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Michigan Central railröad! Passenger traína now leave üetroit and the several stations n this County as follows: OOINO WEST. Muil Dy Dexter Even. Nlgit Train Ek. Ace. Ex. Ex. Detroit, ï lñ A.wlO 30a..m4.15im5.3.1ij( ll.Oui'.si Ypsilanti, 8.40 " ' 5. -'5 " 0.50 " 12.86A.M i Aun Arbor,9 10 " 12.15 v.m 6 10 " 7.10 " 1.00" Dexter, 9.4Í " 12.40 ' 6 40" 7.35 '■ 1.26" Chelsea, 10 15" 12.35 7 55'' 1.4R " OliiOago, 11 00 p.M. 6.00a. m 13.30 i'.M OOINO EAST. Even. Miirht Dexter Mich. City Mail Ex. Ex. Ace. Train. Ex. CMoiifto, S 30 p m 10.i:0r.M 6.00 a.m Chelsea, 7.40 a.m. -- 2.20 p.m 3.30 p.m Dexter, - t.sïa.m 6.08 a.m 2.40 "8.60 " Aan Arbor, 4.2ÍS a.m 8.'-'0 " 6.S5 " 3.05 '■ 4.10 ' Ypsilanti, +50 "8 40 ' 7.25 " 3.25 " 4.30 Detroit, 6. 10 " 10.00 " 8 20 " 4.45 " 6 45 " L Men of the higliest attainments in medical soience are now u.-4ng aud recom mendin the reliable vegetable tonic - Red Jacktt Bitters - as a restorative after fevers, and the very best strangthening medicine for feeMe convaleucenta, TS HEAXTH W0RTH HAV1NG ? If it is, protect it. It is a jewel ai easily lost as virtue, and in some cases as diflïcult to recover. Nature, in our climate, and especially at this season, requires to be occasionally reinforced. Bilt everything depends upon the Tonic used for this purpose. The medicinal tinctures, all of whieh are based on com mort alcohol, are dangerous Quinine, aseverybody finds out who takes rauch of it, is a slow poison. Ote safe protective from all unhealthy atmospheric influences exists, and one only. This powerful preventiva is HOSTETTER'S CELEBRA.TED STOMACH BITTERS, a compound of the purest stimulant ever manufacturad, with the most effective tonicg, alterativas, regulators, and depuratorg that chemistry has yet extractad from the botanical kingdom. Couvalescenls, languid and feeble from recent sickness, vvill ünd the Bitters an incomparable restorative, not disagreeabio to the taste, and eminently invigoratlng. No other stimulant produces the same eftect as this Stomaehic. It does not excite or flutter the nerve, or occasion any undue arterial action; but at once soothes and strengthens tlie uervous system and the animal spirits. RUMPTON'S Strawfoerry Balsam, A CERTAIX KKMKDY FOR D1ARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, Cholera Morbus, Flux , Hear Burn, and all Bowel Compliiints, Entirtly vegetable. A secitte for Camp Diarrhoaa. OSBOKNE k riOWS,Prop'r8, Bucbanan, Mioh. nm-nhama & Van 5cbaack, Chicago, and Farra Ötieeley & Co., Detroit, Wfaotesaie Agente. 3ralO2 A CARD TO ÏNVALIDS. A Clergyman, whilp residing ín South America as a iHifríoijajry, rliscuvered a safe aud simple rcinedy for tlie Cur oE Kervou.s We;ikneís, Early Fecay, DIWPWM of the Urinary and Spaiinal Organs, and the who Ie train of disorders brouglit on by baneful and vicious habits. Great nurabers hav been already cured by this no"ble remedy, Prompted by adesire to benefit the aiïlicted and uufnrtunate, I wil! send the recipe íor pt-eparing aud usin this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any on who rmed-s it, Frce of Charge. Please Inclose a post paid enrelope, add"essed to yourself. JOSKPH T. INMAN, Statio.v D, Bim.K HOUBK, 6ml025 New York City. Do y ou want Wh i Akers or Mous taches? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on tlie snrónthst face or ciiin, or hair on bald heada, in Six Weeks.- F(rice,$1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, clósèly senled. on receipt of price. Addiess, 'WAONËR & ÓO., Box 133, Brookhn, N. Y. Iy999. THE BKXDAL CHAWBEH, aa Eseay of Warnin aad ïnstruction for Young Men - publislied by the Howard Association, and sentfr e of charge ín sealed en vefopea. A-ldress, Dr. J. SKïU-IN ÏIOU'(;HTON", lioward Aesociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. ly96 AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN BY ITS V'RUIT. So b a good Physician by hiHÖucoessiul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CKLEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CIIKST, Known all over the countri as the Celebrated INDIAS HËRB DOCTOR! From South America. A NE AT PAMPHLET Of tb life,stiKly and exteasivetravels of Dr. Lyon8 can be procured by all whodeaireone, freeof charge. Dr.L willvisit the several places asfollows.: Jackson.Hibbard House, 2Öth. