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Ntf OITCE'l ! , Having ducidtd to emigra Lfl t() "Western State,: weoflfurour entire stock of BOOTS fc SHOES ! _WITH- LEASE OF STORE, _AXD- F OÍR SALE! To anjr partjr wluhing to g into businem & gnoil liance u Imro ot]red. We have u piod Lusinea estab hd wlncli ia consti.ntly ncreasing, of wljirh lact wti can gUe to partk-a winning tu uuv. amule utisfac on. FQR FCJI.L PARTÍCULA RS, CAL!, AT TflK STORE OF TUE fcNDEKSMNED. In the meantime re will .cl] anv portion ot uur lulmuch RJifitliED RATkS, tp" tliose in want of UpUguodii, who wil! favor uu with ;.. cjvll. To Ihpic n'!ebte.l t? u, we would say, CAÏ.L ANII I'.n'I.K AT O.NX'K, aa wa .o not propuse to wasto nuch tiraelu th oollectini of oiitst.ndinK iiebta ; anil o thuae whora we owo njtliinü,cll and get your üreanbacks. N. B. COLE. A. D. E. SEYLEU. Ann Arbor. Oct, M, UBS10-'Jtf OLOBENCE SEWING MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, MACHINE O1L, Sp. The undersigned now offers tho public TH1Í BKST f a. im: i il, -sr SEWIIGJIACHÏIME DURAB1LITY, BEAbTYoJ STYLE,and VA RÍE TYof WORK, it "STANDS UP HEAO." ït uteds oniy o be seen to beapppeeiateil . Runs thi1 woik hoth waj, iitkcs four Uinns of atitches, hems. Hs, gathers, braids, Wnda, ijuiltt, RatherB anl k?ws n ft rufflft at tjesame time, Sewft'from tho tliinncst :o the fliickcst fabric without changing tliestitch tensión or neeüle, or without breaking the threuil - ït is fc The Wonder of the Worldj. Alsoarariety of the mrst boautlful PHOTOCRAT-Il AI.IilMS, I'ICÏUKKS and FRAMES in great varintj. 'inï piciarcs traniei! to order ;it liort nutici'. Aiso. BAHNÜM'S SELF -SHWHIÍ or TljVKKK. whicli can be adjusto! to any SfewtDg Macliint?. Cali a-t the sign of the KI.OKKXCIi SEWING II A CIIIN'R, a few door Eust of Cook's Hotel. Stiching Neatl y Done to Order, Alao, on exhibition.thecelebrated " WKKI) SEWING MACHINE," nrhich tayji iUe prercium a tíie Micliigai State Fair, of 18C4. V. I) HOLMES. Ann AHoH I'i-o. aStli , 1S04. 9H0tl i8C5 OI-IANGE OV DATE. 1866 PROF, R. J, LYQMS Would iaforui his PATIKNTS and o t hors interested. Ihat in future hy cun bc een at tli MONITOR HOUSE, -ON TUESist OF EACH Month, lasbiaA f tke 20tli, and at JAOHSON, O3Sr THB SOtli, instead of the 21t. Throat, Lungg, Heart, Liver, The Blood, aad ft tl uti&er complica ted ehrnie complaÍD8 treafcCMi suiiüe-sffullj, ti1 PROF. R. J. LYONS, the well known and celebrated INDIATÍ HERB DOCTOR! Call at the Mcnilor House. Ann Arbnr, whre he onn !■ consulted FKLE CHARliK, on the 21st T e.;icli Month, during 18H5 and 1860. lylO19. Ik THE MOST SK EPTICAL . } } THATTHERE IS UNEGUALLSD J VIRTUE IN THE C Y C meyaro a. conxtinalionv , # BATIEOHERBS l Wt Iv' rrepaz-eclnim? choicest U íOUD BOURBON WHÍSKY.X O ■; They strengthea and lovlgorate the T " ïlicy give a poodand healthy appetlt. w y JJm They Malst digeatlon. "a1c3 They ave tho best stlnmlantln exlstence $&hfy Cv% They are a preventive of fever and ague m3 . yji"11 They cure nervous headache, n p Li Thpy are perfectly pure and palatable. ,_■? L TIn' Ki'ii JuUt Iiitiera nro sold Ín qutirt 2 . ii tU by all lni(i(,FUt ftnil dcülern in the country, + O BENNETT PIETERS & DO. S3 L jv RIVER ST. CHICAGO J Ok SOLB PnOPRIETORS. & Swholesalekretail j niii Frea 1 ,'qnarters of GUITERMANi&ICO.'S OLOTHING ESTABLISHM'T econd to uoiieIn the States ! yOÜCANFIND Articles of Every Description FOH MJËJV'S WEAR, manufacturei} at pricea at wlnch wa Defy Competition Whatever'. We ou!d mply state that ono oí tho flrm l coastautty looking out in New York, to supply ua with GOUD AND CBEAP (JOODS Such as no oher House can boast of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY PESCRIPTION. Also a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VESTING S, Sf CASSIMERE8, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDE, OH SOLD BY THE YARD, at very Joiy prices. Mdg" If ƒ ou hava agy doubtg calí antï seo for yourGUITERMAN & GO. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF FALL GOODS! At the Corner Store of Ar 3E jm. O 3&ÜK. including CASSIMEKES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL8, ]RESS GOODS, PKINTS, COTTONS, DOMESTICS, GROCEKIES, &o., &. Cali and see them ! Ann Arbor, -Sept.. 1885. lÖÏ5tf TUST OPENING l The lurgest Stock and bet aaioHment of CABINET PÜRNITURE ? ever brougtit to this city, inoluding 8OPA8, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGE, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldingi OOPFIKTS METALIC CASES, &c, " c, anJ all ottterjrnoiU la-pt in th be:4t nul 1%r ■■ -ut hrttmiu t'.ficotiatry. Wn itoepno eofijnl IiuölI r titutf ) Auc.tifin goofls. CkMñn Uept oaü4iantlv t i 4T lim1 mde to oeder My good ïr oifeved ut THE LOWEST CASH 'WM NT. B. T must li fi v.' in' ncv .und respect f u)v peun tlut.-ít' inilehtoil, to cal! sti'í ■ x p ihHr ' '■ ■ withoutflelny. o. M. _.:_.--„.,


Old News
Michigan Argus