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Ketste of Thomns Wood OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi ntv of w. l. ft Notice is hereby Kivcn that by a %fc!"" - ! bate Conrt of the Óountf of WMhtenSTÏ "'t t o. . flr.-iday of November, A. D lS6i s 1:d" u" i I thal date were allowed for cmhtor to uïï"" froi c „mis agafaut the estáte of Thomas Wml ?„"' tb Couuty, deeeased, and that all credltor rf 'i',1'0' "W cd, are required to present their claim. ! !d a'u bateCourt, ut the pïotate office t ?he t,'lM, Pr" Arbor, for examinution and aUowance. K ' A Iftret day of May „t, and tbat ÏÏ'1"' heard before said Probate Conrt, on SatírS ,?"' day of Fi'brnai-y, and TueKday the ñt 7' thc lh'1 noxt,at ten o'dock in the &L?& Chancery Noioe. " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Solt pendinz in tí r, OCourtforthe C.untj of WahU„,VVr '"'' HefcB„„. E. Lawrence,CircuiUud;;ncChh"'7. Julia E. Kam, Coroplainant, 1 '"" vs. L Itobert M. Kame, Defendant j aíe, reside ont of tlie Saté of Michúr . n Vl t.on of T. Minde, Solidtor for the Cun plïin,0,' ?" orderea that .said Defondant cauwhi, ,Ppp, "'"■" thi. cause o be ent-red within th,„ raon", r"J '!' date of this order: And t ij furtlieriml j withm twenty d.j-, the CcnpUinan, "u,. t r '""' to bc publi„he.l in the Michigan Argu ' L'''" publ he, in .id Count,, and that fch pubSTSlT conttaued ia wid newpper, at le,t once .,'1 ' '.' ror„x wekin ucce8.,ion, or that „ii c" ",1. cau a copj „f this order to be ,er,oBK'TV Saia Drfei,„t, sl lea., twenty dy. ?S.Tí I',-0 l'aterl, October25'li, 1S6S TausN,,, E' LAWRE,ar.,itJ.ds,. Solicitor forComplainant. j)a Real Estáte for Sale. ' TN tb. matter of th Estáte of Harri.t I,. Brlm l . I of Ann Arbor, .l,ceaed . Notk i hmSF Vhat inpujsu.nce of an order granted to the 2 ' fgned, idmnistrator of the esUU of id „.. ï' by the Hoa Judgeof Probate for the ZjoZÏ tena,v,„n the thirteenth day of September,! D lili there will be Bold at Public Vendne, to the lif ",,, Í ' der, t the South door of the Court Hou , i?' Arbor, in the County of Wa.hten.w, ,n ids't.1. " Saturday, the twenty-lhird daj of D.e.mb.r, 1 ? 186r,at teno'clockm the forenoon of Lht d.i i.„i ject to all encumbrances by mortgigt orotlifrwii , y.ting,tth.tin.e.fthe of ,,,1 T)'u folio wing deacribed real estáte : Lot four ii bloei. ,. South of range eleven Eist, in th. Citj otAn.irb", County and State aforosiid. ""' Dtid, October 28th, A. D. 1865. ÏANNY LEACH, ) ,. W33 ANN'E GILES, J AdBhijtnton. 18661. THE WOELD, Au Indejiendent Democratie Daily, Wteltlr and Öemi-Weekly Newspaper. After foar years of civil war, forced opon the people of the United States by the rio. lence of sectionaf parties, we now enter m a aew era of nnity and of )irogres. Nunh i and South, a cordial co-operation of all bonest men is needed to repair Ihe waste of war, to ei-tablish our Peace through the triumphof sound constitutional princijites ia tbarlmin. istration of the goTernnient, anrl our Uuilj by guardiog all that makes Unie ■.% dfsirable. The great üoraoeratic Party, wliose hijtory in the past is the history of private nrosperity, of teiritwiaL extensión, and of public order in America stands now, asitbucnr stood, the Party oí the Nation, Mnnor, I all sectioaal pasions in its loyaliT to the riphta of co-eq,al Statea and to thelíbertin of the individual citizen. Once alore its voice will be heard, onee more it adherwts wil h rallied to its titue-honorad slandariii i'aewry city and towu. oí tiie Nortliera mul oí th Southern States. To the principies of this great Democratie Party of the Naiioo, Thk Worl has bon. firm witnes tbrouglioul the ordeal o[ ciril war. It will now be devoted to tiie nol leu arduous ta&k. oí' ajplying those principies to ihe solution oí the luan;: aad weiehty } ; tion - Ënancial, social, poüáieaL - wuichtoms