Pbiiadelphia, 1 hay been makihg regular pro foinual visils to New York, Botston, BaltimorCj and Pittsburg, For several jear$ past I have marie as maiiy as five hundred exaniination weekly with the "Iiespirometer." For sueh examiuiition my charge is three dollars, and it tnables me to give eoch patiout the true condition of his disease, and teil him fraukly whether he will get well. Thegreat reason why physicians do nntcureConsumption fijtiuit they try to do too much ; r!iey glve meicines to stop the cough, to stop the n weatfl, hectie fever, and by so dolng they öèraüge thfiwbole digestiré system. looking up the secrétions, anAreventualiy the patiënt dies. Thé l'ulmonic Syrup Is OB.Q of the most valuable medicines IL is nutriënt) powerfullj tonic.and healin ia itaeijE H contaitos uto opium, yot lonscns the plileicm in the bronchial tubes, :ui'l nature throws it olT with littlo ètëruon. One bottle frequently cures an ordinary old ; but it wilt be well first to take a dose of Schenck's Mandrake's Pilla lo c léanse the stomaoh. The I'ulmouic Syrup is readtlydlgèated aod absorbed into blood, to wliich Ï1 1 mparts 1(8 beaHng proporties - ItiftftBéof tlie besi p repara t i ons of i i on in use ; it toa po werf al tome ofitsolf; and when Uie. Sea weed Tonus dissol es the mucua Ín the sfomach, and Is carried oQ by the aid of the Mandrake Filis, a healthy flow of gastric jtiice, good aipetite,and a good digestión folios. Tbe Seaweéd Totiic ia astimulant. and none otlnr is when It la osed. It is puroHnd pleasant; no bad eltects like wlien using Bourbon wfcWsyi which disorders the Ktoniacli, torpoïfl the liver, lock-s up all the secretions, turns the blood into water, dropsy seis in, and the patiënt diessuJdenly. Bourbon whisky Ís recommended now-a days by almost every physician. Manj patienta that vlfit m.v room?, botli niaU and femalc, are fitupofied with this poi-son. The relief ia umpovary. Ifi ll.-cy oough they take a liltle whisky ; if they feel woak and feeblé they take, a little wb-iöby ; if tbey cannot sletp, they take a little whisky; and tbey go au In this way,requiring more anumore until they are bloated up.and imagino they are gettiog üeshy. The stomach, liver, anu digestii e powera are cnmpletely destroyeid, and lose their ftppetlte for ino'l. No one was ever cured of cojasumpr tfon by this procésB, where cavitièe have6éen förmed Hi tho lunfts. A líttle stimulant is frequently benVficial to consnmptives, such as pure brandy op good ■vines ; in many casffs Londou povter ox brown stout in moderate quantities ; but Boni-bon wliiaky li&Bte&s on instead oí c uring consumption. The Seawced Tonic producea Iftstinp; réstate, thoroughly iuvigoraiiiig the-stomach and ligeüve systein, and eDftbliög it t eliaünate and in abe into healthy blood the food whieh may 1) ■■ used for thnt pnrpoe - It ïpbo wo mier f tri In lts elTect th&t a wineglasatofl will dhrest a heartv meal, and a little of it taken before breakfast will give a tune to the xtoinach which few medicines possesfl tlio power of' doiug. The fttAiS'DUAKK PILLS may be taken with entire safety by all fges and eonditlöns, producing; all tiie good resalta that can be obtained from calomel, or any of the mercurial medicines, and without any of theSr hurtful or in.j nri:uis results. Thry carry out of the system the feculeut aod worn out mattera tooseoed and diasolvod by my Seaweed Tnic and Pulmonic Syrup. - It will be seen that all three of my medicines are needed in mest cases to euro Consuuiptioa. A O E N T S . UOFTON- fïeorge C. Goodwin & Co. NEW YORK- Domas llames & Co. S. P. Hancc. Dr. Gecfirgié IT. Keyaer. CIN'CIKJÍAtl- !''