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'ÏMIE fttJOTö AND THE LEAVES I W'll.i, frë i'oj thelleaiii.g ui tho NatipOB. mui e. '.;at axi) klkbuaïki) rmvici vw of the TíiHüA'iji.L'.VCÍS, HKAlï'l , I.IVKH AKOJ TilK BLÜOD, Knowu allovcr hecquifct'rv as tLe CliMBIUEATKl UTITI.A.T'T ÉÏErRB DOCTOB 1 Oí" 3Sü -Superior Streetr CleveUiud ,Obioí Will vi.sit the followi-ng places, viz, API'OIN'TMENTS FOK 1865, lS6and 1BC7. Prof. H. J. Lyonn eau be consulted at the fn}ïowig places evuvy Dionth, viz: Dütroit, at Oasn IIuse, opposite Michigan Central Depot, eacb month, -JJinl and --'rM. Kalamaxoo, Curdick JIohkc, each mouth, T'filh and -9th. Jackson, Ilil Vard Hou Re, each month, 20. Aon AïV , House , each month, Sist. A'aldion House, each mon'li. 24th. Toliiilo, SummiL Si.ri.ct JIuuse, HM& muntli, 25titl and 2bt CLEYELANO, OHIO. RE8IDENXIE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kast of the public square, opposite the Postoflice. Office dnyacbmOntli, l8t( d, 4tb, öth, Cth, löth. - Ullice hourstvwm 9 A. M. te 12 M, and from 3 F. M to 41'. M. UnSunilaj from 9 Ui 10 A. ll.,antll to 2 P M. J-Maximsstrictly adhered to-. I K've such balm as have no ritrife, With iwtnre ii tïx !yof L'Me, With hor.dal ïweratain, Nor poion men toease tlteirpaiD. He is a physician indeed , wkn Cures. The Indian Hert Doctor, K. J . IA' ONS, cures the following oompiaiutsin the most obstinate stuges of tlieir esistenee, viz: JliseiiBCRortbeThrnnt, Lung, H?t, I.iyer, Stomach.Dropsy intheChent, RheumatiHm, Neuralgia, Kits. or FallnSckness,andilllothernerTousi1orangraioiits. Also slldlseaeenof the blood,uch aSiofula, Erynip. ehis.Cancers.Feverrtore, I.eprosv, and all othercomplicátcil chr.miccomplainU. AlllormB of fomale dUUcultiea attended to with the happiestresultfl. . It ishopei tliat noono willrtenpair of a cure initil they havo given the Indian Horb Doctor' Medicines a füiraii.lúiithlultrial. l-During the Iravolsin Huvopo, West Indies, South America, and the United States, he haK been the instrument in God's hand. to restore 1o health and vigor thouaands who wei e given up amlpronounced incurable by the most eminentold school physicians; nay, more , thouHand whowereon the verge of the grave, are now living moi,um?nt8 to the Iudiütn Herb's Uoctor's akill and 3ucoeasfultreatment,andarediilyexclaiming: "Blessed betheday wlienflrst we saw and partook of the ludían HerbÓoctOï's medicine." Satisfactoryreferenccsofoares will be gladly and clicerfullyKivenwhenoverreriuired. TheDoclor liledgeshis word and honor.that he will n nomse,directlyorindirectl.Y, induce or cause any i ïi valid t o tal;eh is medicine without the stronge.stprobabISr 'woifr'ii'foxaminatioil, whlch 8 entirelydiffeTBnt from thefaculty. ir. I-yon professes to rliseern dieasea by the eye. He therefore asks noquostions, nor doe'she navtet patientsto oxplain symptoms. Cali one andall.indlinvotl.esyinptoniK and location of jour disense.ixplaineiHree of charge. JT-Thepoorshall beliberall.V considered. fj.j M. T, . Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 55, 1862 lyS80 TUST OPENING! The largest Stock and best Bssortaient of ÖABINET FÜRNITUSE ? ever brought to this oity, including 8OFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS OENTEE TABLES, BUREAUS, OHAIRS, XiOOlS-lnS CarlC.eSIOE3 Gilt Trames and Mouldings METALIG CASES, &c, " c, and all other goods kept in the best and lar et housea in tl ecountrr W ïeepno socond hand ur ntnrenr Auotioñ good. Coffln kept constimtly i n and, and made to order. My goods are offered at ! THE LOWEST CASH FRSCES K. B. I musthave money.and respectfully requesi those cali and áx up their old matters withoutdelay. q MARTIN. AnnArbor.Oct.6,1883. 