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U-MilL- UmjMIIIWI Hl il - II1WIW i ■ i i' rpHE GKEAT In the field for tlio FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! wifh the largeet and beat selected stock of Furnislimg Goods, Ever oponed in ANN JL'StJÖOR. - o - COSV1PETITSOS3 IN THE BACK GROUND. GREAT WARDROBE d.lcí i.iinod to be in every respect , deeplte tbe wi.-hf of k certain fa-, speeially intorested in tlie same business, od who prfidicle.] our il.iwnlal! ithin three months. Lft the croakers croak. We liavf set BENEFIT THE PEOPLE nndarebouml to do ko, and the support and oncouragement we are receivinz at tliyir hands, is to us auffici'nt evidenc that they do not mean to let o ir endeavois to please thera pass by unnotiecd. Thankful for tii! ftssfstance thus far remlered ua by onr patroDB, we Rhall stiJJ tnve to worthily roorit its coalinuíiuct?. anl in Bpsakipe of our STOOK IN STORE, and whích weoITer toyou it UNHEARD of INDUCEMENTS. We feel free to say that it m noí, surpassed by any in the Entire State, R'Wl it comprisos all thc coarser grades, it also embr c(s some cf the most clegnnt, fashionable and stylish aooDs i ever brtmffbt to this market. Previous to the esíabsliment of the a siroüg prejudice existed in thc miada of +he people ai;ninst Beady-Made Olothíng, owmpr to take quality of tho goods that had heretofore bren imposed upon lliem. The GKEAT WARDROBE was instilutfid iu a mcasure with a view to dlapelliág ihiit prejudice. autlthe acVnowltdgement of thoa who trailü with us that our goods are far superior to any ever oíd iiere, gnes to show that uur elToits ín this diroEtio are not boin'í mjule in vain. We will not attonijt nn enunierjifion f the ft'ticíefi thut go to m&be u p stock. Sufiiee it to say it inclucles pvorything pcrtaiutng to this branch of business, and presents to buyrs in makitt,' thcir siections, a most complete and vaned asaortment. Kor cío t hing and I-urnishing Quoda, big stock, good üoods# aud lew pricos, bear in mind THE G11EAT WARDROBE, No. a, MILLER & BROWW. ígA" Arbor, Oct. lllii.l US. 103UI. OF TUK LATEST STYL1-3 "(n'iJB jW_ Straw Oocds ! RIBBONS, FLQWERS, Ostrich. Featliers, TRUfoIKS, VALISES, Gents' Collar?, Canes, GLQVES, HOSIERY, &c.; &c. BUFFALO ÜOBES ! A Splendid Assortraent of GETS' & LADIES' FUR GOODS! l'lease cali and examine for yourselves. B.- Particular atteutiun paid to EEDEESSING and REPAIKING Zj VJOlaESjS PTJRS! LAWES' CATliS &MUFFS neatly reliuea nnl dressoñ over by experienced hands and at reasonablo THOMPSON'S FÜR STORE. I1UHON STREET, Aiiu Arbor, Midi. ídF'The highest cash price paid for Furs. 3mioa7. TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS! - o - JOHNSON í PÏERS0N have receíved the largest stock of il mm ever broulit to (hifi marlet, which tbny iré selling at verj I.OW 1'MClúS. The stock coiifiats of- GENTS' SILK HATS- nll stylos. GENTS' SOFT AND ST1FF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. OHILÖBÉNS' STRAW CATS AND HATSCHILDIiENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STÜAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FÜRNISHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, OARPET A TRAVELING BAG8. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. SHAKERSJand io fací, íill goods pertaining to tneir trnde. JOHNSON & PIERSON. AJN STEf.ET, - - lOlOtf - - AXN RBOR. ■VrOTICEl Hnvn& docidud to emigra' to & Western State, we oflor mir entire s Uw kof BOOTS fc SHOES ! - TYITII- LEASE OF STOPvE, - AXD- iTfll Slïtllll, fo:r s al ei To any party wtuhing to gil Into trulns a good chance in here olif reil. We have a yüoil budín 8 estabHMlwi which Is cnnst.n1ly lBcrekfclng , of wl u-h ín cl. we can gire tu punks rilling to buy, ampie satMaction. l'OR FL'LL PARTICUI.AP.S, CALI, AT THE tTORK OF ME LXDEltólU.VKlJ. ín llie mantiroe we wíll r.ell any portion of our gciodsat inútil HKj.UCKIJ KATIC8, lo'tlmn In irantof uuchgooús, wlio will fayoi us with a cali. To thoae imlehled t) u.i, we woukl ay CAI. L AND SETTU5 ATONTE, as irá ,1o nut tropo to wdate rnuch timein tle collectiin of outsUndmg ilebts; and to thoHe vtióm we owe anytbng,call and get your Greei) backs. N. B COLÉ. A. D. E. SEYLKR. Ann Arbor. Oct.2il, 1J65. 