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The Eight Hour System

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Il t'tglit hnurs bo established as a day's vvuik, and tho present wages für Uu hours continue to be paid, jnst cxJctly as productivo its thereby diininished, thu eiuployer wil] mark up the price of hi.s gnods, and as i omaetjuenoe 'Ae purchasing power of tho inoncy of the laborar v i 1 1 be reduccd, and wbat be lias gaincd at oue end he vvill iosa at tbu other, iu the eohanced oost pf livipg, That is, ii' the effent of the eight bouis systera sha]] bu to redueo lbo auiouut of the work done, it is plain that the workuien must eithfcr c'uargü lesa wapes for the less w&rk, cr pay iiearer fur wbat thcy purchaae and consume. As to the question whether laboring men can live comfortubly on the proceedi) of L-:gbt hours por day, that dependa on cireumstiinees - that is, it dependa on themselvcs. Thouaunds oi men in this city spend more tbnn onefiftli of their ten hours' earniug on things tbüt do thuni no gooci inurally or pbysicülly. We do uot believe that on the proceeds of eight hours' work a man can iiftord to spaud ati iniieh ironey on iqiiorS) eigars, tLeaters, uiiustrels,. shows ud billiurds is on the proceada of tea lours' wolk. But we do believe thut ho proeueds of eight hours' labor, proprly expended, will comfortably sup)(itt a mau and enuble him to pnrehase ill the books his increused leiasre will aflord him time to pcruse - f he has any nulinatioii tor such puisuits. hü ieve that by reaaon of the gro;it itn)rovoments in labor saviu machinerv, ucchanios and farmers can live as well lüd enjoy as tnany comforts on eight ïours' wolk : and wo also boliove the i;ne will oouie when six hours' woik vill deoeutly support a laboring man ind his famil)'. Any man who thinka lio ií) now workQg too many hours, and cao support limself upoo tho produotioti of eiglit lourri per day, has ouly to uiake the exeriineut. Let him begin at eight in the norniiig and (uit at fivo in thö evoniug. [f he shows thut he can do as muuh work in the eight hours as other uieD do p ten, be is entnled to as much wages ; but if he can mly do four-iifths as miieh work, of course he earns bnt four-fil'ths as muuh wages, aod whttt is the use of' dodging or deoykig this fact ? If aman önds that eight hnurs' producliou will support him aud his tamily, let him work but eight hourw. Iiut we insibt that demag[iy;ues sliaü pot sluft' hiin with the absurd notion that he can earo 100 per cent, oí Mogas lor 80 per ceut of TOfl!, or tbat the employer does not charge for his good whatever it co.-ts to produce theni ; or that the workmen charge for niaking those thiugs j -v that short work and high wages do not mako êoar goous, and tlieruby reduce the nurchasing power of


Old News
Michigan Argus