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rjiHE BOOTS AND THE LEAVES -l WlI.LbelortkeHealii:g oltlie Nationa. JiibU. l'UE GREAT AND CF.J.KIiKATKl' PHYSIC1AK of the I L'HUOAT.LUNUS, HKAK'l , I.lYhfi AND THK BLOOD, I Known allover thecountrv as tue CELEBIÍ ATKD HERB DOCTOE I uf '.IS:! Superior Slreet, Cleveland, Ohio. Willvisit tho following places, viz A?I'OlNTMENTtiF(mi8ü5, 186and 1807. ,'rof H. J. I.yims can be consulted at the fnlluwing placesevery mouth, viz: Detroit, at Ooaa House, oppositc Michigan Central Depot, each Rtontta , S3nd ind ''rd. Kaliimazoo, Hurihcli Houe, each month, 13th and -9th. .lackson, Ililtard House, each month,20. Ann Arb" t Monitor House, each month,2Ifit. A'aldion House, each mou'h,24th. Toledo, Summit SUeet-House, each month , 25th and Uut CLf:VELAND, OI1IO, RES1DEN0E AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STKF.ET. East of the public aciuare, opposite the PotUoffice. OHicP A:yo each month, lst, Sd, 41h,Sth, Cth, 15th.- Ollicc liuursfrom 9 A. M. t 121!.iiJ f rom 2 P. M. to 4 1'. 11. OuSundayfrom 9 to 10A. M.,andl toSP. M. J-M:iximsstrictly adheued to-I give snch balm as Htxn no strife, With nature or Lhe laws Of üfe, With l!i)('. iny hands I never stain, Noipoison men toease theirpain. Ucis a physician indeed, viko Cures. The ludían Heru Doctor, K. J . l.YONS, cures the following compiaintsin the most obstinate stageuof their existence, y'v.: _ ... ,.. DiseaBesoftheThroat, Lungs, Heart Liver, fetomich DropsyintheChest.Klieumatism, Neuralgia, 1-itB. óiF'allinL'Siclcness.andallotheruerTousderangemonU. Alsoalldiseawsoftheblood.suchas&crofula Krysip. fclal Cancers, Fe-ver Sores, I.eprosy, audallotheroom"'ïnrmtS'dïuicultis attendeu to with the hUhoped"that no one wlñd.paJr of a curo until theyUaveüiventhelndianHerb Doctor' Med.c.nes a ri , uuKaithrultrial. iO.During the Doctor', travéí iu ■urópe.West lndi.-s, South and the Cnite, Sta'o . he has been the instrument ,n God' hand to restore to health and vigor thousands wl„, weVegivenopandpronounced incurable by he most Tminentold school phyaician; nay, mor, thouUMÍ X ere on the verge of the grave, are now hvmg monuments to the Indian Herb's Dofltor' skU land "Blessed betheday wben Stit wc saw and partook of the '1K?!X.Sffi! e 8aa.y and ZL&ZXrAoí,tUX he WU1 i„ „o wisedirecüvorindirectly, induce or cause any iüvaHd to take hiB medicinexyithout the 8trongest prob''MÓdVoamination.whichisentirelydiffcrBn, frnm the fxculty Dr. Lyon profesaos to discern diïo"Z' Xv the oye He therefore ask noquestionx, nor and all, md have the.yraptomB and looat.on of your of charge. rH'he poor shall be liberally considered. rPostofflceaddrobox 26fi3. Cleveland, Ohio,Nov. 25.1862 1y886 TUST OPENING 1 The largest Stook and best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOPAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, G-lasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES. &c, ' c, and all othesgoodskept in tlie best nml laríesihouseK in Ü. e country. We Keepno second hand oriituieor Vuctinn q1s. Collin l-'ept constantly i n aml,and n. "nier My gool are offereil at THE LOWEST CASH PRSCES N B. I muit have menoy. and respectfully rerjuest thi"e lndebtea,t(o oall and il up their old matters without.elay. Q m MARTIN Ann Albor, Oct. 6, 1863. 925tf RKAT CLOS1NU OUT ! A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Gonta' FURMISKING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Jloth-, Satinets, &c.? DOMBSTICS, SHOES. HATS & CAPS, Orockeryi GROCERIES, &c, Are to be sold at prices tliat willguaranteetlxeir sale N. B.- The largest Stock of Cahco and BrownCottoa in the City at less than Manufacturera prices. The highest pricc paid inTradeor cash for all kinds of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. T UMBER YARD ! C. KRAPF, Has a líirgp and well stocke Lumber Yard, on JefferBo'q Street, in 1h6 Soutb part of the City, and willkcp' con.stantly on hand a.a oxcollent variety of ; LUMBEH, SKiNGtLKS, LATH, dU. wlnch will be sold as law as can be aftoi-üiMlin thU market. Qiiítlity aml pi-ices uch th-at ao o-ne neíi go lo Detroit. COXBADKKAPF: Ana Arber,Dcc. 0Lb,18ö4. Ucöll COHÉN UE'S pulmonic iYiy?,! SEAWEED TONIO, AND MANDBAKE PSLLS. TheaboTe íh a correct líkt-nes.s of De. Sclienck. just after recuvering from UÓD&umpfíon, man; feavwago Iïelow is alikeneas of him as ho now appcaiR. Wlien tbe first was Inktn he weighert 107 poundfl ■ at the present time hi weight is 220 pounda. X z V' ' xíe1 i Dll. SCHENCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory is at the N. E. corner of SIXTIL and COMMKKCK Strtets, Philadelphfa where all letters foradvice or business should be di rected. Hewill be found there every SATURDAY, professionally to examine lungs with the Ri'spirometer, for which luw fee istbree dollars ; al) advice tree. