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MISS E.' A. HO R A.N IS PftíPAREP to mannfaotare all WbSí of Hair Jewfbj. Re4dence on IXtroit Street, oppos.te the Asricultural Hall. _ atnl022 wTr bkeakeyj d., PHTáCIAN OÍD SURGEOX. Office in Dr Haven's Blïck áoors Eb of Cook's Hotel Remenee córner of Hurón and División Streets, rat door Eart of Presbyterian Cburch, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ' wTE. LOCKARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTaKY PÜBI.IC.Ccnveyaneing and coüecting promptly attendea to. Bounty, Pensions and Back Pay collected. Office in New Block, East of Cook's Hotel, Ann Arbor, J.icli. C. H. MILLEN. DEALER in ürv Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c M;,iu Street," Ana Albor. "PHÏLÏP BACH. DEAW.RS in I)ry Goods. Groceries. Boots & Sboes, ka., Mainst., AnnArbor. RISDON & HENDERSOÑT" DE4LKUS in Hiir.luare, Stoves, honse furnislüng goods, Tin Ware, kc, &c.,New Block, Main st. A. J. SUTHERLAND, ACF.N" íor fue Ne' York LiCe Insurance Company OlHce on Hurón street. Also has on liand a stock of the 'nost approve I seving machines. t85tí VVILLIAM LEWITT. THHYSICI IN AND SURGEON. Office at his resi1 .lene, no. tu side of Hurón, two doors west cf División streetM. GUITERMAN & CO. TTHOLESALEaidRotailDafers and Manufacturers VV of ReaAj-Kado ClotWng, Iniijortersof Cloths.Cas8iniere-s il(ií.-kin, &c.,No. 5, rhojnix Block, Main st. WML WAGÑER. rvËALSR in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths. CassimereB, ) :; ypatings, tlats, Caps, Trunka, Carpet Bags,&c, Ph-wnix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & SO N . GROCERS, Provisión and Commission iíerchants.and rsin Wiiterl.ime, Land Plactor, and Piaster of París"; oheáoor t'.Tt oT CooKrs Hotál. SCOÏT&LOOMIS. UHROTYPE and Photograiih Artists, in the rooms A over Oampioo'a Clothing store, Phosnix Block. Perfrot satisfa-niongiven. a Tpörter. SURGEON DENTIST. Olncc Córner of Main and Hurón streets, over Rach & Pierson'e Store. All calis promptly Mfendud to Aih-1S59 MACK & SCHMID. TkEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Groce) riei. Sata and Capa, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, fco.. Corner of Main & Liberty st. ANDREW BELL. DEALER in Groceries, Provisions. Flour, Produces, c, íic, córner Main and Washington Streets, inn Arbor. The highesimarket pricespaidtorcountry produce. 866 D. CRAMER, A TTORNEY & C0UX3ELLOR AT LAW, Agelrt for í the I'boeuix Fire aud Connectisut Mutual Life InsnranceCo'iipanies. Conveyingand Collecting promptly attended to. Offi :e over Stebbins & Wilson's Store. M. C. STANLEY, Coraer Main and Harón Streets, Ann Arbor, Micll, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &c. &c, in the la test Btylea,and every etTort raado togíve satisfact0D. 956tf D. DeFOREST. ÍTTrlOLESALE and retaildealer in Lumb r Lath VV giinigles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime j Grane iíver Piaster, Piaster Paris, íind Nails of all sisee A fall and perfect issortraent of the ihove, and all othei lia Ís f building materialsconstantly on hand at the Oíf id posible rates,on Detroitst.,a few rodsfromthe Depot. Also operating extensively in the Patent Ce;nent RoofingT UMBEK YARD ! C. KRAPF, Has a large and well Ftocked Lumber Yard, on Jefferson Street, in 1 he South part of the City, and will keep constan tly onhand an excellent variety of LUMBER, SHÍNGLES, LATH, dfco. which will be sold as low ag can be affordedin thia market . Qnality and prices such that no one need go to DeCOXRAD KRAPF; Ann Arber,Dec 6th,18W. 986tí TEW MÜSÏC STORE! Persons vishiug to buj Pianos or Melodeons, shoull 30 to WILSEY'S MU.aIC STORE, bef ore parlewhere. He will warrant satísfaction to purchasers, and takes p lea 8 11 re in re f er ring to fchOH wUo 'iave alreadv purchaaed of hira. He takes pride ii ■■;, ,.'.: I i . the best of satisfftction thusTar, nntl iñten'ls so to do n ;i!l cftseA. Any Pin o o will be furnighed that purcliaser may require. líe wishes it to be dintinctly understood that he will not be XJ ISTID E S, S O JL.JD by ny AofllurEaflt or fffst. N. B.The latest SUEET MU3IC forsale, TIAÍTO STOOLS, ko. ALV1N WILSEY. Ann Arbor. Dec. 'J7th, 1864. 'JSÜtd A KVARí: ![AVO-óao of the best instrumonts ewiu- outircly fi Iuuulru a' tln ARüUS OFFICE.


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Michigan Argus