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r ÏM-IE KOOTti AJND THE LEAVEö JL WII.LbefortUolIeaHi.g olthe Nations. lliblc. Frof. -tt.. O". XjONS, rilKQJftEAT WI CKÏ.W.H.VlT!' 'UÏ-IC1AK of ttó r.Küi.ii ,:.rx;s, HËAHT.tlVtR AM! THE BLÜOD, Known allover tht?uur.tiv os the Ci.r.EÜRATRD IHDIAN EIEÏ-33 DOCTOR I Ui' 2V.Í Superior Street, CleTèUind; Ohiu. Wi [TviHit the ful luw mg plftotl. TÍZ A?POINTMENTïi I'OK 18t;5, 1 1867. frof. ''.. J. l.yuus un be consulted at tho Mlowing pLicefcevoi'y mjiitb, viz: Oetroit, at Hj (S Jlunse, öpposite Mtcniga'n Central Depot, each moutb, Ü2ud and 23rd. ftakurrazao, ííurdick Houe, eaoh month, lStb and 19: li. Jackson, tari Iloube, eacli mcnUi,20. AanArb' , Munitor House, each miintl!, Ist. ííaíihoii llí'iisc, eacli 111110.4. Toledo, gammit Slieet Ilouse, escli montb, Mtb. and S6t CLEVELAND, OIIIO. RK.SIDF.NCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPEliiüR STREET. Kust of the public square, opposite the Tostollice. (WioeiUjs eacL i"...r.tli, Ist, ÏJ, 4th,5tb, O'tb, ljth.- t)IBce hours i'rum i) A. M. to Ï2 M, and trom i 1'. 51 to IC M. UnSunil.t.vfroui 9 to 1UA. M.,and 1 to 2P M. i-Maxhub itrictly ailhereil to-I give sucli balmas have nostrife, Wiih aatiirc or the las of life, With bloei iiiy hands I ueverstain, ÑorpoUun mo3 coeaae tueirpaln. tí is a runt LndrcdjWiho Carts. The Iiuüiuï fleri Doctor, K. J. LyONB,.ni;fth#follow iu.c cuiuplaints in the mos tub.stinate stages of their eslstence, viz: lii.-;-:.'K0f theThroat, I.nngs, Heart, Liver, btomach, DroiHy intliaCliest. Rnenmatium, Neuralgia , Kus. iEalligifknes,andaUotbernqrfou'lerangeipeiiís. V'.-o alMiseasesof the blood,sucb auCroflila, Kiysipi8 Caneéis, Fever Sores, l.eprusy.ainlallotuerconiliváled chrumccomplaints. Aiir..rma..r Témale diffloulties attendod towithtbe iaiti'i"hoped'that noone willdenpair of a cure until hey have "iven the [ndian llerb Uoctor'8 Morlieines a au audfaithful trial. 62,During the Doctor', tr.vlíiuKurone West Iridies, South America, and the ; tttea StlttWi be bas been ihe nilrnment m öod'i land to rettore to health and vigor thousanda who w-rc ïivenup and pronounced incurable by tlie most uiiuentold school physicians; najr, more , thoumdti ïl,u were on the verge of the grave, are nojv living mta tp the Indian Herb's Doctor s skill and nVcessfuHreatiuent.aiuUre.'.ntyexclaiming: "Bles,d bethedaj hen ftrst we saw and partook of the ndian Herb Óoctor's medicine." Sahsfactoryreferencesofc.ires will be gladly and cheerf.illv iriv'en m henevnr required. TliePoctor piedles hu word and honor, that bo wül n now','lirecJVri'"lirlsctly'imh!lH' ?V CaU? 'iy „v,iIiltot;,!;el,-.rradicineWitl.outthetrongeMprob'r.mination. whiel, is entirol; Ml trom thofaculty. Dr. Lyofl profwl to discern diseasesbytheeye. He therefore aska. noquestjonnof doeshcrecuiirepatientstoe-.-pb.insymptorns.. rallo..,, and all, ind have thesymptnms and location of jour diaease-xplaijiedfrceof oharce. .%i=nièpovialllieHberallvcon8ldered. -Portofflce.ddw.s.boï 26S. m p Cleveland, Ohio, Nor. 25, 1862 HISTOHY OF THE WOKLB. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of the principal Ccmtributor.