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAY, froni 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. At the MARLBORO' HOTEL, Bnston,.Tanuary 18 and 19, February 15 and 16, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 and 20, Mny 17 and 18, JuueK and 15, July 19 and 20. The time for my%eing in BALTIMOlïE aud FITTálíURü, will be sten in the daily papers of those citiüs, Ihe llistory of Dr. Schenck's own Case, and how he toas cui cd of Cvnsuinplion. Jlany ytars ago, wliilst röBidïng in Phila'lelphia, I had progiessed graduiüly into the last stage ot Pul muiüii'y CoñsujDptiori. All hbpes of my ret-overy beinji disMpüted. 1 w ;is ;tilvised by niy physician, Dr. I'nrrisb , te remeve into the country. Mooreatown, New Jeisev, being my tiative place, 1 was removed thithcr. My father and all bis family had lived and died tbere - and died of l'uhnonary ConHinDpiioi]. Oti myarrival I was iiut tu 1 ed, where I lay for many weeL-n in what wasdeemed a hopeless oondition. Vr. ïhornton. who had been my Intliei'w family physieian, au', had uttended him in his last 11 nes s, was cal led to see me. He thoughi my case entirely beyond the reacliof medicine, and dfcided that I mast dio, and gave me om weck to arrange my temporal affairs. Iji tliin npparpntly' coudition, 1 heard of the remedies which I now make and Bell. H aeemed 'o me ihat I could teel them working their way, and pënetrating every nervefibre, and tiáriue oí my system . Jly langa and liver put on a new action, and the mor bid natter which for years had uccuinulated and irritated tlie dilïerent organsof thobody, was tMitnimued, the tubercles on ai) lungs.ripened, and J expectórate.! f rom my langs as much as a pint of yellow offendve matter every morxiing. As this expoctoratioD of rantter subsided, the feverabated, the pain leftme.the cough ceased to harass me, and the exhausting nigiitaweats were no longcr known, and I had re'resliing sleep, to which I had long been a stranger. My appetïte nuw beg.-n to return, and at times I found it difficult to restniin myaelf from eatiág too inuch ; with tuis return of health, l gaine ñ in strengtli, and now nm tlfiKhy. 1 am now a healthy man, with a large healud cicatrix in the middU lobe of the right lung and the lowcr lobe hepatipexl with adhesión of the pleura. The Iqft lungis sound, and the upper lobe of the right one is in & toleiably heilUiy condiüon. Consumption at tliat Linie wustliouglit to-beanincurfible dis;ase, by eviu-y one, phy.' ician.s a.swcllan those who wore unlearnedin mmlicino- especially such cases as were reduced totlie comiilion I was iti. This induced many believe my recovery only teniporary. I now preparad and gave the medicines to consumiitives for some time, and made many wonderful cures ; and thedemand increásed so rapidly that Í determined tö ollVr tlicm to the public, and devote my undivided attention to lung disea-es. Intruth,Iwas next to forted to it,for pcopie would eend for me far aml near, to a.scertaiu whether their cásea wmelila' mine. Kor many yearR, In conjunclion vith my principal office in lJhiladelphia,I have been making regular pro lessional visita to New York, Boston, Baltimore, and. Pittsburg. For several years past I have made as many as five hundred examlnation weekly with the "Respirometer." For sueh examination my charge is three dollars, and lt tnables me to give ench patiënt the true condition of lus disease, and teil him frankly whether he will get wullThe great reason wliy physlcians fio nnt cure ConKumptionis.thtit they try to lo toomuch; they glve me icines to fitop the cousch, to stop the n weats, hectie fever, and by so doing they derange th s wholo digestivo system. locking up the secretiuns, andceventualUr the patiënt dies. 'i'lié l'ulmouic Syrup Ís one of the most valuable medicines knowu. H is nutriënt, powerfully tonictand healing in itself. lt contains no ojiium, yet loospnti the phlegm in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws itoff with littleexertion. One bottïe tïequently curen an orflinnry cold; hut ie will bè woll first to take a dose of Schenck'n Mandrakê'a Pilis to oïeanae the stomach. The Pulmouic 3yrup is reaflily digestod aiíd absorbed intoblood, to whichitl mpart its hniling properties- lt is one of tb e best preparatïona of i run in use ; it ia a powerfu' tomo of ltfMslf; and when the SeaweeoTonk dissol os the muciiH in the sturaacli, and U tarriod off by the aid of the Mandnike Pilis, a bealthy flow ol g;istric uice, gooöapptite,and a good digestión fliow. "fte Seaweed Toij ia a sUmulant, and none other is requirnd when it is nsoil. lt is pure mul pleasant; no bad eftöfltt likewhcnubing Bourbon wbiüky. which disorrtera thoütomach, toipor the liver, lock up all the secretions, turns the blood into water, dropsy Bete int and the patiënt diessuddenly. Bourbon whisky is recommended now-a days by almost every physkian. Mnny patients thnt visit my room, both mili and female, are stnpefled with öiii poison. The relief is temporary. If tl'ey cough they take a little whisky ; if tl)ey fcel wek anrl fooble they tako a little whisky ; f they cannot sletp, they take a little whisky ; and they go en in this way, requlrlnj more and