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MíDlildAN CÈJTBAT J Passenger Uaius now leave Detroit and Uie scvoral stations hl tliu; (Joiinty as lollows: goikü WEST. Muil Düy DoxJ'T Even. Nlulit Train fex. AcO. Kx. Kx. Detroit, 7.16a.b10 30a.m4-35p.m6.9Sp.n ll.oni'.x Ypsilanti, 8.+0 ■- 11 .V ' " 6.6(1 " 12.05...M i Aun Arbor, 9.05 " 12. IS l'-M I! 35 " 7.111 " 1.00 " Dexter, H.85 " 1 -2.10 " 7 00" 7 :5 ' CIicIhcu, 05 "1-2.55 7.50" GO1KG KAKI'. Evon. Dexter SÚ-bt lHy Malí Iíx. Acc. Kx'. Ex. Ti;, in Chelaea, T.8Ra.mS'S0f.m8.00p.m Dextl'í - (.0.1 a. ii 7.05 " 3.45 "5.20 " Ann rhor, i.íñ''SM " 8-20 " 4.05 " 5.50 " YpKilanti, 4.5 " 7 0) ' 8.40 " 4.25 " 0.12 Detroit, ü.10 " 8.5 " 10 00 " 5.45 "7.46" The Mail Train mus to and from Marshall. HW I" feTe and aguo and all intermittont fcvevs, acoording to the statements of countIess witnessos, the Red Jacket Bitters break up Uio paroxystñs wlth absolute certainty, and speedily restore the strcngtli oí tile patiënt. TT BEP DISEA8E AT BÁ Tnvfilíiis, líi'dkcn Jlown in ïiealtb and spirits by Chrtnic Dyapopslq, oj siiiiVi'ring from tho tembló ex' hauBtion wbieb followt tlio Mtucka of hüiiUí dlKetww, the tostímony of iliousanda vrho liar bee tUol nê by ti miracle from tiimMitr íto ot prOtrtion, by HOSTKTTKK'S STOMACII miTKRS,isa suretuarautoo tliat by tlio öame mèana you too muy bo Htreucrthoned and rfistored. lint to tliosó whu stiind la pcriU1' epidémica, to all who, by roasun oí oxponut'ú, privations, anil uncononi;il rlimato oí nheiUhy pürsnltB, m;iy at auy nn,ni;nt bontiicken dnwu, this jMhfAgtapU is niü-it par ü ciliar y and vmpkaticalbj adilroaFüd. You, who are thus aitaated, aro prolVered an absoluto safoyuard tfgainsl flie dttgor tlmt menaces you. Tone qih! regufete tbo ísystcm wini this harmloró medicinal Stimulant and Alterativo, and yon wíl I bo furt'armed ag'utisl íhtí maliiduí.s vhotei s'ccds lloat arofiAd you in the air unseen. UOtíTI'.J'rií'S STOMA0H l;n'TK!;s n-e not only a stabi3ard'To.yÜci aud Alterativo througlirat tho tfiaitéd btates, bui thfy. ivo accredited by thc cei'tiiicatdS uf tho most díMtinguisliod citiKcns of tbo Jolón, to the pvopls oí alj oilicr lumls. In Oft nafta, Vn.-,tialia ainl tiie VV8(I judies, Ley are yraduaíly tiiking tbo placo of all otiioí Blómachie whether na tivo ur i'i'ioiu, nnd as auroly hr truth ís progrenaivo and 'letTionstrtition ovortbrowH doubt, Üioy will even :uüily supersede ovory olhor Invígorant and liestorativó now uinployed iu medicinal practio. , lwlü7 Strawlíerry Balsam, A CKRfAíW üK:iElY KüR DIARRIICEA, DYSENTER F, Cholera Morbus, Fíjix, HeaH Burn, k&nd kII Buwol Cnnijilaints, Eutirely cjretable. A peOiR forCivmp DiarrHtxja. OSBOKNE & HOWSjProp'ra, Bucbauan, Micli. Burnharafl & VanBcbantfk, (hieago, and Farrand, tíhoeley & Co., üetroit, Wholesale