- to the. Piclioitarirfi of areekaitd Roman dntiquities, Buigrapliy, and üeog raphy. PLAN OP THE WQRK. Since Sir Walter Raleiih solaced hi8 imprifonment in the Tower by the cnniposilutu of kin " Historj of the World," trhe -- ratore rtf L!iiiíl;incl has never tohievecl the work which lm lelt u aiiniahed. Tb ei e Uave ben "Universal li! ," Im.hi tfef buil; of tn encyclopaedïa to the most fiieagre outhne, in which f.ho annjils of eacli oatiofl are aepafñtely reeorlöd ; but wiüiout LQ .1' ' "i.'pt t ; .ï ie-; tliv stovy of Divine 'roviiiöBce ad btunan pigvsüi in one ciinected narrative. ït Is prooosed to ■ ninilv t'-iis want by i work , . condensedenuugh to ke.epjt witliin a rfasonable sizc, bat 3'Ct sof uil a-i t" 1"; fc'jee t'roin tbe dry balrrn.-ss of in Tliü J,iti";iture of (iennany abouncls in lurv, - cuchas those of Muller, S$h losser, Kar! von Rottcck,IHin(;kí-r,and others, - which at prove tlléfle mand for such a book, and fnrnish moöU-ls, in sumt derepyfor its exticiitio:i. But even those ereat works ire Miim-'A luit deficiënt in that organic unity which in ■i aim of iliis "iJUl rv of t.,.; WorM." The story of uur whole race, lili o th:it f e ich sep:ir ite nution has " a hegïnöïng, a niidú an eud.' fliat story we pr,upose to i . ■ 1 1 ■ -.v , from itsbegjnning in thésacvéd recofdti, an'i frprá thé dawn of civilizaiion in. the Kast, - tnxough tliesuccessive Oriental Empires, - the of liberty and Éne perfèction nf heatben polity, arts, and literatorO ín Greece añd Ropie.-t] e -lianiic whicli passetl over ihe face of the wojrld "'hen ae ïigh't of-cliristuioity ("praiugiip, - tlié nrjgin tirsTappëarance ofthose barbarían races which overihrew botii dïvision.s oí the fioaan Empire, - the au Mie States which rose on tüe mpire'a ruins belu ling the niotuie.-.) le talla Öf rnèd'feval bistory, .iml thesta!y profree 6f medetii !ib--ity an3 v;iili;'.pi ttol], - and 1 le extensión OÍ thfiré íírffiítieés, iv dis i;ovovy. ccnqui'st , cOitonizatiöB , aml 'hristian tniesiöns, to the remu test regk&e oi the eavtii In a word, as jfnarate hiatories roQect tlio detached acunas af human ftctiöii ili ■ . ouc aiui is to bring into one view the Feveral parta wiiïcM aasüreíiy form oño gréat ti'ilc, vnoviny 'ui'vanls, undtr t he guidimeo 'if Divine íhtíe1, to tlie unknown ond ordaitied in the Xo pains wi'dbe spared to make this history scholarÜkeiii substance and popular in st_yle. T t w til be íoun■ d oo the lnjst j.u hiMsities, ancien t anl moAern, original and séèiiodai f. Tbr v.ii proarésa recently made ld histnricai n ml critica] iiivestigatums, the resulta obrained rrom the modern science of cnm-i rati ve philolngy, and tlie dweoveries tvbicb liave Iaid ogen aew jVUrces of fofpfmatfon fonrei niiu; the K;istt afford ;;-h ra'-;iit;t'fi a to m;ike tEe present a fit cpucli ior ovr undt.rfakin.LT. i'tie wnrh. will be dividid Uto ithree Periods, each complete initself, anawlll form Eig!t Vo'uines in Deniy Uctavo. r._.n -ir.xT Risioby, Pacred and Sc-cular : Trom the :i) to the Fnltöf tlio Wt-sternKmpire, in A. D. Í76. T vti voi3ines. II. - Medieval Histoky, Civil and Ecclesiastical ; from the Kal] .f the Western EtBpíretO takfngof ConMantinoi'le by the Turks, ia A. D. 1453. Two Volames. 