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OF TUK LATRST 8TTLK8 kjj W HA TS & OAPS! W Straw Go o ds ! RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostrich. Featliers, TRUNKS, VALESES, Gents' Collar?, Canes, GLO VESH0SIERY,j5C , &c. BUFFAL9 ROBES ! A Splemliil Assortment of GENTS' & LADIE&' FLR 600DS ! Hlease oall anl examino for yuurselvus. N. B.- Particular atlcntion paúl to RKDRESSING aml RKI'AIKIN'G I.AD1H-! CAPK9 kWSPFS neatlv rcüncrt JWl (lresoi over by expericaced hamls' and at reasonuWo THOMPSON'S FUR STORE. IIUKON S1REKT, Ann Arbor,Mich. CThe bighest cash piice paid for Furs. öinlO7. rpO THE LADÍES. GEORGE H. REED & CO. 'S LIQTJID rriIIE cunstant Jemnn.l we have had fot LÏQOTD DYES X ha.s imiuced us toput u. a complete line oí 40 Shades all EJquids, which will recornmenrl themselves to every one who l.afi ever u.sed Liqukl Uyci tor Biilllancy of Colora, Siniplioity of TTse, Certainty of Satisfaction. (Complete Direetions íor use with every package.) USE THE BEST ARTICLE. Sce Certifícales J 'rom eminent Chcminis, on each package. Hainples actuaïly dyed with each of the colors on silk and woolen, may be secn at the Drng Stores. ÍÍ-SOLD EVEKTWHERB. fë& II" you desire to GOOI) OOLORS, inquire fur IfEKD'S DOMI-SÏIC DViCif, and take no ot her kind. GEÜKGE H. REED & CO., Boston, Mauufactjrers. FARRAND. SHELEY & CO., Agknts. Gin 1025 Detroit, Michigan. Oíd and young should use STERLING'S fy V FOR Sf The Hair. It prevenís or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifies, Preserves, and rendera it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It Í3 the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mlO25 AGOOÜ TREE IS KNOWN BV ITS FRUIT. So b a good PhjBlelan by hisSuccessful W(rlt8. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEGREAT ANll CELEBKATED ril VS1C1AX OF THï ÏHitOAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the country as the Celébrate 1NDIAI HEKJB DOCTOR! From South America. A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the life,study and extensive travelB oí Dr. Lyonn can be procured by allwliodesireono, fret of clir.rye. Dr. L will visit the soveral places asfollows : J:okson.Hibbard House, 20 th . Ann Arbor, Monitor HnuK, Ülst. Petroit, Cnss House, oiposile Mich. Central Pepot , each montli, áámlíind 28rd. Mopk of Kxamination. - Tli1 Doctor dificorns dieaFi by tke oyen . He, tht-roforejask no tjueitionp nor req 'tires pafifMits to pxplaiti symptoms. Afflictftd, come and have your symptoins and the locatiou uf yonr dist'as expliitned frte of charge T"v 1SSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHir. The co-partnershtp heretoforo pxtsting between tlie subacribers, undei tlie firm and style of R. HOOPER & S()N,i tnis day dfssolved bjr mutual confient. All persons havmpr claims mainst the late firm, will please (rt'-out tbem lor inljiistrncnt. nnd a!l jxrsonn IjKTñbtfld in tlie Bata íiim, will piense cali immodiately aml settle. R. HOOPEH, F. lí.HOOl'KR. Aan Arbor,Sept. lst, 1865. Gwl035 "VTOTIÖB! The buslnefw of Brewfaff, in its varions bmnöb4f, will be continue! at the cld stand of the Ia!e ñrm. by lbo undorsipned, who, thankful for iast ]atronage, liopes forcontiuutíd favois. F. B. TIOOl'ER. Ann Arbor, Scpt. lst, 1805. 6wlÜ5 OTICE 1- A UCTÏON ! ! THE DNDKRSïGNKD will hinCutlery establisïiment, corner ot' Washington aud Fourth Streetfi, on lOtU Om OCTOI3TCR., and all persons wlio have lef t any articlcíí tbore, ae reqasleti to cali f ir them by that day, as all goode on h:ind t that time will be then BOld at auction. At the same time he will sell at Auction lus stock of toolsfittc.Uor the business of a Cutler, Gunsmith oi Locksmith. At6,hiatoek of Cuilny, Slicars, Homemade linzors and Strop s, UmbrelUi and Paiftsol TrimintniiS , &C , &C ALBERT GAVIN NKR. P S - AH persons inJebted to me are Inrltefl to cali and settle by October lst, and f-ave costs. 3wl0'26. A. G. Twu tliousnml for four ye.ars, and a likc .uim lor five, yr;u-. :i t 7 per cent interest pnyable oD the firat öaj oi Febniary in each year, for which the bóndfl of Bchuol District Nu. One oï the City of nn Arbor wil! be issued, as autliorized by a vote of the annual meeting. Apply to P. BACH, E. w. MOKÖAN, or K. WK1.