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■pOO f UOT IN SU EEP eau l)t; ihoroughly cure : by usiijg WHITTEMORE'S CUEE FOOT BOT IN SHEEP! It ia jus whijt it ia repreontesl to be, A PERFECT CURE. Alk for Whittemrue'sdire, andtake na other. Ihe followimj Certifícate Is a ampio of the testimoniáis coiitüiitl) bt'injc received í 1U-TI.ANI), Vt., July 14th, 1865. F. W. Vhittemobe, Ksq., Dkak Sir : H&vjng trird yonr Cure for Foot Rot In I woulá May Pot Ihe benefit oí Slicep Raitters Chat li'-v litmlil tnse il" time in profitirtiw? a bottle, as ii certatnly will cure tho Koot Rot in tune uu! wirh li-s troubjo than uiy preparatlon of Blue Vitnoi or anythiog nlfta l have cvur uscl. Yoiri,traly, LEEM BILL1NUS. F. W. WHiTTE)ïflRETNülc Proprietor, Cliatham 4 corner, OolumbtaCo., N. Y. FO'! PAI.E n Ann Albur by i'BEUHACH 81 00., L010 Agenta. 3mlO26. AiiOOD TREE Ití KN0WN 3 Y ITSTBÜIÏ. So is a Gjood Physician by hisuccesslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TITEGREAT AND CF.I.ERRATED TIIYSIUIANOF THE TUÜOAT, l.l'N'GS AN11 C'HESÏ, Krimvn all over tlift (inutitr1 aa thft Clebrated iJVliïAw ÜKRÍÍ DOCTOR! Prora South Ainorica. A NEAT PAHHHLET Of the life,3tudy and ettenslve travels of Dr. Lyön1 can be procurad "by allwliodesiiGOiie, fioeof charge. Dr. L will visit tlie severa! places asfoliówa : Jackson.Hibb.-inl House, 20th Anti Arbor, BConftVJr fJoutio, 21at. D&troit, c'hss Houa, oppoaite M.ich. Central Depot, each miinlli, 22ni ;ml 2Scd. Modi: of Ixamination. - The Doctor discerns diseases bytkeeyes. He, tVtef-efore.asks no quettions nor req-iirespalrients to cxplain ymptoms. Afilie ted, come and li ave youraymptoms ami the I o catión of your dis eaaezplained freo of charpe A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residíng in South Amcvica as a mïssïonnry , discorerPd a safe and simplo rumedy for the Cure of Norvous WoiiJtnexs, Early Eecay, of the Uritmry and Seminal Orgnnw, and the whoje train of disonlors brought n by b;inef'ul and yiowap liabitü. Great numbers hav teen alroady cured by thla noblo revnedy, Prnmjjted by adesivo to benefit the tifllictcd nnd unforfcuuitte, I wil! end the rocipe tor preparing and uaing tliis medicine, in a sealed eavelope, to any one who Deedi it, Free of Charge. l'leaf} lnclose a post paid euvelope, add-esf-el to yournelf. JOSEPH T. TXMAN, S'IATIO.V F), BlBLS H'lLSE, 6mlO25 New Vork City. WHISKjEU! WIIISHKU&íz Do you want WhinUtirsor Moustaches? OurGrecian Conipound will fuice tbem eb graw on tlic HöaotMesi faceorchin, or ha ir on bald heads, inSix Weeks.- Price,$1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, cl'isolv senied, u-n receipt of price. Add.ea.s, 'WAftXER & CO., Box 138, Brookhn. X. Y. - lyOÍ)9. TUK UHIDAL. CHAMIiER, an Essay of Wiii-niniï and Instractlon for Youtig Men - publishod by the Tlownrd Aö8')i;iation( and s?tfr e of charge in Bealedenveïopea. Aldreaa, Dr. J. SKÏLLIN H0Ü6HTOX, Iloward Ass-xnation, 1 hilad.'lphia, Pa. 1)096 Oldand young should use STERLÍNG'S fV V FOR " The Hair. It preventa or stops tha Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beantifiea, Preserves, aud rendera ' it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff, It Í3 the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mlO25 llifïe Facioryl Beutler & Traver, [Ruecofïpors to A. J Sutherlami,] Jlanufaoturcrs of and Dealers in Guns , Pistols , Ammunition Flasis, Poutkes Gami Bags, and Everjother article i thatLine. Allkindsof one at the shortet notice, anrl ïntliebest mannftr. a fuWasortmenlalwnys kejit üiiliam] anfl mafle order ■ft=5_ Sliop corner Mam an.l Washington streets. Ann Arbcr.Ont. 8. 