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The Michigan Argus

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Publiahedevery Fvíday moruing,in thethird story of th brick block,coruer of Maia and Hurón ata.. ANN A.RIÏOR, Mich. Entranceon Huron Street, oppos.ttthe Franklin. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Tering, $ OO a Ycar In Ailvance. .Vdvcrtlslng- Onesquarc (12 Unes or less), one ok, 75cents; thrce weeks $1.50 ; and 25 cents for Tarj iusertion there fter,less than three montbs. Uut aquare 3 mos Ï4.00 Qoarter col. 1 year $20 Oae iquare 8 inda C.00 ■ Half column 6 mos 20 One square 1 yoar 9.00 Ilalfcoluinn 1 year 35 Tio're6mol 8 00 : One column 8 mus. 30 Tu sqres 1 yca.r 12.0 l One column 1 ycar 60 Carda in Directory, not to exceedfour Unes, $4.00 year. , Vürrtiir to theextentof a quarter column, regulaly thtougU theyear, will be eutitled to have thfir ,rdi in Directory without extra charge. f-y Vdvertisíments unscíompanied by writtenor rorballitíctioníi willbe publislied until ordered out, nl ehirgediiccordingly. Legal a.UertisementB. lirst iosertlon, iO cent per folio, 35 cents perfoliofor each subsequent icsertion. Whn patpcoenint isadded to an advertisementtne wbola will be chaTged tbeaame as for firstinsertion. J PrlntlnsPampblets, Hand Bills.CircularB, rd BallTickets, Labfls, BlanVs, Bill taads, and thr rarieties of l'Uin and Fanoy Job PrinHïlg.execu41 with, and in the best style. Carda- We have a Ruggles Rotary (.:ard Press and larsre varioty of the lateat styles of Card type nableii us to print Cards of all kiods in the neatest posdiblstyleandcheape.r than any otherhousc-in the city. Busine.soards for men of all arocatioos and pror.sion,Ball, WdntUrand Visiting Cards, printed on hortnotice. Callandsee samples.


Old News
Michigan Argus