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Citizens' Meeting

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At a meeting of the tax-payors of the city of Anti Arbor, held at the CTouft 1 House, on the eveoing of the 9th of Ootober, 18(35, and called fbr the purposo of tuking into cousideration tiio propriety of donating sueh sura as oright ba deeined necessary to aid in repairing the Observatory and ornatnenting the j grouuc!s,aud makiuggood streets around the same, his Honor, Mnyor Mattnakd took the Chair, and D. Cüamer, Esq., was anpointed Secretary. The follovving pruauibles and resolution were adopted by a vote-of forty igainst two : Wiiekuas, At a late meeting of the citizL'ns of Ann Arbor, the sum of 810,000 was voted to aid in the remova! of the Observator, and the Coinmon Couneil wore direeted to issue the Boods ol the city for that aniount ; and, Wiihreas, The Board of Regents of the University have declined to accept said donation, expressing tha desire rathor that the Observ.itory remaiu whcre it now is, and bo proporly repaired ; the'refore, be it Resolved, That we reqnest the Commoa Couucil to issue Bonds to the amount of 3,000, payable at sucb time as they see fit, with interest at 7 per cent. annuaily ; $2,500 of said Bonds to be used under the direction of the Board of Regents for improviug the Ob servatory, and $500 to be used in makiug streets leading to and around it. Eemarks were made in favor of said rosolutiou by Dr. E. O. Haven, Jamos McMahon, C. Krapf, Prof. Watson, L. Davis, and aguiüst it by A. W. Chase J. Peek. Aftor taking the vote Dr. Chase proposed to dónate $100 for the same pur. pose, and, on motiou .of D. Oramer, the donation was acceptud. Oa motion, the next Legislature was requested to legaliza the aetion of the Common Council in issuing Bonds for said amount. On motion, the meeting adjournod sine die, W. S. Maynard, Chairman. D. Crarner, Secretary. QP In the Detroit Free Press of Tuesday was an interestiog report of the discussions of the Indiana State Pomological Society, in annual session at Fort Wayne, touching grapes and the mildew which has spread its ravages so widely this year. Much of the value of the article, however, is lost, hy the repeated misprint of the naines of one of the leading varieties. It was Israella- nol Isabella- of which Mr. Knox spokeas a good but " Koung grape," and which was so frequent ly named by other speakers. lona is also misprinted throttghout tlie article as lorna. We notice these errors not in a spirit of fault-finding criticism, but beeause the general reader wil] be misled. ïO_ A correspondent ashamed to give his name, buthailingfrom "near Detroit," has sent ua #1.00 with an advertisement for a wife. If he wishes to adverüse in our columns over nis own proper signatura they are open to him,- though any man of sense can certatniyget a wife without,- but we wiab notbiog to do with the advertisement in its present shape.or with Ure answers it desires addresaed to our office. We hsve more respectable business on handtlian that of a "go-between" to a senseless old bachelormore likely designing knave- and girls of 'sweet sixteeu" or maidens "fat, fair, and foi-ty." J53L "Wo have received an anonymous note, signed " Fresh," euclosing what claims to be a verbatim copy of a letter written by a ■' Mediek," which we are requested to pubiish. We doubt the genuineness of the specimen, but if genuine have no use for it.- "Fresh" is advieed to cultívate his own style, and especially to remember that so "Fresh" a signature is not a "pass" to the columns of a newspaper. tW The September number of tbe North. British Reviaii has the following papers: Mr. Mill's Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy, Burlesque Poetry, Carlyle's History of Frederic the Great, Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart., Mr. Eussel on the Salmón. Sensation Novelists- Miss Braddon, " Frost and Fire." $4 a year ; with the three other Reviews and Blacktcood, $15. Address Leo.v aed Scott & Ca, 38 Walker Street, N. Y. SS" The Board of Supervisors convened in annual session on Monday, and organizad by jinanimously electing Hou. Jas. McMaiion Chairman. The proceedings of Monday and Tuesday will be found ia another column. Those of Wednesday and Thurs3ay we are compelled to omit to give place to the late Oounty Fair premium list. EPFrom Messrs. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, we have received " Lyrics of Life " by Roert BBOwmsa, the fourth of tljeir popular illustrated edition of " Oompanion Poets for the People." It contair.s over flfty of the favorite pieces of a favorite author. The pijnt is elegant, and the illustratiocs beautiful. Price 50 cents. Address Publishers, Boston. JKST' Prof. Watson, Director of the Observatory, announces that he discoyered a nevv planet on Monday evening last, at ld}4 o'clock. lts comparati-ve magnitude he places at 9J4, and gives itg right ascensión 14 degrees 45 minutes, and deelination 9 degre s north. Thia is Prof. Watsom's secoud Planot. S, A new time table went iptooperation on the Central Railroad on Monday .-rThe changes will ba found in the time caid - The mail train now goes East at 4.10 p. M., instead of 5 50 as heretofore. S&" Attention is invitod lo the advertisement of Joses Beotiiers & Co., in another column, headed " Ageuts Wanted for our Great National Work, ihe StandaJ History of the Rebellion." It promises to be a readable book, and deserving large circulalation. ■ The October Number of the Horticulturist has a vt-ry readable and instructlve table of contents. $3.50 a year - Addiess Gko. E. & F. W. Woodwahd, 37 Park ■, liow, +Tew rorJf. j


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