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TOTICE! HavinR deciel 1 to onigre to a "Western State, wo offer our eutire stock of BOOTS SHOES ! - WITH- IL.E-A.SE OF STORE, - .IXJD- If Ml flif ttli, i FO:R SALE! To any party wihiiiS to go int) business n gaot cimnce is Iicre cfferrtl. We have a ([nocí b.isine etab ihed which i constant ly IncreaMng, of which fact ?e can gire to partii- wlhing to buy, ampie satistaction. FOR FÜLL rARTICÜLARP, CAI.L AT TUE STORK OF THE ONDERSIGNED. Ia tho meantimo we will ell any portion of our goods at RKDUCEI) RATKS. 1o tlim in wantof nuch guods, who will favor us with a oall. To those indebted f Ui, we wouid say, CALL AND SETTLK AT ONCE, a.i we do not propose to waste mudi time In the ooltectit-n of outsUnding debts and ;othoe whom we owo and get ,vour Greenbacka, " - " N. B. COLE. A. D. E. SEYLER. Ann Arbor. Oot. 2d, 1865. 1029tf ÜLORENCE SEWING MACHETES. PHOTOGMPH ALBUMS, P1GTURES, FBAMES, THKEAD, SILK, rr-w ist, MACHINE O IL, tp. The undpr.iigned now offer3 the public THE BEST SEWING MACHINE ikt ttse. por DURABILITY, BEALTYoJ STYLE,ad VA E IET Y of WORK, it "STANDS HF HEAD," It neca only to be seen to be appveciated . Runs the work botli ways, take four kinds of stitches, hem fells, pithPrH, braids, bind', quilt, nthera and fews 5 on ft rutile at the same time. Sews from the thinnes to the thickest fabric without changing the stitch ; tensión or needie, or without brcaking the thread - The Wonder of the Worldj_ Alflo a variety of the mrt beautlfn! PHOTOGRAI'H ALBUMS, P1CTURES and FRAMES in great variety and piciures tramed to order at short notice. Also. BARNUM'S SELF-SEWKFt or TÜUKER, which can be adjusted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLOREXCK SEn'IXG MA CHINE, a few doors East of Cook's Hotel. Stitching Neatly Done to Order Also, on exhibition,thecelebrated " WEED SEWING MACHINE," which took the premium at the Michigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Ann.Arbor, Dec. 28th, 1864. 9riSHf j 865. CHANGE OF DATE. 1866 HOF. R, J, LYOMS Would inform hts PATIKNTS and others interested thut iu future lie eau be Beeu at the MONITOR HOUSE, -ON THE21st OF EACH Month, instead of the 20th, and at j"-A.a:K:so3sr, on tkce aoth, inktend of the 21st. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Iiiver, The Blood atd &I1 other eumpticated chrontc oomplsinte tre&tet fuccestifull y, by PROF. R. J. LYONS, the wl! known and celebrated INDIAN HERB D00T0E! Cal! at the Mcnitor Houne, Ann Arbor, where he can be con8ulted FKEE 01' CHARGE, on the 21st of eacl M'onth, during 1866 nd 1866. ly!019. Ln J dOiJVXN-CÏC p ( I? THE MOST SK EPTi CAL. è "Öw THATTMERC 13 UNEOUALLED fViKn112 IN THE! l ,ikev"are a. comiinali.ojt fa v? XTCpared.m.thjB choicest { f OlU BOURBON WHISKY ■, They slVengthen and Invlgorate tha i y "y They gívc a good anii healthy appeUte; Vvjliy' tirt They as3ist tíigestion. s yK p y They re the best fltimulant in existeDce vJy ftí iy They are a preven tive of fever aruiague nj ij Fr They ure nerveus headache. {$ CS They are perfectly pure and palatable. oJJT v Th Ki"i Jai ket Bitters are rqIcL in quiirt Vfi . ÍO tica by all tlruggisti ad dutiiera iu the country. fff Kö BENNETT PIETERS & CO, tó J fy 3,1 RIVER 8T. CHICAGO Jtï ÏJK BOtt PROPBIETORS. . M Tor ale by DïFOREST STEWART, Jobber. Fresh Arrival at the Head[quarters of GUITERMANE& CO.'S OLOTHING ESTABUSHM'T Second to nonejin the States yOÜ CAN FIND Arfcicles of Every Deseription FOR MEJV'S WE AR, manufactured at prïces at whicli we Defy Competition Whatever! WO wouM nimply state that onc ot the firm U staatly ïouking out ia ?íew York, to supply us with GOOD Al CHEAP GOODS Such a no other House can boast of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also a large stook of Beaver Cloths; VEST1NGS, Sr CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OR SOLD BY THE YARD, at very low prices. If you have any doubts cali and see for yourselve. GÜITERMAN & CO. O" TT S TT OI"3E31rE!I. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF FALL GOODS! At the Corner Store of incïuding CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL3, DflESS GOODS, PRINTS, 3OTTONS, DOMESTICS, GROCEKIES, &c, &c Cali and see tfrem ! Ann Arbor, Sept., !865. I025tf tüstTopening j The lafgBt Stock nd best nnaortnient of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to this eity, inclnding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Looliing Olasseai Gilt Frames and Mouldiugs METALIG OASES, &c, ' c, and all otber gofwls keptín the bnt aort Ureni hiui(i in theoountry. Weaeepno second hand ur tituieor Auction gootls, Cofifins kept constaptly n and, and made to order. My goods ar? offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRIGES N.B. I must have money,nd respeetfully req-'ieet tliORe indebted . to cali d dx up their oM mattcrs TTT O. M. MARTIN.


Old News
Michigan Argus