upon vis with the return f peace. Eaitkld to the real ititereíta of all sections, it will kt enslaved by the prejudices aud blinded bj tl prepossessions of none. Thai tUe principies of American Deniocncy shoiild thus be uttered, with noweakorunuertain noice, here in the gieat metropoliUD ceBter of American euterprise and commerce, is a matter of suek imptutance to eTprj ciüzen as laust recotuiueud Tihl Woïld tolb co-operation aria sappuyt of good tneu in til bections of tb' Union. Whatever skill can devise or enterprise accomplish wil contiibnte to niake Tin Wou l what a ia our resolve that it hall couiimielo ! e - the Btst licwtpaper of the öoy. Competent correspondents at every commercial and politie! center of both hfini■4here, who are always iastructed to mak the freest and promptest use of the telegraph, will keep our readers fally informen1 of th duings and ihe progress of mankiud in all parts of the globe. The Daily Worlb afFords a complete con pendinm oí, and uommentary upon, the nm of every day. The Semi-Weekly World s large qaart sheet, saine size as Daily, eontainiog Ij" news, correspondence, editorial, conimerciil and market news, cattle markei and provisión reporta, and a fresh and entertaining niiseelliny of literatuie. Published TtiesdayaudFriday. The Weekly Wokls, a large qnarto eheit, sanie size as Daily, has now the largest circtlation of any weekly journal pnblisbfi 'aIe one. lts eslraordiuary snecess siace its uuion with the New Yoik Argut has justififdÜ most liberal expenditures, hich willmtkeit unrivaled in interest aud valué to farinfPuhlished Wednesday. 1. lts Markit Rkpoits embrace th Vork, Alhany, Briglittm and Cambridgf tl" Stock Markets; the New York Cocji" Proddci and Gknbral Phoducï Mab" special and valuable Hop Isteuioiuci; J department of Agricülïüeal Bwpis! ll' together composing an unrivaled handbook I current information for the farmer, lm Slock or Prodx;e Dealer, the Couutry Mefchant, etc. 2. lts Ueadino fob the Famili CikM embraces the freshest and best Stories, ï try, Keligious Reading, etc. 3. lts D1Oest op the News is not, liknw" city weeklies, & mere waste-basket of '"" Daily ; ouly matters of interest and imP' tanceare chosen from the Daily, wbile mass of its contents are prepared eêpeaMj for the Weekly. , ,, h, In overy post office district there shouia found sorue active, public-spirited Deniocr who will confer a benefit pon us, bis neig bors, and the cause, by making a deternnna effort to form a club of foui , ten, twenty. ?fty for the Weekly Worid, at our greai'j edneed rates. GREAT REDÜCTION IN TERMS. EA1LT WOllE. One copy, one year, by mail, teü BOLtABEMI-WEIKLT WOJiLD. One copy, one year, roua dollíFour copies, one year, ten doll,... Ten copies, one year, twiktt poiu WEEKLT WORLD. One year, one copy, two doiuFour copiés, one year, enVES ou Ten copies, one year, fiftieü „ Twenty '' to one ad. nrimi-n Fifty copies, " " addi'ss Fir jow8An extra copy of the Weekly edition fu"" ished to clubs of twenty or more. . For clubs of fifty the Weekly, and iw clubs of one hundred the Daily, will be "" to getier up of a club. nAdditions may be made to clubs t J time during the year at the regular clii r Ohanges from club lists can ouly M m" b by request of the person recemng tne ■ packages. AU sucli requests mut nai v edition, post office, and state to wtnen previously been sent, and inclose lnenltf. cents to pay for changiug to separate 9 Orders for'any of the editions ot " ,rf r Wobld may be sent by mail, and nou close Post-oflice Money Order Lfjaeo f ir amouut (less the discount). "e " , b. authorized traveling agents. Money seu mail will be at the risk of the senders. Orders and letters should be addreist" THE WORLD, 35 Park Eow, Kï ïobI' Oetober, lu.


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Michigan Argus