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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT liavingbeen made in the cofAftMons of a ( cortain Mur'gaye inado and executcd by CVreuua . Pewey to Joliö "N'. G-tt aod Gteoffté O. "Ui-mman, t' beaitug date. ttO nililh day i[' Nuvewtb' r,oru; tlitnirüiinl iiffVit hundred acd ftfty eigbt, aud reeorded in the t 'ilicc ui the Kegister ut' Deeds, of the t'ouiity of Washtt'iiKw, in the State of SlicMgan, in llber number t.u-i.-nty-fho ol Hprtages, uu page je huadwHi and two,onthe lilteeiuh dny ot' Noveml er", ol Bight liDBdreil and fii'iy e i glit at 4o'cloek.P. M., of fl said rtay, and du!y aemgned by the áid Joírri N G'ott í5 and Qeorge O. Men iinun. tu Obadiah Priemt, on tlie r fimrtli day of AugUbt. A. D. onc Ihouraac eiht S dred iui.,1 ai.ítv Ihe, and n-cordud iu the otïice of the. ( Reglstei of Dieda, on Ue fourJth day of Qtitober. one thouaand HsrHt húúdred Mil itxty-ftvê, ail2o'cíock, i t M . of said daj , n liber namber ouo et' Afisígamentf of fcSortgttgew, on pa'ge thlrty oirite, upon whích mü1 i - page there i.-s clalmed to ba dae, at the dut o bereof, the ; l su ni í f" .six liumlri-il and eigUty dollars und fuity-eight : cents, and the coets and rbarges of this fort-closure, inclu linii reawonabln o&arges lor Attorncy 'h hervices ( jTuvidt.l by said Mrtgage, anl ao aait at tav or in O([iihy having heen n -tiu.toA to recover the amo uut Kucunu to be paid by ttsid Mortggtge or any pait tln-r ■ of, and the power of sale eontaápPd in fiaict Kertgage ' bnviug bfcouic absolute: Kotifl is ihotefore b given, that aid Mnrtgage will be forecli fcü" by a sule ' ötf tht mortgaed premises, or ro muuli thereoi' as raay ' be reqnm-d to satis f y the ainoimt duo uppn said ] Mortgagp, for priasèftoJ nnrt interest, ani tbs cVataand ' expenses allowed hy law, at public vendue, tu he ' bigbent bidder, at the .-'outh door of the Court House, Í En ibê Cfty of Ano Arbor, in thp Coünty of WanEtenaw, aforesaid, (that be'mg Ui e place where the Circuit Court said C'infy M held ) 60 Sal .irday, the , twenty-sevenih day Af Jatumry next,at ten o'cl'ockiu ' the lbrenoon oT itiié day, whiob premised are (ftaenbed as fillnpf Lü-ÏCit; Beipg a paft Oi sec) icu üumbi-r ")!■■, Township four South range fhree East, in said County, commencfng ten yoa Ntfrtb of the qan i ter post, thenóe North fifteen roaa on said Be'etlon liii", tlu-nce West eight rods to on Street, thpnee .Snuth on skid Street filteen róds,tftencè East elght roU to the place of beginning, containmg three quar'.era of au acre. ïiwi'K or lesa. Uattd, Üc-tober 26tb 1865. OBADIAH l'KIKST, Awsitineo of Morígnírecs. Joh-v N. Gott, ttturney for Assignce. 1083 Mortgage Sulo. DEFAÜLT ha ving been made ín the con dit: on of a certain Mortgae made and exeeufeÜ 1 y 3kbt z H. Fountain, to the andPï&igsed, Fernando V, Beaman, bearing date the twcnty-eiglith day of November. A. efhtct'n hundrrd and lifty f-ix, and reoorded in the office of the Register of l'eedy of Washtenaw Coñnty; Michigan, in liui r tweniy-three of mertgages, pages one hundrec and uinety-one and one ímiulred and mr ety-two. on the peoond d&y of December, A, }). iighftn hundred and fif ly-isix , upon which s: id .Muitga eje there is claimed t" be !ilü, at the date of tb is no1icc,t!ie Miei of fout hundred and eighty two dollars and fifty two cents, for principal and interest, and no snit at law or in eq'uity haviiig been institnted to recover ihe amount secured to bepaid hy süid Mortgaire, and the power of -ale contaíned in aaitl Morttraire hkving beenme absohite : Notice is tJierefQ:e . hereby given, th;it sftid Mortgage will be foreclosed by aféale of the mortífaged premisos descubed in said iJortgagn, or some part thereof, at pubiic vendue to the hicb$Et 1 Leider, at the South door of the Court ilousé, in the City of Anii Arbor, in said Coimty of V;i-V (said Court House being the place whero the Circuit Court for said County of Tásbíena ís held.) on Satnrday, the t! irteenth day of.Junimry noit, it tin o'clock in the förenuon, wbïch eaid premiáea are described in s'aid Mortgage, as fbllow.s : All that Cftr'tatn pifce orparcel oi' laud nituate in the village of Man cheHter, in the County of Washtenaw, and State, of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows lo-wit : Óopuneucing on the Xorth-Weït corner of lot numbrrone (1). in bïock number twenty one (21), in said Villace o!' Manchester, according to the purvey and plat theicof. recorded