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 21st. ]ttroit, (Jass House, opposite MtcTi. Central Depot, eacli month, 22ndand 23rd. Mode of Examination.- The Doctor discerní diweases bytkeeyea. He,therefore,askB no questions nor requirenpatients to explain Hymptuum. Aülicted, come andhave your syinptomRndthlocatfon of your dis eas exp lained frte of charge TOOT KOT IN SHEEP BUI be thoroughly curel by usiog WHITTEMORE'S CURE -KORFOOT FOT IN SHEEP! It is jast wliat it is repreented to be, A PERFECT CURE. Ask for WhlttemOTe's Cure, anfl take no other. Ihe fnllowinjt Certifícate la a simple of tlio testimonl&ls constantly being receiyed : RCTLA.xn, Vt„ July UtJi, 1865. F. V. Whittemoiík, Esq., UeaiïSiu; Having tíiíd yoiir Cure for Foot Rot'in Sheep, I would say for the beoofit ui iheep Kaisers thathey should lose no time in procMirintj a bottle, as it certainly will cure the Foot liot in less time and with less tronble than any preparation of Blue Vitnul or anvthing else I have ever used. 'Yours.truly, LEEDS BILI.INGS. F. W. WIIITTEMORE, Sole Proprictor, Chatham 4 corners, Columbio Co., N. Y. FOT SALE in Ann Albor by EBERBACH k CO., Soie Aeents. 3mlO26. Old and young should use STERLING'S BRO, fy V FOH " The Hair. It prevents or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifies, Preserves, and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head freo from Dandruff. It is the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. j Sterling's Ambrosia Manujacturing Comp'y, ' sole proprietors, NEW YORfc. Sml025 VEW SKIRT FOR 18C5-6. The fireat Invcntion of tlie Age in HOOP SEIHTS! J. W. BRAPI.EV'S New T'atent ] UPI.EX 1SI.LIPTIC (or doublé) SPKINíí SKJIU'. rpHIS INVKNTIONconsirtts of Duplbx (or two) Ei.l tIPTIC PilRK 1ÍEFJNED SXKBL SPttMIS, ngeiiiounly 1ÏB-UDED tii;ii'ji.v and fikmlv togetht-r, edok to kihk rnakiug the toi'íímkkt, ir.ost FLEXIBLE, KLAsrfC anl luhable SruuiG evi r used, They seldom hkxd orBKOK, likf thf Single Sprints, and eonsequently preserve their perfect r'k1 beautiful Simpe move than twicc as long as imv Singlo Spring tíkirt thaLEver Una or Can be marto. THü woudeiïtil Jiuxibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplftx EUiptic Skirt uil i bu cxpcr.cnct'il p;i r-tielai ly ip all crowded Assemblies, Upera, Caiftagea, lia-ilroad Qirs, Churcli Pews, .Arm Ghaitu', for Promenade and House Drena, af tli Skipts can bo fVildfd when n use. t uecupy a smul place as eastly and cwnveniently as a Silk or Mutthn Dreas. A Lady having Vi]yi] the l'le.isure, Comfort and Ureat Conveniencia af WéaHng the Dúplex Ellipüc Steel Sprmiï Skirt for n Ringle ilay will Nevcr afterwardH willingly dispense wi(h tbelr use. For Children, Misaeb and rpung Ui'lien they are suporinr to all otHerg. THK HOOI'S ave coverod witli 2 ply doublé twisted fhread, and will veMF twice na I'ng as the Single yarn oovériog whiíth íh utd on all SlagJa Hoop Skirts. The three bnttom roda on every Skirt roalo Doublé Steel, and twice or doublé euvevod to prevent the covering frora woariug off the pods when draerin down stnirs, stone sieps, o., Ac. , which theyiü'econ.stantly subject to when ín use. All ;ue ïniule of thfl new and elegant Corded Tapea, and are tho bent quaiïiy ín evory part, giving to the wearcr the mostffracefnl and per6ct Shape possibly, and are unque#tionably tbe Ilghtest, most rabie, eomfortable and economicaj Skirt ever male. WEST3' BRADLEY&CAHV, I'KOI'KIKTORS of the Tnvention. and 8QL8 MANUFACTUREBS, 97 CHAMBEBS, and 79 & 81 RBADE STRKETH, New York ■ POR SALE in all nrat-clasR Stoms in tilín City, and tliroupluuit the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indiea. IXQUÏRE FOR TUE DÚPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLK) SPttlNG SKIRT. 