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How And What To Read

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much, but not many works. Por wJi:ii purpose, with wbat intcnt Jo we read ? We reut! not fof the sake of ruadme, but we rcad to the end that we muy thiuk. Ueading is valuable only. as it may supply tho inaiénals whilu thu mimi i tself elabora tos. As it is not the largest (juantity of auy kind of fooci takon iuto ihe stomaoh that conduces to healtii, but such a quantky of such a kind as can be digested ; so it is not the greatest complement of iiuy kind of information ihat improves the mind, but snob a quantity of such a kind as determines the intellect to the most vigoroua energy. The only profitable kind of reading is that in whieh we aré cornpelled to think. and think intenscly ; wheroas tbat read ing which serves only to dissipnte and divei t our thousjhts is eilher posilively hurtful, or useful only asan oocasional relaxaüon fronï severo ■ usertioti. But the amouut of vigorous thinking is usually in the inverse ratio of mullifarious reading. Mulüfarious reading i-í agroeable, but, as a habit, it is, in ts way, as destructive to the mental as dram drinking is to thebodily heahu. " Ouc age," says Herder, " is tho readin age," and he adds, " It would havo been bettor, in my opinión, for the vvorld and for sciouce, if, instead of tho rnultitude of books which now overlay us, wo possessed but a few works, guod and sterling, and which, as few, would be therefore moro diligently and profoundly studiod. - Sir Wdliam Hamilton. JC:S" Quito a pretty bit of romance developcd itï-elf in the Chicago street ara the other day. The car was crowdud, .and a littlo, palü, quiet woman, aróse to give a one-legged soldier a oat. As liu took the seat sho recogüi.ed in him her long absent hnsbaud, who had baen four yeara a. soldier, and supposed by hor tö be dcad. They had both lived in an interior town, and the womari finding her solt' alone cuino to Chicago to get a livelihood. Ho cr.niing höine and not finding lus wife, wuppoaed sho waa dead or lost and carao to Chicago, wíiere ihey so acciilently mot. A number of tlio detectives who participated in the eearch for nnd capture! of the assassins of tho president aro in ! Wasliinglon, awaiting tho anuouucL'mont of the distrilmtinn of tbo awardst wiiiuh havo boon decided upon, aud will shortly bo mude publio.


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Michigan Argus