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i ITLIUS BAÜEli & CO, Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPOEITJM! WAREROOM& IIT "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 69 WASHINGTON STREET., New York l-Vareroo.-ns, 650 liroadway. Whole.iale Agents for ie U. S. for CELEBKATED Gold Medal Piano " Fortes ! Afl Co the relative mwrita of tli"sf TIANOfl wp woulfl rcfer tl) thn OartiftcatM of KjcpIIptipp in our pos8ssi,n froffl THALBBJRÍi, GÜTTSI HÍLK, STBAKOStH, G. SATTER, H. VIKÏ XTF.BIPS,JOl'IS STSBt! and K. Mt'ZIO, }r,í,cal Director of ihc It-ili.-u. Opera, u ljo f rom aonie ..f the most atrtingolshefl Prífenscfii and Amateur Is the couutry. All Instruments guartmtccd for fine AI.SO, A0KNT3 FOR SOEÍ5BLER & 8M1TH, BOARDMAN & GRAY, A. II. ÍÍALE & CO., AndotherFirst-CInss Pianos. , We have the I..t KGE?T and BEPT ASSOETFH TOCK of PIANOS IN TUE CITY, whieh f,r rofr Di S . M - ncss of Tone, Easy and Agiecable Toucli, aml Beauty of l'nish,liave,l)yjndgci, been pronounced tn.-rirnlled. KW Particular attention paid to the sdecüonof Inslrumints for diHtant orOern.ancl a privilege óf exchange grantcd at auy time, within six nioctñf ,f the Instrument sliould not Katisfnctorr - A liberal dhennntio Clergymen, Teachers and Schuolü Tem liberal. WHOLESALE D#AI.FRS will find it to their advantigi to rivd os a cali, lts by grpatly increaped facilities WB nre onabled to flll orders witlj ilispatch ■#■ Persons n n'ant of aRJLAI,LY FIBSTCLAPS PIANO will do well to cali beíore purchasin" elseMJiere, WHOLESALE AGENT S FOR CARHART,N3EDHAM&CQ'S CELEBB4TBD HABMONIÜMS, MELODEOJN? AISO FOR OEORGE A. PRINCE fe CO'S MEL0DE0NS and OEGANS, llanutacturersand ImporWs of MUSICAL ÍNSTEUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otüer Mnsioal Mercfeaadlsej The Sii.ver and Rraps Ivstetjiknts, of our roannfactnreandlmportation, are uaed by most all of the best Bands in the Utiittd Satefi, and whenever exhihited have aln-ays receired the Gold Hedáis and hicjvtest premitms. tfS Havingconnection witli Mannfacturing Fiouse!" in Berlín, Lsipsic, Dresden. and Paris, wp are prepared to furnish DEALERS, BANDS and INDIVIIiL'ALS, with every article in this line, at the lowest manufacturera' prices. - n - IIEJEE5IBEa THE PLACE, JULIÜS BAÜEE & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, .... IJLJL., 1012 New york Warerooms, 650 Broadwaj. TVJEW SKIET FOll 18G5-6. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOF SKISTS! J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DÚPLEX ELLIpTIC (or doublé) SPRING SKIRT. fTPITIS INVENTIOX consistí! of DüPlbs (or two) Ei.JL LiPTic Pürffl Refjnjsd STEK! SfHiMOS, ingeniously HRAIDED TlttHTLY and KïlïMI.Y togeth?r, KDGÍE to EDGK, intimi the toüQhbst , most flíxüit-k, eustic and duK.Mii.K spring Over used. They seldooa hend or bekak, like Ih" Single Springs, aml cnospquently preserve theír periVct ánd beautif'ul Shape more thun twice as long as jiny öingle Bpriög Skirt tiiat Ever i-las or Can be ínafle, THE wonde rful flcxibility and great comfort and pltiaatifti to ftay Lady aímaí öie Dúplex EUiptic Skirt will be experienced partíclarly in all crowded Assmblie?, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cara, CburcH Pc's, Ano Cbairs, f or Promenade and House I)res.s,as the Sbirts can be folded wïtfin in use to cupy a unían place as easily and cenvanletttly as a Silk or Muslin Dresfl. A Lady havin.2; Knjoycd the Ploasüre, Comfort and Great Convenienco f wenrin the Ünplex Elliplic Ste) Spring Skirt for a Kinprle day will Never aítcrwards willingly dispenso wth rlioir use. For Cliildrcu, tfiaaef and Voung Ladíe.s they are superior to all others. THE HOOPS are covered with 2 ply doublé twisted thread, and will vrèèt twice aa long ;ih thc Bingh) yarn -covering which is used on all Single Hoop Skirts. 