1U, - ;,I.))f.i;. JH-ionY ; freunthe Fall of the Byzantine KiupiM' tu our own ['imes. V-ub r Voluntes. . ÏTVfllbè'publishoa in 8'vö"ls. 8 vo. Pric'e ii eloth ï-i.5 per volume. Sheep, 84. 50. Half Morocco, $5. Volume 1 now ready . A-gents W;.nteili:i all partS of the Country. Ai.plleatïor.ssiinuld lc made at '-neet o the D. APPLETON & CO., 2amtf9S8 443 k Ui Uroarlw.iy N. Y. XT E W SKI RT FOK 18G5-6. " The Great Invtntion of tlie Age iu HOOP SEIRTS! ,T. W. BRADLET'8 New Patent PUPI-BX ELUPTIC (or doublé) SPRING SK1KT. ripHT3 INVENTION consists of Dúplex (or two) ElI lii'tic i't'RH Refjnro Stkkl Ppbinís, ingeciijusly BHAIDKD TICHTl-Y vnd FIKMI.Y Ingcth.r, EDGB to XDUB making, the TOüöitifcsï, most plfxiblk, elaktic and düKMiLh M'iüN'i evf r u -'d. They setdom bbnd or rrkak, ülíc Singlé Sprints, and consequently preserve their perfeetand beautifu] Shape more than twice as long as iuiy fcjingle Hprin Skirt tna! Kver lias or Can bfl made. THE wonderful Ücxi"bility and preat emfort and pleasufe to any Lady wearintr the thiplex BHlptio Sklrt will be experienced particlnrly in allcrowdt'd Assemblies, Operas, Cariiaíre, Railróad faré, phnirch Pcwr, Arra ('haWff, fèr Fronienaoe aud House Breas, as th' Skirts can be folded wheti in use to oceupy a fjinul place as oa.sily and cuvenient!y as a Slïlc or luslin Dresa. A Lady hifting Enjoyed the Ploasuvo, Comfort and Orat Ci.nvtiniiK-i' oj w'è.irinii llie Pupjef ElHpUc Steel Sering Ski it lor a single day will Never afterwardu ilTspénse witb tliofr u--. For 0hÍldren,UiB8es and 'oung Ladiea they are superior to all others. THK HwPê are covereS wïll) 2 pi y doublé twigted thi-ead, and will wear twice as Loog as the -ingle yarn cové"ring vhicfa is used on all Single Hoop Skirts. Tha three bettoni pods on ever.y SKii (, to also Pouble Steel, and twice or doublé coVered to prevent the covering from weiringoff the rods when draggipg 'lown Htaii,' Ntrps, ÏT. j &c , which c mstantly Bubject toj vhen in hm', AU are made of tbenew and elegant Corded Tapes, and aTe the no,st. q u;i lily in evrry part, gi ving to llm we.irer the must grifcwful and pei'tect Shpe poasible, and unrfueatSmmWTy thn Hghtebtj nwt desirable, conif'Viabl(i and económica! Skirt ev#r tnado. Wi-;ST-S' liH.Wd.KV & (JA.RY-, i'Hol'KI KTOKS of the tnventiou, and ).V, M A Nl: !■ ACTURKRS, 'M CIIA.MBERS, and Ï9 St hl UKAÜK STIU-.iOTS, New York FOR S],K iu ajl fiiel (dtiss btorea in thisCity,nd tlicooghnutijbe LJniti-l ftta+pfl antfCaimda, Havana de Ctcba, Mexico, touth Ani(iiii, and th Weflt Indies i'irri:i-; por tuk dúplex elliptic (ou DOTJÍBL! ) Sf'UIN'G ÖKIRT. n)lO-4 A. h C. Rille Factor y! Beutier 8c Traver, [Successorsto A. JSutbcrlanil,] llanufacturers of and Dealers ia Guns.Pistols, Ammunition. Flasks, Pouthes Game Bags, and Everjother rticle ii. that Line. AU kinds of doneatthe hortest notice, and iH-tittbcjt mannftr a fullasaortmentalways kept ontiaud and made ordei ■$& Siiopcdrner Main anti Washington jitreeta. ,m Aiboi jOet. t , 1 -Í61Í. 87Ütf bcHEKUE.'lá POLMONIG SYBÜ?, , SEAYÍEED TOKIO, AND MANDRAKE PILLS, " YbeaboTe Ís a correct likeneB of Dr. Schenck, jut after recovering f rom ConMirapt.