1SB2. S73tf OEMEMBEll G. W. & A. SNOVER'S is the Nortli iloor of Gregory'fl New Kloek. 6. W. SNOVER. A. SKÖVER, lOOB TIER MÏRROR MAY Patisty a laly th.'.t her drs( is fault'.esH, hut SSo invested in "Spanlsh Rouge," jxilisJiinti Silvcrwtiro anti metáis oï al) kinds, will :tia more to the irii;ht and chöflrful appearaDce of Sr happy home Ihan one liin'-iiül ioltarj cxpRiitlfd in new ware. IiADlES ïfive itane trU find yon will jnin itli 'ie in s:i vi nú" that t, fmpro -f-r; t'ii' appeal ixrtce ttf yonr Par]i,rs:inil lifccUftn ryie iuindre pjr CCDt. V"r f ii rlln-r p:n liculais " '■ i'lcr you tn onr :idcrtisementln Detroit Hail.T Papers VA'.I,l .■!'. i KI51.SO, Western Wholemle Agenta, M-rriil Block, corner VVood !i-.: :.ll ' .! V i 'm, ,-■.! ■ i. ■.. I'rirolt. Mi -II i ja I!. S'réBBlW '■ WII;-()X, ARent, At. m Arhnr. SmlOlR TTJSSOLÜTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. Xüe rio-partnerhip heretofojv? exiptinp;b'1 ree i the Biibsoriherii, und.e Mi., liri.i aii.i stvlc ..f li. iMOi'Kli .-■ PON, tbjH.daj '!!ui'i(l 'ijr mutual coBsettt. All per B'.np h-ivri-r cl;i'riia ft:n1 thfl Ia1e fiim, will pls e pcF8nl Uu-ni i1. ■■ i.dju lu.cnt. anii :. I i'i' .ni'i n.l.'I.H'.l to ihe f."'. i'm, will p'.t-a-e cali imme'liatulj ■ ' C' R. I10IIPER, S. B.IiiiOI'F.R. Ann Arbor, Sent. lst, l'Srs. 6wlO25 jvroTip! Tlif1 hninp f.f BrR.vintr, in its rarioas hrancheH. will bo CMiiüniiiMl a '. Ui ■ ola s'.anl (fll:r lalcörnby Ih" aivtooignod, who, thankful f r past patronage, honei for contniurd favovs. P F. H. HOOPER. Ann A'bnr. i=ept. Ui, IS'S. o102. rISSOLUÏION. l'he co.pwrtnerpliip heretoToro exifttiní; beiween Drs. Lewitt K Bre.ikev 'wan tlMOlvi'd Jan. 1'. 18i'."i LEW1TT & BKKAK.KY. August 22d.lff.9. SmlOS'i 13LISS & HILL Have just retoived A LARGE STCGK OF GOOOS which tliey are selliug at REDÜOED PftSCES Consisting ín part of the following : CLOCKS, WATCIIES, JEWELRY, ! Sliver and Pltited Ware, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c; ______ s Please Give Them a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCIIES, & JEWELRY, BJEPAIRED BY i EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, ! At the oH at.inl of C. BLISÍJ, E,st sidc or MainStreet. Aun Albur, Michigan. C, Bl-ISS, A. T. HILL. Bep'.enjber, 1SG5. t f 10 28 n W'Sf ■ " "'' ' '-. . 1 OF THE LATfST STTUS W. M V IIATS í ññ ! H RIBBONS, FLOWERS; Ostricli Feathers, TRUCKS, VALISES, Gents' Collars, Canes, GLOYES, HOSIERY, &c, &c. GENTS' & LADIES' FUR GOODS ! Piense ia!l an1 examino for yourselves. 