82Stf pIÏEAT CLOSIJG OUT A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! G-eiita' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, öloth;7 Satinéis, &c.? DOMESTIOS, SHOES. HATS I CAPS, Crockery GEOCERIES, &c, Are to be sold at prices that willguaranteetheir sale N. R. - The larfreet Stock of Calicó and íírownCotton in tlie City at le.s.s than Manufacturera priccB. Tlie highest pricc paid inTradeor crfsh for all kinds of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. T "ÜMSÊa TAftpi C. KRAPF, Has aliirge nd yreH stücked Luinbcr Yard, on JclTeraon Street, in 1h Sohtfa part of tlie City, and will koeji constantly on Imud au tixcelU'iit vanety of LUMBEH, SH1NGLES, whicl) will be sold as low as can be afforded in this market. (nality and prices such that uo one necd go to Detroit. CON RAD KIUPF: AtH Arbr, D. 6th, 1864, ÖfciÖti SEAWEED TONIC MANDRAKE PILLS. fik Thoabpve is a correct likcness of. Dr. Seil'HfcL?jUs1 a f ter rpcovoring from Consumptinn, manj yoars híco Below in a Iikencss of him as he now appears. Wlien tli e ÖTst was taken he weígheá 107 pounds ■ a' the present tirciehbi v.rei;ht 'a 220 por.nus. ' V, ''t1R. SCHENCK'S Principal Office anl Laboratory is at the N. E. cornei of SiXTU and COMMKliCK Streots, FhiladeJphia where all letters foradvice or business should U: di rected. Hewill be fnutiil Üirrc fvcry SATÜRDAT, profespion;tl!y to exi.raine lungs witlj tbe Respi rometer, for ■which hts fee is thrce dollars ; all aüvice freo. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, everr TULS DAY,, fnmi 9 A. M. to ' l M. At the MABtBÓRO' HOTKLjBofltdK.January 18 am 19, February 15 anrl lfi, Mjuch 15 and ir, April 19 atld 20, ilny 17 ind IS. Juiiel4 and 15, July 19 and 20. The timo for my boinj in IÏALT1MORB and PITTSBURG, will be sten in thadaily papers of thosc citiüs. 2is lliüory of Dr. Schenck-s oum Case, and kow he was cured of Consumption, Many years ag", wliilst reaiálng in Philadelphia, I 'had progie.ssed gradually inlo the laat etage of Pul mouary Ciinuniption. All liopes of my recovery being dlasipatéd. I wasadvised by my phyician, í)r. Parrinli , to remove into tho country. Mooveátown, New Jersey, bein my native place, l was removed thither. My f,atl)ernn(1;)li lii.s family had lired and rlled tliere- and died of, IfqbnoW y ConsumplioD. On my arriyal I was put to ! cd, where I lay for many weeks in what -asilreined a hopelesH condition. Dr. Thornton. who hfd been uiy iath?r?s family physician, and had nttended íiim in hipïant tllness,wáa.calSed to see me. He Lhought my case entirely beyond the reaefc of medicine, and (lecided tbat I raust diu, and gare ne ajQjreek-feo nriatiKemy tempor. ! alTairs. In Üiis anparnily liopelesa conaüion, I beard ef the remedies which i now ari'1 sell. It aeemed to me tliat I could feel iliem vprjtioK their way.audpeuetratii)ovc:-y nerve,ftbre, anl tissue nfmy sysrtnf. Mj lungs and iiver put on a action, and the mor bid matter v,hu-h furyoars bad accumulated and irritated the different organsof the body, was eliminnted, thfl fcuberéUs 'n iny lungs ripened, and ï expectorated from my luiiga as much as a pint of yeliow blfenoive matter every morning. Aa thïa expctoration of matter subsi'í'd, t'ie fover abated, the pain left me the couíh cea 'Ho harass me, aad the exliaustin-r Sffeatí 'wpr: nrt Jonger known, anuí liad rerre;;hing ' sleep ,to whicb Ihi Ion? been a straner. My appetite now bean to return . and nt times I found ft difflcultto restrain mvselfirom eftting too much ; with tnis return of healtli, I gained in strengt!], and now nm fleshj. 1 am now a héalthy man, with a iarge healeü cicatrix in the middlelobc of the light hmg and the lowcr lobe Ix.patized wit-Ji complete adhesión of the pleura. The left lungia sound, and thé: upper lobe of therigbj oue s in atolahiy beillhy condition. Consumption at tbat time was thongrlit tobcan incurable disease, by every one, physicianfl as wel] as those wlio weve unleavnedïn medicine - especiallysuch cases as were reduced totlie eondition I was in. This induced many peopleto believu my recovery only temporary. I now prepared and gave the medicines to con'umptives for somo time, and made many wonderful cures ; and thedemand i neren, sed so rapidly tlmtl determined to offer thom to tho public, and devote my undindedatteütiön to lung dléeasea. In truth,I was next to foreed to it, for people would eend