íon, manj yexrsago Below ia a likeness oí him as he aow aprears. Wlien tli e íirst was taken be woighed 107 pounds at the present time hi weight ;s Ü20 jxjunds. X i M. SCHEflíCK'S Principal Office and Laborators Is at the N. E, cornei of S1XTII and COMMERCE StreetR, Philauelpbia, where all letters foradvice or business shouM be di rected. He.wili be fotin.l tlievc every SATU'üUY, profes sionally ío examine Inngs with the litpiromcter, for whicb lus fee is three floïfars ; all advice freo. ín Xew York at Na. 32 BOND Street, everr TÜKS DAY, osa 9 A. SI. to U P. M. At the MAIÍLBUUO' HOTEL, Boston, January ÍS and 19, Fobmary 15 and 10, Maich 15 aud 16, April 19 and 0, May 17 and 18, June 14 and 15, July 19 and 20The time for my in RALTíMORE and PITT3IíUKG, will be sten in tbe daily papera of those cities. ■ Ihe Ilistory of Dr. Schenck' $ mviiCase, and hozo he was curid '.;' ConsJtínplion, Mar. y yëarS ffo', whilst residing jn Philadelpbia, I liad pñig:es:e't gi-a-i-.uüly into the last stage of Pul i.!oii:ii v Cóniíuñ}pifO]i Al! hapes vi my recovery beinjf ilinsipated. I wasadvised by my pbyaician, Dr. Parí-isli , to remove into tbc country. Mooréstowu, Xew Térsey, being ray nativo place, i was removed thither. My fatber and all hifi family bad lived and died tbeie and died of Pulmonary Con.sunipiiun. On my arrival 1 was put to 1 ed, whiTfil.lay for many weeks in wjiat wasdeeraed a hopeless (fondition. Jïr. Tborutou. who had beon my father's f a mil y pbyRicïan, ti'badntLended him in bis last lüness, yaa cUed tp see me. J-Je thought my case entirely beyond tbe reach of medicine, and dedded thut I muht die, and gave meo ne week to r range my temporal altairf. In íhis apporpntly Iièpe les condition, 1 hear 1 of tbe remedies which í now mabe and sell. It seé'uíed to roe that I coultl fsel tliem workiog their way , and peuetracing evcry ncrve, tibre, and tissue i-frny systcm. My lutigK and liver put on a now action, aud the mor bid matter wliicb for years ï:ad accumalated and irri tated tlit; dítVerent organsof the body, was elimionted, tli e tubercles on my lunt ]-i]ienrd, nftñ I x pectoral e.i] trom my lungfi au much a a pint of.yellow OíTen&ive matter every morntDjf . Aa tlu'l èxpctoratloo f mntter suhsid&d, tbe fevía%tedj the pain left me tbe eough ceased to barass me, and the exhauating nxghtsweats wkre no tonger knowij and I had j-e'resbing sleep, to wincb I hftd I i a: been a stransrnr, My appetite ikuv beg.n to return and at times I difücult to restrain rayse'f from éatiiig too much ; wtth tiiis rètarn of healt;i, í gn inert in strength, and now mi ftfsh-J. 1 ain now a he;iUhy mn, witb a lage ne&led cicatrix in tne u iddlerobe of tbe right Lunï aut the lower lobe Lopíiti:rol th complete adhesión of'the pleural Tbe left lana is sanner; and the upper lobe of the right ne is in a.t'leiably he-Uthy condition. L'oiisuinptioii at tliat lime wa.s thought to bean incnrnble diseaae, by every one, pliyiciana aswoMas íhose wlio wero unlearnedin medicine- es]ecmlly such cases as were reuced totbe conilition 1 was iu. ïlits itiduced m'itny people'o ftèlreve my récóvöry only