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The President Again Defines His Position

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Nkw Yoitk, Oct. 23. The substance of President Johrson'o veuuu ks on the subject of rejonstruetion in the Scmtheru States, during a recent private interview with him, is given, i wilh (he President' approval, by Major Ueorga L. Stearns, of Mussachusetts - The President, in reply to the remarfc that tho Deinncrntg claimed that he had gone over to thein, intimated that the Uemoeratic' party had disuovered that he was in advauee of it, and that it was now trymg to oome up to his standard, and bc hoped it wan ld succeed ia doing so. He Te enunciated his doctrine that, notwitbstanding the so eailed secossion of certain States, they were never out of the Union, but that by their rebellious course they had forfeite.i their civil ! ernriieut, to reoonstruct the mu'jhitiery of which as soon as practicable he considere the chief' diity o,f the time. This, he nays, canuot be done iu a moment, but such great and happy progresa is being made in it, that the réeáita pome-i tiines ap[)ear to birn like a dream. He ' did not expect to forever deprive of their former civil rights even a majority of those who were excluded in the amnesty prooiumation, but he iotended that ; they should sue for pardon, aud thus : alize the enormity of their crime. He is in favor of allowing those aegroes who ; served 'm th,o army, those who ean read and write, and those who are possessed of certain qualities, to vote ; but does Dot thmk it is politie, or that he has the right, to foren these conditions on the ! white people of the South, thoagh he believes that they wil] ere long uoueede this privilege to the freedraen. The President also favors basing representation in Congress on the numbep of qualified voters instead of on population, ; s at preseat. Brown, m his sidewalks throngh cxistence, has discovered that wide-awake people always keep their eyes open; and,, what's more, if you don't keep your evcs open. they '11 open fchem for yoir.


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Michigan Argus