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The Michigan Argus

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l'tiblisheiitvory Friilay morning,in thethird story of tliQ brick btock, corner of Maiu attd Iluron Sts., ANN AttUOit, Aïteh. Kntrauceon Hurua rftreet(opptsittthe f r a n k 1 i n . ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terms, $L OU a Year In Advance. :Vdvcrtls)ligOnesquare (12 lines or less), one rok, 75cents; three weeks $1.50; and 25 MnUfot f jry nsertioa there . f ter, lees t han three montbK. lue square 3 mos $4.00 i Quarter col. 1 yem S'20 9ui square 0 mos 6.00 Half column 6 mo 20 On square 1 year 9.0fl Half column 1 year 35 Tvrosq'res 6 'inoB 8 00 One column 0 mos. 36 Tiro aq'res 1 year 12.00 [ One column 1 year 60 Cards iu Directory, not to excoeJ four lines, $4.00 'VlVertiserB to theextentof a quartor column, regutlr throughtlieytar, will be entitledto have thiir ,rd in Directory witliout extra charge. ■"3" .dvortiseaieuts unaccompanied by writteuor rartll lirectionawilH.e published until orderinl out, "STSÜSSSSi4 insertion, 50 ; cent. per folio 25 cents perfnliofor fch subscquont irscr ion. ff!,,,',, a potpcnemcnt is ,JWto an tavert.seir.eni the wholewillbecharsedthesameasfor Brstmaertum. .Tol PrSnU.isr-rampliKits, Hand Bills. Circular, ards Ball Tir.feets, Labels, Blank. Bill H-Kds, and ther rarie of I'lain an.i Fancy Job Printing.execna vvith prorap1ness,andinthe be.-.t style. Cartls- We have a Rublos Rotary Jard Press and a Urgevarietv of the lateststyles of Cayd type euables u to "print Carts of all kind. ."the watest noMiblestyloakocheaper üian any oth-rhoue,n the city. Ba-ne40rn fór m,n oí all aTOcatioM and protlon.,BH, Wi.d.iin.. an Wisiting Carfls, printed on shortnntice. Callandsee samples. BOOK B1VDIWG- Conncctedwith tlio Office sa Bok Binderyincharge of two Pr'rí"B;h CountT Recoro, I.eiRr,.roarnal8. and allBlnnlR' m do to ttrier, an.l of the best stock. JamP'1'''-: g r,nodicalSboundinaneatanddnrablemannPr at DerMtprices. Entrance to Bindery througi. tho Aigus Jfflce.


Old News
Michigan Argus