ín the Reiálr-r's Office ior theCoui.ty f Wasbtenaw, and runningthence Xoxth ou the line of Rail Road Strcot to Kxchanae Street, thence East on the line cf Kxchange Street to the een ter of thf Rfvef Raisin, and down the center of said Rivev Raisin, #hère lt ran inthe yVar 1841', to lot öumberone, aforp.sair], and aloAg 1M mnnber one, aforeS'iid, to the place of beejinnmc, (exet-pt : that portion of said premisos heretofore decded by Wiiliaiod A. ifcCleltand to Amariah Oonkliri : Also, the first rfght to use all the water necessnry lor running four rttiTs of stone and the necessary machnury for' fiourïng in a millón said premïses, at the dam at or néarsaïfl premises, and to make or repair BAid dam v.ithout re-sirüint : A'so, all ihe ritrhts or privileges of flowing lrtnds for the pürjH'fte üf keepin'g np tbf'nater of saiil dam, conveyed by George Sedgwiok to the aad Jabe ïl. Fountain, by deed hearing date the seveuteenth dav of July, 1855Dated,Aim Arbor, Octobflr 161 h. 185. FKiíNANIíO C. BEAMAN, Mortgagee. Hiram ,T. Rkake, Attoiney for Morigajfee. 1031 Mortgage Sale. ■pxKPAULT having bceu made in the conclition of a JlJ oertain Mortgage matte and executed by James S. Beynolds to the tmcfer&ignecï, JamcFountam, beftring á$Ls en the Uvcnty-uhvh day of December, A D. echteen hundred and sixty-fonjf, and recor(Jei in the oitico oí ihe Register of leeds t f the County of Wttshtengtw, Michigan, iu líber thivty -three of Mongaes, page me hundred aud lorty-four, on the sixth day of Jannary, A. D. eiirhteen hundred and sixty-five, npon which Mortgage there is elaimed to bo duo for principal and iutt-rvt Uu-, aum of s-ix thousaiul three hundred and thirtydght dollars fiud thirty-three cents, ar, the date of this nutït:e, Baaé the power of sale contained in said Bfurtgage haviug beeoiue absolute hy reason of Buch deíauit. aud no suit ñt law or in equity haviug bceu instit-it.ed to recover the amounr secucd to bepaifl by sáid Hoftgage or any part thereof: Notice in therefore hereby iiveii; tha' said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a mc of the mórtgaged premisee desertbèd in said Martgage. or some part thereof, ut public vendue, at the Sputh door of the Court House, iu the City oí Aun Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, tthat being the where. the Circuit Court for aaíd County is beid,) on SíUurd.ay. the ifírrteenth day of Jannary nèxt, at ten o'ciuck iu the foivnouu of that day, which said tnortgaged premises ure deacribcd in taid Mor'gage, ai folImv-: AHthai certaïnplecé or parcèl of lanfl sitïtate iu the Township of Manchester, ia the County oí' Waehtenaw, and Sta'e oí" Michigan, known as Fouutain'e PV enüum MUI property, b3n on section one, in paid TowöShip, ind boundecï as fofiows : Connneneing at the West corner of the mili ilam oí' said milis, nniïiingXürthcvly aloug the West bank of thi-KiviT K.iiin to the South line cf land owned or occupied brJohn Chadv.ick, thence West along eaid line tothoSou hWegt comer of suid Chadwick' 1-md. thutGS Norlli along the West line of said land to the .Souih bank oí the Rtver Raisin, as it was fn ÏS48, thênce We I the old bank of 6aid River and across the tail rai Bald mili to the West bank oí' the same, thence South along the West bank of eaid race to a point eigbt rods Kortfi of Eaifl nüll, thence West to the Bast baiak of the race of ehe bosp mili, thence South alonp üie Eást bank of aald race to the mili pond for said niill. thence Kiistcrly along the mili dam to the place of beglnnmg. being the same properíy conveyed by Jabez ïi. Ponnt.ain and lliu-riet E. Fountaiñ, íidwurd A. Patrittoo ,-ind Martha J. l'atrid'j'1, to thfe :k JanieaS. Kcyuoictt. Du tod, Ann Arbor, October lLith, 1866. JAMES KOUNTADï, Mortgagee. Hiram J. Beaküs, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1031 Mortgage Salo. TEFAULT having been made iu the conditions of 1 a certain Mortgaga made and executed by Lucy A.Markbam and Thomas S. Markham, to the andereagned, Julia D. Lyman, bearing date the ten h day of AprU, A. D, eighteen hundred 'and lifty-six, andrecorded iu the office of ihe Begisïer of Deeds of the Cpunty of Wiishienaw, in the Stae of Michigan, in liber tweni -y-two of Mortgage page five huudred and thirtyfour, on the fifth day of May, A. D. éigh een hundred and flfty-slx, upon which said Mortgage thcre is claimed to be due, at the date of ihis notice, the suin of live hundred and ninty-nine dollars and sixty-eiglit cents, and