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Estáte of Horace Oubnrne CTATE OFMICHIGASÍ Coi tyovWacÍ P Ai ,i íl.,u of thn Probau; Cunrt ibr il.i "'■""■ Washtenaw, holden at the Protate Ofll. . í" of Anu Arbor, on Saturtay, the twent?iLJ1S{!ftr OcUAtotbéyearone thiu,aU,l .ifl Present, Hiram J. Beak ,;jfgeof p,.oh1, Ia the matter „f the Estáte of Horneen' . deceomd. James Osbora e, Antnitr.íor of ue' tote, domes toto Court and representa that ), ■ espreparad t tender bis final account et ï„ , . T " trator. uch AimnuThereupon it is Orde red, that Tuesdev rh . tot da, of N vember nSt, at ten l&t tfe noon, be aaeigned lor examlning andfall v , fírtconnt, and that the hcirs at law of f afd ideimuX.1 ■ other persons intereited in Hiid eslate orr r ' ? '"' "" appear ut a sessiun of lid court. then to bc lw i !""rp! to Probate Office in the City of A.m Arbor i„ ' i'n' U11: and show causo, if any there be, the SS """'y, ehouia not be allowcd : And t is furthe 'Z,t !? said Administrator gire n otice to the Ï2S "t in said estáte, of tbc pendency Of saici ,,?,;. ri'Mfl hearing thereof, by cauring acopv of hi nl Uld lh published in the .Wi.Ai 4 , ?ï!' 1 and cJrculating in snid County, tiase mut S pn"ti(l piovioua to eaid day of beariiii suv! v, (Atmecopy.j " UI KAM .T BEAKES, 1032 J"rtgeof Pnt, Estáte of Jacob J. Renner. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv wW.,,,,,', Ö At a sessioa of the Probate Court f,r tl .?;■" Wuhtaaaw, hoUtn at the Probate offlre inïn-or of Auu Arbor, „a Wertnesdav, the dïhteentl, Present, Dbam J. Beakes, Judge of Prohat In the matter of the Éstate f -Jacob J Sm deceaeed. Kcnmr, OnreadingsndiStaa the petition, daly wriarf „, Mary C. Eeiuicr, pravmg that Mlm, suiish "' roay be KflinSed AdaJnistrator of the estáte ffïK dfeceaaed. " i Tbereiipon it ie Ordered, that Mondaj, the twmiui. aay 81 SovemjKTneit, at tea o'clock in the forpíí Tv mrigiie.1 for the hearing of said petition, nuf tt tí heirc at law of said deceased, and all other pem,',i„' terestoclm Pass .tate, are rwiuired to ïjpearT.i Bion of said Court, thea to be hoHeo at thp Prl , Office, in the City of Ana Arbor, and show „JfT there bo, why the praycr of the petitioner houÏÏ be grahted : And it is further ordered, Uut Smt ttoncrgivenoticetothe persons futeresteel in Si" tate, of the pendency of said petition, and the fit thereof by causing a copy of this Order tobepSS m the UicKigm Arqw, a newspaper printed mdff latiug m said Connty, three successive weeks preS to said day of hearing. i?iou CA true copy.j HIEAM J. BEAKES, ln3'2 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Langford Sutherland. OTATE OF MICHIGAN; County of Waahtra . k 3 At a session of the Probate Conrt for toe W. of Washtenaw, holden at the Prabate ft l ffcy City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tie twentv-th'irddaí of October. m the year one thousand eijht hnndriJ and sixtj-flve. 6 na"o Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Langford átner.nj deceased. uwiio, Ou ruadintr and üüng the petition, duly veriflert rf Daniel Sutherland, jraring that a certaiu instnuviit now on iile in this court, pnrporüog to be thelastiSl and testament of saüï deceased, may be adndi td ",! probate, and that he may be appoin ed Kxecniot theis. Therenpon it is Ordered, tbat Wid:ieBdav, thetwratr secoad day of November next, t ten o'clock in tk forenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of said Bctilin and that the Lcgateea, Devisees and heirs ï uï of saB deceasedi and all other persons üiteresW ín said estáte, are required to appear at a sessioneï Raid Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, aud show cause, if any tbm be, why tae prayer of the petitioner slionld nol bc grauted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tfte persons iBtercsted in id estáte, of the pendeucy of petition, and the hearinir thereof by causing a copy of this Order to bc pnhlished in thè Muhvitm Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatimrin said County, tire saecessh-e weeks prerions to id day of liearing. (A trae copy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1032 jBuve of Pro(lafe HTHE GREAT In tlie field for fcbe FALL AND WINTER TRABE with the largest and best selected stock ol AITID 3 ÖE1SXTS' Furnishing Goods, Ever opencú in -o - COWIPETITÍ0W IN THE BACK GROUND. GBEAT WARDROBE detertnined to behoad in every respect , denpMe ft vrishe? of a certain fnir, pectallr tolerenled d tl same buino, and w? predictcl 'aar downfall wïthio threemoBths. Let (bo croaken crok. Wehl BENEFIT THE PEOPLE anii am bound to do so, and the support and enconr agement we ar rceivïnif at thcir hands, ifl lo aíisf ficiont eYiflenc1 that they rto not mean toie. oif davors to picase them pass b_f TIink'u' Tor thp apsis'ance thus far renneret-1 nu bj ourpiroM, we shall itMTtnve to worthily merit itn continuincand in speaking of our STOCK IN STOflE, and which we offer toynu at UNHEAHD of INDÜCEMENTS. We fee! freo to say thut it i cot Burpae3 ÏJ r11 the Entire State, Whi it comprineR all the courner grades, itlwB' br ets some of the most elïgaat, i6ÏiioBb ini stj'Iish O-OOIDS! ever bro-ught to this market. Previom tothe lishmentof the a strong prejudice existed in the miada of th P60? , aaïnt Ready-Made OIothing, owintr to tako qnalitT of the goods that htd hêrtofor been imjiosed upon them. The GREAT WARDROBE was instituted in a mea nu ie with a rie todisp'"? that re,iuclice. and the acknoledgeinentof t10 trade with us that our gonds are far sup1"' t0, V ever soM here, gnps to show that var efforts 'd wij J rection are not bein(; marie ín vin. Wö '" l# tempt an pnumeration of ihearticles that (T '?.- upourstock. SuffioeHto ay it incïuÏMr.T"'J pertaining to this branch of busine8t n( pre' buyers in makina; thofr selectíons, a mout comp Ie. , . , varied assortment. For ctothing and' Faro o J Goods, big stock, good Goodst aad lew prieeiírw miad THE GREAT WAKDRüB 3XTo. S, MILLER & BR0W1Ï. Ann Arbor, Oct. llth, 1-65, 103UI_ JpvISSOlUTION OF CO-PARTSEBsBlf' Thn co.pnrtnership heretofore existinf '?, % snbaeribers, nnfle : tlif Brm and rt vle of R. "u" . (f SON, is this diasolve by mutual consent. ""',, f sons bavingr claims iruinst tlie late fïri" . '' ' tf preseot them for iidjustwent. and all Pl'r"""TjBv Ui tbe said lirni , will pleasc cali immeilutwj' tIer. HoorEf. Aan Arbor, Sept. Ist, 18C56vtl ITOTIGE! Tbe business of Brewing, in its 'tol!-,K! ij ivilibe enntinuedat the old stand oflh U ,r,D,f, llu' uncierfigneii, who. tbankful for ps' Pal bopes tor contjnupd favoia. noorAnn Arbor, Sept. Ut, 1865. __ÍÜ- - ' I FOR SALE! Qri HOUSKd ANU LOK, wortb fr"" ' ZU $5,000. Alaosever.lirarroTeiWK A-Ui ArW, Pb. 9d.IS5. Witi Comatttb11 '.


Old News
Michigan Argus