1! ■- atteatioQ paid Ui BEDRESSING auil BKPAIHING LADIEfj' CAPES fcitUFF ncutly rcaned anl ! ' ed over by experieueed li.ujils and it rt;i0"ablo ] ! THOiVSPSON'S FUR STORE, ÏU'IIO.V 6TREEÏ, Ann Arbor,t(ioh. 5Tbe highest cash pi ice paid fdr Furs. 3mlQ37. TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS! JOHNSON PIERSON baye reccivod tlje lartfet Mock of Öiruliliiö wuíjújú ever brou'j;ht to tbis marïiet, wlnoli tliey aro selling al veryl.UW PKICES. The stock consista of- GENTS' SILK HATS- oll stvles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS. GKNTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW OATS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FÜRNJSHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, CARPET & TRAVEL1NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELTNO BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SÜNDOWNS. Síí AKBfiS, and in iaat, 1I goods pertaiaing to their trade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIN STRERT, - - lOU'tf - - AXX ARBOR. WO THE LA DIES. GEORGE H. REED & CO. 'S IIQtriD '■piIF: eonatant rtomand o havo had for I.IQUID I)Vf;S X has irnUt:r! us Lo])nt uj: a complete Jineof 40Mades all Liquide, v, hiel, wi! rscotntt)6D f h'Miti'l ve tu pvrry our wlio lías used Ljquid lyep fe B illlancy of CoJors, Simplicity of Use, Cartattlt-y of Satiefacticn. (Cïttmplptfl D-rcctlon foiiï6e irKh evprj pacUagré.) USE Tïï E BEST A RTIüLE. Scf Certificntc.t fnnn Chcmhtt, on arc.h p.ickagv. Sa nipten "Uïirsafiy -lypil with eafl ■ ' tlw f h-rin ■ .Mik mi1' wo-lf'. in hc peen ■■ ; th lrug Btoreit. IP If yon delire toinunre OOODCÓIAftA; Jnmífrfí' foTiJEEIS POMfSTTfj DYKS, avd tahe, nn other kind'. GEOIÍCE H. RHEÖ A: CO , Pnnn, Manur;ict.irers. FAHRAND. SHELEY & CO., karnn. 6mlO25 Di;troit. Michigan. rpHE M.S0N A HAMLIN CABINET 1 OBGAKS. F(irty diftVrcMt st vlei, ailaptii 1 to nnorofl an'l roouI.-it muiif. fi.rSRO to 01 cacli. TU'Rl V-F1VE (li)l.] dr PU, VER MKI'Al.S, or othor fn-nt premium nmnht tho.n. IlhiKtratft.iCHtalpgufM tree. AiMrpsü. MA?ÖN fi UAMHN, liOBiojf, or JIASON RKOTHKTtS, Nnw Yoict. ly!02ft JjJOllCBi j Haring ij ■cidpá t emign , ■ to a Western State. we offer om cutiré itoekof BOOTS fc SHOES ! -WITÜLEASE OF STORE, _AXD_ FO.R SALE! To any party wishfng to j ntb business a "nod ootnce m hre ofte tad . n'u havo a iod i.usim ,- _ i ;. i, übhod wliK-U i.-, oijqataaUj inci-Mfjijg. of hich (ad wo cn -.m to partie.i wi.shing lo bjy, aoiu.e .-utixfactiun. ' FOK ÍXLL J'ARTICULAIiS. CALI, AT TliE STORE OF THE TjN'DEliáiG.XED. O Ia the nMantnna w „u oCn Rnv ,)ortlcm of om. goods at much HKDUCEI) KAÏl S . to tl.'osu u wuul of uutli gouüó, whu will ftilroi us with n cji.Il. U1!",,",K"0,in''i'l!Hl tj us w0 would.-ay. CALL AND ht.U.h Al O.CE, uk ïo do nut iropose U ivatte lanch lime in fliB coüeotii n of oulatuding aml üre'iXoks.""11 W". """J 'Wttüfe.oaU and gtt')uur B COLK. A D. E. SEYLER. Ann Arbor. Oct. 2d, 1865. 1o:9tf rLORENCB SEWING ACHINES, PliöTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PWTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, O? -SKTT. ST3 MACHI IS E O1L, Sfv. The underBigned uow ütfer.1 tUe public TtiEBEST SEW1NQMACHINE I3ST TJ SÉ. FOB BURABILITY, BEALTYoJ STYLE,and VA RIET Y of WORK,it "STANDS UP HEAO," It neoilsonly to besean to beppreciated . Runs the work both ways, tukf four kiuds of stücho, iieiTis. (ellB, gathojs, braitls. binrl , .juilts, sathers and iewt ou A rulil" at tile same time. Srws trom tlie JhipnPBi to the thickent fabric without cbanging tlie stitqh UnaioB or needie, or wjtbout breaking