'l]u tbree bottom rods on every tófcirt are álso Doublé Steel, and twice or doublé oorered to prevent the covering from wearïpgoff Ibe roils wiien draggin own fttaír stone steps, &c. , &c. j uhich tbey axu ooBsiautly subject to w]icn in usp. A1I i re made oí tlienow and elejant GordéS Tapjfsi and aro the beat qualityin eyery part, giviwj to the wearer the most gracéftíí and perfect Sliape poasible, and are traquea t ron abíy tbo liiitc-i, i;k,-í .dt-sn-uble, comfortable and eoonoxajcál Bkttt vep ínade. WESTá' BRADLEY&OASY, PRO1 EUKTORS of the Invention, and SÓLE MANÜKAÏTÜRERS, 97 CHAMl!.i:ÍS. and 70 k SI BEADE STHhKTS, New York. FÜR SAXJS ni íiH (irftt-clapB atores ín tbis City, and tbrouglmut the Uní tod Shit es ;i ud Canada , Havana de Cuba, Mexico. Soutli iíhtíc:i, an'd fne West Tndies. S-IKyÜIRK VOR THK DUJ'LUX KLIJl'TlC (OIX DOUÍÍLF.) ÖPRING SKIUT. 3inlü24 A. & C. A GENTS WANTED -FUR OVKGREAT IVATJOJXAL WORK, Tlie I-lfe, Times and Public Services oT ABBAHAM LINCOLN! By DR. L, P. 1ÏROCKETT. Thís woik ís entirely n'w nnd original, and contains more of his eifly History, t'oUtical career, Speechec, Messages, Proclamaiions, &c, togclher with thc scoaes and Incldents eonnected with bis tragic end,than any nilit-T vork publisbed. Tt'íifíiers, J a di es, enorpeüt; young mon, and PRpecially relurned and di.;ib!cd offioerfl and HuMiers, in want of profitab.'o eniplujment, tí11 find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We havo at;onts rlonring $1 r.O por Tmcntb,whicli we will provo to any doubting appUoanft. Send for circulars, Address JOES BIÏOTIIERP & CO., No. US WTForuTirST., 3mlO25 Cincinnati, OhioTJOTEL FOR SALE! The valuable properfy in the City of Ann Arbor, ínown as COOK'S JIOTEL, ia UOW oíTercd For sale c"'.eap. Inquire immediaíely on lh of J. F. AVERY. Ann Arbor, Augufrt Sth, 1W5loltf Real Jétate for Sale. OTAT! : O In the matter of he Estáte of Eli r, ■--. orthe Connty of Waehtenaw, ii. the State of Miá;; Notico is hereby giren, that in punraanca of an order granted to the iiurtersignml. Admmistratorof ti ofsaid deeeasad, by the Hon, Jndgo of Prol niity, on ili.' iliiixl of July, A. L). 1 ■■ ivilll).:'. .... : VettdnBi I" the iii' li I b tho qwemug houac ou the premiftes, Ín sar'l Connty, fin Saturday, thctu-enty-fifl.lMliiyof Xovembcr. A. D. 1886, at two o'clock. in the afternoon of that dar, (sabject to all encnrnbrance bj Moitgaee or otherwise eiisting at the ttrae of the destbof s.-iid deceased,) the followitig ! real eetffte, to-wit r The undmdid haJf ni' a pnrcel of laud eorrirm'iii ir:-: ahalfroda North of -where the Caee [toad ín terneets tfti i Itoud, ín Bectipn tvvrnty in townflhíp fotir Soiilh of range five East, and in toe centre1 of gsddChtcagoBo'ad, running thence North rwenty-eight and a half di grees West, to the Bell Ditch, t henee North and W above named numbor of dejreea, and along the centre lihe of said ditch to a rtako in said ditch, on the 'Wesï half of the Sontb-Weít cmiirter of sectioa seventecn, tatd "f hnndred roda and ste-témBa of a roa ft-om tbc centre of said Chicago Road, running thence North twenty-one degree Baettoa-stake in the centre line, of said seetfon scventeen, which atake te tifty-fimr rods East of tho qtmrtar stake on the West sifle o) said sectiou seventeen, tiience Weet to the Nortli-Wosl cornei of the East half of the Soiuh-East güarter of secSrón eihteen, same town and raitee, thence Sontli along thé West sideof the abdve descrihed elghtyacres toth'e South line, thence Eas( along the said Sgu'thline.tóthe secttön corner, thence South along the West mm of the Wesl half of the North-Weat qufirter of acetion twefity to the Chicajio Roadi. tiümce North-easterly-.along the centre of saM road to the place ol i. o-ue hnudred and thii-ty-.