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MISS E. A. HORAN 1l PREPARED to manufacture all kinJ f Hir Jewtlry. R.lu6e on Detroit nreet, oP,v .te the JVtrleultuial HU. 81"1022 W. F. BKEAKEY, M. D., PH'CICUN AND SORGEOK. Office in Dr Haven' Block, 5 oor Est of Cook's Hate! RfiRulence eOMier of Huroa ud Dirisioa .-treeti. ffrrt door tast of l'rebyterin Chureb, Aon Arbor, Michigan. w7e. LOCKA.RD, ATTORNEY AI LAW AND NOTaRY PUBLIC.-Cc-nTnc.nn ni collectinK ttfndert to Hountv, Pensiona and Hack Pay coilected. Offloe in'N'ew Bloei. Kast of Cook'B Hotel, Ann Arbor, Mleh. C. H. MILLEN. DE%LER in Dry Gouda, Groceri.s, Crockery , te. &c. Mindtreet, Aan Albor. __________- PHÏLIP HAGIÏT" DEALKHÖ in Dry (ïoodflcoceriea Boot & Shoes, c, Hain et., Ah Arbor. RISDON & HENDERriON. DEALERS io Hrdwt, StoTCS, hou famishing Kodi, Tin War, &c , ., Me Blodt, Mint. A. J. SUTHERLAND, AGENT for the Stw York Life isfiurance Conipany. Office on Hurón treet. Alo ha on hand a stock rl ihe tnoüt ayprove ! sewing machines. 885tf wTlLIAM LEW ITT. PHYSICI IN ANO SUROEON. Office at his residence, north iide of Hurón, two doors west of DÍTÍsion streel. AI. GÜITERMAN & CO. ITTUOr.ESi.LE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturen VV of Hmdy-Sfade Clothing. lmporlemof Cloth,, Doekin, fcc-, No. 5, Puocnix Block, Main st; wm. wagñebT" DEALER in Ready Uide Clothing.Cloths, Cassiroerei, nd Vesting, Ht, Caps, Trunks, Carpel Bags,&c., Phnil Block, Main ítreet. SLAWSON & SON. riROCERS, Promisión nd Comtnission Mcrchantn, and II Dealer ín Water Lime, Land Planter, and Piaster ui Pari, oneduor eautof Oiok' Hotel. SCOTT & LOOM IS. MBROTYPE and Photogiaph Artist, in the rooms A or Oampion- Clothingtore, Pliocuii Block. Perfect üatiifactiongiven. C. B. POlÏTER. SURGEON DENTIST. Offico Corner of Main and Hurón ktrxta, over Bch il Pwrson' Store. All calis promptlyattead-d Vo Airl850 MACK & SCHMID. OK.LERSinForeignaEi Domestic Dry Good.Grocerien.Hat.and Cap, Boots and 8oe, Crockery, o.. Corner of Main & Uberty ts. andrevTbell. OKLKR in Grocerics, ProWsions, Flour, Producei, c, Sc, corner Muiu and Washington Slreets, tnn Arbor. The higheitntarkt pricespaW lorcountry ,rodu. _ ". _ d7crameh, ATTORSEY t COUS'.SELLOR AT LAW, Agent for the l'hoeoit Fir and Conoeeti iu Mutu .1 Life InuranceCo np,nipi. Convoying and Colleetiogprnipt. ir attendsd t. Offi e over .Stabbini . Wilsou's Store. ' M. G. 8TANLEY, Plxotograpliic %-rtiait. Corno r tfain and Hiroa Street, Aan Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBaOTYrES, fcc. . c. , n tli lateit ityles.and everjeffort made to gire satlsfaction. 9Sf D. DbFOREST. 'TJUOLESALE and retaildealer in Lumbïr Lath VV 3!iiaglei.Sah, Doors.Bliud, Watei l.imc, Giatc irer PUtter, Piaster Prs. and Nailü ofallsizes i full and perfect mortment of tlio above, and al', otbai tri U )f oailding matcnalri constantly on hand at the ■ruit poinibl rates,on Detroit t., a few rodsfromthe ïvlroad Depot. Also operating eitensivelj in tbe "itent Cement Kooflng. yj T UMBEK YARD ! C. KRAfF, Ht" trR anfï we'l stocked Luraber Yanl, on .T?tTerioq ï-treet, in Iho Suutfa part of the ity, aad wUl keep íonítwntly on band at) excellept variety of L.UMBEU, SHINCS-IjEB. LATH. &c. whifa will be aoM as low as ean bo affordedin thii market. Qualitj and prieel sucii that no on ned go to Detroit. CON RAD KRAPF; Ana Arbcr, Dee. Sth, 1 64. 986t t ■VTEVV xMÜSIC STOEE! Ferióos wisbing to buj Pianos or Xttelodeons, ■houM (?o to WILSEY'S MU.IC STORE, beforepur ehting; elewhere. H will warrant s;itinfaction tt purchanerK, and taken pleasure in referring to tlio-e Vha hve nlrra-ly purchnstíl of bina. He takes priU ia nAyiiK' tltat he U;i.s givun tlie best of satisfaction tht.s far, and ioteodc o todo in all cases. Any Pian will be furnished that pure ha ser Sftsy require. ïlo viahes it to b distinctly uaderstood that be will not be TJ IXTID E R, S O LID hj any dealer Eat or Wi-st. T. B The laUit SHEET MDSIC for sale, PIANO OTOOI4, e. ALV1N WIL8EY. J.liJrHr,Du. fHi:. 1M4. StOtú


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