the costs and charges on thip forecfostu'ë, raclttfling reasonahle charges fof attorney's Bervicee as provided by said Mortgage, and no suir at law or in equity having been inatituted to recover the amount secured tu be paidby said Mortgage, or any part thereof, aud the power of sale con tained -in said Mortgage having bccome absolute: Notice if therqHe hereby given, that said Mortgage will be forecloscET by a sle óf the Mórtgaged premisos, or so much thereof as may be requircd to satisfy the amount due on said Mortgage, for principal and interest, and the costs charges and expenses allowed by law, at public vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the South door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in fRid coimty of Washtenaw, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for saict county is held,) on Saturday, the eighteenth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the förenoon. which said premises so to be gold are describcd ;xs foüows, viz : Lots number six and seven, in block numbei three south of range number four east, in the city of Aun Arbor. Washtenaw County, Michigan, according to the recorded plat of the village of Ann Arbor, and being the same lande conveyed by the undersigned, Julia J). Lyman, to said Lucy A. Markhiini, by deed, bearing even date with suid Mortgage. Dated, Ann Arbor. August B4th,86S, JULIA D. ÏA'MAX, Mortgagee. Hiram J. Bkakes, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1023 ; Chancery Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN- The Fourth Judicial Cir O cuit in Chancery. Jacob Ormsbee, ] Complainant, vs. Suit pending in tlio Circuit William Brown, Court for the Couuty of WashteJane Lewifl, -naw, iu CUancery, iil Ann ArbOl Eliphalet Lcwis, on the sixth day of October, A. James W. Lewis, & D. lyt5. Eobert Blackwood, Defendants. It satisfactorüy appearlng to the undersigned, a Circuit Court Commistioner of said Couniy, by affidavit, that the above named defendants, Elïphalct L. Lcwis mul James W. Lewis, are not residente of thi Sialc, hut that said EÜphalet is a resident of the ötatö of Missouri, and said Jamen of the State of New Y orle:- On motion of A. Pelch, Solicitor for Complainaui, it is ordered that the said defendants Eliphalot Ij. Lewin and James W. Lewis, and each of them, cause thcir !ipe;irance to be entered vithin two months from the date of this order, and that in case of their appearanee, th(;y I rcspectively cause their answer to Complainant 's Bill I to be flled and a copy thcreof to lx; served on ()inplain, ant's Solicitor witliiii twenty days after the service of a copy of said bil! and notice of this order, and. in defuult thereof, that the said BUI be tuken as Bonfesotiti hy the tliu said defendants, Kliphalet L. LeAvis and .lames W. Lewts, ortdtherol tliem making such default. And it is fnrther ordered that within twenty days ufter the j making of this order, the said Complainant cause a copy ot' this order to be published in 'the M ■■'■' Michr igan Argwt, newspaper ptiblished in sala County, and ; that said nnbUcation be coTTtinued iu said pflpeT, at least once in each week, for six weeks in Mi' .rsion, ' or ihat he cause ft copy of this order fo be personally served on the said Dei'endants, I-lliphalet L. Lewis and James W. Lewis respect i vely. at least twent.y days befo re the time above prescribèd for thelf appearanee. R. E. FIÍAZKK, One of the Circiut Court Commisioners of the Couuty of Washtenaw, Michigan. Ann Arbor. October (i, 1808. A. FELCH, TIÍACY W. ROOT, Comps Sollcitor. Dept. Repíster. CA true copy.j lf.o0 1 Chancery Notice. TA.TE OF MICHIGAN, Fourrh Judicial Circuit, Ín Chaucery. Suir. pending iu the Circuit Court for he Couuty oí Washtenaw, m Chnneery. At the city of V f in Arbor, in the Couuty of -Washteii&w, on "ihe . .wi'llïh duy of pc ober, A. D. 18G5. Aimie CÏrr, Complaiuant, i vs. [ ('unu Huw B. Curr, DeftendanT It appearlng to Lhc sjitisfaction. of said Court by ths ' tfftdavft of James Kingsley, Sojiciior for the Complainmt, ihut the Defendant, Cornelias B. Carr, is not a 'evident of the State of Michigan, but a resident of the State of WL-emsIn, beyond thé jnisdiction of Sb Donrt: On motion of James Kingalèy, Solicitor for the j omplalnant Lu thia causa, it is ordered by suul Court, i hat said Defendant, Cornelina B. Carr, canse hia apgearasce to be entered in this cause, and notice thereof ïuly served on the Complainant's Solicitor, within two months