more until they are bloated up. and imagine they are gntting fleshy. The stomach, liver, and digestivo powers are complétela destroyed, and lose their appetite fr foo'l. No one was ever cured of consumptlon by this procesa, where cavities have been formed Inthelungs A little stimnlant is frequently beneticial to consiimpüves, such as pure brandy or good ■vines ; in many cases London porter or brown stout in moderate quanlities ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on instead of curiugconRumptlon. The Soawced Tonic prnduceB lasting resutes, thoroughly invigorating thestomiich and digeslive system, and enabling it to oümlnate and n ake into healthy blood the food wliich niay b used for tlint pufposi - lt bso wonderful In its effect Umt wine glass lull will iliirest a hearty meal. and a little of lt taken before breakfeít will give a tone to the stomach whicli few medicines possess the power oi doing. The MANDRAKE I'IU.S may be taken with entire safety by all iges and conditions, nrnducing all the goodresuHs thfit can be obtainud fr&m ca lomel, or a ny of the mercurial medicines, aiu'. without any of their hurtful or injurious results. They carrv out of the svKtem tho fcóulcnt and wovn oul matter loosened and dinsolved by my Scaweed Tonic and I'nlmonic Syrnp. - It will heseen that all'threo oi' my medicinea are needed in mest cases to curoConsumption. AGENTS. BOSTON- George C. Goodwin h Co. NKW YOUK- Bemas Barnes & Co. 8. B. Hance. Pr. George H. Keyser. CINCINN ATI- F. E. Suire & Co ., and .Tobn D. Paik. CHICAOO- Lord & Sinith , and H. Scovü. ST. LOUIS- Colllns Uruthers. SAN FRANCISCO- Hostetter, Smith & Dean. ƒ■■ Mribvillüruitglstsand Dxalers. 3y995 Cl LOKEN ÜJ3 j ( SEWING fê! ACHIMES, j PUOTÜGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTUliES, FRAMES, 'HREAD, SILK, MACHINE O1L, fc. The undernigned now offers the public THE BEST :f .a. dm: i il, "sr SEWSfyC MACHIKE I3ST TJ SE. FOK. DUUAB1LITY, BEAliTYoJ STYLE,and ■ VAR1ETY of WORK, it "STANBS W ISEte15 It neíls only o be Heen t be apiVrcciiitfnl - Runs the wüfk both ways, tulles four kinds il stilchcs, lu-ms, folls, gjitliprs, braias, bind', rjnilt.s, giituws and kows on p, rnCflp at the samo titne. &è#U f'mm thiniu'st to tlie tHickest fabric witliout changinf; tiio stitch, tíMi.-íicn or neoille, or without breakin tUe thread - "ïhe Wonder of the World! Also a variety of Hip mrst bcautiful rHOTÖCRAril ALBUMS, P1CTUÜEP and FRA5IES [fa grent variety. and pic'urcs iramcil to order at short nniicp. Also. liARNÜM'S SELF-SEWF.K or TUOKKR, which can be adj usted to any Sewing Machine. 0t1 it the sign of the FLORENCE SEWING MACIIINK, a few .loors Eat of Cook'B Hotel. Stilching Neatly Done to Order, Also, on exhibition,thecelehrated " WEED SEWING KACHfNE," wliicli toik the premium at the Micliigun State Fair, of 1884. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 28th , 1864. 9HUti rriHE GREAT CRISIS ! 3ST. B. COLE & CO-S have ust opened a LARGE STOCK of BOOTS f SHOE8, purchased since thü GREAT FALL IN GOLD! which will bo sold ata BUEáT REDUGTION FROU FORMER PR1CES. O Their Stock ncludes the 3Laatest fiatyles and the QUALITY is the BEST IN MAAEET. G1VE THËM A CALL before purchasingelscwïiere. O E EP AI R.IN G Neatly and Promptly Done, Store West sitie of Court House Square, two doors Northof the Old Frauklin. N. B. COLE, A. D. SEYI.ER. Ann Arbor, April, 1665. 1 qO6 HÏSTOBT OF TEE WOELD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of the principal Co ntrib ittarH to ikc Dic.tiovariés of Ui'ttk and Roman Antiquities, BiogTophyy and Geog raphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Since Sïr VValter Ualeigli solactd hit imprisonment in the Tower by the comosilioii of lus " Historv of the World," the Litorature f Kügliiivi lia liever achievtd tbe work which he ieft uuliniluA,l4p ïliere have been " Universal Histories," front te bulk of an encycloiifulia to tho mo.-,t ineagre outhne, in which the anuals of eiicli nation iré r;eparately recordad ; but without an atterapt to trace the story of Divine l'rovidenoe and human progresa in one connected narrahve. It is prot)0sod to supply thig want b y a work. condeused euongh to kei it within a reasonable size, ' Dut y et sof uil as to be free f rum the dry balness of an epitome. The Literature of (ermany aboundn n i tory, - suchas those of Muller, Schlosser, Karl von Rottock,Duncker,andother8, - which at provethedemaud for sucha book, and furuish models, in aonie dogree,for ts execution. But own tbose sjreat worka are aomewhat duficiont in tliat organic unity wliich is the chiet aim of tliis "Hist tv of the Worlfl." The story of ourwhole race, like that ot eich senar ate natmn, has " a beginning, a muidle, and an en'l." That story we propose to follow, t'rom itsbeginning in the sacred records, and from the daw-n of cirilization in the Kast, - tnróugn thesuccessive Oriental Empirep, - the rise of Überty and tbe perfection of heatben polity, arts, and literature in Greece and Rome, - the chanac