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The Savings Of The People

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Une vet y rntüymg feature ni the luslíir ■ rímica] ;.; t-h p tt ten vvara i thj :cH'!_s incrense uf ttioáavioií ik'i)( ur mcctiNuics und wnrkingaje vurious Saviug liaoks of tiie ooun try. Wovili elèot our usa Sta o aa u example, uiihough it is nut etjual to oth era ín pruportioo tt its aggregaie of pop. ulation. Itn exhibtt, however, is sufficiently clieeritig to illustrate tbe grat;íu tbeme of our brief anide. Taking the seven yeurs ending with, and including 1SIÍ4 as mir tteale, we have the foliowiog result, aa shou in the offiisisl Stato r.-tort if our Siiviiiir Büiiks: No. of Deposltor. Amt. Deposite ■ 18JS - - - 2..3.H04 84142 672 1BÓ9 . . . 230,074 48.194 847 1860 . . . 277,097 58 17tj iftO lriöl - - - 310,693 07.430 397 J8Ü2 - - - 300,511 54U83 150 lrfe; - . . 347, m 70.538,183 1804 - - - 4U(),1'J4 93,786,384 The sifH'iy ;n reuii:rk:ib:e growih, boüi in thti tiambi'V of deposita and the total oi iheir funda i ecmsptcuoiis esceptWg in í 802. the ploomie-a period of tlie ur. In tbiit year the whole iiraount reatly depnsited waa $54,275,000, of which the inoney afterwarda withdrawn wíh $11,060,458 und the deposites snbwjutíinly mcieased by 53,010. Of tha whole eiintjl lint staiea, $o9',287,0l9 eons sis in State paper, and $31"635,752 iu United States pa,.er. Tbe return tor 1863 exhibits tq a strikiiii; iriaiVnef ttie independen: condition "f tbo workinginen ot Nrvv Yirk, and t tlie same lime ihe prosperity and iluill of that cliss, so )on t they retain their bealth. Moreover, t mdicates tbo vronderful reeuperative por of the country and tbe goud seiise of the clasnes wbo tbiis deposit süvin8. The arnount of benefit to themsiilves nnd to the couitnunity at lura cannot, by any tneans, be estinUd aiicoriiitig to the rnere cipber of statistical statement, but niut be songht for in the mproved conditioo abioai), and greater ehesrfujDe at home of those wlio fci'l that they h:tve Bi iuething laid up ar;ttnst a " rainj day." Morenver, tho discrisninatinir iiiveftigator wbo could trnce up :ind bOhYpüt.' l.hi; sum thus Htbdr;iMi boni the waste t( desiructivu vicus uu i snved for ibe benefit of mora] as well as physioal bealtb, would rejoiee in bis very snUl :it the revelations tint Wiold sroet bim at every step. Ta the stfitesmaii and philanthropist, these re■ttinis are full of promiae on bebalf of ih IlcpiibliiT, ana throug-fi its exiup!o for tho wliole hiiniaii race. Tbe habit of judicious econoroy, like the praotiae of cleanliness and morality, il one that arws, and fortunately, like thciri, if well directod, ia contagious. A ruiling face, u ooiafnrtable homo, a happy holida.v, and a dollar ahvays on hand for the aid of sickneis, decrepitarle nr accident, urn thiugs wbi(;b all who see, foon wish to have, arnl wisbiiij, try to get.


Old News
Michigan Argus