teinp(iiiry. I now prepaied aud ffave the uieiliciuea to cunsiiniplives for spme tíltte, and nuCiv many wnndrrful cu i' Os : ;ind thednmand so rapi"lly tbnt í determined to offer tbem to the public, nnd devote my uruliviOed altention. to lung liseasts.' In truth, I ivaa wiX't to foreed to it,for people wouUl sentí for me far amlnear, to ascertaln whether their cases werelike mine. For many years, in cóbjttnctlon with myprincipal olfico in Ifhiladélphia , 1 have been i[naking regalar profegsiooal visita toNewYorlí, Boston, Baítimore, and Pittíburg. lor cerera! years past I have made aa many na Ove hundreil examination weekly with the "lïepirometer." Kor siieb examination my charge is three dollars, and it Enables me to give each patiënt the truc tendiJ ion of liis disease, and teH,him iraukiy whether be will get well. ïhegreat reason why physicians do not cure Conrtumption ís, that thoy t'ry to do toomucb; tliey iíItg me' icines to stop thü cough, to stnp tbe n ght weats, bectie fever, and by ao doing tbey derango tbR whole digestiré locking up thtf secretiuns, andeeventually the pntinnt ilies.Thé I'ulmonic Syrup ia one of tbo most valuable medicines known, It is nutriënt, powerfullj ionic,and boalin in ftsélf. It. cöttfKUns no opium, yet loosens the phlegni in the broncmSl Subes, and nature tbrows it off with 11 tt le exertion. One bottle frequently cures an ordinnry cold ; butit will be welTnrstto take a doae of Schenck'a Mandrake's Pilis to cleanse the stomach. The Pulmonic íyrup is readily digested ar-d absorbed into blood, to whichifl mparts its heallng propeítrea It ia une of tbe besi preifaniiona of ron in use ; It is a, powerfu' toma of Itself; ind ivhen the fieawved Tonic dissol es the mucus in.the stpmach, and is carriel olï by tli! aid of the Jfañdvake Pilis, a healthyfiowol gastrip.juif -n, ,eno'lappetit', and a good digestión foliow The Scaweeil Tonle i fl stimulsnt, and noneotlii-ris requlred when it a nse1. It is pure and plcasant; no bad eft'efíts like when using Bovrbon ifbinky, which disorders the stomach, tor)ors tho livcr, Locks up all the socretions, turns the blood into water, dropsy sets in, aud the patiënt diessuddeoly. Bourbon whisky is rnconiinended no'-a days by alran4 every pbyttician. Maaïy patients that y wit ray rootrvp, both malf and femlc, are rftnpefifd with tMa pollón. The relief is temporary. If trey co'iirh tbey takp a little whisky ; if they feel weak aml feeble tbey tttke a little whisky ; if the}' cannot slee p, the.v take a little whisky ; and tbey go on In tbis way, requjring move anflmore unMl tbey are bloatcl iip.aml imngine thcyaro getfing flesby. The stomach, livor, and lffiesiivc po.wers are complMHiv fleatróyedj and lose their appetlte ío-r íuod. No on o was ever einvil of wnsumption by this process, wbcre cnvit'ii'S liavebren [brincï in tbe langs - A little stimulaat s ftequently benencial to consumptives, such as pure briui'l.v or j;ool vino-t ; in many cases I.ondon porter or brown stout in moderate quantlUea ; hut Bourbon whisky hastens on mat end of curingconsuinpt'on. Tbe Sea weed Tqnlc produces last ing ros uta á, f hor oughly inviporating the stomach. and