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The Michigan Argus

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l'ub!úhel.;very Fritlay uiij-iíng,u tiiethírd dtoryof Ih brick block, corner yf Main aud Hurón Sts., ANN AllllOK, Mich. KmrücL'ou ilurun titrüet.oppo&ittthe Frnk)ia. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publiaher. Tcinu,$:i OU a V m In Ailrunrr. dvertUliig- (12 Hus or less) , one antek. 5ceuts; titree waekrt ftl.&0;and 25 ceut for t#r ittiittrtwu tkfe ,rtör,lesH thun three rnuntbn. 'iie quare 3 mos $4.00 i; Quarter col. 1 ye:ni-0 ?u square 13 mos 6.00 llair column fi mos 20 On iquare 1 year 9.Ö0 Half column 1 year 35 Twoq'res 6 mos 6 GO One column 6 mos. 36 Two i'res J year 12.00 1 Une coluran I year 0 Card ia Birtory ,not to exLceedfiur lmes, $4.00 yr. 4t(rrtiKtírñ to the extent of a qu artT column, reguy tUrougU tUe ytar, willbe eutitk-d to have thiir or'lH Q Directory withoïii axtrA cbargc. " _f Vil vti rtisiiiucii ts unaccompanied by writtonor rerbal lirectious willbe publjshisd until ordered out, & ad chargedaccordiligly . Lgal J?rtioments, ürst inserüon, 10 eente per f ilia, 35 ets perfolui t'or each subsequent irsertion. Whena postpcnement isaddedto an atlvertisen:entthe whole willUeeUarjedthesame&sfor flrbtinsertion. Job Prlllt4g- Pamiihlets, Hand Bills, Oirculars, rd, líall Tir.ketB, I.abels. BUnkí , Bill Heads, and thar rtrietiannf Pli aü4Fancy Job Printing, execuA rith promptnesa, and in the feöat style. Carda We have a RKgles Rotary C&rd Press, and largevarietyei Wie latettyUR of Crd type vrhich enablex uu to print ChtA ai &tl kúsís in tli neatest poiaibleityleandcheiisr than any otiieriiouaeio the íHy. Biminesí ards fcfiuen of all avocationBand profeionH,Bal1, Wertdloe and Viai-tijig Cards, printed on ahortnotice. CaUand se samples. BOOK B1VBIKG- Connccted with the Office U tViok BindercinciiarRe of two competent workmen,- eonty Reciwd,I.edger8,Journals,andallBlank Books j detoord,qii of the best stock. Pamphletsand i l.-riodicals bouivs a -aeat and durable raanoer, at 0et .irt prices. Entrance to Biütiery thro1i thL Árrjus JfSce.


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Michigan Argus