Apents. SmlÜO A QAHD TO INVALIDS. A Clorgyman, wliile rosidiug ín South America as a miñsionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for tlit.1 Cure of Norvous Weakuoas, Early Iccay-, líisoanefl of the Urinary and iopiiunl Qrgans, and tlie wliolo ti-ain of di.sordors brought on by baneful and vicíous habita, (iroat aumbera hav been alreaily curod bj tliis noble romndy, Promptcd Tiy adesiro to bonefit the afllicted and aofortunat, I wil! send the -rocino for preparing aud using thJs inodícino . ia a soalod onvol ope, to any oue who ueod it, JFrce of Charge. Please a püïit puid envelupe, addroiKOÍ to yourelf. JOTOH T. IXMAN, S'iatiojí D, BiMJB Houea, 6mlO25 New York Cty. Do you want Whlsknrspr Slimstarhes? Our (írecjai Corapound will forco tlicm xo grow un tlie .smootbos faceor chin, or hair on bjld hcads, inSix WeeUs.l'rice,$í.u0. pnt bj nnú ativwheii.', closely waled on reeeïpt ofprice. Addi'ess'J "WARNER & CO-, Box 13S, BrookJjn, N. Y. lyí'ítü. THE BRIDAL CHAMBEH, an Estay of Warning nul In ■,tnit:tion Yojipg, Mon- puMUhod by tho llowar'l Aasociation, aml s n t fti e of charge n uealpdenvelopes. A.idregs, Dr.J. SKILUS UOLXaiTON, How.ird Aseoci.-iti.m, ] hila-lalphia, Pa. 1)996 -pooT rot In sïïee p can bc tliorougiily curel by uslng WHITTEMOÏtE'S CURE -FllKFOOT BOT IN SHEEP! It is just whtit it is represen tcï to be, A PERFECT CURE. Ask for WliiUemore's Cure, nnd take no otlier. The followinr: Certffleajf íh a sample of the testimoniáis constautly being recefved : lUri,.-[. Vt., July 14tb, 18fïï. F. W. AVni1TE.MOKE,KS4., I'rak Sik : HaVïng lik'l y V. 1 1 r Cure for Fout Rot in Slieep. I wdiiM say lor Uijt lunelitof Sheep Raisors liiiit tlioy Sliould lose no time In ptoeuting a bottlo, as it ct't-tainly wüt cure tlie Foot Kot ialesB time and ivith'less truuble üifin anjr projnraiiun of lihw Vitiioi or ftDythiöt e]."c 1 have ever usi'd. Yüui-s,truly, LKED3 DI1J.INGS. P. W. W1HTTEÍI0RE, Solc Propritstor, Oiatham 4 coraers, CulumltiaCo., N. V. FOK SALE in Ann Arbor by SBERBACH h CO.t Hokj Atcuts. 3iülO2tJ. Chanoory Notico. STATE OF MIOHIftAK, Fourtli Jndlci! Pircuit !n Ohancery. Suit pondintf in the Circuit Coutt tor Lhe Couuty of aslit(inav, m Chimccry. EIsuyA. Pulver, " vu. Y Authony l'ulvcr.} It appearÜJg by aiftdavlt fllwï fti t)i!a (tnM, t!m iho PüfeniliHit., Anthouy rnlvor, ís a resident nf tbo State ef Micígau, and tliat lic a a rtsídenft of the Stato of New York: On n.otioii of JuMin & I!ltl .'.(,, Suliciturs for Complainat ít orilereil that tbe De [eudaut, Atitlmny pulvet,appflttl and answer the Bill ol' Complaiit lilfl in thi I causo., within tlireo montbs iivm the date of tjiia -nli;r. and that iti defUult t)iertof, the said lïill be taken as coufcssetl by liim : And t is fui thor ordorcd, that wilhiu tventy dftyfi fïom the dato of this crdei , tlut Couiplainant cauyo Ihisnnict tn be pnbÜsbed in tlus Michigan Argtw, a Qwspa{r&r prioted u aaW, and that said publicattoabe mude 0DC6 in eftflli veek, (or ní StnSDesdirfl weel-::, Or thut a OOpj "f tlus prdW bc sorved nu tho said Dft fV-ï!:int , i.