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F rom the Journal bf"CÍhiüier. It ie app'irerü.Iy impo.-siblo to eitimato Mio coMsuiription oí oystera in New York, ranoj hmul'O.i thousan is are ca:n everv wéeR The traía in this city is not only immcne but exoeediugiy prnfitabio to t'ni e urfgsged in it. The fíncst flivored bi val ves a-re fonnd hei e, and frnm this point are furnia-hed a large propurtiön of those ued in the Western States. A larga part of the uystera consumed by our citiscns aro caucrht in T:ipnan bay. in tha Iïudsoi) lliver, dis tant sorae thirty miles. Theso areonuht wlmn thoy aro niuall and sold by the bushiil. They are then plntited in tito numerous b;iyou8 iu the neighborh'M! of this city and along the sound, lcft to gr ow and qet fat í'or a yuar or two, whon they aro brnught to market. The t'ieshness or aaltness ot' the oysfer depends ontiroly upon tlio wuter ia which it is planted, and any of the dealers can furnish a fre-h or salt bivaly as required. Two objeufs are iu view in transplautitig the oyster ;. to bave the different transplanting depots conveniout to the local trade, and to improve the oysters planted in variou waters which (lifter in fonn and reguiarity. Fr instance, the East Itiver oysters differ awaentially froin those grown n Tappan Eay, and ;the sarne is true of other varieties". The bost oy.ter that comee to market are the Saddle Rooks. Years ago the supplies f rom this quarter were extensive, but now one large dealer could sell doublé wliat are brought to the city. - Thousands of buhels are, however, planted in the neihborhoocl, where they grovv hoarty and fat. The Blue Poiot oystor is next best, and hardly inferior to the Sad'lle Rock. The lecality from which these oysters are obtained ia on the south coast of Long Island, and tho ti-üde is couclucted by u fleet of thirty ir more vessels. The Shrewabury oys ter is caught in Newark Bay, and trans planted in Shrewabury Rivor, There are very few natural growth oystors found dow in that river, ülthorigh the water is tidmirubly adaptod to tho health of the bivalvos Tben there is the Mili Pond, the Oyster Bay, and Lloyd's Hiirbor, tho Norfolk, and Cold Hprings, ,ind an endless variety of other oysters duily brought to tho niarket in this city. The Irade in the Virginia biisinoss is eoDstantly increaf-iug, some seventy-five to one hundrcd vessels being employed iu it. These vesseh carry from 2,000 to 5,000 büHkets, eaeh containing 200 oysters. Unless thu State of Virginia does somëthiiig to prohibit people living outsido of that from gathering oysters, the business the coming seaaon will be large, and pnces materially cheapened. Tlio Virginia oysters aro brought to this city of various growths, and sold without transplunting. They are generally frcsh oysters, and not to be compared in richness of flavor to thosegathered and planled in tbis locality. The sea star, a ñsh in the shape of a star, gets ita entire living by dostroying the oyster, setting on the shell and euokiug out the life. LiUterly there have been attempts to ahip oyatei's to Europe, and tho plan is feasible, if oyaters are carefully paoked, say in November. The business in this eity is very prcfitable, both to the dealers, and their einployers, the latter reeeiviug frora $15 to $30 per week for their labor. The price of oylers has beeu iucreasing for mauy months past, but if the supplies coming to liand do not fall off prices ranst decline.


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