-ix acres of land, more orlcss, in tJWTównsnrp of Saline, and Stnte of Michigan. ANTCRTV W. EIGGS, Administr.itor. Dated, Ootober 6'th, 1865. IS29 Estáte of Charles W. Miller. CTATE OP MICIIIGAN, County of Washtenaw. s.- O Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washtenaw, milde on the thirtieth day of September, A. D. 186S, aix months from that date were allowcd for creditor to present their claims iifiaiiisr uu1 eHtatc of Charles W. M'1'.rc. tal ■ of said County, deceaned, and that all creditora of siiid deceased nre required to present their claims to said Pro bate Court, at the Probate Office in the CSty Arbor, For examinarion and allowapce, on or licfore the tliirtietii day of March n.-xli and that suüh ch'.iins will bc heard before said Probate Court, on Satnrday, the twenty-third day of December, Friday, the thirtieth day ol1 March next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoonof each of those days HiiUM .1. ÜKAKES, Jmfce of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 3Cth, 1866. 1029 Estáte of Joseph F, Jenningg. CTATB OP MICHIGAN, County cf Washtenaw, ss. O Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court of tlie C'ouuty of Washtenaw, made on the twcnty-flfth day of September, A. D. 1805, ets from thal date were allowed for créóttots to their claims against the estáte of JoBeph F. JeSninga, late of said County, deceased, and that all creoitorg uf said éteceased, are required to present their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, ou or befóre the twenty-sixth day of March next, nd that fluch claims will be iieard before said Probate Con r, on Saturday, the twcnty-tlurd day of December, and Monday, thc'twenty-sixih day of Morel) uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those dam HIRAM J. BEAKES, Jtulge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 2:th, fifii. 1028. Estáte of Ferrand tínines. OTATE OF MICIIICJAN, County of Washtunaw, ss._ U Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Conrt of t-he County of Wnshtenaw, made on the twenty-eighth day of Septcmler A. D. 1865, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte oí Ferrand Gaines, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said rieceased, are requirfcd to present their claims to said Probate Court, ju the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the tweuty-eighth day of March next, and that suca claims will be heard before said Probate Court. on Saturday, the twenty-third day of December, andV i day, the twenty-eighth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those davs I1IRAM J. BEAK3S, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 28th, 1866. 1028 Commiesioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cofntt of Warhteaw. ss. yJ The uudersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Oommfimers to i examine, and adjnst all claims and demanda, of all persons against the catate of Evo Alien, late of the Township of Ypsilanti, in said County, de hereby give notice that stk months froui date are al liy order of said Probate Court, for credirñrs to preseút their claims against the estüte of aaidde and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased, in said Township. on Satatday, thf si.-ih day of January, and Monday, the oecond day of April next, at one o'clock, P. M., of each of eaiddays, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. FOEBES H. BI,I,KD, ( „ LYMAN W. LAKE, j Commwsionera. Dated, October 2d, 1S5. 