. K. uire& Co., and Jotn D. Park. CHICADO- toni' & SmUh , and H. Scovil. ST. LOtTIS- dölHni Drothers. SAN FRANCrsCO- DosteUer, Smith & Dean. ƒ!. nid iw (tliUruKfci&U aud Dttulurj. JyÖOÖ Cl LORENCE j SEWING MACHINES. HiOTOGRAHI ALBUMS, pwtures, frames, tiiiíead, silk, t -wist?;, Bí ACHINE O1L, fa. The undersigned now offers tlio public TUE BEST :f Jk. uve i il. -sr SEWING MÁCHEME IIST X) SE. FOR DURABILITY, BE A Ij TYoJ ST YLE, and VA RIET Y of WORK,it It neoils onïy o be seen to beappreciatinl ■ Runs the work hotli ways, tsikea Tour kinds óf .-.tUches, hems, k'Iltf, iutliers, braids, binds, quilt.4, catbera and röwb on ; ruilïe at tbe same time. Sews from the thinnest tu the thickeat fabric vritliout changing the stitch, tensión or needie, or without breaking thethread. - The Wonder of the World ! Alsn h variety of the mest beautfful PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, l'lci'URHS nml FRAMES in great varietj. aml pictures tnimeu to order at short notice. AUo, BIBNUM'S SELF-SBWER or TUDKER, which can bc alj usted to any Sevring Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLORENCE SEWING MA. CIIINK, a few doors East of Cook's Uotel. Stilching Neatly Done to Order. Also, on exhibition,thecelebrated M WEED SEWING MACHINK," wliich took the premium at the iliclji"an State ïair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Den. 28th, 1864. OH'Jtf rPHE GREAT CRISIS! J ■ o IST. B. COLE fc CO., hT6 ust upened a LARGE STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, purchased since tbo GEEAT FALL IN GOLD f which will be sold at. a FKO.M FOKMER I'IilCES. ü Their Stock includes tbe 3Latest tyles 2 andtheQÜAIJTYis the BSST IN MARSÜT. GIVE THEM A CALL before purchasiugelsewhere, EEPAIRING Neatly and Prompt I y Done, Store West tride of Cuurt House Square, two doors NortU of the Old Franklin. N. li. COI.E, A. D. SEYI.ER. Ann Arbnr, April, 18P5. 1qO6 HISTOÏIY FÏHE WOBLDÍ BV PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One, of the principal Contrihiaors to the Pictionariës of , Qreek and llovían Antiquities, Liography, and Geog rapJiJf. PLAN OF TUK WORK. Since Sir Walter ilalcïgh sol;icet liis tniirisoiinu-nt i 11 the by the öomposition ui' bia " llistor of World' tho I,iterature óf Rngtffnd has never fLchiüVfd the wovk which he lelt ufiniahed, Tliere have been " lni veraal Ilistoiio.s," from the bulk of an encjclopsecÜijt to the most meagreoutline, in whieh the iLDimls of eacli aátlon are aerarately recorded : bat without au attompt to trace the Ktory of Divine PrortdencQ and huiuan progresa ia one coanected narrative. ItiproDoaed toHupplj-thie want b j a work, oónÜensed enbugh to ke-pit wilhin a reapnableaize, but yet so f uil a.s tu be free From the dry baïenesa '-,r. epitome. The I.iterature of Gennany abounds in hiatoi-y, - suchas those of Maller, Schlosser, Karl von RottQck, [luiickt-r.n D(3 otfaèrs, - whk-h ut ]imve the de - mand Tor sucha bookj and furntsb model?, in soine degree, for its execution. But even thöae ii'v,it works ave soincwhat deficiënt in tha ) organic, nnUy which is tin.1 ciiiel aim of this ''Hist ry of the World." Tbc story of ourwhole race, like 'that oí each separ ato nation, has " a begiiming,a middle,and an entl." That story we propose to follow, from its beginning In the. sacred records, and from the dawn of civilization in the Kast, - through thesuccessive Oriental Empires, - tlie riso of liberty and tho perfection of heathen polity, arts, and üterature in Greece