Í.S. Ai.n Arbor, Sopt. 14th, 1805. 3wl.0-.26 lISSOLUTION. The co-partnership herciofore piKting hcUveen Drri. I ewitt & BretikeVj was di(jr.l lid Jan. Ist, lH;'."i LEWITT St BREAKKY. Augu.staSd, 18Ó5. 3ml02 TVTEW ÜÜODS l'Oll FALL TRADES I have reeeived my enrly 3?" .A. Ij Ij JSTOC K O 3F STA PI, E &. F ANC Y Choice Groceries, &c, -A-xicX invito tilo Closest Cash Buyers to examine the goods and prices. JOHN H. MAYNARD. Ann Artor, Si'jit. 13tl), 1865. 4ivlO2S j8G5 CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PROF. R. J. LYONS WüuIi] inform lih PATlENTS and olhers interesti'd, that in future In can be neen at the MONITOR HOUSE, -0X T0ESist OF EACH Month, Insten. 1 of the 20tli, and at JACKSON, O3ST THE 2Oth, instead of the 21t. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blood, nd all other complieated clironic complaiuts treateil successfully, by PROF. R. J. LYONS, tho well known and celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Call at Hifi Mcnitor House. Ann Arbor, wliore lie can be consultad FREE Ol CHARGE, on the 21st of each Month, duriDg 1865 and 1866. lylO19. J tíONVINCK J i M) THE MOST SKEPTICAL", SL } 3 S' THATTHERE IS UNEOUALUEQ S L J VIRTUE IN THH Y 1-n.eyíire a. cointirLaUoíCNr #". TVATtBl0HERBjá , 5r W Prepeo-ediiuthia choicesl Tgk ïÈOlü BOURBON WHISKY t They etrengthen and invigorate the 2 , system. -X iff J They give a good and healthy appetlte. VjJ Jk They assUt digestión. f% Hj They are the best stimulantin existence Sr Ï? AifoTheyareapreventiveof fever and agüe W j V They cure nervous headache. ] 9 Q They are perfectly pure and palatable. -- sfe. Vr K The Rod Jncket Bitters are sold in quart t2 ! ,. fti tles by all druRgisU uní dealera iu tha country. 'I ♦ fe BENNETT PIETERS & DQ, 3 3 tj. J?t RIVER ST. CICAO(Í J f ■Mfth eatí pboprietobs jJi 3 Forsaloby DkFORES'1' & STEWART, Jobbers. OTW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A Most l?xIiiiil', Bilirnlo nllil FrnKriiHt St-t-l iiiin-, 1sfillol from Ihc Itari' ii ii.! Itrmiliful FIomii lionl vliii'li it tnlec íIn íinme. Mannracturedonlyíiy l'' &; SOIV. I3t Beware of Counterfeits. tsk fop 1lntloít's - Tnkr no other Sold l).y driijíKiste generally. piANO AND HARP. MISS JEJNN1E WOOD RFSPE HVniLZ informs the citizens of Ann Arbor, tliat lia ving recently taken up hor resMonce amoiig thom. abe is preparad to gíve THOUOUUH INSTKUUTIONS upon tlie HA-K, Se FTJTsTO, nml policits a generous share cf their pinmitce. - RtiBideDCfl at Mr. Fullcr's, Main SCVëèt, two Koott South of MacU & Sohmidti. 102311. nüTTEB, WANTED ! 1 want for the NEW VORK MARKET! alltlicGOOn Bl'T'l'lvIt mailp in tlie Coiíaty , for whieh I wiil uay Cash. on üelivery. for eithei' I,arie or Small Lots. JOHX H JWYNABD. July rth, 1 8eS. 3uU016 Fresh Arrival at the Head quarters of GUITEFMAN & CO.'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMT Second to none in the States ! yOÜ CAN F1XD Articles of Every Description FOR MJBJN'S VVEAR, manufactured at prices at whicb we Defy Competition Whatever! O Wc wouM simply stuie that nne of tlie firm is constantly looking üut In New York, to nu[y us with (JOOD AND CHBAP GOODS Suci at no olher House can boast of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AIso a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VESTING 8, Sr CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OR SOLD BY THE YARD, at very low prices. &&- If yoi have any doubta cill an'l soe for yourselvea. GUITERMAN & CO. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF FALL COODS! At the Corner Store of Inaluding CASSIMEBES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL3, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, C0TTON3, DOMESTICS, GROOERIES, &o., &o. Cali and see them I Arm Arbor, Sept., 18G5. 10Q5tf OCIIOOL BOOKS! MEDICAL BOOKS !! IAW BOOKS!!! I The abov witli a Large AsBortmenl of MMM10I BOOKS! -FOE SALE BYJOHN F. MILLER & CO., Ann Arbor, Sert. Jut, 1P65. 2mlC21.


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