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The Board Of Supervisors

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The Board of Supervisor of i tenaw County met io annual Bession, pursuant to )av, at tb e Ooart ETowej ra Ilifi City of Am; Arbnr, on Monda}', Üct.ober 9ib, i805, at 11 o'olook. A. M. The rolt was calli-d py the Olerk, whn thofullowiug Supervisors auswered to their nmnea ; Aiiroii Cliil.'.s, Augusta. Peter Oook, ïürk. Allen rittenden-, 1'iUsfield. ! (ruige ]orr, Sharo1.:. j John O. Feiilknir.p, Freedom. W. A. Jones, Dextcr. CunnrfS Krapf, lst. &. 2d. Wds. A, A. Oity. Ezra D. Lay, Ypsilanti Town. Daniel ir Baron, Biidgewater. Robert MoGoll, Webster. James tMi;,Vahoii 3J. 4th.5th.WJs. A. A. C'y. Eoswell W. Parsans, Saiiae, Josepl) l'iay, Nurtlifield. Newton Stíeldotl, Lndi. Horneo A. gnjjftbi Sylvan. Müi ri. Tlioiupdnt Lima. Edwaro Trèaaw'ell, Atm Arlror Town. l'atrick 'Tuoiuy, Soio. Calvin WIippIci', Salem. "Thomas Youhü, Lyndon. Mr. Thompson moved that Hod. Jas. McMíihtn he elotted Chairman of tli9 BoarJ. Caffied unanitnously. Mr. XieColl movodtbat tlte Chairman appoiut tho usual Gonmittee3 - to be aunouaoet] to-morrow rnoniing. Ü;irritiii. Mr. Jones moved that the Board meet to-morrow, at 9 o'olock, A. M. Carried. Tuesdav, Oot. lOth, 1865. The Board iïiel pursuimt to adjournment, at 9 o'clock, A. M, Hod. Jatues McMahon in the chair. Koll oaüed. Present a quorum, the followicg Supervisors not preseut yesterda)', ausweringr tn their ñames : Mínchester, Arthar Cas-a. Ypsilanti City, lst, 3d & 3d Wards. Hiram 13atchelder. 11 " 4th & 5th Wds , John Gilbert. Jourual ot' yeeterday read aad approved. Tne Chairraan announced the followiug Stauding Oommittees : On Equalizaïion - Messrs. McColl, GilLort, Thompson, Tuomy, aad Crittenden. On Criminal Ctaims - Messrs. Krapf, Jones, aud Lay. On -Civil Claims - Messrs. Thompson , Yoong, and Cook. To Settle with County Officers - Messrs. Dorr, LeBaron, aod Cole. On Salaries of Cuunty OJpcers - Mewsrs. Smith, Bbeldon, and Wheeler. On Apportionment of State and County Taxcs. - MeEsrrs. Paisons, Childs, and Batchdder. On Compensation of Members Messrs. Butehelder, Case, and Wheeler. On Rejected Taxes - Messrs. Crittenden, Yourjg, and Pray. On Public Buildings - Messrs. Treadwell, Feldkamp, aod Smith. On Per-diem Allowance - Messrs. Lay, Sheldon, and Parsons. On . Uvjinisked Buildings - Messrs. Dorr, Gilbert, and Cook. Mr; Jones moved that a eommittee of six be appuinted by the chair to divide the couuty iuto Kepresentative districta. Which motion was, on motion of the mover Isid on the taCle. Mr.' McColl moved that a Committeo of three be appointed by the Chair on Yolunteer Roliet Fuud. Oarried. Met-srs. Thompsoo, LeBaron, and SbeldoD, vvere appoioted such Committee. On motion of Mr. Jones, the Board adjourned to lialf paat bne o'clook, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met at IJ o'olock, P. M , pursuant to adjournmont, and was called to order by the Chairman. lloll eaiied. Present a quorum, the following additional Supervisor, answer. ing to hisaamc : Superior, Ezekiel M. Cole. Mr. Sheldon asked leave of absence for Mr. Case, of Manchester, for au indefinita period, on account of sickaess. Leave granted. Mr. Crittendon moved that tho mation of Mr. Jones relativo to appointing a committee of six to divido the oounty into Representativo districts, be takeu from khe tabte. Whioh motion pravaifed. Mr. Oitlenden moved to amerd by making tho committee to oonsist of five instead of six. Whiuh inotion prevailed, when the motioB as amended ascarried. The chair aunouueed the oornmitteo os follows : Messrs. Jones, Krapf, Praj, Lay, aad Parsona. Mr. tíilbert moved that a committeo of three bo appointed by the chair to recuivo proposale froiu the 6everal publishers of tUis city for reporting and publishing the proceedings of the Board. The chair appointed as such oommit tee, Me'isïs. Gilbert, McColI, and Dorr.. Mr. Cole afeked to be oxcused frotn attendance upon tho seissioiis of the Board for two days, on account of sickness in his fainity. On motion, loave of absence was granted. Mr. Childa moved that no claims of any kind be reecived by the Board after Weduesday, Oetober l,8th, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Wiiioti rnotiou prevajttsd. Mr. (.ilhert moved that the eoinmittees ou claims he inslructed to allov tiu ciabas againsí tl. e couuty wnhout the, aiBdavit of the Isifnnn s that tliey litivo rettdered the services and have rêeeived no comjieiisatión therj-foir, unWs eerliüvS l liy tho proper office. Whiah motioa prevailH. Mi-, Col-e moved to adjotirn until 9 o'clock lo morro iv wornii'.'g. Whioh motioa wus earricd, aud tho Board tkereupon adjourried. ErS íomio iJoubt bavS