-i'si'ii;illy , at len,sl tweniy dayn bd'ore tho tinaé preiMyibed I-r bfia íntpearaace. Dated, July Ütb, Idü5. J. CARI'KNTKR, Cir. Ci. Com'r, for Wash'w Co..Mich. Joslin h Iïr.oDGKTjGuniiiIahiaut'H Boüoitors, (A trucuopy.) Tkacv W. lioOT, 1020 l'eputy ííeistcr. TV] OTICE !- A UCTION ! ! 1 ii THK UNI1KRSIOMKII wil] close bis Cutlory estallishment, cornor oi' Washington and'l'Vurth Stvuuts, olí tlic lOtli O3T1 OCTOUER, art'l :i 11 persons m lio liavo k'l't any artieles tliore,a'e rt'nui'.tyil lo cali ior thcm Ijy tlmt 'biy, as all f;(iOlb on ■and at that time wilï be tliun solil at auction. Ai Uie :iihh ti me lio will s(!Ü at Auction Iiih stock of toqla litto! for tlic bwunefi of'ft í'iutor, (nninitli oí I.oclsiuiül. Also.hUstorlv ,,f c'nlli'iy, Stimim, HottiV matlo Kazorií and Strops, Umbrclla and l'avusol Triméaings, íic, &c. ALliEBT GWINNKR. P. S. - AU'pi'V.suns IiKlc!)teil to n't: iuvitcil tü cali an'l Bettle by OcUiImt 1 h t , and twu bosid. Swioat). a. o. OUTTKR WANTED 1 I want íor tbo N15W YORK JMAHlviyi1! UlitheGOOD DLil'KK in tlio County , for wíüch 1 will p;iy Casli orí I)elivery3 Tur cittirr [iftlVA ur Sinall Lotrt. JUUM ü. MAVNARIl. Jul7th,1866. öiiilOM FOR SALËT Oí"i HÜWrfES AND LOK, wprth f rum Í1.000 tu A.J.UTillCKLANU, Ana Albur, ful). 2d,18(55. W1U CuuuuciciulAgjut, npo the ladies. GEORGE H. REED & CO.'S T1I1Í constanï demaia weiaVehad fur I.tQUID DYES ; }im iniiuced un to put u,: a cúmplete line oí 40 Slutdes, uil Uquhls, whlch wlll reoonamond themfplvee U every one who han ever ttsod IJ-jukl Dyos fur Billllancy of Colors, Biznplicity of TTso, Certainty of Satlsfaction(Completo Dircctioua fur uso with every packago.) UÖE THE BEST ARTIULE. See GtTtljicattis from eminent Ckcmitlt, on cach package. ParaplfiH actuoïly lyttr] with Ofich of tbe colornon pilk and woolü, may be noen at tlie Urujt Stores. i-SOLD EVERTWHEBE. 1 If you iloslre toinaur 6OOD COLORfc-fnquIro rUKKIVS UüMKSTIC DYKS, anti take no othcr kind, GEORGK II . 1ÍEED & Ci. , Bostoo, Manufaotareni. fABEÜTD. SHELEY & CO, Agkhts. 6mlO25 Díttroit, Michigan. Oíd and young should use STERLING'S y V FOIÏ The Hair. It prevenís or stops tho ITair [rom falling ; Cloansos, Beantifios, Preserves, and rendora it Soft and Glossy, and tho Head freo from Dandruff. It ia tho bost Hair Drossing and Preservativo in tho world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'v, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. Cml 025 tn y. M A GENTS WANTED -FOK OCRGREAT JNATlOflAL WORK, The Ufo, Times