the Hnead - It is The Wonder of the WorldJ ílso A varicty of the mest biautiful PHOTOCRAl'H ALBUMS, P1CTÜRES and FBUIES in great variety. and pict'ires trameil to order ut hort notico.. Alo.I!ARNUM'rt SEtF-SÈWER or TUKKER, liicli can be adjuted to any (icwing Maehitu . C'all at slffi Ut the FI.OKJJXCE SEVFIN'O MA f'HIXE, a few dK)M Kast of OMk'l Hol, StÜching Neatly Done to Order. Also,onexlilbition,thecelobrated " WEED SEWIXG MACHINE," v hicli took tho pren:ium al the Micliigan State l'iür, of J8S4. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dm. 28th , 1864. 9Utt i 8G5 OHANGE OF DATE. 1SÜC PROF. E, J. LYONS WouU inform Ji t.s PATÍENTS and others intcrestcil. lliat iu future be can lie st-eu at the MONITOR HOUSB5 -OX TFE. Sist OF EAGH Morith, Inatead of tho QOth, and at JAOKSOW, ON THE í3Oi7 instead of the ilst. Throat, Lungs, He art, Liver, The Blood, aud U othpr oompUoftted ehr 'nic complains treatetl succesBrully, hy PKOF. ïï. J. LYONS, tlui jübII known and cc!''bratf3 INDIAN ÏÏERB DOCTOR! C'all at tlie Monitor lloFe. Ann Arbor, whero lie enn he oonnulted FKKE Ov CHARGE, .,a tne 21st of each Monih, during 18üó and 186(i. lyloli). . ff aSxölbÉualW P,V tíONvusorcB: py M THE MOST SK EPTI CAL. L), THATTHERE 19 UNEOUALLED i % VIRTUE IH THE -fflk & O mï ' tnn ■ - -- i, - j ■ t v 0 1-keyare a. coBn.l)inalioj{ a g BATOS HERBS w ah.oi.cest ?OUD BOURBON WHISKY 'Ci C Tliey strengthen and lnvigorate th í J T - Tney Eive a P?0'1 antI healtny appetite. x fi JÍM They assist digestión. YtíJ v K They are tho best stimulant In existence A4 ff fjf A-v They aveapreventlveof fever andague w . v l" Tey cqre nervous headache. p ï C) Thty are pcrfectly pure and palatable. o ) LX The Red Jcl[et Bitters ure sold in quurt Y2 4 . fi tlee by all druftgisu ad drillen in the country. f u Ï5 BENNETT PIETERS 8. DO, ? ,-SCj i RIVER ST. CHICAGO J I 't isotr PfíopfíieroRS. . )s5 Forfalaby DïTOliKOT S: STtVAlU', .IobLeri. [ Tltia:iftiWUillHilWUÍlllIilll'V:''i''.''lil!-lÍ!li''ti''';1'i'' ' ': :' 'i'il'ilïïiÜïiX B[ljj6llMllMBroiÍMHTtKffij?IT'TftrB Insa Arrival at Ihe litad quarters of GUITERMAN & CO.'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHM'T Secoiiíl ío none in the States ! yOUCANTIXD Articles of Every Deseriptlon FOR MEN'S WEAR, manufü-cturetl at prices at whu;h wa Defy Competition Whatever! Wa wouM Irnjjly stute tliat onc of tho firra ís con ótantlv loykíiig out m New York, tu supply us with COOD Al CHBAP GOODS Such at no otlier House can boasl of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stoak of CENTS' FÜRMISH1NG GOODS, OF EVERÏ' DESCRIPTION, Also a largp stock of Beaver Clotlis, VESTING S, Sr CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OR SOLD BY THE YARD, at very low prices. && If you httv any doubt3 cill an'] lee for jonvBelvo'x, GUITERMAN & CO. A MAMMOTH STOCK FALL GOODS! At tlie Córner Store of inoluJiag CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL8, DKES8 GOODS, PKINTS, C3TTONS, DOMESTICS, GROCEKIES, &o., &cr. Cali and soe íhem ! Aun Avbor, Bepfe, 180.5. 1025tf OCHOOL BOOKS! MEDICAL BOOKS !! 1AW BOOKS!!! The above with a. Lnrgo Asaortmont of MiffliLWl BOOKS! -TOR SALE BY JOHNKMILLER&CO.. A r.n Arbor, Sspf. Iet , 'Íh&. 2ml0.


Old News
Michigan Argus