which passed ovor tbeface of the world vhen the light of clmsti.inity spraug up, - the origin anfl first appearance of those barbarían races which overthrew both divisions Df the Koman Empire, - the annals of the States which rose on tne Empire' ruins ncluding the picturesque details of medieval history, and ihc eteady progresa of modern libcrty and civilization, - and 1 he extensión ol these iniluences, by dis covery, conquest, oolonizátión, aud Chri.stian missions, to the remotest regions of the earth In a word, as separate historiën reflect the detached scènes of human action aud suffering, ouraim is to bring inio one view the severa! parta which assure3iy form onc great whole, moviugouwards, under tbe guidanct' yf dTtId8 Providtiiice, to the unkuownend ortlained iu the purposrs. Xo paina wiilbe spared to raako tma ht story scliolarlike iu subsance and popular in tyle. Itwill be founded on the best au horiti(s,ancient and modern, origiual and secondary. The vast progress recently made in historical and critical Inrftrtijitlnñfi, the resnlifl obtainedf'rom the modern .science of comparative philology, and the discoveries which have laijj open new sources of infofmation concerning th, , alFord su-ch facilitiep asto make thQ_present a fitepocli tor u r uudortaking. f- The worK will be divided iflto jthree Periods, oftch complete inítself, and will forra, Ëigkt Volumes in Demy Octavo . I.-Ancient Histoby, Sacrftd and Secular: from the Creation to the Kallof tlie Western Empire, in A. D. 476. Two vo'uwes. II. - MKDiEVAr. Histohy, ('vil and Rccleniastical ; from the Fall of tbe Western Èntprreto the tnkínjgor Constantinoplti by the Turks, in A. p„ 1453. Two Volumes. ITT. - Modern IIistory ; trom the Fa 11 of the Byzantinn Kiïtptre to uurowuTinitís. Four Volumes, It willbepublisliud in 8 sols. ft to. Price in eloth, #3.30 per voliune. Sheup, $4.5U. Half Moroco, SíS. Volume 1 now ready. Agents Wantod ín all parts of the Country. Applieatiojis sliould be niado ut once to the PublishD. APPLKÏQN & CO., 2amtfiS8 443 & 444 Íoadway. N. Y JJER MIRROR MAY Sattsfy a lady that her dross is faultless, hut 25c investcd in "Spanish Rouge," for polishing Pilverware and metala of all kinds, will add more to the bright and r.hfdrf ui sppearancfl of her happy home tlmn one hundreO dollars expended in new wnre. LAIUKS give itone tri il, and you will .join vitb ub in BEyJDjt that it iinpro es the appearance of your l'arJnrs find Kitcbnsone bnndrt'd per ernt. For f urther partícula we rfer yon to our advertisement in Detroit Maily Papera WAM.AIE & KRT.SO, Western Whóteiiale Agents, Mei'riil Block, corner Woodward and .Tefferson Avenues, Detroit, Michigan. 8TEBB1NS & WIU30N, Agents, Ann Arbor. 3inl016 JULlUtí üAüElt & CO., Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EJVOPOIIITTM! WAHEEOOMfe IN " CROSBY3S OPERA HOÜSE," (i9 WASHINGTON STREET., New York Warerooma, 650 Brnadway. Wholesale Agent for the ü. S. for O EL E B U A T E!T; Qold Medal Piano Fortes! A to tlio relative meritB of tiloso PIANOS, ve woulil refer to tlie Ortilicates of Excellence inour pORWSHlon frmn TIIAlDF.R,C()'TSí Hfl),K, STHAKOSCH, G. NATTER, H. VIEIIXTK.TIP9,T-OVIS STABC and K. MfZlO, Musical Director of I he ltalinn f)jera, ns also from sume of tho most ilistinKuislieit ProfesnorR añil Amateurs in the cuuntry. All Instruments guaraiiteed for five yiars. ALSÓ, AGKNT3 FOR SOJ3BBLER & SM1TH, BOAKDMAJV & GRAY, A. H. ALE &CO., AndotherFirst-Class Piant. We have the I,,iR(EST and BEST ASSORTEB STOCK of PIANO.S IN TDK CITY, which fur Power and Sweetness of Tone, Ea.ay and Agietable Touch, yndüeauty of finish, have, by judges, been pronouncert unrivalled. Particular attention paid to the stlectionui Instruments for rüstant nrderi-, and a privilege of excliaage granittl at anj time witliin six raontaf , ii the 1 riuncnr stiuuld not prove entirely satitfactory A liberal discount to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. libara I. WHOLKSALE DEALERS wij} find it to their advantagc tu giv u's a call,aKby greatly incieased facilities we aro eonbled to till orders with dieiiatch. OUT Persons in want ofaRKALLY FIRST CLASS PIAXO trial do well to cali before purchasing ülsewhere, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART, NEEDHAM &CO'S CEL. E BR ATBI) HARMONIUMS, MELODEOJÜIF AI,SO FOR GEOKGE A. PRINCE ds CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufacturera aud Importar oí MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars. And other Musical IHercliandise, The Silvrh and Tïraps IpTBrjinyTS, of our manufacture and IrnportatioTi, are ued by most all of the beat Bands in the United States, nu wbeuever c%liibiteil have alway.s received tUe tiolu Medals aml uigueít TKEMIUMS. Havingconncction iith Manufacturinp; Housep in Berlín, Lsipsic, Üresden, Engtand and Paria, w are preparedto fomish DEALERS, BANDS and INPIV1HU4LS, witli bvery article in this line, at the lowest manufacturers' prices. UE91EMBER THE PLACE, JÜLIUS BAÜER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CÍ1Í0AGO, - - - - ILLu, 101'2 New York Warerooms, 650 Broadwaj . 1SJEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOF BEIRT81 ; J. W. BRADI.EY'S New Patent DÚPLEX ELLIPTIC (or doublé) SPRINU SKIRT. rHIS INA'ENTION consista rtf Düplkx (or two) : i.n-Tic Pubk Kei-jnkd Stkki, íSprinííéí, Dgeiiiously !iuiiki tigiiti.y and niíMi.v together, ehgk toicixíE, naking the toughrst , most flfxible, elastic and duÍABLBSPRmG ever used. They seldom henu or hkkak, ike th" Sínele Sprints, and consequently preserve their erfectand beautiful Simpe more than twice as long as iuy Single Spring Skirt that Ever Has or Can be m;ide. THE wonderful Ne-;ibility and great comfort and íleasure to any Lady tvearínu: the Dúplex Elliptic Skirt viU be exgericnceil particlurly in all crowded Asemalíes, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Pai's; Church I'eu , Arm Chaira, for Promenade and House Dress,asthe 5kirts can b' folded when in use to occupy a small ilace aa eanily and cftiiveniently as a Silk or Muslm Dress. A Iady ti&vlng Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Great ('onveniencc oí wearing the Dúplex Elliptic titeai Spring Pkirt íor a Kinglo riay will Never afterwards willinjrly dispense with their usu. Vor Chiliiren, MisSes and Voung Lafiies they are superior to allothers. THE H00P8 are oovered with 2 ply (ïouble tnisted tlu-ead, and will wear twice as lung as the Single yarn covering which is used on all Single Hoop Skirts. Tha three bottoia roda on every Skirt re also Doublé Steel, and twioe or doublé covered to prevent the covering frora wearing off tke rods when dragging down stairs, stone Hteps, &c. , &c. , which tbey are constantly subjeot to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quaiily in every part, giving to the wearer the most gracfful and por'ret ïihape pos.sible , and are unquegtiouably tho lightest, most desirable, cojnfortable and eeonomical Skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADI.EY ít CARY, l'KOPRIETORS of the Invrntion and SOLK MA NTKACTrRERS, 97 CIIAMBKEÖ, and 7! k SI KKADE STREETS, New Y.irk. FOR SAI. E in all tiist-class Stores in this City, and tlin.iiuhi'ut the United States aud Canada, iíavaua de Cuba Mexico, South America, and the WWt Indies. INQUIRE KOR TUK DUl'USX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUHLK) SPRING tíKIRT. am1024 A. & C. A GENTS WANTED -FOR OCKGREAT ÍVAT1OINAL WORK, Tlc Iilfe, Times and Public Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By DR. L. P. BKOCKETT. Thla wolk is enttrely new and original, amJ contaius more of his early History, I'olitioal career, Speeches, Message, l'roclamationSjicc, togother with the scènes and iuciilents conneoted with liis iragic end, tlian any other work publiHhetl Teachers, hulies, energeti'; young men, and especially reiurned and disabled officers and soldiers, m want of profitab e employment, will find it peculiarly adapted to their eonrlitinii. We. havo apents clearing $150 per "rornth,whieh we will prove to any doubttng applicant. Send for circulars. Address jo:nes brothkrs & co., No. US Wkst FontTii Sr , 3ralO25 Cincinnati, oliio. TTOTEL FOE SALE! The valuable property u the City of Ann Arbor, known as COOK'S HOTEL, ia urn nlTered for salo o-eap. Inquire immodhitely on the premises of J. F.AVBRY. Ann Arbor, August 8th, 1S65. 10J1W Mortgíige Sale. DEFAT'LT havmg been made in the concUtions of ( u cortaiu Mortgage made, anctaxecuted by Lucy A. Markliam and Thomas 8, Markham, to the cd, Julia D. Lyinan, báAiiag date the ten h day of ' April, A. I), elgütesn h'undrcd and íifty-síx, and ' ed in the ornee of ihe Registef of leeda of the County i of Wash'enaw, iu the Sta1 e of Michigan, ín líber twenty-two ofMortgagea, page five hnndred and thlrtyfuur, ii the fifth day of May, A. D. eigh een hnüdrêd and fifty-slx, opon which ama Kortónge tinere te elaimed to b ;itie, at the date of ihte uotice, miiu of flve himdredand ninty-nine dollars and fñxty-eight cents, and the costs and charges on thw forecloaure, LncIucUuiE rëaébuable charges for attorm-y's services as provided ( by s:iiil fttoftoage, andnotnm arlaworinequity Ikuíhlc been institatw to recover the ainount eecuiíed to be ' píiid ly s;iid MortL'afíC, or any part thereol', and the ' power f ale ronlained in said Mortyae haviujr j come absnlute r Noticé ii therefore hereby irivcn, i that sald UpitgBíe wiH be forecliwed by a saít! OÍ tho Mortgaffed preraisea, or so nmch thereof as may be feqtürea to satisiy the amount dne (jn s:iid Mortgage, fox principal and intcrj.--t, and íhe costf?, chaifiee and expenpes allowed by law, at public vendue, to the higheit bidder, at tht; trWiuth door of tho ('mrt Ilouse, in'üu! city oí' Aun Arbor. ín --aid nuity of Wanhtenaw (that boinjr the place wheve the Circuit Conrt for Paúl uoimty in held,j on Saturday, the eihteentli day of November next, at ten oVlock in the fpreöOon, wiiich waM premisfw so to lf; wwM are dc-i-ribed fts follows, viz : Lots number etf, and seveiL, in blook number three SQuth of ranLrc number fonr east, in tlie city of Aun Arbor, Wa.4it'u;iv Connty, Michigari, EtcCOFCokg to the recorded plat of the villa-'e of Ann Arbor, and bemj,' thc same lands convf-yed hv thé undersúíiiecl, Julia D. Lyinaji. to said Lnt;y A. Markham, by deed, bearing even date wüh BaidMortgag. Díited, Aun Arbor, AugtWt 24th, lRÖSj JULIA D. LYMAN, Mortgageff. IIiram J. Bea,k.i:s, Attomey for Mortgagee. 