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Our Commercial Relations With France

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that the French Government bas lowered the dutieí on raw whalebone, tho product of American fisheries, the tariff on that article now being the samo as on that importad into France frotn European countries. This has been done without any applicatiou 011 our part; it is a spontaneous act by that Goverumeut. This voluntary concession to the United States, though of eoinparatively smal! importance, is coupled vvith other propitious circumst'.mces whieh encourage the hope that our commercial relations generally with Franca will soon be placed on a moro favorable footing. JKÜST" The National Intelligencer, in noticing a visit to the President, of a delegation of ludios f'rom Baltimore, aud , their presentation of a petition numerously signed, urging the clemency of the Kxecutive in behulf of Jcff. Davis, saya the interview was a protraeted one, and of tho most agreeable character, and the fair petitioners left the city carrying with them the most pleasurable impressions of the President. In deolining the priiver of the petitioners, the President said that the national charactor ol the question restrained all private sympathy which they miglit have awaUened. He made the important statement tiiat complete arrangements have been made lor the early legal trial of Mr. Davis, according to the laws of the land. Among tho Cnurt files at Taunton is the findi'jg of a Ootoner's Jury, drawn up sorne thirty years ago, by a lawyer, who concluded that " the said came to his death by the visitation of . the uforesaid God."


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