from the date of tliis order, and in case the lefeudant cause his appearance to be entered that he file iiis nnswer to the Complainant'a Bill, and a copy thcrejí be Berved on the Soficitor for Complainant, withiii t wen ty days af ter the service of a copv of aakï ISill on said Defendant, or in default thereof", the said Bill be taken as confessed by said J)efendant : And it is further brdered, that ithin twenty days the said Complainant cause a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Michigan Artius, a public newspapcr printed andpnbltehed rü' tilt; City of Ann Arbor, iu sara Connty of Wastrtenaw, and ihat ntich publica tion be continued once in each week !".r six snecessive weeks, or that she canee a (topy of said order to be served on said Defeudant, per-1 Bonally, at least twenty dajg beforc the time prescrfböd for said Defeudaat's appearance in thïa cause. U. JE. FRAZER, J uaES KiwasLEY, one of the Circuit Court Soliciior and of Commtóaloners for Washtej for Complainant. 1031 teuaw County, Michigan Chancery NoLice. RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Suit pending in the Circuit O Court tbr t hi1 Cuurity of WnshtiMuuv, in Cli;inciry. Cefore Hon. ft. Lawrenoe, Circuit Jiulge, at Uhambers. Julia E. Kfnno, CoinpUuuant, ) vs. L Roliort SI. líame, Defendant. ) It EiátiSfáctriríly appéarïng fr the undersignod, by affidövit. tlwit KobtTt M. Karae, Itofendant in thin eaus, resides out of the State of Michigan: On motion of T. Ninde, Solicitor for the Complainant, it is order d that Sfkid Defendant cause hi.s appearance in this causo, to be er.tered tfUhin thiee months f rum the date of this order: And it is further ordp fol, that witbin twenty dgya the Complain&nt cause this order to bo pnhlifiherJ in the Michigan Argus, a neWspaper publUhert in sfrtt] County, and that such publlcation be continued iri said newspaper, at least once in each week for six weeks in niccosnion, or thnt sairï ComplairiRnt a copy of tina order io be persona 11 y strved on naid "Defendant , at least twenty dayá before the time presen bed for bis appearauce. l'ated, Üctober25th, 1865. E. I,AWREXCE, Circuit Judge. Thomas Nikpk, Solicitar furComphtfnant. 1033 Real Estáte for Salo. N the m;it!er of the lístate oí Harrict h. BripRS, late of Aun Arbor, oeceaned ■ N'otice is hcreby givon, that in jjursnance of an order granted to tfe undr-rHigupd, A'lmiuieitrators of theestate of paid decpased, by the II -n. Júageoí Probate for tlie County of WaslitXttflttW,Ofa thd iliirK-ontli il. it ut September, A. D. 1865, there will be Rpld at Public Vendiie, to the liigbest binder, at tlie '-outh door of tlie Court Hone,in Ann Arbor, in tbeCuunty of 'ahteuaw, iu BdSate4 ftD Satnrday, the twenty-third day of December, A.D. lf , at ten orclock m tlie f()Venoon of that dfiy, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or itherwise xsting at the time of tlie death of said deceased,) the followíBg de.cribcd real estáte: I.ot four in block two South of ranfíe eleven Efist, in the City of Ann Arbor, County and state afortsald. Dattd,Ootober -Sth, A. D. 1865. 1033 ANXKGn1'1'' l -mimstrators. lleal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ps r In the matter of the Estáte of Eli Iflggs, of ttiè3 County of Washtenaw, iu the State of Michigan, deNótíce ís hrreby giveu, that in pnrsuance of an order graiat?d to the undereigned, Ad nnniötrator of th of saifl deccasecl, by the Hon; Jade of Probate, for said County, on the third day of July, A. D. lsirN there will be sóld at Public Venuue, to the higheöl bidden at the dwefting house on the premisos, in eald Cöanty, on Saturday, the t wenty-fifth day of November, A. 1. 1 50ö, at two o'cloclv in the aftenioon of that day, (subject to all cnciimbrances by inertgage or otheriae existiag al the time of the death of siiadeceased,) the followiup described real estáte, to-yit : The umlivided half of a parcel of land comineneiiij? seventeen and a half rods North of where the Case Koad intersects t&e Chira so Koad, in ection twenty ín township four South o range five East, and in the centre of said Chicago Kond, running thénce Nortli twenty-eight and a half dcfrrees West, to the Dell Bitch, thvnce North and Went the above nuraber of derree8, and along the centre line of sak! tlitch to a state in said ditch. on the West half of the quarter of section aeventeen, afid one hunarefl rods ana Eíx4enths of a rod from the centre of said Chicago Road, running thcuce North twenty-one dogiaet Éast to a etake iu the centre line, pf $aid section seventeen, whieh stake is flfly-four rods East of theqnartr stoke on the West ?