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"POOT KOT IN SSËEP can be tliorougltïy cure 1 by usïug WHITTEMORE'S CURE -FOKFOOT BOT IN SHEEP! It is jtftrt what it is repreiented to he, A PERFECT CURE. Aak for Whittemore's Cure, and tke no ether. The followlag Certiiicate Ís ;i sample of the testiuiniiii.1, constantl)' bfing reeeivtrl Ki ilakd, Vt„ July 14th, 1865. !■'. V. VFHlTEBMOJiSjEfiq., DsAR SlR : Hoving f ritd your Cure for Fooi Rot in Sheep, í wo ujd Bay fot ilie benefit of Shep Roisprq that 'hoy fihould loso ny i tne ;n píocu ring a bul t, le, as i oert&ioty wiil cure the Fom Kot inlees timeand with kis trouble Hi.-in uty prepWatiap of Biue Vitnoi or anytning else I have ever uscd. Y0UT8, truly, LEKDS BI1.IJNGS. F. W. W1ÏITTEM0RE, Sule Proprietor, Cliatham 4 corner?, Columbio Co., N. Y. KO'i SALE in Aun Albor by 1ÍBEKBACH & CO., So Aïents. 3mlO26. A GOOD TR E E IS KNOWN BY ITS FBOÍT. Sü ím a good Plijsician by his Huc?ea(ul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THKGREAT AND ORUinRATE PHY9ICIANOF THE ÏHROAT, l.UNGS AXD CHEST, Kriown all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDiAiM HËRB DOCTOR! From South America. A NKAT PA-VÜH].ET Of the Hfe(study and etnsive tr:vvels of Dr. Lyon6 aan bo procured by 11 who fl&slreohöj freo of charge . Dr. L will visit tho several placos aufollows : Jackson.Hibbard House, 20th . Ann Atbor, MooHor Houee, Ülst. Detroit, Cass House, opposite Slich. Central Depot, each month, Sdudand 23rd. Mode of Rxaminatiom. - The Doctor rliscerns diseasttP bytkeeyes. He, tkerefore.asks no quetioii8 uor reqiirespatients to explain iymptome. Afllicted, come audliave your.symptoins umi tlielocatiou of your dis eas exylained frt-o of cliare A CARD ÏO INVALIDO. AClergyman, wUIé residiug ín South Amei'ica as a mteflioüftry, dfaeuvered a safe and .simple reniedy for the Cure of Nervous Weaknes, Early Cecay, Pises sen of the Urinary and Bemiual Organs, nrl the whole train of disorders bronght on by bancful and vicious babits. Great numbers hav been already cured by tliis noble remedy, Prompted by adesiro to benefit the afllicted and unfortunate, I wil! send the rocipe tor preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who neodí it, Free of Cknrge. loclose a post paid envelope, add-esod to yourself. JOSKPH T. IXMAN, Siatiox Fj, Biulk House, 6mlO25 . New York City. Wíl ISKfSH ! WHISKKKS ! Do yon want Whiskni's nr Moustaches? ur Grecian Compound will foröe tltem to grow on the snioothest face or chin, or hair on bald heada, in Six Weekn.- I'rice.Sl.OO. Sent by mail anywhert1, clnsëly Boaled, on receiptoCprice. Addi-eas, WA RN KA & CO., Box 13S, Brookhn, N. Y. Iy999. THE BRIDAL CIIAMliER, an Essay öf WiLiTiiiig and ïnfitt'iictiou for Young Men - published by the Howard Assoniation, and sent fr e of charge in spalna envelopes. A .llrew, Dr. J. SKILLIX HOUGIITON", Fïoward Asaociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. ly99G Oldand young should use STERLXNG'S pV Foa The Hair. It preventa or etops'the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifiea, Preserves, and readers it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It ia the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mlO25 Ilifle Factor j! Beutier ik Traver, [SuccPssorstoA. JSuthcrlatul,] Manufactur-ers of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flascs, Pouihes Game Bags, and Everjother article iu that Line. All kinds of doneatthe shoctest notie1, and mt ucbest menner a f ui] assortitientalwayskept onliand and made order Í- Skop eorn-er Mainand Washington treets. Ann 1362. 873tf OEMEMBEB G. W. & A. SNOVER'S ia tbe Nortli door of Gregory's Ttw Block. G.W.SMBB. A, SSOVBB. 1008 rjER mirror1íáy Satisiy a lady tbftt her dreta is faultless, but 25e iuvested in "Spanish Rouge," far polisWog Hlverwsre and metala of all kinds, ïvill :ui more l.n the brigbt and cliBerful appearance of her liappy home tliua one Jiuudred dollar expended in wnre. 1 AIHKS nive il onctri.ii, and ynn wili j.iin vith ni in sajing that it improba the appraranoe f your l'arlor.s and Kitcliens ooe banáved per cent. For further pjuticiiliirs we ipfer yon to ulvertitieiuent in Detroit Düily r;itors WÁUíCE i KBI.SO, Westers Wbole1e Agent, Mewül Block, corner Woo.hviird and (eflerson tii, Detroit, Michigan. STIÍBBINS .V W1I.S0N, Agents, Ann Arbor. 