1029 Mortgage Sale. ïEFArLT having been made in the conditions of J i certain Mortgage mude and executed Lucy A. i:irkham and Thomas s. Markham, to tho uudersigued, Julia D. Lvman, bearing date the tonth day of April, A. D, eianteen huii'lrcd and fiftv-six, nnd recorded in the office of thoKes.'is!er of Deeds of the Countv of Washtenaw, in the Staie of Michigan, -in liber twenty-two ofMortgages, page live hundred and thirtyiuur, on the fifth day óf Ma.v, A. D. eigh een hnndred and iifty-six, npon which said Mortgage there ia clr.imcd to be due, r.t the date of this notieè, the sum of fl'-e hnndred and ninty-nine dollars and eixty-eight cent?, and tho costs and charges ou thia forecjoeure, ui reasonable charges for attorney's services as providcd by aaid Mortgage, and no suit at law or in equity having been instituted to reooTer the armnint sucured to be paid by said Mortgage, or any nart thereof, and the power or sale CQBtained in said Mortgage having become absolute: Notice is therefore hereby given, that siiiil Mortirage will be forcclosed by a sale of the Mortgaged premises, or eo much thereof as may be required to aatisfy the Kinount due on said Mortgage, for principal and interest, and the costs, charges and expenses niiowert ny law, at pnbhc vendue, to the bidder, at the Sunth door of the C'oiirt Houöe, i ttte city of Ann Arbor, in saítí connf of Washten&w, (thatbcingthe place where the Circuit Conrt for saiel county is held.) on Satnrday. the eighteenth Hay of November next, at ten o Vloek in the forenoon, wniob said premiara so to be sold are deecribed as follows, vb : Lot iminber sis and seres, in block nnmbcr throc south of range rinmber four cast, in the city of Ana Albor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, accordi'ne to the recordeü plat of the vlBage of Ann Arbor, and befag the .-ame hmdsconvoyedby the nnilcrsisnod. Julia D. lyman, to said Lucv A. Markham, by deed, hearing even date with eaidl Mortgage. Dated, Ann Arbor, August '_'4th, 1MS JCLIA ü. LYMAN, Mortgagee. Hikam J. Beakeb, Attorney for Mortgflgee. ÏO'23 Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, default haa been made in the conditions of a certain Indenture of Hortgae, mHde ;md ezeeoted on the tweoty-tnW day of Deciember. A. I). l'iö. by Peter F. Kanonse. tome, tfee UBdersirïed, tvhlch Mörtgage was duly recordeil ou the tliirticüi day of Docf-miic-i'. 'afores.-iid, in Liher No. 12 of Mor on page l(ii), in the oflica of the Hegister of Dn :s, in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan ; and, wherea, tliere is nmv dne nm) unpakl on said Mörtgage and Note accompanyjug the E;imc, the sum of TO.88 ; and, whereas, no ."úit or proceedings at law or eqtiity has been inStteited to recover the same, or any part thcreof : Nmv, therefore, notice is herebj' given, that, by virtne of a power of Bale in said iiortirage contaiued. I shall sell at Public Auctiou to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the ltli day of November next, nt 13 o'clock. M. o'f said rtfty, at the front door of llic Circuit Coiirt House, lu the city of Ann Arbor, in eafd Counfy of Washrenaw, the jiri'miscs decrilted in said Mort"age, 1o-wil The East huif of the Sou 1i-Vcm i;u:iner (E', of K-W ' , ) of Scciion No. 4, in Townfhip No. 4 South of Range No. 6 East, the said premies bein$ S0 acres of land, and pituared in llie County of AVashtenaw. aforesaid. Datcd, August loth, 1S65. C. VANHUSON, Mortgapee. Mooek & Guifi'in, Atiorneys for Mortgagec. 1022 ■a-H O O H ' s u. UI Z O FOR SALE! DO HOUSKS AND LOTS, worth frnm $1,000 to iJ $5,000. Also sever! improved FAKMS. A. J.SÜTHKKLAND, Ann Arbür, f eb. 2d,188B. SWf ComraroialAf[eiit, Est VVitt ü. Siüyth ' - ! OTATE OF MICHIGAJfcCoi o ... y C-m ,' Al a ihe f ütlxite Courl i„rt ' , "' . Probate (,ili(t ir,,?'"