ïde oí - tion süventeen, thence West to the Xorth-WeM oornet of the Èast half of the Sonth-East quarter of section eighteen-, same town and rane, thence South aloDs; i he West side of the above desenbed elghty acres to the South line, thence East alom; tlie .;ud South liuc to th( sectiou corner, thence South along the West line of tht West half of the North-West quarter of section twen tvto the Ohiciiffo Koad;' thence North-easterly along the centre of said road to the place of begimüng, con talning one hnndred and thirty-sïx acres of lanti, more or lessi iu the Township of Saline, and State of Micn ANDREW W. RIGGS, Admmistrator. Drtted, October 5th, ISO;.. J029 Commissioners' Notice STATE OF MICHIjÜAN, Covxn of Washtknatv, ps.- The un-] tsigDed havirig bèeb appoioted by tle Pi o b:ite fonrt or said Couniy, Conunissioners to reeeive examine and afliusi all claims ant) (Iemands of all per fcons" agaïDit the enlate of De Witt C Sroth, 'ateo said County, deééase bt-reby pve notice tli;it i nu i in h s rom date , ure al!fAvt!. b' m-diTO' saict i'riiba'. c Court. for crediioH to present their claims aainst the estáte oi o&jd deceasect, ffad tliat tbey mll meet at tht streel Albert Cundon, D Cbelstii, on uturday, the thirtïefh dy of December, and Wedn sday, the secom tiuy of .Mn.y'next, at oueo:clock, I'. M., of each of saic days, tii recutre, examine and aújust said c!tinis. AJ.BKRT CONGDONjCcmmi;;sion('rsDateO, November 2d, 1865 1034 ComtnÍRsionersT Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cpxnsxr of Washtenaw, ss O Tlu? undereigned having been apöointed by the Pro bate Court i'or said County, Commisionerö to receivfl examine, and adjnst all claims and demanda of all per so'ns agaiïist the estáte of ( hurles II v land, late o the City of Ann in said Couuty, dccesiped hêreby á.ye notice that six months from date are al lowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors te present their claims ag&inst the esfiate of said deceascd and that they will meet at the store of Edmund F Hall, in said City, on Saturday, the Eentb day of Feb ruary, and Monday, the sevt-nth day of May next, a teu o'elock in the forenoon of each of said days, to re Lvive, exaniiü-', and adjust said claims. Datcd, UKvember Otli, 1SC5. 10S4 Etate of Thomas Wood. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Woshtena-W, es.- Ci Notice is licicby iven, that bj an order of tlie Pro bate Couvt of the Opnnty of Waahtenaw, milde on th flirt day of November, A. D. 18ÏJ5, Pix montlis froii that date were allowöd for creditors to present thei claiuis aain.t the estáte of Thoaaas Wooa, late of sak County, deceased, and tbat all creditors of said deceas ed, are required to present their claims to sald Pro bate Court, at the Probate Office m the city of Ann Arbor, for examinaron and ülowanee; on or before th flrst day of May ncxt, and thnt sucll claimB will b. henrd before .said Probate Court, on Satunlay, the thiri day of Fcbruary, and Tuesday, the firet day pf Ma next, at tcu o'clock in the forenoon of each of thos days. HIRAM J. BEAKF.S, Jtutee of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, November lst, 1S05. 1U33 Estáte cf Franklin M. Hendrick. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washlenaw. as.- Ata session of the Probate Court for ihe Couuty o Washtenaw. bolden at the Probate Office in tiiecity o Aun Arbor, on Mnnilay, thesixth day of November in theyearonsthousandeiïbtbundretl andsixty-flïe. Present, lliiain J. Beakes. Jude nf Probate. Tti tlie matter of the Estáte of Kranklin M. Hendrick deceasfl. Onradiug auu filin the petition, duly vcrified, o Iliram Vuivman, Admiui.strator, praying tljat he ma be Hcensed to sell certainreal estáte wliereot' saul de ceased died seizeü. Thereupoü itis Ordered, thatTuepday,tbenineteent day of December next, at ten o'lock in the fbrenocn be assigned lor the hearing uf said petition, an that the beirs at law oí" said deceased, and al.' othe persons interested in said estáte, are required t ;i]pcar at a aession ol said Court, tben to be holden a lbo Probate Office, in the City of Ann Albo' and show cause, if any theie be, wh the prayer of the pctit:oner should not be granted .