and Rome, - the chantre w)w;h passed over the face of the world vhen the light oT etiristianity sprang up,- the orïgin and ftrfft Appearanee of thoae barbarían races which overtluew both divisions Df tfie Roman Empire,- the annals of the Stutoa which rose on tne Empire' a mins ncludin the picturesque details of medieval history, and thesteady proress of modern liberty and civilization, - and Ihe extensión ol these mílumcos, by di covery. conquest, coloniz;ition, and Christian minsions, to tlie remotest. regiops of the earth In a rorcltas separate histories reflect the detached scenefi of human action and suffering, our aim is to brftig into onc vumv the several parts which assuiediy lorm ono great whole, movinproDwards, under the guidance of Iivinc Providence, to the unknown end ordained in the Divine pur poses. Nu paina wi'dbö spared to idafee this history pcholarlike in substuuce and popular in style. It will be tounded on the best authorities, ineient and modern, oriiual and secotidai-y. The vast progresa recentín made in historica! and critical investigations, the results obtainedfrom the modern science of comparative philology, and the discoveriea which have laid open new sourcea of infofmation conceiniug the East, a (Ford such facilities asto malie the present a fit epoch ior ovr undertaliinti. Xhe work will be divided iflfco three Periods, each completeinitselfj iindwill formEijkt Volumes in Demy Octavo. I. - Anciext IIistoby, Pacred and Secular: from the Creation to tho Fallof the AVestem Empire, in A. D. 476. Two volumes. II.- -Mkdikvl HiSTouVjCivil and Ecclcsiasfical ; from tbe Kall of the Western Empireto the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, in A. I. 1453. Two Volumes. -MoniiHN IIi.stoby ; I rom the Fall of tlte Byzantine Empire to ourown Times. Four Volumes. It will bo published in 8 vols, 8 vo. Prlcfl in cloth, $3.50 per volume. Sheep, $4.50, Iiulf Morocco, $5. Volume 1 now ready. Agents Wanted ia all parts of the Country. Applications should be made at once to the PublishD. APPLETON & CO., 2amtf988 4i3 k 444 Broadway. N. Y TTER MIRROE MAY Sutisfy a lady that her drêsa is faultless, but 25c invested in "Spanish Rouge," for polislifng Pilvprwnre and metal? of all kinds, M-ill ;'i mure to tlie briylit and clifcrf il apirarance of her lia,]py home Ihan one huudred dollars expended in now ware, LAU1ES giv$ itone trial, unil y will join vith hs in saying that it improbes the appearancc of your Par1 I Kitphens.oBe huridred ".t fcut. For furi her particulara we icler 3 üu to our ad ver - tisement in Detroit Oailv Papers. weiixern Wholesale Agenta, Merrul Blook, corner Woodward and Jftffersou ATfUUes, Detroit, Michigan. BTÏBflIHB í WiLüüí?, Ageut,Áün ArUor. JiulOlB TULIUS BAUEll & CO., Grent Piano Forteand Melodeon EMPOEITJM! WAEEROOM& IN 55CRQ$BY''S GPERA HOÜSE3 G9 WASHINGTON STKEET., New York Warerooms, G50 Broadway. Wliulcsale Agenta for tho ü. S.for WM, KNABE & CO'S C E'Li E B K A T E!Di Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relatiye mpritn of th'ine PIANOS, we would refcr ïo tl. o Certificaten of Excellence in our poBsesnion f rom TIIALBF.HG, GOTTSt IIAI..K STRAKOSCH, G. S4TIER, II. VIEIX-3'KMPS, I,OUIS STABB and E.'MUZIO, Musical Director of Ilic ltalian Opera, a8 also from sonie of the raust dietingDWhed Professors nrjil Amateurs in tlio country. AU Instruments guaranued for ftvt cara. . J ' ALSO, AGKNT3 FOR SOEHBLEU & SMITH, BOARDMAN & GKAY, A.H. ALE &CO.3 AidotLerFirst-CIass Pianos. We liave tlie LJRCESTand BEST ASSOP-TED STOCK of PIANOS IN THE GIT? j