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WANTED ! A YOUXG MAN' desirfs to fret Board in a private family. to be pai'l by hia labor whiie going to School, Addre6B Box 352 Ann Arbor P. O. lvlO33 Estáte of Moses Metcalf. STATE OF MICHIGAN", Cofnty of Washtbnaw, gs.- Ata sessinn of the Probate Oourt fr tht Coimtv of Wiishton.'nv, liolilcn rft the Probate Office, In the fcfty of Aon Arbor, on Monday , the thirtinth da y of Octobér, in the year one thousand oijght hundred and Hixtv-five. Present, Hiram .1. Bkakkh, Judfre of Probate, In the matter of tbe estáte of Moses Metcalf, deceased. On reading and filing the petttion, duly Terified, of Sully Metcalf, praying that a eer tuin InptruMnentnow m file in this Conrt, purporting to be the last Will and Testament oí said deceased, isay be admitted to Probate, and that alio inay be appointed Ézeoutrix thereoY Thoreiipon it is Ordered, xhat Monday, the 27th day of November nest, at touo'clook in the forenoon, be aspifjiiiHl tor the hearing of said petition, and thnt the légateos, devíseos, nnd heirs at law of said deccased, and all other persona i títeres ted insnid eatate, are requlred to appi'ar at a sessie n of said Court , then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not e granted : And it is f ur tb er onlored, that said peitionor(five n''ticO to the per f on a interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aid petitinn, and the hearing thoreof, by eftHRlnc &, copy of this Ordttj to be pnblihed In the Mickigar. Argus, a newnpaper, prinled and circulatiugin aid County, three sucpessiví' wek previouB to gaidday of liearing. (A truc copy.) JIIRAM J. nFAKFP, IWdM 3&m at Proba t.


Old News
Michigan Argus