-1'0' ■!l'l '■'. ?Om in the yc ir one ihousand eight hnndred and i( S !'iv ' teeofProWe Ia til.-: matter of the Estáte of DeWlti i' „ - Smythv On reading and filing the petilion, du!v rarin .■ Georj ,, praying thai he JSÍH suitabje persou ay be appointed Adminii2?5 the c.-'.v ' , eased. "wilton TherenpoB it is Ordered, that Mundav fh„ ... tictli (!;iy of Octoher inst., at ten (i'eliiok'i'i, th noon, be ;i--!";m d forthe hearing of saidnpHiiïïf thai the heirs al Inw of sid deceased, .id'a'll , ,""""' Bons mterested ín an!d estáte, are reqnired to ' "'■ n session cfsairtcourt. then to be holden ■ i t,;.írcítat Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and stimr any the;-e be, why the prayer of the petitim(."i"e' " not be granted : And it is further ordered th W petitioïier pive notice to the persons iiii-rcii' estáte, oí the peudency ol'snid petition, ami kXk - thereof, by cansing a copy of thia Order to be DiiMii'ï in the Mühigim Akjus, a newspaper, printer! ' . " cnlathi..,' in aaid Connty, three successive li, „dN rfona f saia ilny of hearing. tM PBCA trae copy.; lIIRAM J. BEAKES. 1029 Jndge of Probate, Estáte of Nestells - MinörZ ' QTATR HCHÏGAN, Coonty of Wat'pnm i At a sesf on of the Probate Court for thecS - Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office Intï Ar ol Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the foúril, ,l,.'í ïxt' ríe'" ïear '""' thullli!U'd cfelt hundiiJ'f Present Hirani J. Beakos, Jaöge oL lrointP In the matter of the Estáte of Mary Jane wL. toan B. Nestelh Sada Jean s'estell, indta?6. teil, minora. O'.wdial, prfïst, Guardian ofeaMmíiSf comea into conrt and represente thai he is ,,,!, Oll pared to rendej his final i i ,::(;" f"' Theienpon it is Orderéd, that Mondajr, the tSrtL.ii. duyot November next, at ten o'clockïn the fcJS2? beassigned for the hearing of said peUtion, ïïffi the next of km of said minors, and all other tnterested in said estáte, are reqmred to appeirkl session of said Court, then to bc holden at tfic pJ, . in the City of Aun Arbor, in saM Cm,m and show cause, if any there be, why the il account ehould not beallowcd: AnditfnrtL dered, that said Guardian glve notice to the Mr 2' terestecl in said estáte, of the pendency of sa d arZii' aathe hearing tb :reof, by cauring a copy ef thk & to De pnbliHh7d in the ■:■!:■:,".!, -.J.' ■Ï1„.f, , det printed and ciroulatin" in said Connty, three maSBS weeks prevlons to said day of hearing! hu(xse (A true copy.J HIRAM .T. [ÍEAKKS 1030 Judge of ProW.. Estáte of Patrick McMahon. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couktt ot Wabhi3i .. Ö At a session of the Pribate Court for tnT&S ashteiiaw, holden at the Probate Office in thïrih! of Ann Arbor, on Thnraday, the twenty-ei-hth in% September, in the year one thousaud eielt hnmfrrf and stxty-flve. "u at, I ï i p. m -T. Bkakeg, Judge of Probate In the matter of the eatate of Patrick Mcilahon. fl. ceased. w' Ou reartiag and filing the petHion. rhdy verifica, or I'.-i'rifk Mcilahon. Jr., praying that John "c. McadTor some otlmr etütable person, raay be apponi;ed Admiiit trator of the estáte of s aiil deceaaed". ïhereapon it is Ordered, that Momlay, the sfartt dar of November next. at ten o'clock in theforenoonbeiwC ed for ' ; ■' said petitian, and that the iridiar and helfü at law of said deceased, and all other m,,, mtcrested m said estáte, are required to appe-r ata sion pfsaffl Court, then to be holden at the ProtateOf fice, mthe City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, if aai there be, why the prayer of the pcötioner should not te granted-: And it is further ordered, that said netto the persons intererted in said estáte, o' the pendencv of said petitioD, and the hearine thereof. stag a copy of thia Order to be publi.