arisen in the inidfis of many of our ciiizens is to wliich ono of khe. proposod railroad routes from this pjgge Soulh we had better íavor ; the oue via Ann Arlior or Monroe.. Smne eoutend it will tnake uo öïfference, if we aan secure the réad. Wc proposc to yivo B lew reasons wbj the latter sl)ould lie :d-'ptcd Let ifc 'ju reireinheied that in building r raHroad Southward from this vü(ge, via Millord, Norlhville and Plymouth, crossing tho Michigan Central it Wayne, and lèrminaling at Monroe, several iniportiint considerations ad diess themsolves to business men, touchit)g the valuu of such a ruad, taking purt'ly a commercial -view tliereof. In the tirat place, goods or produce shipped ! or frtini poluts North or West of this plaoe, must pass over the D. & M. Kailway ; Inerefora that company enj 'ya the exclusive monopoly of thiá iininense carryii.g tradü at exorbitant vates Iu building the road nbove alluded lo, and connecting at Wayue with tho Michigan Central, the door of competition is opened, and business meu are no longer ut thé rnerey of extortion, and free to patronize a -toad aftording equal faailities to say the least, and at a mueh rcduced tariff of freights. - Ilolhj Regiser. We are confideut that the Register gve$ je citizeus who are in " doubt" very oor adviee. What Holly, and Flint, nd the whole Sagiftaw Valloy waut, is pt another rond by which to get lo Deroit, but a road to connect them at 'öleab with the South shore system of oatls, a:id tha roads to Cinciuijati and the Sciuthweat, It will hardly pay Uolly to vote a fivo per cent tax oí pay largely by individual subscriptious, to get i railroad íimply to compete for Ihe carrying trado beween Holly aud Detroit. To do so wojld be the sheerest folly imaginable. But if Holly, and the w'iole country North of it, can have another market opened, or bö conneoted directly with a net work of railioads tjow out off from theiu, tiiey 11 bo greatly tbe gainers. This can be dono more direetly by the projiosed road through Atm Arbor thau by the ooe to Monroe. It is nearer from Holly to Toledo, the poict to be reached to get aoy benefit ol the roads leading East, Southeant, oí South, via Aun Arbor than vía Monroe, whieh is a strong argument in favor of the Aun Arbor route. As a road is already iu operation írom Monroe to Toledo, it is true that more now road is required by the Aun Arbor than the Monroo line. But this will be more than cotnpensated by tbe Ann Arbor road having a wider and better territory to comniand the business of, and by furuishing vvhen completed one less corporation to deal with. 'Capilalists will hflsitate bufore constructiüg a road that will be so orainped for local business as will one from Holly via Wavne to Monroe. It will [ave too small a territory letween it and the Detroit and Milw'aukee, aud Detroit and Monroe roads, to liuiko it a desirable route. Tho Register bad better reeonsider ils views and go in for tho Ann Arbor road. It wül theu have " a road us is a road," iustead of a mere "plug." JfëST The late County Fáir was a decided sncoess, so far as its receipts vere concerned, wlnch amounted to about $1,500, a considerable oxcoss over any formor year sinco 1860. But as an exhibition, whtle there were nomo íiue Horses, Stook, Sheep, Manufactures, Fraile, Flowers, Vegetables, &c, &c, it was far below wlat a Washtenaw County Fair ought to be. We say this not to flnd fault with the managers - or any other ca.t-a in particular - but becausa it is tho truth, ainj should be known tliat impi'ovement may íesult. Now that enough has been realized to nearly or quite pay up all the indabtedtiess of the Society, of whatever kiud, we may anticipate the offer of' a move liberal and better arranged premium list for anothur year, and consequent thereupon a largar exhibitioD - in Cact suchan exhibition as will be wortby Washteuaw (Jountv. The farmers, stock-grovvers, wool-growers and producers of all kinds owe it to themselves to contribute their choicest specimens. Th premium ehould not be the inain object, but rather a comparison oí animáis, productious, etc., with a view to profit by the experionce of others IUïSSr President bas ordered the releasu on parola of Messrs. J. A. Campbell, of Ala.; John H. llegan, of Texatf , Alox. II. Slephens, of Ga ; Ueo. A. 1'ïenholin, of S. C ; and Charles (Jlark, of Miss.; t.hey to return to their sevoral States and thero remaiu uutil oaüed upon to aoswer to any oharges which may be preferred agaiust them by order o{ tha President, or until pardoned. _ _ g" A special meeting of tho Com. ni"ii Council was held on Tuesday evening, j j aad tlie action of the tax-payers meeting held oi iloiuliiy ereníttg coucuvred u.


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