which for Power aacl Sweetness of Tone, Kasy aml Agiccable ïoucti, and Beauty of Finish, !iíive,by judges, been pronounced xnrivalled. gr Particular attention paid to th election oí Instruments for distant oruers.and a privilege of exchange grantefl at any time within six reonth(,if the Instrument ehould uo prore entirely satisfactory A liberal dlsr.ountto Clergymen, Teathers and Schools. ferm liberal. WliOIJORALE DaALEF.S will flnti t to tlieir advantage to giva ns call'.aB by greatly incrensed facilities we are onabled to ti 11 onlcrs with dispatch ÚT l'ersonsin want of aREALLY FIKST-CLASS PIANO will do well to cali bulore purchasini; elsewbere, WHOLESALE AGEIfTS FOR CARHART,NSEDHAM&CO'S CELEBRAIÜD HABMONIÜMS, MELODEOÜP ALSO FOR OEORGE A. PE1NCE & 00'3 MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufiicturers aml Irnport'-rs oí MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, (335133 Q(D3tfM2iatf & Aud other Musical merchandise, The SlLTBE and Brass IsTRrjiKXTS, of our manufacture ancUmportntion, are used by most ali of the best Bands Ui the United Slatcs, anil wfaeneyer exhibited have ahvays received the üolü Medals nd HIOHlST PREMIUMS. Havingconnectiónwith Jranufacturing Houses inBerlin.I.sipsic. Dfeüden, Bagland andParis, w are prepáred to fiunish DEALERS, BANDS and INDIVIDUALS, with eCiy .-u-ticle in tliii line, at the lowest manufacturero' piïcos. KEMEMBEjrrTHE PLACE, JÜL1ÜS BAÜER & CO., G WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - 1LL.3 1012 New York Wareroom, 650 Broailwaj . A RAEE CHANGE TO BUY GOODS CÏIEAP! I have in store a full alock of stapte and FANCY DEY GOODS, A full line of DOJIESTICS and CHOICE GROCERIËS ! ! AU purcliased aiuca the WAR CLOSED! Auü ówing to circumstances beyond my control, wisli to makeaü ïmmediate Sale of (he Stock. CASH EUYERS can for a few weeks have goods at justabuut THEI11 OWN PIÍIGES ! J. H. MAYNARD. May 5th, 1865. lUOItf DEMEMBEK G. & A. SNOVER'S the North door of Gregory's New Block. CW.SÏÖVER. A, SMER, Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT ikaving boen made In the coBdltions of u ciTiitiii Sd ■' and executed by Lucy A. Markham and Thomas 8, Markham, to ihe un3 ed Tolla b. Lvinan, bemint,' date the April, A. D, eightceu huadred and fifty-i edin i'1 ■ , i f Dceds of the County of Wa.ii 3nawi ba the 6ta' of UichiÁp, In iiber ■■- two of Mortgages, page ftve hundred ffü ! the ftfth day of May, A. 1. elgh een hundred and üiu-,., i . ■: . ■ ■■;.■:,■ ■ flat!, at the date of bis nol ■ Cl m of ftve lunidr. (1 and niiny-niüi; dollars and ixiy-ei'.rht cents, and the costs and cbarees on this fon eïo reason;ible charges for ottornéy'a ■ ge, and un mll at law or in equily having been ui I fco recover the amöunt secufed tú be pald by eaid MJortg&ge, or any pm-t thereof, nnd the power of sale coiitaineü in saiü Mortgage having become absolute: Efotlce te therefore nereby that sala Mortgage wül be foteelosed by i s;iis of the Mortgagcd premises, or o muuh thereof as mayoe roquircd tosaüsly (lio iimouut due on saitf Mo fur principal and Interest, and the coste, charges anti expenses atiowed by law, nt public vendue, to the highest bidder, it the Son Lh door of tin; Cöuvi in the city of Añn Arboi. insaWcountyofWasÜtenaw, fthetbélng the place wiiere the Ciiviiit Coiirt for saul eounty is hclcLj on Satnrday, the eighteenth dar of November next, at ten o'cIock ín the forenoon, which said premises so to be sold are deeijribed 8 follows, yiz : Lota number &ix and seven. in block number three sonth of range aurabïs foar eaet, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washteiiaw Üonnty, Michigan accordjjng to the recortlecl plat of ilie VÜlagö of Ann Arbor, ;uid being - e lande cuuvcyed by the undertined, Julia 1). Lyman, to said Lncy A. Markiiam, hy deed, hearing eveu date with said tfoftgage. Dated, Ann Arl)or, Angnst 24th, 1865. Jl f.J.V D. LYMAN, Mortgagqe. IIinAM J. Ü!