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The Memorial Chapel

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The uircular publi.-bed below, presi;uta ;h matter oL tba memorial ehapel propoeed to be nrected in the Univerrity grounds at Ann Ai bor : At a meetig of' the Society of Ahirn ui of the Unhersity of Miobigan, held Judo 28th, 1855, ït was naam rnously resolved to erect a meinorialbuildiug ut Ann Arbor, to the brave and gaUant deail who have fallen in tiio late tii vil war. and tho Alumni píedgcd thetnselvcs to raise fif'ty thoupinici dotlara for this purpose. Tho proposition whs reoeiveil with great enthusiasm, und everal subsuriptions of one thousand dollars Bacil were irumediately proffered. It ia the intention of the Society to construct u building of largo dimeusions, chaste and elegant in memorial wiudow., mural and aliar tablets, niches, busts and ap propriate frescoes, which hall keepaüve in the meinory of after generations the namcs and deed a o) tbc Alumui ami uncli:i--grai!uates, who havo fought and lallc u in tlie Hervice of their country i" the recent atruggle Oui' Alma Mate seüt to tbe war a largejr prpporuou of her sous than any olhor institution of learning in tbe country, during tbe recent struggle. They have all lott a record of thuiusidves of wbicb we may well be proud Many oí tbe uoblest ot this band of horoes nuw sleep in the soldierV gruve. Let us then unite heart and hand in ereeting a fitting monument in honor of our lamented bcotbers While the main pmposa in organizing thi? movemenl bas buen to corütnoiuoiate, hy a suitable memorial, the worlb and services of th ose who have thus lost their lives, a secondaiy object hag had mucb influonce, name'y, to sunply to tbo University the pres.sing want of a ehapel, as well a to furnish to the Alumni of all departments a permanent place of meelinü:, for their anniversary, and otbor public exercises. We aro firm in the belief, that the establishmont of a permanent Alnmui Hall, upon the Univorsity grounds, will tend grcatly ta streugtlion the ties that bind tbat body togoiher, and to aerease their inteiest in thu University, and their attendance upou the anuuul comniencements. It is also intendcd to hnvo in the Alumni memorial, a nall of relies, in which ave to be preerved and ari'anged for inspectio-D, sueh articles of historie interest connected with the late, or any otber war in wbicb the country bas beeu engaged, as friends of tbis enterprise may see fit to depnsit therein Personal relies of tboso whose deeds tbis structure is iuteri'ied to commemorato, are especially dusirud, and all having urticdes of tbe nature above mentioned; tbe his tory of which is authentic, whieh tbey are willing to place in this collection, will confer a favor by informing Prof. Evans of the faot at an early day, with a descriptioü oi tbe intended deposit. lïoreivith we endoso a subcription paper, or ooe will be presentad to you, to vThich we hope to see your own uames and sucb othorsas you may be able to induce to join with us in tbe object. We trust tbat thoso wbo receive tbis circular wïïl appreciato the necessity of immediate and energetio aotion, by communicatiua not only with the Alumni, but also with all friends of the Univereity 'm their vicinity, by calling togetber tbe citizens of their scveral localities, stating tbe object of our efforts, soliciting their syinpathy and oo operation, and making arrangoments to raise iuuds by means of fairs, festivals, tableaus, coooerts, publio lectures, und sujIï other methods as they irmy deein expedient. Evory Alumnus can do soinething. Ii hisownpurse be ligbt. Iet hiin supply the deficiency by induciug othors to oontributo. Lot each aim to be instrumental iu briuging at least one huudi'ed dollars uto the treasury, and the wor.k will be accomplisbed. An inimediate response is requested, in order ihat the Commiltee may know that this circular has been reeeived. AU subscriptioQ papers, after having boen signed, may beretunied to Prof. M. P. Evans, Chairinan Memorial Counnittee, Aan Arbor, Michigan. E. P. EVANS, C. K. ADAMS, T. R CHASE, E. ANDREWS, Me. Dep't. C. H. DENISON, Law Central Memorial Com. S. H. DüUOLASS, T. M COOLEY, Advisory Com. from Meel. and Law Faculties. HIRAM A. BURT, Treasurer of Memorial Fund.


Old News
Michigan Argus