- And it is further ordered, that Raid petitioner Liv notice to the persons interested in said estatf of the pfndency of said petition, and the b. ann thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to b publishedin tlie Michigan Argus, a newspnper printt and cirenlatinj; in said County four successiv weeks previous to said day of hearing (A true oopy) H1KAM J. BEAKliS, lOMtd . Judge of Probate. Estáte of Andrew Muir. STATE of MICHIGAN, Cqojwy oi Washtenaw, sb At a sesüion of the Probate Court -for the ( 'oiint of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in I hc ('it; of Auu Arbor, on Tnesday, the seventh day of Noren] bcr, in the ycar oue liiousaud cight huudréd and eixty five. Present, Hiram .T. Beakos, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the EEtato of Andrew Muir, de ceased. David Gardner, Executor of the last Will an Testament of said deceased, comes into Court anc entsthatheis now nrepared. to render his flua account as such Execntor. Thereiipou it is Ordered, that Monday, the fourtr day of December next, at ten o'clock'in the rore noon, be assigued for examining and allowina euch account, aud that the legatees, devisees, and hcii-8 at law of said deceased, and all othei persons interested in said estáte, are reqmrec to appear at a sessiun of said Cuurt, then to b boldrii at. the Probate Office, in the City of Anr Arbor, in said Connty, and show cause, if any there be. wby the said account shonld not be allowed :- And it is further ordered, that said Executor civc notice to the persons interested in said estatej of tin lTlrm-y(if saiil account, and the hearini' thereof bv caiusiag acopyof this Order to ba pul-lisbed in th'r Mkiiiíian Argus, a newspaiier printed and ciivulalinir il said Comity, tlnce successive weeks previous to said dav of Tieaiinir. iAtrireio; HIRAM J. BKAKES. MM Judijeof i'robate. Estáte of Horace Bid wel}. STATE Ut MICI1IIÍAN, Cocsty o Wasiitk.vaw s, At a sesión uf tbc Probate Court tor the l'oumVTf WasLtenaw.JiMSínat the Probate OSce in tlii-Citv f Ann Albor, on Tburoday, tWsecond day of November in the jear one thouMind eight hundred and ixw fi!.' Presont, HikaM .1. B kak ts Judge of l'iobale ' In the matter of the Estáte of Horacc Bidweü drceasol. Genrge Sutto". Administrator, of aid ., tato, cunes iuto Court and reprexenu that he is n prepared to ronder his final account au such Admin' trator. Thcreupon it is Ordered, that Mondoy, tlie fourthd of December rn.-xt,at teno'clock in the forenoon i assignod for examiüiug and al;owlng sucli account" aml tliat tlie ivKow and heirs at law of j,i ' eased, nnd uil otlicr persons intore.-ted instad eslnu' rerecuái-eclli.nijpearatasesbii.ii of saja Cuurt tlini obe bolden at tlie l'robate office, in the City of j .rbor, in said County, and show cause, f nnv therí b li Ule sai'! account sliould uot be. ailowed: Andit ihfu'1 ïer ordered tliat said administrator give notice totle d .na intereHled in 8ail estáte, of the pen.Uncy t,f tn , ount, and the hearing thereof, by causmjz n copv ,f tv, rder to be piTulisliedllttht lliekigan Argus, ,n,' er printed and circulatinÉC in said County, three ia :esKive week .previous to tuil ilay of hí-arin? (A true copy.) Hll'.AM .1. HEAKKS 13 . Judge i f Pinoat. Estáte of Moses Metcalf. QTATE OF MKII1GAX, Cointv oï WAtanmxtr aa 3 At a session of the Probate Court for tlieCoiú,tv'7f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tliP r:, I Ann Arbor, on Monday, tbe thirtieth faf of Octobér' n the year one thousand eifht hundred and sixtv-fiv ' Present, Hitíam J. Bkakks, Judge of Ppobate. In tlie matter of the estáte of iíose MetUlf a. ceased. ' On re'-ulinjr and flling the petition, duly verififd of Bally Metcalf, pruying that a certaiu Inst'riimefltnow en íilein this Courr, ty fc8 i last Will and Testament ot said deceased, -ar be „■ƒ mitted to Probate, and that she may be a'ppomted Executrix thereof. Therenpon it is Ordered, rliat Monday, the'iTtlida ef NorembemeTit, au teno'clock in taforanoon b assigned for the hearing of aaid petition. and til the legateea, devisees, and heirs at law of ai,j i(. cea-ed, and all other persons interested mmid etjLtr are required to appear at a seasian of said Court, then to be holden at tlie Probate Office, in the City uf Au Arbor, and show exsö, H arij there be, wLy th prayer of the petitioner should not egranteu; aD(j it is further ordered, that said pe'itionergive □ ■tice to the persons interesten, in said estáte, af the pendene of saM petition, and tlie hearing thereof, by eaiuinr a copy of this Order to be publisned in the -Af'cAiarÁrgiis, a rew3paper, printed