digèstivè afstem, and enabhng it o eliinin.ite and i1 'ik into hcalihy blood the food which mny b üsed for that purpooe - lt is go wonilerful in itn cfferts DiFit a winR-glíiHsíull will liest a hcarty meal , and a little of U taken before break fitst will give a tone to the stomach whicb few medicines posteas tbe pnweï of doing. The MAXDRAKE PII.I.S may be taken with entire aftity by all ige nmi con-ÜMons, ptodnfelBg all the goodresults that can be obtainodfrom caloraet, omny of the mercurial medicines, anti without niy of' their hnitl'ul or injurinns fepaltA. 'll"-y curry out of the sysiem the fren tent and worn outmattera looi pdi tnd diesnlved by my BcaVreed Tonfc and I'uhnonic Sjrrnp. - It will bessen that all three of my medicines ave neodod in mcKt cases to cure Consumptiou. A O E N T S . ROSTON- George 0, Ooodwin Ac Co. NKW YORK- Deraas Barnes & Co. P. P. Ilance. Dr. George H. Keysfr. CIKCINNATl- K. li. Suiro- Co,, and Jofcn D. Park. ('iriCAfïO- LrirA ftRmith, nnrl H. Bcoril. ST. LOUIS-Coliinfi Brothern. SAN FRANCESCO- Bottetter, Smith fz Pen4 ;a ni,i hv a:iPruïgiteanl Deftlori. 1995 JULIUS BAUER & GO., Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPORIÏÏM!;: WAREROOM& IN "CRQSBY'S OPERA HOÜSF," 69 WASHINGTON STREKT., New York Warcrooms, 650 Brnadway. Wholesale Agonts for the U. S. for wm. mmi & co's CELEBRAÏED Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the rïlativ merits of th.ti PIANOS, we wnnM rofer to the Orlilicati' of RxcêUeflce inoni poReB)i.n fmin TÏIALBERK. GOÏTSI HU.K, STRAKOSCH, ï. SíTIE, H. VIEtXTKMPS, I.OUI3 9Ï4BB iU1l E. MIZÍO, lln.p.alDirfcti.r cif Ihe lUlian Optra, n all n Trom Koine df the most dretingMuhéfl Professor nu Amateur in llie country. All Instruments guarauiced for five ycars. AI.36, AGENT3 FOR SOEBBLER & SM1TH, BOARDMAN Sí GRAY, A. II. (JALE &CO.} AndotherFirst-Class Pianos. We have the LAIIGEPT and BEST ASSORTEP STOCK of I-u NOS IN TUK CITY, which furP'oWer and Pwcetnfsi of Tone, Easy an'l AgieeaMc Toucli, anti Beauty of Finish, have , by judges, been pronounced uurivaïUd. JÖ'ë Particular attention paid to the selection of Instrumenta lor distant orders, and a privilege of exchange granterl at anj time witliin six montiu ,it the instrument should not prove entirely atisf;ictory A lilltritl discount toClergsmen, Teachers and Schools. Termt liberal. WHOLESALE DÍ AT.ERS will flnd it to thpjr advanUg to giij us a cali, as by reatly ocreai-ed facilities we are rnabled to fill orders with dispatch Persons in ant of a REAL1.Y FIKST CLASS PIANO will do well to cali before purchasing ulsewbere, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART,NEEDHAM&CÖ'S CËLËBRATED HARMONIUMS, MELODEOftf ALSO FOR GEORGE A. PRINCE & CO'S MEL0DE0NS and 0RGANS, Manufacturera and Importara o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, ViolinE, Clftrinets, Drums, Guitars, And otner Musical Iïïerchanclise, The Silvrr anil Brass Ifïeumkxtsi, of our manufsifhirf and Tmportaeion, are userl t mest all d' ti;e hes Hands iv the J'iiüfd 'States, ann w-befiewr vxhiWtfed have afwaya recelved the Gold MedatS ;uni aicffaST l'IiKMIfM.s. J9ST Hüvingoonnfction with Munufacturinfí Ho unen in Berlin, I-sijjk;, prm'lpn, Knglunrl and Rnris, w wre preparedto futoisfi DRALRRS, lïANDS and rï)]Vll[JAliS, with evory artic'.e in tliis liue, at tlie invest manufacttirers' jji ices. UEMfTHTPU THE PLjJ.CE, JÜLIUS BAUEK & C0.s 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - ILL., 10 2 New Vorli WareroomB, 050 Broadwaj. rrio THE LADIES. GEORGE H. ESED & CO. 