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Affairs In South Carolina

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From the Pittsburg Ohronicle. The Charleston Courier, of the 4th instant contuiua the following report of an important conference lately held fit Golumbia : Major General Gillmore and staff, who aooompaüied General Mcade on a visit to the interior of tho State, as far as Columbia, returned yeaterday evoniDg by the North-eastern Railroad. General Meade and his party took the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad oars at Florence, South Carolina, for Wilmington, rn route on his return North. The party on leaving hore last Friday, took the North-eastern Railroad, and, uotwithstanding the delay in the examination of all the military posts on the route, including Darlington, Sumter and Florence, reaohed Oolumbia on Sunday, whero they were met by his Excellency Governor Perry. A very plwaaant and satiBfaotory interview took place, resulting in an agreenient and a partial restoration of civil power tbroughout tho entire State, by tho full and completo establishment of the civil courts for tho trial of all cases escopt those of frcedmen ond persons of color. In all casos of the latter, and where the testimony of oolored persous ia necessary, tho Provost Marshal Courts are, lor the present, to havo exclusive cognizanee and adjudioation. AH cases betwecn wliito persons are to bo heard aud adjudicated by the State courts, municipal authoritied, or civil ofñcers, under and acoording to tbc laws of tho State. Tho civil courts are to bo openod undcr tho directious of his ExcèlTency the Govornor, and tho civil and municipal offioors aro to be perinittod to resume their official duties and dischargo thcm without intcrruption. - During the interview Governor Porry spoke in wnrm terws of cotnmendution of the aotion and prococdings of tho courts lately cstablished by ordor of Qsn. Gilmore. Gen. Meado expressod himnelf well plonsed with tho coudition of iffairs in South Carolina, statiag that overytliing was wörking to liia entirc Biitisfuotion, and it woulcl be bis plcasing dut-y to report the faot to the Dopartuieut at Washington. Wilh toe result of tho interview our citizona havo every cause for congratularon.


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