10"9tf Cl LOKENCE SEW1NG MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, F1CTURES, FU A MES, THREAD, SILK, T W JST3 MACHINE O1L, Sfc, The umlersígned no offers the public TUE BEST PAMILY SEWSNCJACHIWIE IKT TJSE. FOB DURAB1LITY, BEAhTToJ STYLE,and VA BIET Y of WORK, it Xi nftedRonly to besflen to beappreciated . Runs the work boUl -ay, ti.!i tour kind of stitches, hems, feil, gathers, braids, bindi, uuilts, gathers and kcws onarufflc at the.inme time. Scws from tho thinncst to the thickest fabric williout dfaanging the stitch, tensión or nee4)e, or without breaking thu threau - It is The Wonder of the World [ A!so a variety of the mest befcutiful I'nOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, l'ICTURES snd FRAMES in craat variety. anti piciures Iramed to order at short notuie, Alao.BARNOM'S SELF-SÏWER or TUKKER, irhicli can be adju.steJ to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of tho FI-OREN'CE SEWIKG MA C'IIIN'K, a few doors of Oook's Hotel. Stüching Neatly Done to Order. Also, on exhibition,thecelebratcd " WEED SEWIXG MACHTNE," wliieh took tlw: preKiium at the Michigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 28tli , 18G4. 9H0tf i805. CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PROF. R. J. LYONS Would inform his PATIFNTS and oihers intcrested, tliat in future he can be seen at the MONITOR HOUSB, -ON' TUE31st OF EACH IVTontli, ïnstead f the 20U, and at ra.cicsoiM', oisr the sotii, intead of the 21fit. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blood, - aml all other comylicated olir-"niö cfnAplaiota tMated flucce.sfuily, bj PROF. E. J. LYONS, the well bnown a ml celtíbrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOK! Call ut Uw Mc nitor House. Ann Arbor, where he can bc eomalted FKKE OK CHARUE, on ttie Sist of nach Month, durïng 1865 and 1866. lylO19. ■T J doisrviisTCH: "a X THE MOST SK EPTI CAL, z) TOK THATTHERE 13 UNEOUALLED g VIRTUE IN THE3 Tfc VI w, Bik W Ê% #i w 171 tt .1 A., ■ J or jï3 sj Mik. TIAA ?fE?JBS t 5 Tlrepare dnLthje ch.oiceal la ?01-Ö BOURBOWWHISKY.X t t They strengthen aad invigorate th vP system. fVOTt f They give a gooii and healthy appetlte. XSy" They assist digestión. YVCT They are the best stlmulant In existence r)f? &L iVÏhey are & preventivo of fever and ague V YJ They oure nervous headaehe, (gp jr & They are perftctly pure aud palatable. 5 k Th Red iicVet Bitters aro olilo qimn % - j ÍO tlei by all dru(igist ntl dualcr iu th country. J r rj BENNETT PIETERS & Cü. 'SjO ajVy ÍL R'VER ST. CHICAGO J f For sale oy Dt-ftlREtfT t STEWART, Jf.bbers. Frtsh Arrival at the Head.quarters of giüterman:& co.5s clothing estaelishm't Secoml to lïonejn the Staies yOU CAN FIND Articles of Every Description FOlt MEiWS WEAR, manufactured at pricey at which we Defy Competition "Whatever! We would simplv state thut one ( the firm ;a conBtantly looking out in New York, tu snpply us witb (iOOD AND CHBAP GOUDS Such at no olher House can hoast of. We are now ready to exliibit a largo stock of GENTS' FURMiSHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Als.o a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VEST1NGS, Sf CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OS SOZiD BY THE YARD, at very Imv prices. 3 f jou have ony düubta c-iU mj see lor Tour seh-es, ' GUITE1ÍMAX & CO. A MAMMOTH STOCK op FALL COODS! At the Corner Store of includiüg CASSIMERE9, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, PKINTS, COTTONS, DOMESTICS, GüOCERIES, &C, &9' Cali and see them I Arm Arbor, Sept., 1865. l()25tf. TUSÏ OPENING ! #" The largest Stook and bt assoitmeBt of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever broughk ttlii.aoLty, iueluding SOFAS, TBTE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BEDROOM SETS CENTER TAKLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, liooliins Q-lassoa (Jilt Frames and Mouldings ■ JL'jkrm. METALIC CASES, &v.., c, am] all other p;oorlR licpi ín the hai.t ftïyt lr ;■■ liouf in t'.i1 country. We itefji no sc'fl! hay il ir titur rr Auciion omfs. Cofftfll kf-.t enmtunt ly i o .iBl,nr)d raa'le to order My offtred ,-ii THE LOWEST CASH rRICH5 N.B. I must hnT nel rpsprctfiilly riqiit thope indoWtedj to cttLl aad ás, üü tlitii dd uiattrB withoutdetaj. , . O.M. MARÏIN.


Old News
Michigan Argus