3mlO18 rISSOLUTION OP CO-PARTNERSHIP. The co-part;jpr-hi. hcretofore cxistinK twtveen the eiibscribnrs, the fivm and style of 1!. HOOPER fc BOM, lx tlïlscjsy hsr.]vcd by mutual cnnwnl ; per'. IMM claims „cainat tb late iirm, will nléüse present toepi tor adj t, and all per.-nn indeMei (.) the said Dtq, will pleau cali immediatcly and settlO. K. HOOPER, F. B.IIOOl'ER Ann Arbor, Sept. lst, 1865. 6wlO25 ' OTICE! The businesa nf Brewinj-, in its rariosa branches irUl be cnottaaefl at the fW üta-l of the Ia1 dna bv the anaersigne.l, who, thanKful fr past patroiiaüe hopes for continued favois. F. B. HOflPKB Ann Arbor, Sept. Ut, T8"5. 610J5 jySSOLUTION. Ihe co-partnerphin herelofoie aAatUg etween Drs. Lewitt ii:l'.reiikey,waidiolv..d Jan. lul. 18P3 , . „, I.ETTJTT & UHEAKFY. J-ngatt 22d183. 3m]0 15L1SS & HILL IIuvo just recoived A LARGE STOCK OF GODOS which t!i!-y (ira sqlliag at REDUCED PR1OES Consistiría Ín p;irt of thü foUowm : CLOCKS, WATCIIES, JEWELRY, Silvcr umi PlatCd Ware, TABLE & POCKET CÜTLERV, SÜRGICAL IHTSTaUKEriTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c.' Please Give T hem a Cali ! I CLOCKS, WATCIIES; & JKWELBY, KEPAIRED BY EXPEEIENCED WCRKMEM, At the oM stan-i of C. BLISri, Ea&i stöc of Main Street. Ann Ar.bor, Micliigan. C. UM&S, A. T. ini.r,. September 26„h, 18Ü5. tflQ28 Y ' ■ { h f.;.Vv. .4 i OF TI1E LATKST STYL1S itL_jH SK. BATS & CAPS ! H Straw Goods I RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostricb. Featliers, TRUNKS, VALISES, Gents' Collars, Canes, QLQVES, HOSIERY, &c, &c. BÏÏITALO JBLOBES ! A Spientlid Assortment of GENTS' & LADIES' FUR GOODS ! riease 'ïallaad examine for yourselves. B.- Particular atu-nti.m paid to RIÍURESSING and RKl'AIMN LADIES' CAjftS &MUFI-S rif-itly reüneá anJ ( ei lyvpt by experieaced hands and at reaóOnable THOMPSON'S FÜR STORE, HUBO STREET, Ann Arbor.Micli. ' C'Tlie highest cash pi ice paid for Furs. :imlO27. JJATS, CAPS, AMD STRAW GOODS! JOHNSON PIERSON ïiiivo rcceived llic largest stock of wmm mm ever brouííht to )his inaikot, wliicb tliey aresellingat veryLOW PüiOES. The stock consfets of- GENTS' SILK HATS-all st.ylos. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- uil kinde. GENTS' STRAW HATS. 0H1LDRENS' STRAW CArS AND HATS. CHILDREXS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HAT.S. ENTLEMENS' FÜRNISHING GOODS. UMBUELLAS, CAEPET & TRAVEL1IÍG BAÖS. PARASOLS. TRAVEL1NG BAG8. HAVERSACKS. SUN DOWNS. SUAKERS, and in fací, all goods pertaioing to tüeir trade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIN STREET, - - l.OlOtf - - ANX AR7ÏOR. rjO THE LADIES. GEOEGE H. REED & CO. 'S ''pHE constant climand wohnvohail Tor LIQUID DY KS X lias uducei! cus toput up n complete Un of 40 Miades all JLiquids, whicli wil! recominend thempelvos tn every onewbo hns over used Liquld Üyoñ tor Biilliaucy of Colors, Siinplicity of TTse, Certainty of Satisfacticn. (Complete Directions for uso wltb cvery package.) USE THE BEST ARTICLE, See Certijic.nlesfrom tmlncnt Ckemiatt, on etcch piclmgii. Samples noliinlly dyed with ench of the color on si)k aud woolen, may be serai at the Drug Stores. ?SOLD EVEK-YWHEKB. F3 If yon delire to insure OOOD C0L0R9 inquiro for UiCEiyg DOMEBTIO DYK?, and iaU un oihcr kind. EORGF. H. REED & CO , Bosf'on, Slanufactar.-tN. FARRAND. SHELEY & CO., Agento. 6mlO25 Detroit, Michigan. THE MASÓN fc HÁML1N CABINET ORGANS, rorlj njffcmit s',vl-s. ndapfed t sncrtd nel secular niiisic, forïSO to SlWn .:icli. THiRïY-KIVE GOLD or .SII.VKR MK: ALS, ot other first premiums awardert I them. Illus.trateai"iitalogneJ fr.o. AddreKB, MASON tt HAMLIN, Bobto.v, or MASON RROTHERS, HEW I Yom. lyW25 )


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