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A Prize For The Best Housekeeper

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Krom the St. Louis Republicaa. To such an extont has thia very important part of a lady'8 education, housekeepiug, been negleeted of late yeara, tuut the gentlemen, who, as a matter of eourso, are by far the greatest suüerors, have at last resolved to take the matter iu hand, and that, too, u tho very bust spint and excellent judgment, preferriug rather to encourugo than coerue. Welearn that, after several consultatiuoB as to tho best nieans of rendering the all important qualification of hoatekeïping popular aud attractive, the genileuaeu ot 8t. Louis have determined on ofibnng a baudsomj premium to tho best houaukeeper. This reward will couaist of au elegant silver service, gold platod iuside, together witb a maguifioeat chased silver aalver, and in order to eocourage thoao ' ministering angels," the ladios of 8t. Louis, it has been décided to poll the votes at the coming festival iu the Mercintile Librarv Hall, oommnoing on the 2Oth instant." Notwith8tandiug the other attractions providud by the friend3 of Fathor Ryao'a sohool, we doubt uot that this feature will prove the most attractive of all, for assuredly do gentlemen will fail to record his vote. Should any unmarried gentleman noglect tho opportunity offered, he muat never añerward complaia should he fail in the person of his futura wife to find tho acceptable housekeeper. It is knowiu how to oonduct the general domestic affairs thatgiveslo woman that charm whioh makes her presenco folt, and her influenoe appreciated even in tiraos of war ; ave, amid the din of battle, and at tho bedside of the sick and the dying. Nor will the contest be coüfined to the young men; those who have been blessed wilh good wives, will not fail to show a lively interest in tho eontest by voting on the occasion, and thus pay a umall tribute to that skill and tender care which have rendered so happy their domestio ciroie; whüe, should thore be any so unfortunate as to havo " partners for ufe " who are not profioiants ia the art of house-keeping, what an admirable occasioa to induoe them to reform ; for who oould have the heart to mnke the elegant silver cups the receptadas of eithor bad tja or ooffoe. Surely not a siuglu woman could be fouud so heartless as to scold or giro a cross and consequently dis, greeable look, whilo har own countoranee would be refleoted from the pol. iahed silvor waiter su appropriatol presoatod to the best housekeeper.


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