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We see riothing to hinder our competing wilh any State in the Union in growing wool. Immense qnuntilies are now being shipped for the eastern nrirket. Besides our exporte, there is a large amotint that will be manufuctured, fiuished and consumed in the Stale. This is as it should be. Small tnamifucturing eslablishments are springing up in the different counties wh'ch can be supplicd with maehinery of any kind and to ony atnoimt, ai the shortèflt notice by onr enterpnsing neighbors II. Si R. Parridgos & Co. Among the mercantile eslnblHhments of Detroit, we notice our old ond tried friends, T. H. Eaton k, Co., lias a large and valuable stock of Dyevvoods, Machine Cards, Reeds. Shuttle-, fcc whicb be offers on the mosi reasonable terras to Clothiera and Wanufncturere. These arlicles being inported to tliie State in large quanti'ies, enable the consurners lo supply thcmseives at home at a leís expense tlian they could obtain 6mall amounts fromany foreign market. It is hoped that the facilities offered for mnnufneturing wool in this Slate will induce hose ocqnaintcü with lbo businoss to coinmenee operations among us. 'J'his alone an! a large amonntof moi:ey that is now sent out of the Stute would he expended among us, to the mu'.ual benefit of all. (L The Cincinnati Ilernld has letters addressed lo the Liberty Convention n that place from Horace Greeley, Win. M. Seward, John Jay. Cassius M. Clay and Elihu Burritt. These are all able writers, and men of powerful intellecls, and their letters being written with care, upon the most important subject now before the American people, cannot fail to interest Ioth the patriot and tho politician. We slml! publish them all next week, if we can make room. 05a" The Bostomana intend to have thp trade BOt only of the West, but of the North also. They are now debating the best route for a railrood fiorn their city to Montjeal.


Signal of Liberty
Old News