1023 Mortgage Sale. "T7 HKKEA.S, defuult has been made in the oonditfons VV of a certain Indenture of Mortgftgei made and executed on the twenty-third day of December, A. I). 1845, by Peter F. Kanouse, to me, the iindersied, whic.h Mortgagé was duly recorded on the thirticth day of December, aloresaid, in Líber No. 12 of Mortraês, on page l'iii, in the oilï;e of the Register of Deeds aud Mol-taires, in anti for the Oonnty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan ; aud, whereas, there is now due and unpaid on said Mortgage and Noíe accoiripanyrag the same, the snm of éüíí ; and, tthereas, oosmtor proceeding. at law or eq.uity ban been insütnted to re'cover the saine, or any part thereof : Kow, therelOre, uot .if'c is hereby given", that, by virttie of a ]over of pitle ín said Mortpie conthined, I shall sell at Public Auction to the bigbeet bidder, on Satnrday, the lSth of November ñext, at 12 o'cloek, M. of aid day, at the front door of the Circuit Court Hou', in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Cöiyiry of Washtenaw, the premises described in said Mortaye, to-wit: The Kast half of the Souh-Wcst Quarter (E' of S-Wi of Srction No. 4, in Township No. 4 South of liante No. (' East, the said premises being 80 acres of land, and sltnated in the County of Washtenaw, aforesaid. Dated, Augnst Idth, 1R05. C. VAN HUSON, Mor;ga;ce. Moobe & Geiffin, Atlomeys for Mortgayee. 1022 Estáte of Joseph F Jenninga. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CowTity ef Washteuaw, ss. n Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Wasnteiiffw, made on the iiwenty-ülth day of September, A. D. 185, ."ix months from that date wen; allowed for creditora to pceaez thoir claims agfeinst theestate of Joseph F. Jennin-xs, late of said Couutj', deccased, asm that i!ï ( redïtors (ïf eaid deceased, are requircd to present th&ft clüims c: said Probate Cowrt, at thi; Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for imunïnaüon and allowance, on or bofore the twenty-sixth day of "Aiarch next, and that ' suih claims will bc heanl before saiil Probate Court. on , Saturday, the twen-thirdduy of December, and Mou' day, the twenty-sixtb day of March next, at ten o'olock in the l'orenoon of ehch of tfaase davs. II1RAM J. BEAKiCS, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann ArbOT, September 25th, I9ÖS, 302, Tr II AT E VER Y BODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN GET YOU ÜP A BBTTER SUIT OF CLOTHËS THAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. - o - PLUMEE & JENNINGS can "PTX1 ya very iUCH BETTER than J'qu sïin hope to be FÏTTEl) elsewhere. o PLUMEE & JENNINGS eau SELL L'JWER than anj otlier Firm in i&nn Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMEE & JENNINGS have on hand the best assoitment of Fnrnishing Goods, this side oí New York, which they will elï at pnces wliicli wiilinüuce all to buy. y. B.- Gïay' Palentcd JIobloü Callar. Universal Cullars, S;uin EñmelCT Byrno CtíHaYB, fine ffrftt Öyri Enamelel Collar over manufactured ,) Fiench Printci! Collar, Ward's Priied Collar, Le Beau Ideal Gallar, ninported] Garden City Collar, Patin Enaiöekö,' patent , Butun llul(j, New York Kxcelsior Lïuen l'ajjer C o l&sf , F. A. 'IT. & Co'tj Improved Paper Collars, Uassaspit Paper Collar, and ín fact evorv discription of lper Colars manufactured, constantly on hand ia large quan; tïties. Secoml door South of Public Square, Mam Si , Arm Arbor, Michigan. ,'lOOTtf ff - n ft. O O W O , Hl _l 'm u. LM 2 O Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [öucceasors to A . J.Sutherlandp] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouehes Game Bagt, and Everjother article lb thatLine. All kinds of HEPAIRIBirG dooeattlu' whorteiit aotice, anti intiiebcnt maauer. a fuHasim-1nHnl;ilv;ivsltpt on hand and made order a, Shop sorner Mm and WashingioD sti et. AnnArbor,Oct.8.1S62. 873ti Estáte of Thomas Wcod. -TATE OT MICHIGAN, Comity of Waahtenaw .. 3 At a sessius.-of the Probate Cuurt for tho (■„,,. ■ f WashtenaW, hoSen al the Probate Ollke ?, ?IT Jityof Aun Albor, on Mouday, the twenty3k 5 ,i September, in the year one thousnnd ek-lit hu! riVS ui.ULxiy-live. ' """red Present, Hiram .T. Bc:ikcR, JucIl'c of Probate In the matter of the Estáte oí Thomas WuxL á oeflaed. Ou reading aud filing the petition, duly reYilltii John C. Wood, praying tliat Thomas s. .SambS1 Í somo other sultaWe persuli may be appointed Adu Int trator oí tlic estáte of said deeeaged. "' Thereupon it is Ordered, thnt Monday, the tvnt tliinl day of petober uext, at les o'clock the fore'noon, Be assigned for the hearinir of '5 petitiou, and that the widow and hars .,t ]', of j-.