-Red in tte Mickimn Argus, a oewspaper, priutcd and drctilaücE in saín Connty, three sucecssive weeks previoustosiii dav of hearing. CA true copy.j HIEAM J. BEAKKS, 1029 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Thomas Woöd! ■ OTATE OP JIICHIGAN, of Washtemw w J At a session of the Probate Conrt tor the Cotictr of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlce, ju th City of Ann Arbor, ou Monday, the twcjity-fifta dar of .September, in the year one thousand cicht liundreif and sixty-five. Present, Hmira J. BeaSes, Judge of Protate . In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas B'wi ie-ceased. On reading and filing the petition, dulj verified, ot John 0. Wood, praying that Thoma 8. Sanlort, ot Bomé other suitable person may lje appüüikdiámvDiatrator of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, thetrentr. fcMrd 3ay fff October nest, at tèn o'dock k ■enoon, be assigced for the hearini: of saii p titïon, and that the widow and hein at In of .aid docraseíL and all other persons interesW in öaïd estáte, are required to a . -y-úm sW Conrt, then to he holden at the Probate Offitti che City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any fee be, why thé prayer of the petiiioner ehoulá 'mix grasted : And it is further ordered, that sultï petrtitmer give notice to the persons intereslfld in said estáte, of the pendency of said peiition, and the hearing thereíí, by eaiising a copy of this Order to be publishedintte Michigan Argv, anowspaper printedandcircuiatúigiii eaid County, three yaccessive weeks pn.jvious to íiií dav of hearing. " CA true copy.J HIEAM J. BEAKES, Judge of Probate. Estáte of Norman M. Cummings. OTATE OF MTCHIGAN, Coott fVjunmnïrj .■ O At a eession of the Probate Coiu-t for toe Conniyct Washtenaw, holden at the .Probate Office, in tbeCity of Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-seveüth dy of September, in the year one thousand eight hendred' ram J. Beakes, Jadge of Probste. In the matter o; the ' Estáte of Norman M. Canr inh!s, deceaaed. On reading and filing the petitiou, duly verified, of Dennis J. Rockwell, Adniinistrator of said eetate, praying thai he may be licensed to Bell cettain real -■ tate whereof said deceased died neized. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Jonrlay, the 13tb day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be' i ie hearing of said petiEiuo, and tbat thá ïeïrs atl;tvf oiVaid deceaid, ünd all other perMto interested iu said estáte, are reimired to appair ftt a seasioil of said Court, tauu to be holden at the Probate Office, n the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, ïhy the prayer of the petitioner thould not te' grsnted : And it 'is further ordered, that mM petitioner L'ive notice to the persons interested in aaid eetatiw of the pendency of saïd petitïon, and the hcariiig thereof. by cansing a copy of ttós Order to be pnblisjieai. the MiclUtiañ Arijas, a uewspaper prinU'd and circulitin'in snid County, tour successive vreeks prewoW' to said Ony oí hearing, CA true'copy.) HIRA31 J. BEAKES, 102S Judge of Probatt. Estáte of George W. Lumbard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cofutt op Waiíiitisa, O At a session of the Probato Court for the Countyor Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the W of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the tweuty-flrit day 01 September, in the year one thougand eight huudredi sisty-five. Present, Hirasi J. Beakes, Jiirltre of Probate. In the matter of the Kstate of George W. Lumbanlt fleceasid. , , On readlnz vnd tiliiig the petition, daly vennen or Antoinette Linnbard, prajine that HoratioG. L&111' bard may bc