-:.vki;s, Aiiuru;y for Mortgagee. I028 WHAT E VES Y BODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAS GET YOE ÜP A BETTEK SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN TOÜ CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. - o- PLUMER & JENNINGS can "y H 'I' you very mUCH BËTTER than you can hope to be FITTE!) elsewhere. PLUMEE & JENNINGS can SBLL LOWER than any otlicr Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMEE & JENNINGS have on Land the best as.oitmect tf Furnishing Goods, this side oí New York, which iht-y irill ell at pnces wliich wiil inauce all to buy y. B.- Qiay'a Paténted Molded Collar. Ünrreril Coltars, Satín Fnamelcl lïyron Collurs, (the lirst Byron Enameled Collar ever manufacture!.) French PrintPd Collar, Ward'a Printed Collar, Le Bean ttíe&l Collar, (lmporít'!j Garden City Collar, Haíin Kp.iani-líiil, putt-iit Button Hole, New York Excelsior Lmen Peper Colfer , F. A. H. & Co's Imiiroved Paper GoHjéts, HassARoit Paper ColJiir, and 'm faet evtry discription of Paper Collara manafaetured, constantty on hand in large quantities. Seconcl door Souih ui' l'ublic t'iuare, Mam &t } Anu Arbor, Michigan. 1007 tf TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON liave ["ecoivcd Ihe largest stock oi' ever bvouM to rbis raarket, whicb thcy are solling at ïerpLOWl'KK'ES. The stock consista ui- . GENTS' SILK HAT3- all styles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CATS AND HATS. CHILDRENS' l'ANCF FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEÜENS' FÜRNISHINQ GOODS. UMBRELLAS, CARPET fe TRAVEL}NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and ín fací, all goods pcrloining to theii' trade. JOHNSON & PIEHSOtf. MAIN STKEET, - - lOlOtf - - AXX AEBOB. KTEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. Tlio Great Invenlion of the Age in HOOP SKISITS! J. -V. BRAPLEY'S New Patent DUP1EX LLIJPTIC (or doublé) riPKIN'G SKIRT. rpi-IIS IXVENTfOXconsistR f Duplkx (or two) EtL Lirnr PüjbüB 1:kiinei ,Sh;kl Spiungs, ingeniously BKAIDKD XIQHTLY and FIKMI.Y tOgtítlltr, KDOI to KIHiK, luatfèg the TOüorat , nrost flfxiblk, elastic aml ddïi-vuLKPKiNG ever used. They seldom BKilD or bueak, üke thft Siugle Sprioffs, and cunsequently presen e their perfect and beautifut Siiape more tha twice as long as aov Single Spring Skirt íiuií Kvev lias pt Caá be made. THB wtlntretral Hrxibility and great comfwr and pleasuré to nn.y Lady wepktf the Cunjea: Klli]tic Skkt will be experienced, particlarly in allorowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Raïlroad Cara, Ctiurch PpwSj Arm Clmirs, tbr Proraeuade and .House Uress, as the Skirts can bü folded when in use tp occupy a sipall place as easily aud cnnveniently as a Silk or Uushn A Linly having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and (reat ('onvenieuce gí wearing the Dúplex Ellipíic Steel Spring Skirt ior a sinjilu day will Nevcr afterwards willingly witfi tlieïr use. i'or Cliildrcn,Mi.s,se,s and Voiing Iidius thev are superior to all others. TUI-: HOOFS are covered with '2 ply dovLbletwieted thvead, and will car twiee as loog as the Single yarn eoveriog which is used on all Single Hoop Skirts. Tlio tbree bottom roda on every Skirt