-iiil deccaued, and all other persons iatéréicS In said estáte, are reqülred to aupear at i Kl.s; ' , Biüd Conrt, theu to be holden nt tin; Prubiitc üm'i , I of AMI Arbor, and show canw, if ,v ïw be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouia 'nntl gl'anted : Anil il is fnrtlu-r onlercd. that Said petition i.'i-iMio;iv to pcrMiil" ilitcrc-ird in BsiestaU TXf ttw pi iidency of said letitiim, aud the hearbiK thcróf ftycaosingrcapy of this Oak-r tn be pnbljfed ÏÏL' Michigan Argus, a newepaper pnnted and cirraJittoiK said Comity, three siiccessive weeks preflout Ui sa ia day of aeaiing. (Atruecopy.) HIKAM .r. IKCAKFS l-'s JuJge of Pruimte. Estáte of Norman M. GumruingsT OTATE OF MICIIK;AX, Cot m v ov Y miïkk4 ,, O At a seseibñ of the Probate Court lor Uïe Coantv ï Washteiiv, holden at the Probate Utliic. }n the f'it of Aun Afbor, on Wetoesday, the twenty-senenS!S of September, in the year oue thonsand eight hundred and f-ixtv-üve. Présent, Hiram .T. Beakes, JncI.L'e if Frotóte In tiie i:ttter uf the Krftate oí" Norman M. Ctmmins, deeeased. On rearting and flllng the petifion, dnly vcrifici of Denntt -f. Kix-lcwell, Adniiuistnitor of ' gaid estáte prayinir tli;t he may be lieeused to ell eertain realp tfitë wtréreof safcHteoeaseddied suiced. Tliereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the istb dflT of November next, at ten ócïock in theforenooa.1 aBsned for the heariag of ?kid pctUion, and that the heirs at law of said flecased, aud all other pete ,n Ilt . ested trt èaiffeutate, ure required to appear at ;i eesstnJ of said Court, then to be holden ut the i'rolute Oflire in the City of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if anyffcra be, why the prayer of the petitioner shirnld 'notie granted : Anti it is further ordered, that said petition er givè notice to the persons interesfced in saicl cptate of the pendi-ncy of s:iid pedtion, and Uie hearing tfcri of, by causing a copy of this Order to be puUlshed in the M'-hiuan Anjut, a newspaper printed and viicnlating in said Cowity,. four success-ive week ïjreviou to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.} . HIKAJI..J. BEAKES, 1088 . Judge of Probate. Estáte of George W. Lumbard. QTATUOF MI(;BIA"N, Cocuty sj. ii At a session of the Probate Court for llie Countvot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otiicc. in the City of Aim Arbor, on ThursiUy, tlïe twenty-íirstdíivof September, Ui theyearone thonsand eight haiKlrcá'íSd sixty-five. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In tlië matter of the Estáte ut George W. Lunibird OeceaMd. On ronding and filing the petition. dnly verified, of Antoinette 'Lumbanl, praying thnt TIoratiiiG. Ltsnbard may be ïippuintitifAdBliniL-lriltor ie 6okú non yí thft estáte of gaid deceasèai Thereupua it in Oi-dered, .Uuit Saiurdaj-, tïe au day of OcLober next, at ten ocjock in the torenoon ]je assigbed for the hearmg of salfl prtitión, aml ttatiSt heirsatjaiy.of aid.decea_se,d, and all other neraoiifcterested in eaid estáte, are réajiif e-d to üppear iit, r siiui of suid (,'onrt, then to be holden at the Prokte Office, iu the City of Aun Arbor, and show caase, ifsnj therebe, whytfte'p'rayer of the petitioner shouHimi begrantwl: Aml it is further ordered, that yaidpetj. tioner give notice tn the persons interested in said e. Ute, of'tVw pcihien-.-y of BaiÖ iietitioii. umi the lirarioi thcreol, by causmg u copy of this Order to be unUidM in the Mirliigan Anus, a newspaper priuwj and dit latinj; iu said Coumy, thrce succeesive wfc yrerio to said day of hearing. (A ti-uc toyy.i HIRAH J. BEAKB8, Ipa8 Jrelgo of Frotatt, Estáte of Muncis Kenney, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cotnty c W uWftÜf „, O At a session oj the 1'robate Oourt tor thrCoiuilyo' Vash:enav, holden at thé Probate Office, ai tiïe$n of Anu Arbor, ou -Alonday, . the elcTOUlto l;iv oiiVptember, in the year one tliousaud cu;bt htmikniml sixty-ftve. rrisrul, Hinim.I. Bcuko, Jmlo ofPmbab-, Iii the matter oï the-Eylate of Muunis RennW.ièeeased. On readiug and fllinp the petilioa, dnly trit!, o WüliJih BUMtick, prayiiiï thsit some aMaHe pmm may bc appointed Admiui-strutw uf Ihe csUitc ut said dsceaed. Tharenpofl it is Ordena, thaí Mondar, tta aii day of October next, at ten ovlock 'iu the tirr noou, bc apyiiiücd ftr ïhn hoaviu of psitl ■;■ tition, and thar the wMoiv and iitïr at,iir of Báki Ounyi.:d, and uil othcr pfHï terésted in said estáte, are requfrt-a 1 af ffít í a seesiou of aid Gourt, tht'ii 10 be holden at theïidt Office, in tht' City of Ann Arbor, incl ■: aiiy thi'i-o bei why the prayer of the peiiüniMrïWi no't bu ïranttd : Ajid it 'is furtbcr ordtreá, Itamï petitioners gïve liotice to the perrons intereítediBíái estáte of the pendency of sïiïd petiUou, ana rte4fuvj; thereof, by üiusiuj; a copy of this Order iow puMished in the Mühitfan'jiirfliij'. a pró and civculatin, in sai4 County, three gjtccessiy trti previoua to said dav of üéiirmg. (A trac; copy.J ' 1UKAM J. BEAKES. 