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State Fair Premiums

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The followlng premiums were awa-ded to Washtenaw County exhibitors at the recent State Fair : CATTLE. Short Horns- D. M. Uhl, Ypsilanti, best buil of any age, Degray 825 D. M. Uhl, best cow of any age 25 1). M. Uhl, best buil, 2 year old, Degray. 12 1). M. Ulil, best cow, 2 year old, Florence, 20 D. M. Uhl, beBt lieifer, 1 yr. old, Red Lady 8 Bain il Cooper, Sy lvan , b uil Hubbuck ... 10 tVorking Oxen - George O. Merriman, Manchester, best joke, 5 years old $0 8UKEI'. Ttoreugh bred Merinoei - George S. Wood, Lodi, best ewe 820 Michigan Fine Wools - 7Vm. M. Brown, Manchester, best buck, 3years old.J ï 8 Wm. M. Brown, Manchester, best buck lainb 8 Hemy Goodyear, Manchester, 2nd best buck lamb. 4 fleur y Goodyear, best 5ewes, 3 years old, 10 Wm. M. Brown, 2d best yearling ewe. ... 3 Ilenry Goodyear, best ewe lainb 0 Spanith Merinoes - Henry Goodyear, 2d best buck, 3 years . $ 8 TVm. M. Brown, 2d best ewe, 3 years .... 6 Geo. S. Wood, best yearling ewes 6 Geo. S. Wood, best ewe lamb 6 Fttm Implemento - E.W. Moore, Ypsilanti, 2dbest two-horso drill 8 3 E. W. Moore, best broad-cast seed-sower, diploma J. B. Cadwell, Webster, best ashes and piaster sower .. 3 L. Woodruff, Ann Arbor, seed and piaster model, discretionary premium , mended. G. W. Jenka, Ann Albor, straw-earrier, diploma G W. Jenka, threshing machine braees, diploma. Vegetables- Loyal ïower, Saline, best 3 Hubbard squashes loyal Tower, best peck white turnips. .. 1 loyal Tower, best peck yellow ' 1 Vomeêtic Manufactures - A. Derby, Ypsilanti, 1 bed spread $ 3 AfpUt - Amateur List - J. Starkweather, Ypsilanti, 2nd feest colJection Í 5 JC3T At the late meeting of tlte Board of Regents, the proposition to remove the Obstrvatory agairi came up for consideration. Representations were made to the Board that tlieie was a división of sentiment in our City, not so much as to the removal itef. for nearly all would be glad to see it reraoved, but as to the appropriation of $16,OOÜ by the City to secure it. The proposal to remove not liaving come originally from the Regents or any of the officers of the University, the Botrd did not wish to proceed with the work at the risk of dividing our eitizens on so important a financial question, question more immediately affecting the city than tho University. It was, therefore, deter tnined'to abandon the project, and a resolution was paseed authorizing the thorough repair and enlargementfof thejpresent building, provided the necessary funls shall be securad without drawing upon the University fonds. It was intimated to the Board that if this course was adopted, our City would probably appropriate aay $3009 in its aid, in lieu of the $1Ö,OO offered to secure the reinoval. The Common Council has, thorefore, ordered a tax-payers meeting to be held at the Court House, on Monday evening next, to ct upon a proposition t appropriate $3.000 in aid of repairing and enlarging the ObserY&tory building, improving tlie streets adjacent thereto, etc. Our citizens, under the eircumstances, can hardly refuse to do this ■with honor to itself. J3CT The coutracts hare been let fr the ereetion and completion of the M. E. Church, corner of State and Washington Streets, for which the foundations is now being laid. The contractors are, for the mason work, Mr. B. Mount, at $12,500; for the joiner work, including, however. the cut-stoue and glass, Wines, Malloey & Doüolass, at ♦29,961. Add to these amounts, the contract pricefor the foundation, $1,500, and we have n aggregate for the building complete, ex. clusive of the cost of plans, lot, upholstering, organ, and " extras," of $43,9G1. We trust that the work will be done in such a manner as to refiect credit upon the contractors, the lenomination, and our city. i - G On Friday e eniüg last an attempt as made to rob the safe of Si,awson & Son, Grocers, corner of Huron and Fourth Btreets. Entrance was effected through the cellar, a hole drilled through the ouler shell of the door, and powder evidently used. The burglars were jirobably frightened oft. Our business men will do well to be on their guard. ■ in in JC3C The Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County will meet in annual sesiion, at the Court House in this city, on Monday next, October 9th. Those having claims gainst the Couuty would do well to remeraber this tem. t At the special election held in the Township of Lima a fortnight or more go, to vote upon a proposition to refund subïcriptions paid to fill the quotas of the town, 157 votes were polled, Hiving 5 majority ín favor of refunding. Ly Prof P. C. Porteh has orgaolied classes in Vocal líusic, and also in the Ltht Gymnastics. Last Winter Prof. P. met with good Buecess as an instructor, and we trast may do so tlii season. His classes ineet In the hall in Krause's Block. L- Brookkk & Clayton's Gorgia Minstrels will givs another one of their nhibitions at Rogei"s Hall, tbisevening.


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