'S LIQTJID rpiIE constant demand wehavehiid for I.1QÜID DYES X batí iuduced us toput up a complete luie of 40 Sliades. all Liquitls, Íwhicl] will recoramend theinpplvps to every one who bas ever used Liquid D yes for Biilllancy of Colors, Simplicity of Uae, Certainty of Satisfaction. (Complete Directions for use with everj package.) USE THE BEST ARTIULE. See Certifícales f rom eminent Chemint91 on each package. Samples actually dyed with each 'of the colors on uk and woolen, niay be scen at the Drug Stores. WSOLD EVERY-WHERE. pgr If you desire to inauro fiOOD COLORS, Inqnire for KEED'S DOMESTIC DYES, and lakt no other kind. GEORGE H. REED & CO. , Boston, Manufacturera. FARRAND. SIIELEY & CO., Agents. fimlO25 Detroit, Michigan. rISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Drs. Lewitt & Breakey 'was dissolvcrt Jan. lst. 18P3 LKW1TT & BKEAKEY. August 22(1,1865. 3mlO23 FOR 8ALE! QA HOUSE3 AND LOÍS, worth frora $1,000 to AlJ $5,000. Also seveiil improved KAKMS. A. J.SUTHEKLAND, Ann Arbor, Feb. Sd,1865. 9J4tf OomüiercialAgent. TTOTEL FOR SAI.E! The Taluable pvoperty in the City of Ana Arbor, known as COOK'S HOTEL, is riowofTered for sale cueap. Inquire imraedïately on the priïinises of J. F. AVKUY. Aim Arbor, August 8th, 186. lOJltf Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS, default has been made in the conditiong of a certain Inden ture of Mortgage made and cxecuted cm the twenty-third clay of Decemher, A. I"). 1S45, by Peter F. Kanouse, to me, the nndereljped, which Mortgage was dulj recorded on the thirücth day of DrccTiibi-r. tiforesaiil, in Liber No. 12 of Moitgagefs on page 10tï, in the office of the Register of Dëeos and MoftgageB, In umi for the Oounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan : and, whereaa, there is now due and unpaid on said Mortgage and Note accompariyin the tiame, the sum of $'2Tu.SS and, vhfireas, ao suit or proeecdings at law or equity has bren instit;itetl to recover the same, or any part theritof : Now, ttierefora notïcc is hereby given, that, by virtne of a power of sale in saiil MoVtgae containea, I shali eell at Public Auction to tli'e hihest bidder, on Saturday, ïw lSth day of November next, at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, at the front door of the Circuit Court Iloune, in the ciïy of Ami Arbor, in païd County of Washtenaw, the premisee described in said Mortgage, to-vit: The East half of the SoiTh-West Quarter (E li of S-W l.iJ Of iectlon No. 4, in Townsbip No. 4 South of Rjin-e No. tï East, the sald being 80 acres of land, and gituated in ihe County of Washtenaw, aforeeaid. Dated, August 10[h, 1805. C. VAN HUSON, Mortpager. Mx-BF Si GnnnriN. Aromey." for Morigajoe. WW


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Michigan Argus