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Another Atlantic Cable

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The failure of the Greut Eaatern has not disoouraged either the shareholderg of the TransAtlantio Cable Companj or the new French oompany which haa obtained permistión to lay down a oable betwecn France and tha üuited States. M Alberto Bileatriui has uiidertaken thig euterprise at hia own risk. But this time the oompany does not intend to submerge a cable for any enornious diatanoe, as there will be intermodiata stations The following ia tha traok at present contetnplated : From Parig to Lisbon, and thence to Cape St. Vincent, by land ; from this last place to the Cauary Islands along tha coast of Morocoo ; from tha Canary Islands to Capo Verde, along the African coast, with. stations at 8t. Louis (Senegal), and at Goree ; from Cape Verde to Cape St. Roque, on the coast of Brazil, (a distanco of Ie3s than ono half that of tha cable intendod to be laid by the Grea Bastero), from Cape St. Roqo to Cayenüö, along the American ooast, and from Cayenne, to New Orleans bv tha coaat, or probahly by cableg connecting the principal West India Islando. The enterpriiw is more easily practioablo than tbat conceived in Eügland. The only difficulty will be to secure the praservation of the line on the Afriean ooast, and that security may be obtained Dy meaus ot guard stations. The compaoy will havo a conoeasion for oae bundred years, and the Freneh governraant will abandon the right of making any other conoession during that time. A iubvontion of foUr njilüong of francs, payable by installmonts, will be granted when the eompany shall have obtained the authorizations frnm all the governments over whoae territory the electrio cable is to pasg. Tho electric ootnmunioation botwoen Paria aud tho Canary Islands i to be comnleted within threa years, and the whola line within fivo.- . Nord. Mrs. Senator Kate Chaae Sprague has a baby - a boy about five weaks oíd. Mrs. Sprague's uiother-in-law presentad her with 8500,000 for having a boy, and settled $100,000 on the fortúnate little stranger. A regular greenbaok baby ! It is not every-baby whosa iather is a cotton lord, aud wl oasgrandfather ig a greenbaok lord ! By railroad accidents, sinco January, 1,800 persons have been killed, 35 burned to death, and 600 wounded. Ther have been 67 acaident-i of various kinds, and $33,000,000 worth of proportj Lat been deitroyed. Maov beautiful wumen, whon they are walking in the treetg, eoem very angry if ga.ed at, and sadly disappjiutif they aro not. The Gnzetto süys there are 8,324 pupila studying Germán in the public schools in Cincinnati. The Mark-Iane Express fears thafc three-fourths of the English wheat orop will provo to be in a bad condition. A train has been run from Philadelphia to Lynchburg without chango of oars, a feat oever aooompüshed beforo the war.


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