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TwroriCBJ Haring dccidrd tu emigra ',■ tn a Western State. we offor our estire ttock $f BOOTS SHOES ! -WITII- LEASE OF STOEE, -AXD- W f 11 fllf lili, FO.'R SALE! To any party wfuhlng to go nto buineR a good chanc la here offcred. Wo have i ,;„o,! buin. 's et ■,!. l.ubtHl wlneh is onstenily InorMfiog, of wlnch laot wecnn gin to partiua wisliing to buj-, auj[,le satislacFOH FULL PARTICI.-I.ARS, CAIÍ, AT TUE STORE OF THE LNDERSIGNED. 0 In tb moantime w will ,ell any portion of rmr go.U at much RKiiUtED RATMj, to' tho in want of tiuch goods, who will favor us with a cali. o,1,.",.,"1"86 n'Ieblecl t0 u. we vrould say, CAIX AND SKTLE AT OKCÍ, iu we do nct ,ropoe to ivasle rnucb timein tlio eultectitu of OutíUnding debt ■ and to ttiose whom we owe and get your N. a COLÉ. A. D. E. 8EYLER. Ann Arbor. Oot. 2d, Iá65. 10-'9tf OLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. PHGTGGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE 01L, Sp. The undsrsigned now offers t!i public THE BEST FAMILY SEWiNQíVIACHlñSE IIÑTXJSE. FOB DURAB1LITY, BEALTToJ STYLE,and VA BIET Y of WOEK,it "STANDS UP HEAD." It needsonly to be seen to beappreciated . Runs tlir Tvork hoth wav. tnkes four kirnls of stitches, heñís, íetls, gather.s, braids, bind', quilín, gathers and Kw n n ruffl at tile same time. Sews from the to the thickest fabric without clianginjí thestitrh tensión or needie, or without breaking the thread - It is The Wonder of the World ! Aiso a varíety of the mest beautlful PHOT00R M'Tl AI.BtMS, 1'lCTUÜJvS and FRAMES in Kreat varioty. and picures tramed to order ut .short notice. Alio, RARNÜM'.S SBLF-SIWRR or TU'JKKH, which can be adjujsted to any Sewlog Macliine. Cali at the sign of the FI.ORENCK SEW1NG 511 riIIXE, a few door. East of Conk's Hotel. Sti'ching Neatly Done to Order. Also, on erhibition.thecelebrated " WKED ?BW1Q MACHINE," which took the premium al the Mlobinn State Fair, of 1854. W. D. HOI MES. AnnArbor, Dei-.. 28th, 1864. 9H9tl 865 OHANGE OF DATE. 1866 PROF. B. J. LYONS Would infonn hls PATIENTS and olhers interestei], that in future he eau be aetm at the MONITOR HOUSB, -ON THE31st OF EACH Moiitli, instead of the 20th, and at JACKSON", ON THE SOth, instcad of the 21t. Throat, Lungs, He art, Liver, The Blood, and all other complicatpd chrnic complaÍDís trcate'l ucuesfully, by PROF. R. J. LYONS, the well known and eclebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOE! Call at Ihe Mcnitor Houfi. AnnArbor, Trhflrt he can lie consulted KRF.E OV CHARGE, on the Sint of oach Month, during 18G6 and 16GG. lylO19. {) J CiOKTVlKTCE ff j THE MOST SK EPTT CAL. Sf). W THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLCU fVlRTUE HST THE C ,110 JAGKETt y r IJieyare a com.liin.airioTt' fn. Wi, BATIK HERBs W W Prepare dm. tkc choicest {L% ÖOtD BOURBON WHlSKYif 5 h They strengthen and invïgorate the C p Vtf -J system. cyV T y Thvy give a good and healthy appetlte. w 'J A [Cí Tliey aasist digestión. yL irj V Tlu'y arethe bestsiiinulantin existence & y ri tvThey área preventiveof fever andague M -C Y They cure nervous hcadache. j ö Cï Thry are pcrfectly pure and palfltable. The Red Jacket Bitten ar sold in quart V2 [ . CO tl# l.y 11 ilruEKiato aai dénier ii the country. f O BENNETT PIETERS & CO. [0 & L RIVER ST. CHICAGO J f V%ö solé pnopñizTons. JkJ F.irmileo.v li:r'0KÖT Í: SrüWART, Joblwra. -' Fresh Arrival at the Head'uarters of GUÍTERMAfT&CO.'S CLOTHIM ESTABLISHM'T Secoïid to noneffio the States ! Y OU CAN FIN'D Articles of Every Descripticn FOR MEJV'S WEAR, manufactured at prices at whïch we Defy Competition Whatever ! IVe wouia iniply state thnt one o( the flrm ! comstsntly lookiiig uut n New York, to supply us wlth (iCOD Al MAP GOODS Such a no other House can boast of. We are now ready to exbibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also a large stock of Beaver Clotlis, VEST1NGS, f CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OH SOLD BY THE YARD, at verj' low prices. If you have any doubts cill and se for jourselveM. GDITERMAN & CO. A MAMMOTH STOCK o? FALL COODS! At the Corner Store of including CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL8, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, COTTONS, DOMESTICS, ÜROCERIES, &o., &. Cal! and sce them ! Ann Arbor, Sept., 1865. 1025tf TUST OPENING ! -- - The largeet Stook and best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brouglit to this oity, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, IjoolsLing Célaseos Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFIKTS METALTC CASES, &c, ' c, %nÓ all o (lier oods Itopi in the bt nrni lar ;nt h on ia f iu tho citantrj. Wortöopno second hand urituieov AaotioD contls, Coilin kept couwtantly ( o Htii.jfjirt made to ordor My q;oodíi ;.r olTero.l at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES V. "-. I must , an.I rflspp.etfuliy r-jnent tlioce iij(íebted',to cali and ix up théú nld mtini ft i'.huiit lehiy. ■ m O. M. MARTIN.


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Michigan Argus