3mlO-24 A. & C. Xgknts wanted -FOR OVttGREAT NAÏ1OJNAL WORK, Th 4.' 1 A f-, Timos and. Public Services of ABEAHAM LINCOLN! By DR. L. P. BROCKETT. Thifi work ís entirely new RrfH original, and contoini mora of liis early llistory, Polittcal career, Speeches, Messages, Proclamations, .S;c., together with the scènes and incidents connected with his tralie t;Dd,than any other work publisfaod. Teachers, ladic, energeltc yonng men, andespecially retumed atul disabled oflScera and soUHeffs, in want of rofitab.e p nip loy ment, will ftnd it pecuiiarly adapted io theif eonditioti. We liave acjents lea ring $150 per Bicnth,whicb we will piovo to anv doubting applicant. isead for circu lars. Address JON Eg BROTHERS k CO„ Ko. 148 Wkst Foubth St., 3mlO25 Cincinnati, Ohio. "Á GENTS WANTED " -FOR OÍJRGEEAT NATIONAL WORK, -THESlandard History of llie War. Contaíning a fu 11, authentk and reliable account of the "great conflict," from t-s commencement to its close. Complete in one vevy Iflige vnlume, of over 1,W pages; contaiaing reading matter equal 1o three large royal octavo volunu-s splen idly illutratcd with over 125 fine por tra its of Generáis and bat1 Ie scènes TVjis ís juatthti bonk the people want It presents a rare chance for Agtnts Teachers, energettc young men, and especially rcturned and disabled officers and soldier, in want of pro Utah Ie emplitvmei t, will find it [jiculiarly adapted tu tlieir condUion. This work has nn rival h a candíd, lucid, complete, authentic and reliüble hi.story of the war Hi-nd for circuíars and see our term.s. " Adres JOXSS liKOTHEliS .t CO , 148 West Ko:irth Street, Cincínníiti, Ühio. 3mlO3O AjiB' Itly JíxE' wC Dyspepsia Permanently Cured! DR. SHKT.DOK' DYPPEPTIC TROCHES not only give iinmediate relief, but are sure to efl'ect a permanent cure in Dyspep.sia and Liver Complaint. They are not a pürgatíVe, and tberefore their use does not créate a oeceBstty for the habitual nse of Cathartics. Dr. ÜheWon's Dypepsla Troches are an agreeblo and whülesoine flppctiser, without any of the injurious fifTects which are sure to follow the use f stimulating "Bitters" and all purj-ative medicines. By their purifying, Ktrenthening and invigoraliug power they tire sure to keep the digestivo orgitöfl in a healtliy condition, thuspreventing Costivenis, Díarrhora or Dyaentery. lír. Joseph Iewis, df Phiíadelphía, ays of Dt.SImIdon'a Dyapepftia Troches : "8om years since Dr. íheldon, of tfaía cíty, gav.e,ae the formula íbr pnípaving a Dyspepsia Troche. He assured me thathe had scarce evi kíiown it to fttjl í curiDg either DyspcpM.i or I,íver CompULiíit. ífince then I have used it in iny practico with gfaí. Ruecesp.. I believe that niiie out of ten io whom I have adininistered itbave been permanentíy cuiftd, it i&viing enred man y cases which I considere.! incurabVe. I consider it the nx.)! t valunble combinatin íor tlise.'wes .of Ua.e 'Uigestive organs I have ever kown." The e::iineiit Dr. Williams has "Ke believ that the worse thing tliat a I'j'Hpeptic can do is to doa , bimselí' with Purgative .Medicines. In fact, wo know of lundreds who hnve taken Cathartlcs so long that it has Recome almost a necessity íor tijera to contínne their use.1 Dr Sheldon'a Oypepsia Trociiee are not Cathartics, and aie sure to effect a cure. They are agrt-eable to the tat. They will immediitely correct a sour stdiua.eJi -cure Qfituliiuce„ he;irtburn, sickness or pain iu the tommtfk, belchiog af uind andin face alt the rtisagretsaMe and dangerous a m]i1om.s of thisdisea e. S. N. HOCKWKLl., solé proprieior, south eaut corner '2Jst and Market Streetu, kiladelphia. Price 50 cents per box. Pent by maHfor 60 cents. T. H. Hinchman, wholesale ageut, Petroit; also for sale by í-'arrand, Shelev & , and all Druggists SoW by STEBBÍN55 WIIÜON, ïruLgists, Ann Arbor.Mich: 1030m6 W ? o 3 , b ni ' S s M z o OTEAYKD OR STOLEN ! About the 7t!