10'-'(i Judije of Probllt. . ,, Eb ate of Juseph Muipliy. STATE of MICHKiAN, ('ovnty oi ■■ Wabhtisaw, At a sfssiou of the Probate Conrt fur the Conntj of Washtenáwi holden at the Probate Ofike, feite City of Aun Arbor, e-ii Weduesdfy, the ihirleentjl _J of September, in the yt-iu' onc thouiiiDcloin hundred and Pixty-iïve. ! Present, Iliram .T. Beakee, Jnrtge of Prototo. In the matter of the Estáte of Josenh Murjifey, ceaeed. On readiug and flling the petition, dnly wññtl M Marcare! Mui-phy, prayinj: that fthe and WiUiara A. Jonee r.i.-.y be anpouitcd Aaministratos of the esiaM of sard déceasöfl. jrK-,-.-upu:i il is Ordcred. that Moiuiav, thenmmoT of October nexf, at len o'clofk in ilic torcwHiu.oeiuisimied for tlie ho.iriiiir of said pelilion, awlvbilt heii-s at law of said deceased, and all otlicr perso{ icïi reste'd i'.i said estáte, afe required U) appeat it!waion of said C'ourt, tlien to be holden at iliefroMí Office, in lliü City of. Anu Arbor, and stow WtU aiiy tb. 'tv bc. "vliy the ppayer of the petttibrófMön uoi l)c:rrautcd: And it ia furüier urdrML ttots' petitioner crive notice to tho persons mteresteomM eulatOj of Mie peadancj of said petitioo. aiicltticiLujj thereof by saifsing a copy of this Order toieMg li.--!ied in the M .auAiy ,.-, a ncwsiapor. iinnlM' ti aid CV-nuty, three suoctistivc wu 'ï' viens to i aid day of hearing. (A trve copy.) HlRAM J. BEAKES, 1020 J:k of Pro,, Estáte of Michael Walz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coitntï ot Wakiksa-O At a aesïiou of the Prebate Cniirt for the. CounW Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offiw. in W of Aun Arbor, on 3aturday, the sixteentb 1 "f, tember, in the year oue thoiisandeiglitlianu sixty-íive. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndgo of lTohatt. . In the matter of the JJstale of Micha deceasea. Aaron L. Feldkaiip, Administra í estáte, comen hito Conrt and represent fr! prepared to reuder his ünal account as titch AcmflJr trator. . , Thcreupon it i? Ordcrcd, thnt Mond&y, tbc sul"," day of Öotóbër uext, at ten o'clock in tlio Wf be assinued for cxamiuine: and allonlM " account, and that the widow and M - law of Rtld diwased, and all other pw bitereeted ín saul estáte, are reqnired to PPitait session of said Cohrt, then tobe holden at the n. Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in sai'l lj show cause, ifauy thcrebe, why the siud """SS not lic alioived: And it is furtherorfered,B!J Admiuistratorgivenoticc to the persons "'"ÏJ,. said estáte, of the pendéucy of said account "f" V int: tliereof, ly eaialng a copy of tliis Order to n , lislied in tlie Miihujiin Argus, a newspaper, P""?;-. drculatlng tn said County, three. Bnccessive ■ vious to said dav of heaiiiii;. 1T.rc CAtrucopvo lUKAM Estáte of Lawyer - MSbo STATE oï MICHIGAN, C..u.ntv oï Wa6"S-3 At a session of the rrobate Court for j ,j of Washtenaw, hulden at the Probate O'11, „. of Ann Arhor, on Monday, theeightoenthaoy temher, in the year one "thousand oi.ïht nl"w sixty-ü'e. .nf Present, Iliram ,1. Beakes, Judge of ?nT,hW In tin: matter of tne Estáte of Hnry Catna",, ver, Willimn Heurv Lawyer, Fanny I.a!1 '■ orí - tawyer, Johü Lawyer, and Charles La'W'jTrf On reading and ttling the petUiun, diily OwSij,- noy Hawkins, that Traqy W.TRoot m! K pomted GnorauB uiuo eaW minors. Bisteölt'i Thereupou it is Ordered, that Mondav, tne ; -n day of October next, at ten o'clock ín tm be assigned for the hearing f .si" Vod and that' the next of kin of said minora '0 „. other persons interested in said 'TtWt'0'" quired to appear at a session of said Cm"V, „( .10 holden at the Probate Office, in the ui fl, Arlor, and show cause, if any the.r' ,td:the pravcr of the petitibner shonld not K S' .p And it'is further ordered, that eald jietitlonor _ o(kf, tice to the next of kin of said minora ;.rfü persons iuterested in said estáte, of the peu peiiüon, and the hearing thereof, bv ?-?'iif of this Order to be published in the ■":','", ',,t.'H newspaper printed and circnlatingm ■■„ succe.ssive weeks previous tn said day 'ij '.rpc. CA trae copy.) HIHAM 1 gïïfi Estáte of Ferrand Gaine' QTATE OP MICHIQAN, County of 'jMSjL Noüce is hereby given, that by au o de ieetf bate Court of thé County of W'ashten.w. "iis„„# twenty-eighth day of September A. V. mw ,rf from that date were allowed f "Gai,,r' their claims sgainet the estáte oí fenJaWS of said County, deceased, and that all ' ,,,„; deccased, are rcciWred to presen I ' ,' tï rf.V Probate Court, at the Probate Office m '„r;. Arhor, forexamination and allowaiu-o. on g, ,,; day of Mairh uext. ■ ,, ,N_ claims wifl be heard before said Pi obate . nrday, the twenty-third ,tay of l'f"' „t, I dav, the twenty-eiirhtlt day of JW , ... o'clock in the forenoon of èartiol tlw-c HIRAM .1. BEAKES; g i' Datcd, Ann Arbor, September 28tn, 'Jjl.t' FOR SALE!il( n ïibusEs anp tors, wov';;i;u;& 'U $5,000. Al8DeTewlifflPTgEiruïiïy A,. Arbor, .,. W"1


Old News
Michigan Argus