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The Atlantic Telegraph

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It will bo si'en by tfirf following soroiffioial statement, which nppoara in all ho LondoD jöumaiSj that tho Atlantic lY-lepiaph üompaiiy bas delinately duermined to lay a uew cabio next Biunner, hopiug to créate uew capital to cary thu project to a sucoessful teiSffinaion, and thut a now contract has been mulo witli tho Telegraph Construction Uompany : " The" respectivo Boards of tho Atlanc Telograph Company and tlio Tclo;rnph Conkruction aud Mainlouuni-.ü Coiupany, after the most cureiul invu.sigation iuto and dehboratioo upon all tho ciroumstances nttending upou the eoent oxpedition, and upoa the accident which has. postponod the succes )f thu! under taking for tho present soat-on, have conie to tho nnanimous resoutiou to prosocute the uudortnkiug wiili ucrertPed vigor in the nummer of next year, if supported to a vory moderate ixtent by the existing sharoholdurs and ho public. Tho Atlautiü ïalcgraph Joinpauy has accordingly onterod iuto contract with tho Telograph Conatruciou Couipauy, whoroby the latter uomany will again sond out tho Groiit iastorn during the euminer of 180G, lavmg on board sufficient cabio for the complotion "f tho existiug cable, and br tho es'ablishraoDt of a second cable of the same perfect constructiou botween Tüland and Newfoundland. " Tho first opcration will bo to lay bid latter cable ; having doue which, tho Q-reat Eastora will return to thu ond of the brokon cable, and comraence oporations for rocovory. As to tho sucoess of these oporatious, Oapt. Andersjn, Mr. Oanning, and all tho aders of tho late expeditiou havo tbc most bopo'd coufidenco, and all concorned now boiove in the establishment of two workug cables during 1866. " To effect tbis desirablo consummation, the shareholdora of the Atlantic TeleTapb Gouipany aro required to subscribe a sum of L250,000. The borality and cffectivo linancial arrungementa of tbo Tolegrapb Construction Uompany, who nvo doeply intorestod in thu succesa of tbo undertaking, havo enablod the Atlantic Company to olkct tbis advantagoous arrangement, althougb the total cost of the now cabio, oí its submersion, and of tho ropairs to tho existing cabio will bo L500,000.- Tho prolit upon tho new cable, if mi cessful, but not othervviae, is to be L100,000, and if the existing cable bo restored tho Telegrapb Constructiou Oompany will also receivo the profit provided for iliom under tho old contract - nainely, L137,1-10 in old unguaranteod sharos of tbo Atlantic Telegraph Company. " The Atlantic Telegraph Company havo summoiied a meeting of their sharcholders fer Thursday, the 14th of Soptcmber, for tho purposo of creatiug tbc necessary capital, to whieh tbcy propose to attacb a preforential dividend of twelve per cent. to onable tbem to carry out the foregoing arrangemonts, and thoy entertain no doubt tbat tbc small sum re{uired to be subscribcd for will be readily taken up by tbo sbareholdcrs, seeiug tbat for this additional oatlay tbey will obtain the fulfillment oi their most sanguine expectations, even though one cable only sbould be permauontly ostablished.


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