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Beet Sugar In Germany

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r ZIT The folloH-ing coneerning the marnifoeLure of beet sugar io Europe is from a letter of Mr. Klippart, of Obio, to the Department of Agricultura : " From Leispio I went to Magdeborg to seo the sugar-beet culture, aud to visit the sugar-beet munufactory. From Leispio to Magdeburj,' a large proportion of the land is in beets. The soil is well prepared by plowÏDg, harrowing, eto. Tho seeds aro sown iu drills about a Snot apart, and then the plauts atand frotn tix. to eight inches apart ia the drill. A small corner is reserred in each field, whtre the seeas are eown thickly for truiisplanting in tho fiold whero the orignal seed failed to grov or the pluut died. When we passé i tbrough this región they wero transplantiog, aud an 'army' of men, women, aud fhildren, say forty persons, on a tive tiact, were busy hoeing, weodiu-i and trun.-planting. (The Saxou aero is abont equal to one nnd a third of American acres, and yieldtt from 90 to 120 hundred weight of beeta.) The nianuluuturers say the smalt beets, weigh ing oue lo three poundw, produce or yield a larger percentage of eutrur than larger ones. When I told the manufaoturer that we grew beets, weighing eighteeu to tweuty pounds, he smilingly eaid, 'You could make no eugar frora them ' I told him 'wo did make sugar from them, but they yielded much Iets than wo had expected.' He gaid, 'Never take large beets to niake gugar; we cao make more sugar iü proportioa from those weighiDg one pound than any others.' Our beets weigbed teD, twelve and'fiiïeen pounds. The priucipal superiotendent of the mnnufactory at Magdeburg aastired tne that thero was no secret whatever conneeted with the manufacture of sugar from the beet root, but that 8ucceH8 in rnanufacturing depended upon a thorough understanding of the business. He said that now they manufactured just as surely and as certainly as u distiller could "manufaeture whieky irom rye. The establishment I visited is owned by Mr Bucklemaun and the brothera Kohne ; the director's name is WisemaD, and he soenis rathtr anxious to have eome bright young Amencans, who undenitand chemistry, to come over and serve a year in the establishment, to learn all about iugar making aud refining. He will take any young Germana. The establishment, wuh all the machinery and apparatus, cost about $175,000. Tbey were manufacturing at the rato of 20,000 pouudH per day, and tbe retined sugar was then selling for nine centg per pound. The beet pomace is very highly relisbed by cattle ; it ia said to increasa the flow o( mitk, is an excellent adjunct for fattening cattle In fact, the fattest oxen that 1 saw in Hamburg nd Berlin cattle markets were those said to be fatted on beet poruaee at Magdeburg."


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