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The Courteous King Of Sweden

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Ilw UJiciiipa JStysi The following incident ocuurred d ing a visit by an English party at Ulrikud;l, the sumnier palace of the King f Swdeo, about seveu milos from Stook holm : Tb party passed tbe gaard wil!. o it rfifficulty; aod, on entering on 1 1 1 ? grounds, they euoourtered a man whotit'cmed to be waiting tbr soinethiüg of eomebody, as lie waaisting quietly ipon one of the many " rests " ia tlie front park without any Oeeapatiwi. JSot knowing prppisely what to do, or how to proceed iu vieitvng the palace of tbc kiugf, one of the purty stepped' back bothe quiet man, and explained to him tbeir difEuu'tj' ; for as eb a nu would have it, the man spote as oud Bjiglisn as hiiuf eli, The Englishuiuu wished to know if the K,ídít was at limae:. and mi being told tbut he was, wísheer uexü io e iuformed if tbers wye. not rijst riet ttbris nbout virtiting the pala e whea the Kiug and tho lioyal Faitiiiy weru present. The man told him tlial tliere were, Uut aa he wus himself connected with tb Dalace, and kuew all lln: parta of it, ould conduet tho party, as thuy did uut seem to have a couduclor of their own. As they procoeded they wished to kuow if their kind oondticor thuuht thry could, ly any possiuility, he perBlitted to nee llie kiug. Tliu man aaswered it was mt oustoiuury to tako Htrangers iuto the King's private apurtmeiits wtien he was knovvn to b lioine; but as ho was a etirring, uneasy, rostluss sort oí a persou, they would be very likety to fall in with him before they would have fiuished their obervations, With this hope the party raiubled on, ij the tneautiiue telling several curious Huecdotes they bad heard related of his Vla[esty, aud asking thoir conductor ií hey were true. Ho said, iu reply, that ihere were so mauy tbiugs reported of lus Majesty, good md bad, that it would be diffieutt to say what inight bb true iiud what false ; and he thougbt, also, as a pereon conneeted with the palace, tliat he would snaroolv 'it i mluble informant on such a snbjeof. Thv all thusrht the sune, and heartily apoloiized for their froedoin, the apulogy heing recetved witb a kindiiess that made all straight again. Iu this wny the grounds were uil latnbled over, the piilaee was ent.ered and inspuoted siate rooms. 8lee(iuii; ro.un. librarles elibinetg, everytnina; - the kind hearted iiuide, iu the true Öwedish spirit, eshibitiug the whole p:ilai:e to the party with the most perfect skill and patiesice. Ho then conduoted tbem to the 'awu again, aud guided them out through a nearer and more heautiful avenue tban the one by which they had entered. Suffige it to add that on taking leave they exprtwned their delight at the place, reprettiug only that they hal oot seeii the Kiug. Liftiug his hat to them, " I am the King," said Charles XV. to his unconscious guests; and so, bowing admirably, after the most approved Swedisn style, he turned his steps iminediately towards the palace.


Old News
Michigan Argus