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MICHIGAN CMTBAl RAILSÖAD. Passenger traiiis now leave Detroit and the aeveral stations in this County as follows: GOING WEST. Mail Day Dexter Even. Nijjlit Train Ex. Ace. Ex. Ex. Detroit, 7.15a.m1O 30A.M4.15p.M5.2.ïr..M 11 00 i' u Ypsilanti, 8.40 " 11 55 ' 5.s5 " 0.50 " 12. 36a. m Aun Arbor, 9.10 " ia.15 p.m C 10 '' 7.10 " 100 " D-xter, .45 " 12.40 ': 6 40" 7.35 '■ 1.25" Chelmnt, 10 15 " 12.55 7 55'' 1.45" Chicago, 11 00 P.M. 6.00 a. si 13.30 P..u G01NC EAST. Even. Night Dexter Mich. City Mail Ex. Ex. Ace. Train Ex. Chlcajro, 5 30 p iii.ntu 6.00 a.m Chelsea, 7.40 .M. 2.80.P.M3.30 p.m Dexter, _ 7,65 a. 6.05 a.m 2.40 "3.50 " Ann Arbor, 4.25 A.M 8.20 " 6.35 " 3 05 ' 4.10 " Vpsilanti, 4 50 ■8 40 ' 7.25 " 3.25 " 4.30 Detroit, 6.10 " 10.00 8 20 " 4.45 " 5 45 " ICT An agreeable warmth diffuses itsdf througl) every fiber of the frame after a dose : of the R'.d Jacket Bitters, and unlike wine and unmedicated stimulants, they never sour even on the weakest stomach. lwlO38 XT"i3LL TO-DAY. SICK T0-M0RR0W. Such is the eïperience of thousands. Few enjoy continuous health. To what does the oocasional inTalid attribute )o unceriain condition ? Not to himMlT, of conrse. He lays the blame on the climato, perhaps. It is too hot, or too cold, or too damp, or too dry, or too variable. But does he take tho proper course to fortify his constitution and bodily organs against the extremes and chnges of which he complainR? No. He ays, perhaps, that only an iroa man could bear such groat beat, or such violent cold , or such sudden vicisfitudes. Why then does he not resort to the great Tcnic and Preventive, which, if it will not makehim an iron man, will at lest quadruple the capacity of his system to repel all external agencies that teml to produee disease. IIOSTETTER'S CEI.EBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, taken faitbfully according to the directions, will so strengthen the stomach, brace the nerve, tone the liver, and regúlate and invigorate the whole animal machinery, that the system, instead.of Iieing at the mercv of the weather, and liable to be prostrated by every change of tfimperatur e, will become case-hardened, as it were, and almogt impervious to climate influencee. Itisto this prevöntive principie that HogTKiTKK's BirrEES owe their great popularity in the West Indias, Briti.h America and Australia . lwlO33. A C0UGH, C0LD.ORS0RE THROAT, ' REQO1RE3 IMMKDIATE ATTENTIOS, AXD SHOTLD B CIIECKED, IF AI.I.OWED TO CONTINUE, Ii i Ilailoi of the Lnnga, a Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Langulicase 18 OFTEN THE RKSCLT, BROWH BROIVCniAL TROCHES HACINO A DIRECT INFLUENCB TO THE PARTS QIVE IMMBDIATE RELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarih. Consumptiou, and Tbroat Biseaaes, Troches AreUscd With Always Good Surccss. , 8INGER3 AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in c!oaring the voice when takin bff.ire Hnging or Rpeaking, and relievlng tho thni;tt aftcr an untisual exertion of the vocal organs, ' The Troches ure recommended and prcsciibed bv'piiv sician and lmve hnd testtmonUlj fiom eminent me? tlir.mghout the country. lieing in article of true mcrit, anI having prored their efficacy by a tet of m.iny yeais, each yiaründs therainnew 'lociilitus in v;uious .arts i.f ivirlil. and ihe Trochsi ure uuiverially prono unced beitel tlian ofher aiticles. OliTAlN only " Biows's BaO,VCDIAL TnoCHKS," and do D'.t take any of the Worthlctl Imitatims tliat may be otTt-red. Sold i-verywbere in the t'nited States, and in Foreign CouutrieK, at 35 cent per box. 1033 Omos- SpecialrRÜMPrON'S Strawberi'y Halenm, A f'RRTAIN KKMEDY F(I DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, Tholera Uorbmi, Flux, Bear1 Burn. and all lloel Cnnipl;tints. Entirfly vegetable. A Rpecitic for Camp L)iarihcea OSBOKNK . HUWE, Prop'r, Buchannn, Mich. Burnhams & Vanchaack, Chicago, and Karranil, eeley & Co., Detroit, Wholesale conti. 3mlO2


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