and circulating o S(lj County, three strecessire weeks preïious to uaiddarof hearing. ' (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKÍS, M33td Judieot Probinr, Estáte of Langford SutherlaDd CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Couaty of ÍJ At session of the Probate Conrt for tlie Coóntr of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ir, the City of Ann Arbor, on. Monday, the twcnty-ttrinl da? of Octobcr. iu the year one thousana eight tondred and sixty-flve. Present, Hlram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter af tlw Estáte of Lungford SatlieiUid' deceaped. On readlng nnd flling the petition, duly veriflei of Daniel Snthcrland, praying that a certain instrument uow on file in this court, pnrporting to be the last win and testament of said deceased, may be ailmilied to probate, aud thas he snay be appoini cd ÏSecnior there of. Therenpon it ia Ordered, that Wedncsday, tfie ta-enrt. second day of November next, at ten ö'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the Legateès, Devisees and heirs at law of said deceased, and a!I other persons interested in f uid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate ÓiÜce, ia the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there 6e, wny the prayer of thu petitioner thould 'not to gnmted : And it in further orde-red, that saiil petitioncr give notice to the pei-sons Jnterested in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition, and the hearing thereof' by causing a copy of this Order to be published in the' Michigan .i.;"-, a newspaper priutedanclciratlatiniin said County, three successive weeks previous to sast day of hearinir. (A tmccopy.J HIRA3I J. BEAKES, 1032 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Lot "wiïïcöiT" STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of WashteuiirM-i Ata session of the Probate Courtior r he Count? "f Wasliteniw, holden at the I'rolate nflice JD thtr 'rit y of Ann Arbor, on Thursday , Ihe ninre-.'ntli dar of ')ctober, in the y-earouethousand eigiit h'iutited Wi4 liixtj tive. Present, Hi ram J. Peajes.. Tudfre of Prt.bate In !be ni.-tttoriif the estafe vt Lot WiUcox, 'UcmmoI N'athan Phillips, Adrtnnistrator of said estule, comei into Coiut and representa that he is row prepaied ta li i s tinal account as such Adiainistraic-r. Thereupon it is Oriered, 5hat Tuesdy. tbe twmírfirst day of ATovember next, at ten o'clockin rlufownoon, be assigneti for examininÉf and aJIowiüg aé accoant, and tbat tbe heirs at law of saü ' ceasecl, and all otiier irsons interested in said est;it,W! reqnired to appear at a Kessiot of said Court thentnl holden at tlie Probate Office, in the city of Ann AtW, in aaid Cjunty, and show eausp, if any there be.vlijlfcí saidaticount should notte al!oTed; And it is furthtrer dered. thst said Administrator give notice to tliepmon (ntoested in said estáte, of the pemiency of sai(iccouDlf and tbe hearing thereof, by Crosing a co] y of th1! Order to bepubhshed iu the Michigan Arqús anuw paprf priüted and circulstïng in said Cour.ty three sucntiivc weeks previous to said dav of bearins . (A true copy.) ÍHRAM . SK.AK1-?, 1033 nafre of.Bn Estáte of Hnrace Osborne. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. CcrrNTTOr Wasiitfba, h. O At a session of the Probate C'ouri for the Countj oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probas Ofüce, in the tüf of Ann Arbor, on Satarday, the twenty-flnt lifly of Octobcr, in the one thousand eight "httndreij ni sixty flve. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte "of Uorace Osborne; deceased. James Osborne, Administrator of saiu cítate comes into Court and represents that hc is liow pivpared to rer.der his final account as sitch Aiminis' trator. ThereupoB it is Ordered, that Tnesctay, the twcDtj' first day of November next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be a=;siirned for examinin and allowtng fucli account, and that the heirs at law of Baid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reriuiredto atjpear at a ession of said court, then tobe holden Bt the Probate Oftke in the City of Ann Arbor. iu saii Count), and show canse, if any there be. why the said account shouU not be allowed : And it is further ordered, Ihlt said Admn'.istnitor give notice to the persons iuterrMm iu said estáte, of the pendency of said accomir, anñ tnc hearing theroof, by ciuising acopy of this Order to be published in the Mi hi;an