ï of Hypiembor, froin my farra in tbí Townsh ni llexter, ojie BJ.ACK MAIIK aml BLACK H01! H COlr ; ouo SD.RREL I'ONV, wliilc fact anl branlnn nglit ühnul'li'r; ind ono SÍIKHKI. CÍILT, one Xear oíd, onn vhite hiul Igr nml.wliito ín face A liberal cew&ru will bé paid (or tlie return or for inforraatiuti whicli will loiul to tliuir recovery. . ARN'OLD. llexter, Oct. lOth, 65. 4v K30 IMSSOLÜÏI0N. The co-pnrtneiliiu hereloforfí omting hpiwpen Drs. I cwitt í lire:ikoy , w.-ik Iím-oIvitI Jan. Int. 1H3 LEWITT & ÜHKAKKY. AuRust 22J, 1805. MMl A KNABE I'IAN'O- one of tlie best iantruuient tnúti - óutil'Oly new. laquireat the ARGUS OFFICE. T)LTSS & HILL Have just roceived k LARGE STOCK OF GOODS wliich they aro sclliag at REDUCED PRiCES Uonsisting in pftrt of the folio ving : CLOCKS, WATCÜES, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, FABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SÜRGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c, Please Give Them a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCÜES, & JEWELRY, EEPAIRED BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, At tho ol.l stnn'l of C. I1I.1SH, K,t si.'.u of Main Street, tlnn Arbor, Michitritn. C. Itl.lSS. A. T. HILX,. September S6th, 1865. trjO28 HATS & CAPSÏW Straw G-oods ! RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostrich. Feathers, TRUNKS, VALISES, Gents' Collars, Canes, GLOVES, HQSIERY, &c, &c. BUFFALO ROBES I A Spleiuliil Assortment of GENTS' & LADIES' FüB GOODS ! Please c.'Ul umi! examine for yourselves. H, B. - Particular atlentioa naid to REDRESSIXG nad REI'AIWXU I.ADIES' CAPES kMUFFS noatly rcliaed anl dressed over by experience'1. hands and at reasouabLö THOMPSON'S FÜR STORE, HURO.V etttSEt, Ann Arbor, Mich. CThe higbost cash price paid for Furs. ■mwn. TT ATS, CAPS, ANO STRAW COODS! JOHNSON i PIERSON hare received tiielaTge-st Bfcoek of y-er broiii;ht to this mirii.t, whieli tli"y are sHing ut yer_y LOW PlíICEtí, The stock consists of - GENTS' SILK HATS- all styles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFFBRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kind. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CAPS AND HATS. CHILDRENS' FANCY FELÏ' HATS. BOYS1 STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS ITMBKELLAS, CAÜPET fc TEAVEL1NG BAOS. PARASOLS. TRAVELTK'G BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWÍTS. SHAKERS, and in íiicí, all goftJs pertaining to their trade. JOHNSON & PIERSOJff. MAIS STREET, - - lOlOtf ■ - ANN ARBOR. rjiO THE LADIES. GEORGE H. REED & CO.'S LIQTJID rnilE constant Iemand we have had for IJQUID QgGS X ha induced us toput up a compk-te Hueof 40 Slnulcs all I-kjuhIv. whicb will recoramend tiiomselvfs to every onewho ha ever uaed Mqtoid Uyes ftir Biilllancy of Colors, Simplicity of Use, Certainty of Satisfaction (ComploiE Directions for use ith evoi'3' packago.) USE TH E BEST ARTIULE. See Certificaten f rom tmijmnt CAííxí'iíí, on ete.k pack age. Pamples actunlly lyerl with earh Of íhp colprB on sïlk and wooïen, muy be secn at the Dl ug Stores. S-SOLD EVEBYWHERE. ty Tf you dosFre to insure (OOP Col.ons. iuñirc for FEEI'(S DOMESTIC DT&?, and tnkr vn other kind GEORGft H. RÖCb S ( , l'o :ion. Hanafaotare ■ FARRAND. SHELEY & CO., Agento. 6mlO25 Dctroit. Michigan. rpHE MASÓN A IIAMUN CABI: ET ORGANS, Forty nilTcrcnr Ktvlci . ,t1r:'o'T n acrf'l and Raóúiii i nuiil, (irïSO to tPOO rneli. THIHI'Y P1VK i()i.i' . r SII.VER MKHAI.S, ir other Brut iremium awürHfd t.hfm. KlustratadOHUloBu, free. A.Mre.. mason TJ.AM1.IN, BQMOS, qr MASON HKOTIIEKS, Niw YK. lylO'.'5