mul Public Services of ABKAHAM LINCOLN! By I)R. L, P. BROCKÍ2TT. ThiH work Is cntivcly now nuil original, and contains more of his e-irly Hlfltory, PoHtioal baireef, Speeches, Mewmigys. ï'rocliiimitïonx, ate., together with tlio neones anti incidents eonnected with his tragic t!iid,thn any uther work pubhshed. Teachers, ladteft, onortreüfi youncj rnon, and eapocially returned and dlsabtad nffleers and soldiersi in want pf profitab o cmplovment, will iiiid it poculkirly adaptod to fchotr oondHIon. Wu havo aient.s clcavinj; $liiO per nirnth,wliich we wil! prove to iny dmtbtiug applicant. Seii lor circulars. AiidroHs JONES HROTHKU9 & CO., No. 148 WiP Foi'RTH Sr 3mlO3& Clucinrmti , Ohïo. AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN BY 1TS FRUIT. Su ík a gootl PbyBioian by hi.s Wuceosfifiil Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, ÏHGOKKAT ANll CKI.EHIIAÏKI) I'HYSICIAN OF 1'IIK TUKOAT, I.UNOS ANJ) CHE3T, lfnowii allovor tHo countrj hm tlie CulubnUod HÏDIA tl EU DOCTOR! From South America. A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the Ufe,8tudv :md i-xtenwive Lravnls pf Dv. T.ynns eau boprocurod pjr aUwLodosiivonc, í'rtH'of oharge. Dr. L will vis i L the wovoral places asfollowa : Jackson,IIibbavd HouS0,20fh. Ann Arbor, Monitor IToüae, ülst. IVtruit, ('jisrt llousc, opppsit(? Mlcli. CenCral Depot , pad! moufli, 22ndanÖ 28vd. Mitim ok KxaminatjOn. - Tlio Doctor discerns diseases by LUc eyea . Ih-, tUerforp,kfl (fco g no-íLtous nor requirepatiunts to explain symptoras. Afflipted, couic iiudliav. yoursymptoms ;t tul iho locatiou of your di catïux L'iiiiiKid fröe of elia-ro TXISSOLUTION OF CO -PARTiiJiltSIlIl1. The oo.parineMh!p hcretofoM exIstinKlKstweefl tbo nubscriben, undc: t)ie finu and slvlc of 1!. 1IOOIEK & HUN, i thisd? ilisxolvcd ly matual coossnt. All persons havinii clïtiiii.s iijiaii)t tli lafte (irni, will pisara .i'cM"ii Uirin 'iuf juljiisttneut. inn uil peraons iDilebtad tn the lid ui-Lu , will pleaao uall immoiliati'ly umi .sol tle. R. UOOl'KR, P. B.iioorkU. Ann Arbor, Sopt. lt, 18C5. (iwioao ■VTOT1CE! The tmsinesrt of lirowfnifj in ts varmun ln-ancïios. willbu coiifinuodut tlie iM st:uid of-the Rito flrm by the uudcrrticnc'l, who, t)iaukful för iat patronage; LostocntiuMoafavü. r Ann Arbor, Sept, let, 1855. 6svl25 "TOTIOE 1 The Suporintandénta of ihe Vav tho County óf Watiliteuaw, will meot ai the Cóunty foor IÍduhc, íñ tlio firat TuOBtíay in Outobor next, the purptwo if audiUDg acooaö.. . WAITEi , 1', DA VIS, S Supt. Wíl, B. MAKÏI.V, ) Dated, Sept.6tb,1865, 1025 Journal, News, :ud Courier, eaoll, copy 3 wcuks. IMSSOLUTION. Tho oo pavtutirnhip hurotofuvo exiBÜnp; botwocn DiB. Lcwitt & Bruakey , waa cBIwlTM Jan. lat, 1805. ïEwrrr & breakby. August 22d, 1603. cmlüXi _ . - uil ■ "1 TV"EVV GOO.DS-lMJll 11 FALL TRADE! i . I havo roouiïod my early 3Í" A Ij X STOCK O 3?" STAPLE & FAHCY Choicc Groceries, &&, ölosest Cash Buyers to examine the good and priocs. JOIIN H. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Rojit. I3th, Ifillfl. 4wlO2C i8G5. CIIANQE OF DAÏK 18G. PBOFi n. J. LYONS Wou ld inforin Iiím l'ATIKNTS aml oDhtb intoroBtoó, that in future be can be Bfiou at tlio BIONITOR HOUSB, -ON' TUESlet OF EACH Morilli, ljiritcad of the 20th, aud at, on the soth, incteaJ of tho 21nt. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blood, and all othor comiillcatdl ehronio oomiilalnts trcateil sueceNsfuHy, by PROF. E. J. LYONS, tlio well kaoWB auil colcbratcd INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! C.ill nt ilie Mcnitor IIouFe, Aun Arb"r, where he cim be ioufcülted FREË OK CHARGE, wi Uie Bist of %LSh Monttl, iluring l Wíl nd 1800. lylülO. lp THE MOST SKEFTICAL.-,- J& VlRTUEHiTHEi K f TJieyaro a. combínitíioC! & IV rrcpareduLtOB choiceat á j (V They strengthca and lnvigorate the & V O systcm. i 4 f t They givc a good and healthy appeüte. 'CjJ y aT j? They assist digestión. y jü3 P They are the best stimulant ia cxlstence Ad ff w5jvv They are a preventive of fever amlague ví i VL"They cure nervous headache. t 7" ih They aie pei-fectiy pure and palatablc. -j f Í- k TliaRoJ JnckctUilknorooldlu quart 2 ÍO Ut Ijy all druflgiBta and Joaltira ia tho country. M ■♦ m PEWNETT PlETER3&0q, QlO -- fp, M B1VE.R aT.CJilCflQd 41 V ïw EOLE PROPRIETORS.: jtJ J For salo by DsFOREST S STUWART, Jobbers, VTEW SKIET Püli 1865-6. ïlio (reat Invi'utiou of tbo Age la HOOP SKIRTS1 J W BR-VDl.EY'S Now Tnteut DUW.EX ELUPTIC (or duuble) SPRING SKIRT. rrWIS INVKNTION oonnlsts of Diples ("r twu) KlL Lll'TU: 1'rRW 1ÍKFINK0 .ST1:KI. Sl'KlNdH, iriKODilHlHly BRAinED Ticiini.v und nuMlï togethor, ïiiub tosnus, IU.lldllLÏ llH' TlH IÍHK.IT, 1110t KJKXllU.K, KI.AM-1C Rtul IK' k.mii.kSi'Kinií ovtr useil. Thry ai'l.lom UEXli or BUtáK, lila' tli11 öiugwiïpcinlrf, ivn.l run'nuently pre&trve tbelr perfect ;i'"l bcnutiTul sh;íjn raoit thaö twióe va lon an any B1ngl6 Bpnog tíkírt thai EYer lias or L'uu bé niiuk'. TUK 'wdiiiU'iitil Ili'ibili1y Hud great cnifort aad pleaBare to ;my Lady waarina the Dúplex KHiptic tfkirt will be o.MTM'iio'' i).irli.'l;tiiy in all cnnvdeiiAsunaMii-s, Opwriis, ':t ii :i m'.s, llaUroad Cars, l'huiv.h l'cws, Afm Chaira, foï Proroonade mi ui House l)its,as the kirts oan be l'ol-lcd when in use to oocupy a small place ns easüy und cwnveuloutly as a Silk or IIuhIiu A "l,:dy linvmyï Fnjoyod tho IMeasuro, Comfort and Great Uonvenieuce of wearing tho Duplex Elliplio Meel Sprmi; Skirt lor a single day will Nevcr afterwarda willingly dlBpene with ilieir use. l'or Oliillion,Mi.sae;i and Voung lidien tliey ar superior to vllotliors. TUK HÖlM'S