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The Asiatic Cholera

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This terriblu bcourge secms to be ngaiu j approaching uur abure-i f'roin ibc lial, wrere for ame tuoiiths pust it luis boen raging. It s net likely to prevail hure before another suminer, if at all. Wo copy tho fbllowing by " Au Experiencod Phvsician," frorn the CommorrwcaUh, whicli nay tlirow same light upou the nature of the disease and hou to manage it : TUE DIAGNOSIS. Tlio first two stages of bolera consisi of, first, tliarrboea ; secondlv, of a species oí vouiiting, wheroiu tho patiënt does not genorally experieuce nauscu, but timply throws off' Huid from tho stomach, as in the emutic opemtuins wliich accompany dyspopsia or iridigéftion : then commeuco the cramps, which, iu Humo oa.c-s, aro not very severo, n othoi-s frightfui and most agonizing ; tbia stage almost iminedia tely siiccoeds tiio evaouations of vvbat has beon aptly tormed " rice water," from its niiDÜitude to tiiat subutaueo; and indicates conolu sivcily that the natural fajües have buon entirely disohared. This fluid is throvvn oñ írom tha multitude ot min ite blood vessels Gituattd on the suri'ace of tho intestint's, aria cousiats of tlm seU!i), a íluid principie of tho blood. It s the discharge of this fluid, whieh, from he eomiaencenient of tho diarrheoa, iacorporating with the Of din af y contenta of the bowcl-;, cauces the Huid state; of he evaeuations, whieh tang gene:a'liy víithout pain or mueh inconvenionce, and thureforo causo no alarm uutil the wfaole luid portion of the blood is thus dis oliarged ; superinducing the third statie t dc-bility, cramps, bluo ski, loss ol xjIso, eold sweats, clchcliisd fingers, cold ,ongue, and an iiidoscribable coldness ot the whole body. Tiie vomiting still .ontinues, v;iih coutinutMl evycaitions, with violent cramps; diffieult breutbing( and loss of ttië power of speech, and a ;errible loss of the ubstuuue aromad the eyes, cauFing them to sink evon domper tlian those of a corpse, and ibis in so (short a space as to be incredible by thotse who tuav not have vvitnessed it. All this is the effect of the dianhoea, which is so insidious as to give no ooncein to the patiënt until the voininiigs ooin'.nence, and whieh produces, nevorth(;less, the los- of all the circulatiiig Huid of the blood vessels, aud those ter rible results calied " cholera." In i'act, the disease is not cholera-morbus, bul ï-ather a diarrhoed of an insidious anc most extraordiüüry charaeter ; and 'nac it originated in this country, or in Europe, woold no doubt have boon so considered aud classilied ; bui bh e Asiática (indiffarent juilges in such matters,) are so vvautingin reflection tb:; Lhoy ubsow'8 only the sensible chatige.-i which appear towards tho close; aud ciidi-ogard ihe diarrhuca, being bo Ireo tiom pain, r.nd not oaloulated to excite alarm, bilt wbiuh uevertbuless it; the real ï.ialudy. TIIJ3 RSMHUY, Let me uoro say that these cúÉatíwi directions may be relied on. I have seen, professionally, two or three íi:udrud oase?, and mauy more in liojpi' als. In my owq practico I havo uol los a single une. Sumniarily, remember always, tbat this disease is ot the intesliues solely, coüuiienciiig vvilh diarrliooi uutil two or thret) evaoua'io:i3 per üay, eaamtg geaerally uo paias, and so !(git au to c;iuu uo alarra. This is srir.t.i, .nnd i:i ilp.clf, the diseaso ; and ïu distioctioii fi-oiü ordinary diarrhoea, muit bs ttnpped ; aud tiiis caniiüt be düiie with too givat proinptiioss. Indeed, immeífiatuly that thfi epidemia influeuca mauifests itselfin a (omuiunity, the iiilubitaDts ot whieh ,should advpt a stringent diet, avoid all purf;:itives and every purgntive ahuaeut, living priueipally on rice in its various modes ot preparatioa, fresh meats, (that is, not salted,) roasted or boiled, or beef or mutton. JSciJutl fggs, chicUen broth or soup, very üttlo saltüd, and warm driuks in place of cold oues. Avoid is poison ons all acid fruits and vegetables. livon potatoes have been discharged undigest ed after a lapse of twentv hours, aac that by a robnst man, previously o gMid health. Every kiud of feimentec drink, as beer, ale, portar uud eider, is al-o very bad. In no oase, duiiug tht provalence of tbs cüsease, should waru or l'resh bread be ustd, and none lesb than a day old. Should one foei attaeks, by t.ho di arruoca or dysentery, the most p'Tfcot quiet in bed slioul i be enjoir.ed, wilh a light aud uutritious diet, with wurm drinks, with injee'ions of laudauuin, in one or two tablespoonfuls of warm water, - a dose üt laudauum benig a toaspoiiulül to a tablespoonful, aeoording to the forca of tho diarthoea. It, uilh this treatnient, the diarr'icea is cfr.ecked, although tho debiüty of llio stomnoh ooutinues, or, ao to .speak, the iiiclinatioQ to vornit, it ia of no'quence; the same thing occurs in taking blood fnun. a paiieut in the ordinary way. His nausea is of' no iinportance, ueithor iiitfaiutncsB and probtration, provided the bleodiDg is topped, beeauae, so soon as this is utïected, all these euune spontaneonsly. So, in tliis disease, suppres-inji tliu ciit-iharge IVoin llie blood-vesscls of tho intestinal oaonl by opiatJ and astringont injuotioiis, tho patiënt itf sai-ed At the samo tiuie, he miht trtke ten or tvvelve drops of saturated linoture of eamphor, as a restorativu and anti -spas inodiü cordial, every lionr, until it pruduoes a copious pL-rspiration. At ihe saine tiini', ho should be kept well oovered in bud, with hot biieks or bottles ol hot water at his (eut Mustard pla.teis on the bowels, when thero is iimch pain, are of exuellout etloot. As soon ac tho patiënt feels liimseli' I relioved, he believes hinist'lf curcd and nblo to go aloi;t bis usual uocupation, ' and ia geoerally auxioua to go out; this, hovvcvei', is extrerauly hazardous ; and that tlio curo inay be thorough and complete, he should be ktpt in bed and oholh) tjuiet fur, al least, two or ihree das ; a relapso is fatal. It is oeoessary to incúlcate the greatest cleanliness of persou and habitation ; quietude of mind ; to nvoid iruits and vegetables.; not to use stroug orfermoned liquoi-s, or to eat, except very lighty ; thus au atlack will ba avoided, and when not so, it wül be rondered' lesa dangurous.


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Michigan Argus