are also Doublu Steef, ;uuï twice or duuble covered to prevent coveriug froin wcaring olt' the rod.s M'hen draggliu; down stnirs, stone steps, tS:c. , &c. , which tbey ure constautíy Butíjéci to ffben in use. All aio made of the now and elegant Corded Ta pee, and are the best quaiUy in every part, giving to the wearer Ihe moHtgraceful and perfect Shape popsihU', and are unqdestfonably tlio lightest, most deiiráble, coinfortable and economical Skirt ewr made. WBST4' BRADLKY & CAllV, I'ROPKIKTORS of the Invention, and BÓUS MANÜFACTUREftS. 07 CHAMBKRS, and 79 & iil KEAPE STREETS, New York. YüR SALE in all ürat-class Stores in this City, and tlu-oueliout the Tniliíd States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, -Mi'XK'u, South Ameiica, and the West Indies. AW TXil IKK ron THE DUPLKX LLLlpXIC (OIÏ DOUBLK) SPRING SKJKT. SmlO24 Á. k C. 11UTTER W ANTEDI I want for the NJEW YORK MAEKET ! alltheGOOl) BUTTEK made in the Couaty, for which I will pay Cash. on Deliveiy. for fitlier Larga or Sm'áU Lct.. JOUN H. JIAYNARü. JulyTtli, 155. GmlO16 Estáte of Joseph F. Jennuigs -' Al -"l.titu Court for liu. ■■'. Washlenaw, holden at the Probate Offlc& iTl m Ue yeur ono thousaud eight hundred and ni, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Pmi,,. ín (he .. . . J"HiihP ', decea . ■ "-uning that ske or „omo dL01 suitablc pi áuted Admur. Ï , '' i Thereupon t is Ordered, that Mondíy, th.i fifth i moer uext, at ten o'clock ta fth?1 noon. i tor the heariug of said netiti "■ thai tli l;nv of said deccased, and ají tk1 " ■ ■■ mi i l m in said estáte, aro reqmred to uraS.""' a session ofsaid Court, thcn to be hc.ld. n at Cf ?" Office, in the City nf Aun Arbor, and ,nOw ,. b any there bc, why the prayer of the pelitinueí P'' u-I it is furtber orde"í tí, í00'1 petitioner gire nolice to the persons iHtereetpflSïï' 6 ! pendeneyof said potition, and tkpkïj? thereof, by caiistng a copy of this Order toteniKS in the i ■■, a newspaper, prir.w , ■' culaü' ' three successive vi,í. to Miid day of hearing. """ptt(A trae copy. j HIKAM ,1. BEAKES. - lim Jndge of Prob,te Estáte of J. Philip Scheñí " OTAT E OF M rCHIGAN: Cor, sty of WsirrL. O At a bes ion of the Pi obate Coort for the CeutA Washteuaw, bolden at tbe Probate Office h,i ƒ"' of Aun Albor, on Friday, the twi-ntv-.ïrth , "? ;V-' ■"'.':-fv,.U1 the year oue tUoiisana ei-ht houdrei B : es, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of J. Philip ScW'fc. On readiug and fillng the petiiion, rtuW veriüaUi John Schenk, praying tbat lic or some otherimSt pereoí uklrator-ííedonúi?; the estáte of said dec ' Thcroupon it is Ordered, tbat Monrtay, the 2th ü r September next, at a-u o'elock in theíorenooníeMi? eö for tho hearing ofsaid petition, oud that theS , law of said deceased, and all other n.-ivous intS insajil estáte, are ivqi-.j.,,; lo appear at aseïï7f said Court, tlien to be Uolden at the Probate 0Bï he City of Am Albor, and show canse, if anvtw be, why the prayer of the peüaoner slmuld mil grantea: And il (6 furiher ordered, thatsa&MiSf gh-e noticu to the persons inieresied in saidestaDi Éhc peniicncy of Kik' petition, and the lieariiii'tlit sopy ef thw Order to be publïs&dhS MKlaqan Aryus, a newspaper, printed and cirenhahr in .aid County, thrce successive weeks ureviousinS dayofhcün " CA truc loi.y.j HIRAlt ,T. DEAKES 1024 Judge of Probate, Estáte of Williatn Chamberiain. OTA rii OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenair s. At a session of the Probate Court for the Coúnü Washtenaw, hohtes ar the Prsbate 'Jftkeinthe'a; Í ■ i.ii Slonday, öie