avo'coveiiccj (fitÈ " l'l.v doublo I tiKled ji,r l, nnd wiil vc:u t w :ih toog a the-5mglojtarn coverinp whii-li is usivl on all Shiflk' Hoop Skirts. Tlu tlilVC bOWotó r'od BO3kiH r.' .il -o 1 limhlo Weel. iiiidtwu-e or doublé covcivii to pre vent th covering trom woaring oiï thtirod wben dragging down atairs, 8'one step, ïo. , , hich tboy are oonstantlj Bubject to when in use. AUaroinadeof tlionew mul eleuant Corded rnpea, and ure the bost qBalHy In eveij part, glving to tho vearer the most graoefol aud perfect SUapopusiiible, anl nre uuuneationivblj tlie lightest, jjjost deauabln, coiiilortabtean.! oennoraical Slurl ever made. WFSl'á' nu.UH.KVftCAIÍY-, PIMU'lil KTOKS ,,l tlfe IuvenSon and MANUKAUTURERa, 97 CHAM. BER8 anti 71' & SI KEADJE STKKKTS, Notv Ifork. FOR BALE in all üiBtchis.s tur,! in thiii City, and tbi-ou'-hoottho Uied Staten mul Cnnaila. llavami de Cuba Mexico, SoulU moroa, and tbu Went hidies. -INQÜIHK l'')l! TUK DUl'LEX EI-LU'TIC (OU DOUliLK) 'SI'UINU SKlliT. 0inl0J4 A. & L. IJIAWÜ AND HAlir. MISS JENNIE WOO1) RESPECTFÜLLÏ Inferan the eillzem of Ad Arbor, that haviiiü voeently takon üp hor resiflenco ainoni; theio. üh in lirepared to givo TlIOllULt-U jNSTUliCTlOira "ln tho HA-KF Sc FTj&.l&O, anil .olieits a generpus share ef their patrgoage - Rosldcnoe at Bj-ai F'uller'e, Main Street, two doors S.uth oi Macli Si Sclmiidte. lUi3(f. rpHE MA.SON HAMLIN CABINET _L ÜBOANS, J'nrt v 'liiï'Tent t vies, fi'Uptod to naero-1 and soeulnr muic. fwïSQ t(W ■: . l'HUll'VinvH (iOLD or BlI.VEtl MF.HA1.S, or otlier flra premiums awarded thero. IllostralodCalaloiJuiM f rv'. A.blreau. MASON (, KAMLIH, Bonos, or MA3ON lUiüTHERS, Nkw Fresh Arrival at the Head quarters of BÜITERMAN & CO.'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHM'T Secoml 1o noue In the States ! yOU CAN FIND Articles of Evory Description FOlt MEN'S WE AR, manufacturad at pitceu at wlifch wo Defy Compelition Whatever ! Wo woubl flfmply state that ono of tho flrm is coastantly lOoklng out n New York, to supply us with (100D Al (HAP (JOODS Such ai no olhcr House can boast of. We are now ready to exhiblt a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIl'TIUN. Also a largp stook of Beaver Clotlis, VEST1NGS, if CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OR BOLD BY THE YARD, at Tery low pricca. &2 If you have any duubts cali aal Leo for yourboIvüh. ÜUITERMAN & GO. A MAMMOTH STOCK OP FALL COODS! Lt tbo Córner Store of incluJiug 0AS8IMEEES, CLOTI1S, FLANNELS, DUESS GOOÜS, PRINTS, 0OTTON8, DOMESTICS, GROOEIÍIES, &o., &o. Oall and seo them I Aun AibÖr, Soyt., 186S. 1025tf QÜ11O0L 13OOKS ! MEDICAL BOOKSÜ LAW BOOKSÜ! The ubovo with a Largo Assortmont of IlllWiiliM IMS! -FOK SALE BYJOHN F. M1LLEH & CO., Aun Arbur, Sopt . lst , 186V 2inlü24.


Old News
Michigan Argus