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South Carolina

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New York, Sopt. 19. The steamer Quaker City has arrivcd, from Charleston on the 16tli. Tho Courier coutaina tíov. Ferry's message to the State Conveution. He acknowlcdges tho death of slavery, :iud counscls the wisc, just iind huinnuc troatmont of tho froodmon by which they may bo como aw Btrougly attached to tho whites as whilo thoy wero slaVes. Leginlation will be reqv'ired to regúlate the relativo duties of eujployor and omployo. Tho Ü-overnor suggosts changos in the State Constitution. making it moro popular and ropublican in form. Ho regards extending suffrage to the froodmou in their present ignorant and degraded conditioo, as Hule lesa than lolly and madnoss. Uo oontt-ndg this is tho white man's Governmeut, and the white man's ouly ; that the Suprema Court bas decidod negroos are uot citizons, and that eaoh Stato has tho unqueationed right to decido for itself who ah all vote, aud he suggests the eketiou of Governor, mombers of Congress and Legislaturo a:id Presidontial doctors, directly by the people, and that tho Lcfrislaturo should be convonud in sousonto order an oleetion for (Jongressmen beforo tho iirafc Monday of December. Tho future, ho says, will bo bright and glorious. As long as civilization continúes this great liepublic will flourish and iucrease iu Dumbers, wealth and grandeur. In less thau ten years we shall realice, ia the loss of slavery, a blessitig in disguiso to ourselves and our children. He notifios tho convontiou of the ro cstablishinent of tho civil aw and courts, and the withdrawal of oogro troops from the iuterior to garrisons on tho coast. The presence of white troops will bo neoessary for somo timo to enforce tho relativo duties of freedinen and omployers.


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