tn-enty-flrst day oUm? iu the year one thousand ei :la huudred and eixtuw Present, liiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of W:lliam Chamtoiti defeaeed. O readaig ad flling Ilie peti'tion, dnlyveriWil Kose Chamberiain, praying that a certain lustra on Hlc; iu Lhis fonr, purporting ts be the sit and Testament of said deceasi-d, inay be addiitMt probate, and that sho and Joeeph Gerahly iimw pointed Administra' crswfh iheWill a'noêxed ' Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the ci"hteeii day of Sepl t, at ten o'clórk in fbe fe noon. be assigned for the hearèig of ,iid petitioo, n thnt the lei at es, devisees and heirs at law ofsaiádew sed, andnll otlier persons nterested n fsideultR reqnlved t appear at a eession of said Court. t-ïexüki holden at tlie Probate Office, in the City of Aun ■■ canse, if' any tberc be, why the praveroffe petitioser sbonld not be granted: And" il':ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tbepos rnterested in saM estáte, of the pendency of siüwi tion, and the hearing thereof, by causing acopvoff Order to be pnblished in the Michigan Argus, i nm. paper, printed and efrealating in said Coimty.lim snecessive iveeks previous to said day of hoarin (A truc copy.J HIEAM .7. BEAEH! 1S Judge of Probüe. Estáte of Margaret Bourk. CSfATEOFMICHIGA ! WidMiim kj At a .e?i-ioii nf the Probate I ■ i'Ujiof Washtenaw, holden at the Prolw o O of Alm Arbor, on Tnesdav, the t'AcntTmáyi)( August, in the year one tioosaud i'iirlï tamiieè'! ■ VV. Present, Eli Proiate. In the matter of lüc Estáte u) -MurL-aretBonti minor. On readin! and flling the petition, Caihcrine Bourk, Unardian, praying ihat"'jeused to sdl avi:,i:i nal estáte xloiigiaj minor. Thcrenuou it is Ordered, tliat ?.' of Kpptei o'elock in (hi teSKtx ,:■.■■■■. ■ next of kin uf said minor, and ::lï ottici' ! ested in aa:d estáte, are reqnfred to apparat i of sakl Court, then io bc holden at th,. Probaleift in the City of ,im Arbor 'aurltef why "ihe prayer of the petitiune granted: And it rs frirthcr ordered il tsaiápai er aive notíce to h nexE of kin of said minor. íoáíü other pprson , thi of sakl petition, an-1 the hearilitr heivof. bvra copy of this Order to be publ Arffw, a newspaper, printed and circoííftis ín County, threi wee!;-, previous t-o adfj lieai'inir. (Atmecopy.) IJUÍAJÍ .T. BEAKÏS 10S3 Judge of Fu Estáte of Eve Al'en. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cowsty of 'usU i At a session of i ' ■ t fur thei Washtenaw, holden at the l'ro . of Aun Arbor, on Wed i day fc September, in the year one thousandehthiatóndw sixl v ii"e. Present, liiram .T. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the muUev of . í On redding and S laBd, temnel ', , I mi" on lile in lhis Conrt, praportmg to be tl : decensud, niaj be ailmittcJ bal i, ai ! tha Princo Beu i oteo ministrator with the Will annex , Therenpanit is Ordered, thal Monday, the i day of October next, at ten o'elock in tlteftl beassi the Ie ■ . ■'' I lat ifsaidoecen Jl other persous mteresteil 'm said estáte, quireá to appeai at : .. ":(■:;■■■ holden at the Probate Office, iu the City i I and show cause, il' any taère be, why the petitioner ehonld not be granted : Aiu'. i dered, that said pettfloner rive notico to tl terestedin said estáte, ortue pendency ofsaidpM and the hearin" thereof, by ea;i.-iim ;i wpy oflhliB io be published in the Michi in I rau.--, a aew printed and circulating in said County, three succesr: weeks pVeviou to san day of hearing. CA truc copy.l "1IIEAJI J. BEAB 1025 Judge of FH Estale of Frederick G. Nuebüng. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County cf Washtl O Notice is hereby given, that by an order uf bate Court of the County of Washteuaw, made twewy-eighth day of Anprnst, A. 1). 1805, sh mow from that date were alhived for creditnrs toplg t heir claims against the estáte of Frederick C. N?r' ' late of said County, cteceaêèa, and tbat eaiddec . ■■ equired to present their clffl said Probate Court, nt the Probate Office in Ann Arbor, for examiuation and allovvance, i fore the twentv-eighlh day of February veiUf" snch claims wfil be heard'b 'o c said Probate WJJ Satnrday, the twcuty-flfth day of November, aijO nesdav, the twenty-ëighth day of February jkAV o'elock iu the forenoon of rai-b of tliose days. HIKAM J. BEAKES, Jndge of Ry Dated, Ann xYrbor, August 2Sth, 1805. lia Estáte of Patrick Coyle. STATE OF Mlrl IK ; A X, County of WashteMj ? Notice is lieieljy given, that by au (mier on" i( bate Court of the County of Washtenaw, ", twenty-eighth day of August, A. V. l6' ""Sat from that date were allowed for crédito" f Cj tlu-ir claims against the estáte of Patrick WKïïfr said County, deceased, and that all credit Ao. ceased, are required to present their clai bateC'ouri, ai the Probate Office in the Wii'J Arbor, for examiuation andallowance, 1]"rï', BA twenty-eighth day of Febmary next, ai! "rtM claims will be heard before said Probate Lm! Saturday, the Uventy-iifth day oi Novemoer, w nesdajr, the twenty-eighth day of February new ■ o'elock in tho forrnoon of ea'ch oi those w m. II 1 1 A JI ,1 . BEAK ES, J udge ol PÍS Dated, Ann Arbor. August 2Sth, lStó -w' Estáte of John Price. DTATE OF MICHIOAN, Conntynf Wa-MonsJ n Notice is hei-eby given, that by an order on " „ bate Conrt of the County of Washtenaw, ■?"„ twêuty-fourth day of August, A. D. ls('-% ■"1 from 'that date ere allöwed for creditoöwi,,! their clalma against theestate i r"hl' "Ud saHCounty, deeeased, and lint all creditoríoi ceased, are required to present their claims t u, bate Court, at the Probate Office to the OW m Arbor, for examinatlon and allowance, on or o" !(j twenty-fourth day of Febmary oext, "i(l , 0,s claims will be heard before said Probate l . miiav, the twenty-flfth day of November, ano the twenty-fourth day c y next,"" in the forenoon of eáeh of d;iys. pMtf. HIHAMJ. BEAK1 S, Jndge of "S Dated, Aun Artaor, AftgflSt ■-'Itb. l1" Mnrtpfage Sale. WHEREAS, defanlt bas been made in lhc "" sui of a certaiu Indenture of Mortggftfl executcdon tire twenty-third day of J{ .ÍSg 1845, by Peter F. Kauonse, to me, ";, ' imIiW which Mortgage was duly recorded on the li,grtg of December, aforesaid, in Líber No. n(&sfP on page 1G6, in the office of the 1!l -,!s'lT ,'! u'nw, Mort -ages, in and for the County of V' " j,iel' State of iflchigw ; and. whereas, there is ■ " ; onpaidonsaid Mjrtgage and,.' '-n same, the snm of jiiiïO.-K ; and, whe"5Jea 1 ■dings at law or equity has bi en in"1 lt,rPíoft cover the samo, or any pari thereof: :s'"t' , notice is hereby given; that, by virtiie 01",j'n 6aleinKiidjI„Vi;a:;e éontained, ' sl''l";,Vv 3 Alien,. n to the Tli I r, ■■" s:; '",";,■',#■ day of November next; at 12 oVloiK. : ■ at the front door of the Circuit Conii 11? of Ann Arbor. in said County oi "";vii: V premises aescribed in said Mortgnse, '■" Kast half of the Souih-Wesi On L'Vof8f of Soction No. 4, in Tbwnship No. ' ' .;,, of l4 No. quasi, the said ptcmises Ivuig M ' "■' fiJIÏiSi4 and simated tu Uie Countj of Washtenaw, ■Au8U8tlOtlfcl(?VANHrSOÑ,M MoottD & GsirriN, Attorneys Tor Mor"


Old News
Michigan Argus