ftppointen AdmmÍ8trator'ííe6enisWlw the estallé oí' sid dreea-od. . Theréupon it is Orderecl, that Saturdey, the B day of October nest, at ten o'rtock in the forrooon. w nssignedfor the hearing of said petition, and that u heirs at laW of said Üeceased, and all other pereoM " terested íb said estatei arerequired to appear at ft mssion of said Cunrt, then to be holden at the Pro Oflicc, in the City of Auu Artimr, and show canse, ""{ therebe, why the urayer of the petitioncr slionkloot begranted: And it is fnrther ordered, thst esBOP turner eive notice to the persons interested m saici estate, of the pendeucy of said petition, and Hit h thereof, by caustng a copy of this Order to be P111;, n the Michigan arpas, a no-wspaper priut"d aDClcrJL latín? iu sald Coujity, three euceessive weeks preriflw to paid day of hearing. (A true copy.j HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1028 Jndge of FroWeEstáte of Michael Walz. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coitnty of WasutesA ': At a session of the Probate Conrt for the CoulitJ w Washlfiiinv, bolden at the Probate Office, in the WJ of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the sixteenth úay oí =j teniber. in the ye;ir one thoiaml cight hundreüw eixty-üve. Present, Hiram ,T. Beakes, Jndce of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jlitliad . d. Aaron. Feldkamp, Administrator oi bw estáte, comes into Co-art and represents that "JJÍSC preparad to ronder his final account as sech Aw trator. .„wnth Thfrenpon it is Ordered, that Mouday, the einef"' day of October next, at ten o'clock in the && bc assigned for eSamining nnd allowfflg ? "3 account," and that the .widow and clr8 „, luw oí said deceased, and all other 'eTSTt iuterested in said state, are required to "]W'{ '„ Mwion f said Conrt, then u be holdeB ' " Li Office, in thé City of Ann Arbor, in said Colino, -J. show osase, ifsnyíhetsbe, why the mni -■''"""'.""a not bo allowed: And it ia turther orfored, "Y AdmintetratoTglyé notice to the persons "ltcj;.ci1I,"M. 9&id estáte, of the peudeucy of said acemmt anu tui . ing thereof1, by causing a eopy of this Order to ny , lishedlnthe ut. newsjwpe, Ï5,S, drculating in said County, three enccessive wee vions to said day of hearing. , „_„ (Atrnopy.; HIRAM Kstate of Lawyer- Minors. STATE of MICHIGAN, Coi vn 01 W9DTBJ' Aiasession óf th Court f"rttel!fÏM of Washteaaw, holden at thi Probate Office In "PJJÏ of Ann Arbor, on Mcwday, the cigliteenth day 01 og temher. in the year one thoasand eight hunareu sisiv-iive. . I ■. ent, Hiram .7. Beakes, Jute of I '"$■ Iaff. In the matter of the Estáte of Mary t 'M]nn?,iL9 yer, William Hepry Lawyer, Faniiy Lawvcr, f"1tawyer, John Láwyer, and Charles Lawyer, ml w ,, Ou fasdtng and ftling the petiüon, dniy venm "' .,. ney HawBns, prayriig that TracyW. Eootm} e"' pointed Guardian unto said minors. - v ient Theréupon il is Ordered, that Monda;, tha "",,„, day of October next, at ten o'clock iu """„.(on, be assigned for iiie hearing of bot i11. [ and that the next of kin of said minors, Ji fí,_ other persone tntcresrod ín Faid es : 'he'uiote quimd hi ppear al a session of said Conrt. M„ Solden at the Probate Office, in the IU! l ;rii Arbor, and show canse, if any there '"'I0(i!the prayer of the petitioner shouldnot ne gra n0. And it ia forther ordered, that païd iptitiom'i e tice to the next of kin of Baid minore, and " f ( persons intereeted iu said estáte, of the pei"!'1!' copy petition, and the hearing thereof, by nr.-i V , of this Order to be published in th ., 'fait newspaper printed and eirnilatingiu saidC "''"'■'' Buccessive weeks previons to said day of }fS!St fAecopy.J HIÜAM.AK


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