for me far and uear, to ascertaiu whetlier their oases werelike mine. For mnny years, ín conjnncüon with my principal office in Philadelphia, 1 havo been making regular pro fessional visita to New York, Bostorij Baltimore, and Hltotinrrgi For seveial years past I huve made as many as five huudred examination weekly vith the "Kcsjiii-oinoter." For sueh examination my eliai-ois threo dollars, nnci it inables me to give each patiënt tlie truo eondirifin of hls discatje, and teil him frnnkly whether he will get well. The great reason why pliyicians do not cure ConKumption is.that they try to do too much; they glve medicines to utop the coutjh , to top the n weats, hoclie nvfr, and hy so dofng tlïby Öerarige th s whole digdsi ivo systffiDQ' loöbinif up tho secretions, andeoventually the patiënt dlöa. Thé Pulraouic Syrup is one of the most valuablo medicines kiwwn. It is nutriënt, gowert)illy tonic.and healiziJ in itscll'. It contains no opium, Vet looscns tliti phregm in the broncfeial tubes, and throws it olï with litt!e exertion. One bottle frequently cures an ordinary cold; but it will be woll flrsi to take a dose of Schenek'a Mandrake's Pilis to cleanse the stomach. The I'ulmonic Syrup is readily digested and absorbed into blood, to wliich ill mparts It8 liealin? properties It is on o of tl) e best preparsi nns of Iron in use ; it ia a powerful tome oi'itsoll'; nnd when the Seaweed Tonic dissol ew the mucus in the .slonmch, and is carried ofl by lite aid of the Mandrak Tills. a hr-ulthy ilow of gaatrlc juice, good anyetite.and a good digestioo foliaw. Thé'SeáweeaTonícTs a sumVraínt, and nono otlu r is requiiod when it is nsnd. It i- puro and plcasant ; no bad effente Itm-wheo o cing Bourbon whisky, wjiieh 'lisorders the stomach, torpors (he liver, locks up all the Secretfonfl, -turas the WoOfl inLo water, dropsyseta in, and the ])atijnt diessuddenly. Bourbon whisky is reconimemled now-a days by altsost evtM'y phyeícian, Many pntienls that visil my j'finin?, both vaeAi and fömüle &ig si upeÊed wifh thia poiaon. The relief ís t&tnpnrary. Il' ttiey feoügh they take a üttle whisky ; if thoy feel weal; mv fcabïe they iülv;t linie whisky ; if they cannot slet p, they take a littlí whisky ; anti they go on in this way, reqniring more and more until they are bloated up. and imagine tiiryare !,ret1iu ilcsiiy. Tlie stomach, liver, and dipestil ' povêrB are sompfoteïv destrnyed, and lose tlieir nppetite for (bod. No one WB cverf.uJTd of coDsmnption by this proccps, where ravitis luivebeen formcd in the lungs A little stimulaut is frequently benciiial to consumptives, such as pure brandy or good ■vines ; in many cases Lcudon porter or brown stout in modor&te guantítieü ; bui Bourbon whisky hatons nn infiteud oi t;i!riii:j;ccnsuui)iti(tii. The SOa weed Tooig produoej Issting resutes, thoroughly invigorating the stomach añd djeB.tye 93 1 eaia , and cnnbling it o eliminaic and ïake into healthy blood the; tood whiüli rnay b used for that pui-pope.- It ie flO wonderful in i ts effeoU U4t ft wine-gl;iHsf uil will diaei a éarty meal . and a Hitte of i f taken before breakfast will give n tune 1o tho stomach which few medicines posses.s the power of dojug. The MANDKAKK PIM.S may be taken with ontire salVly by all (ges and conditions, prodneing altthf ood reanltfl thsi can be obtaiucd f rom calomel, or any of the mercurial medicines, and without any of their ïurtful or injurious reeults. They carry out of the system the feculcnt and worn outmntterp loospned anti dÍ8yolveiÍ by my Seaweed Tonic and Pnhnonic Syrup. - t will beseen that all three of my medlctnos are needed in mtst cases to cure Consumption. AflENTS. BOSTON- George C. Good win & Co. NEW YORK- Deraas Barnes & Co. BAI.TIMORE-.S. P. Hunco. Dr. Óiotge II. Küjscr. C[CINNAT[- V. E. SaJrè : Co., and .T.ibn D. Park. CH1CACO- Lord & Smith , and H. Scovil. ST. LOUIS- Colliu Brotbera. SAN FRANCISCO- HoRtelter, Smith i Pean. a i,v. c.f.iH bv aïlDriuïgists and Uvaters. l,yO95


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Michigan Argus