Atf:v, a newspajper, prlttj and eirculatin in said Coitnty, three successive weesi previous to ssid dav of hearirie. CA truc copy.J HIEAM J. BEAKEa Iiiü2 Judge of Probtto Efctate of B.ibeockp - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of IVashtemw. ; O At a session of the Probate Court for the Countj Washtrnaw. holden at the Probate Office, inlheCftJ of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the ninili diy of Octobtr, in the year one thonsimd eight hnndred and sixty-fiTt Present, UJriiBJ J. Beakes, Judge of Prolute. In the matter of the Estáte of Henry W. Bateo Delia fiábebek, ond-,L. Dell Babcock, minors. On readiug and ñliQg the petitipn, duly verlíeí w William Baucock, Guardian of said minors, prayipf that he may be licensed to sell certaia realestattW' ïoucingto snidmjnnrs. Therenpon it is Onlered, that MonSay, the twratieft day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenow be assigned for the hearing of said petition, anclu the nest of kin of said minors, and aH other persons interestid in siifcl estáte, are rcqnired to appf ' session of said f 'om t. then to be holden at the FroM Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show can'' ■? there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld begrantcd: And it is further ordered, that h1 F1" tioner give noiice to the Dcxt of kin of said oinw and ,",11 other persons interested hl said estflte, on ])endency of said petitioD, and the hearing thereoi, p? causing 'a copy of this Order to be pnlilished " ' Mih itjan A rtiu; a newspaper printed and tircnlatmj said Couuty, three successive weeks preTions to M day of hearinir. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKKS, 1036 Jndi-e of ProbuMlístate of Jacob J. Eenner. OTATE OF MICHIG AN. Cotkty of WashW"' . O At a session of the Probate Court for tbeCoun'i01 Waentenaw, holden at the Probate Office, i e w% of Auu Arbor, on Wednesday, the eighteeatl J ' j October, in the year one thousand eight hniidred sixty-flve. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jacob J. KelHln' deceased. ■ . On reading and flling the petition, duly Tení Mary C. Eennor, praying that eome suitab e pf may be appointed Administrator of the eetate o' "" deceased. tiitli Thereqiion it is Orderpd, that Monday, the fo' day of November next, at ten o'clock in the fOTn?, ,v, assicned for the hearing of said petition. atns r. heirs at law of said deceased, and all other P"r6'. terested ín said estáte, are required to appc"" J;M,a sion of said Court, then to he holden at the rT" Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, u. j there be, why the praver of the petitioncr ftl":" ,. begranted: And it is further ordered, ".", f. tioner give notice to the persons interesten ÍJÜfi tate. of the pendency of said petition, and the n"'bJ thereof, by causing á copy of this Order to be pnDI'f" in the Mhlngan .Irrws, a newspaper print") ano ' lating in said County, three successive week p" to .said day of hearing. _ (A tnie'copy.) IDRAM J. WAKKi 10; Judge of Prw_ Estáte of.S(lomon L. Babcock. STATE OK MICHIGAN. County of WasMfW. Vj" j At a session of the Pcobate C'oiirt for tlü' V (M of Washtenaiv, hokien at the Probate ma.ll ,x city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the tivcntv """aj , of October, n the year ono thousand eight HU" and sixty tíve. Present, Hirar.l ,1, Beakefl, Judpfe cf Probate . Ir the matter of the Estáte of S .lomon L-t"fS„a deceased. William R. Bartlett, idminiftratw JJ, i estáte, comes into Court and represenlR thn l 1 prepared to render bis ñiial account as uch "" trator. intn 1 Thereupon it is Ordered, that Fnday. these " ,, " day of November next. at t'-n o'clock in "":' .„„„t, ï be assiencd for examiniog and allowinsr suri'. r i i and that tbe widow and heirs at law of s;l"ule ' re: an.lall otlier persons ntercsteil in 61 ''staI?l V, too 1 quireri to appear ata session of said Court, tnf b„r, '■ holden at tbe Probate Office, in the City of jfbt in said Cou&ty,and show cause, if any tliere oe, said account should not be lhwed : ) '"' cflo ; tber ordered, that s,M Aflminiptrtor fT' n(1tijtj ; the persons interested in said estáte, of t PjJ , j ' of said account, ai.d the bearins therol.oy )f((. copy of this Order to be published in "' .„;i ; rianJrgw:,. neifspaper printed n.lfircnl l'''iífoí ' County, tlueesucceskire weeks previous to hearing. „..jtt (Mr.,,,,,., %Lrc ;■..


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