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Work A Blessing

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Many young men havo fathers that wo well ofl', and thoy have no arabition, and no particular prospoet. They soorn a trüde. A man tbat is too well-born for a tra ríe is very wollborn iar a gallows ! Thousauds üf parents, who, by industry, havo gained a position wbich enabl9 them to destroy their children, take the surest mn-ins of accotnplisliiog ing their dustruction by encouraging tbem in idleness. aud allowing them as tbey grow up to feel that it is disgFaeeí'ul to work at whatover manual kbor best suits bis taleuts, no matter iL bis futher in a minister, or a lavvyer, or a Senator, or the President of the United States. Mauy young men are lookrag forward npon life witli the general dea that they are going to eujoy themselves. Tliey are provided wtth a!l needful physieal comforts, and they mean, ta be happy. Tiiey have no trade. They slight their professioD. Their whole governinii priuciplü in lifo is shirk anytliing like vvork ; and tbey expeet to have enjoyment without industry. But no man in this world will be happy who violatea the fundamental law ot industry. You must vvork, if you are going to be a happy man. I kuow you thiuk it is hard ; but if God had nieant that you Bhould be a butterfly, you would huve beea born a butterfly. And' as you were Hot born a inoth or a millor, but a man, you must accept tho conditiöns of your rnauliood. And if there is one principio that is moro important at tbs very threshold of life thun aauther, it is that man is born to work. At the beginning of the history of the race it may hare been a curso that doomod to work; but, thank God, it has been changed to a bleasing now. And the baptism of vvork is a baptism of blessing. - &. W, Beecher. L3T Tbe Postoffico Department has appointed fifty women to postoffices ia the Bouthera States.


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